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Broken: Taylor

Page 15

by Hildie McQueen

  “I can send some back with you.”

  “You can come with me. I’d love to show you around.”

  She wasn’t about to play whatever game he was trying to pull her into. “I can’t, sorry. My boyfriend and I are going away for the weekend.”

  His eyebrows shot up until almost disappearing into the creases in his forehead. “What exactly do you mean boyfriend? We didn’t agree to date other people. I specifically asked that we take a break, to decide where we’d live.”

  Whatever conversation he spoke of was not one she remembered. “Nope, that’s not how it went. You said you were moving to Butte because you wanted to be closer to your children. I told you I understood and that I was considering moving back here. We didn’t exactly speak about the future. It was an unsaid given, in my opinion, that we were parting ways permanently.”

  He sat back and glowered at her. “Obviously, you didn’t waste time moving on.”

  The nerve of the man. Allison glanced at the door hoping a customer came in so she could keep from yelling at David. “It’s been months. Not that I owe you any kind of explanation, but it wasn’t planned.”

  “Seems convenient, you agreed so fast to our separation and moved here only to start dating within weeks. We were together for ten years Allison. How can you just walk away so easily?”

  “Hold one damn minute,” she said losing her temper this time. “Its obvious by our lack of understanding how we parted that we’d stopped communicating. We rarely did things together. You spent long days at the University. And don’t try to tell me it was all work and no play. I know about your little “assistant” Erica.” She made air quotes and slammed her hand down on the table.

  On her feet now, she waited for whatever he’d say next.

  David narrowed his eyes. “We decided that taking a break could help us work through those things.”

  “Ha!” Allison interrupted him. “Or did it give you time to see where things went with Erica?” She was on a roll now and by the resigned look on David’s face, he knew better than to interrupt. “It’s over David. After ten years, I think I know you enough to recognize your version of a booty call. You roll into town to talk about getting back together and I fall into your arms grateful that you’ve come to your senses. Then we have sex, you stay a day or two and off you go to Butte with promises to call me.”

  His jaw hardened. “Give me a break Allie. That’s bullshit.”

  “You’re right. It is bullshit.”

  “What’s bullshit?” Taylor stood at the doorway and Allison’s mouth fell open. She wondered how much he’d heard.

  David looked Taylor up and down, not seeming to be at all bothered by the size difference between them. He’d always been of the thought that brains won over brawn and he immediately surmised Taylor to be less than intelligent.

  “We are having a private conversation,” David started. “If you could please return for your purchase in about an hour...”

  “You are not staying that long,” Allison said with a roll of her eyes. “Taylor is my boyfriend and he stays.”

  Nothing in Taylor’s expression changed. His hazel gaze was hard and unyielding. It was the first time she’d seen this side of him and understood how criminals must have felt when confronted with the angry cop.

  David too stuck up his own ass, decided he could win the standoff. “Well then Taylor, as you may know Allie and I were together for over ten years. As such we have many things that need to be worked out between us. You understand don’t you?”

  “Yes, I do,” Taylor took a step closer and then a second one. Allison tensed hoping he wouldn’t deck David. “Ms. Brennan is no longer in a relationship with you. Therefore, if she doesn’t wish to continue a conversation, regardless of the subject, or wish that you remain here, you have to leave her property.”

  At that David was obviously at a loss for words and looked to Allison as if she’d help him.

  “Please go David.”

  With a stiff nod and a glare directed at Taylor, he stalked to the door closing it firmly behind him.

  “I’m sorry.” Allison let out a sigh. “Not exactly a way to start off our romantic weekend.”

  “Who said anything about romance?” Taylor pulled her against him instantly covering her mouth with his in a demanding kiss. He pulled back and smirked. “It’s going to be hot, sexy and wild. Nothing romantic, no ma’am.”

  She laughed when he pushed his groin into her. “We’re going to get physical.”

  Over the weeks, he’d become playful and sometimes silly. And after each visit, she’d fallen deeper in love with him.

  Allison kissed his throat loving how he responded. “Fine, but if I break out chocolates and roses, you better swoon.”

  “Hmmm,” He responded taking her hand and kissing the back of it. “What was the guy here for?”

  She let out a long breath and shrugged. “He tried to say he wanted to explore working things out, but the truth was he was here on a booty call.”

  Taylor jerked toward the door and Allison was glad David was gone. Tense from head to toe, he narrowed his eyes. “He better not show his ass around here again.”

  The proprietary side of him was endearing and Allison nibbled at his earlobe. “Or?”

  “I’ll escort him out of town,” he replied with a crooked smile. “You know football extra point style.”

  “Which leg you kicking with?” Allison said almost regretting the joke immediately.

  “Good point.” Taylor laughed and both chuckled until a customer walked in.

  Allison closed shop early. Her bags were already packed, so it was but a few moments and they were in Taylor’s truck heading out of town. He refused to tell her where exactly they were going and she was fine with it. A weekend away with the man of her dreams was what mattered.

  Heck, she would have probably been fine with the Holiday Inn at the next town. Wherever they went, she hoped it allowed for a lot of privacy so she could have Taylor all to herself the entire time.

  He glanced at her. “It’s about a four hour drive, so make yourself comfortable. We’ll stop for lunch in Bozeman.”

  The trip was something she’d relish for a long time. Between the beautiful scenery of Montana in late autumn and talking with Taylor, she was in heaven.

  He told her all about the investigation and how involved he’d been in every aspect of it. There was respect in his tone when he spoke of Captain Morris and it was obvious by the way he described the man’s responses to his calls during the job, the man liked Taylor as well.

  What also became obvious was how much Taylor missed detective work. It was his calling. Had been his calling.

  They drove up a sloping road to what looked to be a huge resort of some kind. A very expensive resort by the landscaping and lush cabins built among trees and other foliage.

  Taylor stopped at a grand cabin and looked at her. “Wanna come with me to check in?”

  “Yes. I want to see what it’s like inside.”

  “Thought so.” He walked around the truck to open her door and they went into what turned out to be a plush and quite formal front office.

  A woman looked up from the front desk, her eyes widening just enough to tell Allison she’d noticed Taylor’s attractive build. “Welcome to Triple Creek Ranch.” She walked around the counter.

  “Mr. Hamilton and Ms. Brennan, correct?” She motioned for them to come to the counter.

  Allison couldn’t help but smile when Taylor took her hand. “Yes. I reserved a one bedroom cabin for three days.”

  “Here is the key,” the woman said, giving Allison a pleasant smile. “There is a list of amenities and activities in the cabin and on screen when you turn on the television for you to take advantage of. Everything on the resort is included.”

  The cabin was astonishing. Allison walked from room to room admiring the thick log cabin walls, the impeccable furnishings, and breathtaking art on each wall. The four-poster bed beckoned. With its t
hick bedding, the scene made her want to yank Taylor’s clothes off and drag him into the plushness.

  There was a Jacuzzi tub on the private back deck thanks to all the surrounding evergreens.

  Three walls in the main room were floor to ceiling windows, which allowed not only for sunlight, but also a way to admire the stunning scenery.

  “It’s...It’s amazing. Oh my God Taylor, this place is so luxurious. I can’t imagine how much it cost.”

  She looked out past trees to a view of a snow-topped mountain. “I don’t ever want to leave.”

  From behind, he wrapped his strong arms around Allison and she relaxed into him.

  “Your expression makes the expense worthwhile.” Taylor kissed her temple. “Allison, you are very special to me. I wasn’t headed in the right direction, but thanks to you, I got my shit together.”

  She turned in his arms, alarmed at his admission. “What do you mean?”

  After a long sigh, he pulled her against him. “I was taking too many pain killers. Was beginning to depend on them. Although I tried to be careful, it was a slippery slope. I won’t say I was addicted, but it was pretty damn close.”

  “Oh honey.” She cupped his face. “How do you deal with the pain now?”

  His wide shoulders lifted and lowered. “Although some times it hurts like hell, for the most part it’s a lot better. I spoke to the doctor about it and he knows that I was headed toward dependency, so he’s given me non-addictive alternatives. Hydrotherapy and other stuff works too.

  “That’s awesome.” She wondered how many other things about Taylor she wasn’t aware of. Although they spent long times talking, they hadn’t been comfortable enough yet to talk about everything.

  She slid her arms around his neck. “I love this. Being in your arms and talking.”

  Taylor kissed her again and both looked to the door when someone knocked. “Must be dinner,” he said with a sly smile. “I ordered dinner to be delivered.”

  The meal was delicious. Tender Beef Wellington, thin green beans and perfectly seasoned new potatoes. They drank red wine as the fire in the hearth crackled, setting the perfect ambiance combined with the candles Allison had packed.

  “Why do you keep looking at me like that?” Allison asked, her cheeks warm from his regard. The wine didn’t help either. “It’s as if you’ve got something on your mind.”

  The corner of his mouth inched up. “I like looking at you. You’re beautiful. Can’t believe that idiot let you go.”

  Allison’s couldn't help rolling her eyes. “I’m not sure why we stayed together so long. We have very little in common and to be honest, I don’t think he ever loved me. It was more that we were both comfortable and settled. Should have separated a long time ago.”

  He nodded. “I get that.”

  “You ever stay in a relationship too long?” Allison wanted to ask about Felicia, but it was too soon.

  Taylor studied her for a moment and drank from his glass. After draining the contents, he poured another and refilled hers. “I need to tell you about Felicia and me.” He reached across the table and took her hand.

  “She wasn’t just my partner.”

  Allison held her breath for his declaration of being in love with Felicia.

  “Felicia was my best friend. During our years as partners, we spent twelve hours together daily. Every day, day in and day out we sat in a squad car or walked our beat. We knew more about each other than anyone else, I figure.” He hesitated. By the pinched expression, he struggled to keep it together.

  “Anyway,” he continued. “It was hard for both of us after the...shooting. Not only did we suddenly have to spend days and weeks apart, but also then I was medically retired. Now I see what happened, but back then it was so hard. We tried to reconnect the only way it seemed to work. We needed a reason to be together. So...”

  Allison wanted to pull her hand away, while at the same time, she needed to hear what came next. “You became lovers,” she finished the sentence for him without meaning to.

  Taylor nodded. “Yes. Both of us knew it wasn’t love. I mean not that kind of love. I am not sure why we did it. Sometimes it felt bad, like as if I was ruining things. We argued one day, just after you moved into town. We finally realized that what we were doing didn’t work. So, that is why Felicia came to town often and I went to Billings. We hung out and did things together so that we’d not miss seeing each other so much. I think being partners for so long meant we became co-dependent on one another. Anyway...I need you to understand. Felicia and I were trying to become best friends again.”

  A tear trickled down Allison’s face as she realized how horrible it was going to be for Taylor for a long time. Not only had he lost his children, his father, his marriage, and now his best friend as well. Life had certainly given him a raw deal.

  He didn’t say anything, but instead looked down to the table. “I hoped you’d understand.”

  Obviously he mistook her tears for being angry with him. Allison covered his hand with her free one. “I am crying because I hate that you lost your best friend. I am so sorry Taylor. I can’t imagine my life without Leah or Tori.”

  He swallowed with difficulty and attempted at a smile. “Good thing I’ve got you. Luke, Tobias and Eric too.”

  “But she was closer to you than any of us. She was your other half in a way wasn’t she?”

  “What about your mother? Leah told me you keep in touch with her.”

  Taylor nodded. “I do...did. She’ll never get out of prison for killing my dad. Although I felt responsible in some way, it took Felicia’s death to make me realize I need to sever all ties with her. I called her one last time to tell her she wouldn’t be hearing from me any more.”

  “How did she take it?”

  He gave a one-shouldered shrug. “Frankly, I don’t really care. She ruined our family over money. She deserves what she gets.”

  “Things will get better. I’m here for you. What do you want to do most? I will do what I can to help.”

  Instead of a reply, he grinned and blew out a breath. “Let’s strip and try out the hot tub.”

  “Are you serious? It’s freezing out there.”

  “Let’s work on you becoming closer than anyone in my life.”

  The words made her gasp. Before she could recover, Taylor pulled off his shirt and pushed his pants along with underwear off in one fell swoop. “Come on, catch up.”

  The sight of the very nude well-built hunk walking away made her mouth water.

  The jets of the Jacuzzi did a poor job of covering her cries of passion. The combination of cold air hitting her body as she bent at the waist over the side of the tub with the heated water from her thighs down was as exciting as what Taylor did at the moment.

  His right hand cupped her sex while he moved in and out of her from behind. His husky grunts in her ear were enough to make her wild.

  “Damn you feel so good,” his deep words penetrated through the fog of delirium and Allison moaned.

  The tempo of his fingers between her folds sent her into a frenzy as she cried out.

  Moments later wrapped in blankets, they sat in front of the fireplace.

  “I think I’m finally beginning to thaw out,” Allison said and picked up her cup of hot cocoa Taylor had made. “Not sure I want to try that again.”

  His warm gaze met hers and he sighed. “Yeah, I think my ass was blue.”

  “I feel so comfortable with you. It’s so strange how well we mesh.” Allison looked into the fire and slid a glance at Taylor.

  He took the cup from her hands and surprised her by taking her chin and looking directly into her eyes. “I don’t think it’s strange. We have a lot in common, besides there’s something else.”

  Her breath hitched as she wondered what he’d say. “Like what?”

  “I’m in love with you.” He swallowed and his brows lowered. “Didn’t expect it to happen.”

  It was endearing how Taylor seemed more pained than h
appy about the sentiment.

  “Oh good!” Allison shrieked and threw her arms around him. “I love you so much Taylor. Have been wanting to ask you how you felt, but was scared of what the answer would be.” She pressed kisses all over his face while he chuckled and pretended to protest.

  “Don’t go getting all mushy.” When he cupped her jaw, his words meant little as his eyes shined with emotion. “I am thankful for you Allison.”

  “Don’t make me cry.” Allison sniffed and blinked. “You’re an amazing man. I hope we spend a long time together.”

  He nodded and pulled her against his chest kissing the top of her head. “Me too.”

  As soon as he’d declared his feelings, terror seized him. The urge to leave immediately made it hard to remain calm. Why should he trust that Allison would be with him for a long time? Her words had confirmed his biggest fear.

  It seemed fate had decided he would not keep anyone he loved for long. And although a part of him wanted to enjoy the moment, allow the feeling of her returning his feelings to settle in. The other part, the intellectual side, warned of the truth of his life.

  “Hey.” Allison placed both hands on either side of his face. “What’s the matter?” How he loved looking into her green eyes. In truth, he’d fallen for the woman after the first time they’d slept together. Yeah, it sounded shallow, but how they’d connected and how beautifully she made love was the proverbial straw that broke the dam. The dam he’d carefully built to keep everyone at a healthy distance.

  “Hey. Look at me,” Allison began and waited for their gazes to meet. “Nothing in life is guaranteed. You know this better than anyone. But Taylor, we have to live the life we’ve got left. No matter if we have months or years left together. I want you to let go of the fear of the “what if”. Otherwise I’m going to tickle you until you pee your pants.”

  She’d accidentally found out he was ticklish and lost control unable to defend himself once someone found the precise spot near his ribs. And of course used the threat of tickling him whenever possible. Just the thought made him tense.


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