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Hit & Miss Groom

Page 17

by Misty Evans

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Van’s heart squeezed as she listened to Alex’s message again. Every time he said, “Boy…uh, friend,” she wanted to throw something. Or cry, then throw something. But slowly his other words filtered in. Like his reasons for breaking up with her and why her hesitation freaked him out.

  She missed him. That much was clear. Seeing him yesterday had been like a punch in the stomach.

  Van plopped back in her bed. All night she’d been tossing and turning, thinking about Fran’s proposal. It was the kind of opportunity she’d always talked about, with a chance to make a big impact. It also took out all the things she didn’t care for in the corporate world. And, it was totally in her wheelhouse because it was what she did all the time.

  But what will the Major say? It didn’t matter what he said. This was her life. Groaning, she yanked a pillow over her head. It still smelled like Alex. She could almost see him standing in the doorway to her bathroom tempting her to come wash his “back.”

  She smiled to herself. Of course that request always turned into him washing her front instead. As far as he was concerned, she was always very dirty.

  But it wasn’t just the sex she missed. It was the way he’d knock on his wall just to let her know he was thinking about her. Or the way, he’d listened to her presentation again and again and again in the previous weeks, helping her tweak things here and there.

  He paid attention to what she liked and didn’t like and made it a habit to do those things for her. They were small things, but they mattered. It was his way of showing how much he cared about her.

  She also loved that he was strong enough to not back down from her. Her personality was so strong a lot of guys did. But he was confident enough in himself that he just stood his ground and didn’t let her bowl him over.

  She missed being in his arms. But how was she supposed to trust that he wanted her for real? That he wasn’t just going to bolt from her again. That she could trust what she was feeling.

  It’s a matter of faith. Fran’s words rattled around in her head. There are no guarantees in life. But the way she felt when she was with him was worth it.

  Dragging the pillow off her head, she forced herself into a sitting position and hit Becca’s speed dial.

  While the phone rang, she dragged out her favorite jeans from her closet and a simple, but moderately sexy, long sleeve top with a deep V. She’d learned from his last race that even if it was warm outside, the wind kicked up by the passing cars often sent a chill over her.

  Becca answered with a shout. “Van? You okay?”

  She put the phone on speaker and hurriedly tied her hair into a bun. “Yeah, I’m great. I’m headed to the race. Do I still have time to make it?”

  Her best friend whooped and laughed. “Yeah, you do. Get your ass down here in a hurry. You’ve got two hours. But the way you drive, you should make it in plenty of time.”

  “Okay, I’m on my way. But, do me a favor, don’t tell him I’m coming, okay?”

  “What and ruin the chance to surprise him? Hell, no. Oh, Van?”


  “Hurry the hell up.”

  Never had she showered and dressed so quickly in her life. Then, on the drive up to Los Angeles, she borrowed some unsafe driving techniques from Becca as well as a whole lot of Alex’s speed. Between that and taking the toll road, she made it up to the track in under two hours. Thankfully it was Saturday so she didn’t have to contend with rush hour traffic.

  Becca waited for her outside the gate with a VIP badge that would get them into the inner seating area by the pit crew. “Should I even ask how many traffic laws you broke trying to get here?”

  “Let’s just say, I drove like you do.”

  “Come on, you’re just in time.” By the time they navigated the throngs and the tunnel leading to the inner track, Van was sweating. What if she’d made a colossal mistake? What if he’d changed his mind and didn’t want to see her? What if she couldn’t do this? But it was too late for any of that because ready or not, she was going to see him in a matter of moments.

  Liam grinned when he saw her. “You are a sight for sore eyes.” He squeezed her tight in a hug so fierce, she worried about air supply. When he put her down he whispered in her ear, “He’s been a mess without you. I’m so happy you’re giving him another chance.”

  “I’m really nervous.”

  Liam gave her a soft, but encouraging smile. “You’ve always been perfect for him. It just took the two of you a while to get here that’s all. And I swear on my life, if he ever fucks up again, I’ll castrate him myself.”

  As the roar of the engines grew louder she stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks, Liam. In truth, it’s not all his fault, but I appreciate you looking out for me. I’ve always wanted a big brother.”

  “Happy to be of service.”

  For the next hour, she stood by Becca and Liam and watched nervously. Alex’s position in the middle of the pack was neutral but there were a lot of cars in front of him. With each car he overtook, she yelled her happiness. With every car he skimmed, her breath caught. Even though she’d seen him race before, this was far more nerve-racking.

  Car after car, Alex passed, choosing his moment. Taking his time. Never moving too quickly. Making it more like a dance.

  On the last corner, Alex came whizzing around neck and neck with a sleek black car from the team next to them. She held up the same sign she’d help up in Vegas. My Man. Along with it, she added a second sign: Will kiss the winner.

  Heart thundering, she shouted louder than she’d ever shouted in her life, jumping up and down with her friends, cheering. She probably wouldn’t be able to talk tomorrow.

  At the top of the turn, Alex took advantage of his position and inched past the black car, then cut off that driver’s progression. Within seconds, Alex crossed the finish line and the crowd in their section erupted in cheers and shouts.

  Holy hell, he’d done it. He’d really done it. Her heart swelled, just as the tears brimmed. She was so proud of him.

  He climbed out of his car with assistance from his pit crew and beamed a smile in their direction. He hesitated for a moment, but then ran toward them.

  Van tossed her sign in Becca’s direction. “Hold this.” For once she didn’t care who saw her. She wasn’t worried about making the right impression. All she wanted to do was hold him.

  When he was within launching distance, Van vaulted into his arms and he held her tight. “You came.”

  Nodding into the crook of his shoulder, she sobbed. “I got your message.”

  There might have been thousands of people around, but it felt like it was only the two of them in the world. Caressing her hair, he whispered. “I’m so fucking sorry. I love you. I swear I’m never letting you go again. I love you.” The last words were spoken on a choked sob.

  “I love you too. And I’m not going back on my promise this time. I swear.”

  He pulled back to meet her gaze. “I have been waiting so long to hear you say that. Say it again.”

  “Which part?”

  “You know which part.”

  She smiled broadly. “I love you, Alex McIntyre.”

  His grin flashed quickly before he crushed his lips to hers. There was nothing gentle in the melding of their lips. He was like a starving man finally getting his fill. His tongue slid over hers coaxing and teasing and he growled low in his throat. When he pulled back, his gaze burned hot.

  “Why don’t you go accept your first place? I’ll be here when you get back. We have a lot of making up to do.”

  “I have a better idea.” He scooped her up in his arms as if she weighed nothing and carried her to the podium with him.

  “Alex, what are you doing?” she asked as she squirmed in his hold. “Put me down.”

  “Not a chance. The whole world is going to know that you’re mine. Hell, you’re my lucky charm. I’m still trying to figure out how I can carry you in the ca
r with me.”

  “You’re serious about this?”

  “Damn straight.” And he was. When he took the podium, Van had little choice but to be there with him. And as always, she couldn’t resist when he kissed her.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  One week later

  “Seriously, did you have to pack every single pair of shoes you own?” Alex asked as he dragged Van’s suitcase down the stairwell. “I mean you’re only going for three weeks.”

  “And I need every single one of those shoes. You don’t understand women.” She slid him resting bitch face number two before launching herself at him with a full-scale tickle attack. He might be bigger than her, but she was faster. He still caught her though. But truth be told, she let herself get caught.

  Alex dragged her to the rug in her living room and kissed her deep, stroking into her mouth with his tongue. Van arched her body into his. God she loved him. His smile, the way he touched her. The way he could light her on fire with zero effort. He could always drown out the noise surrounding her and help her get lost in the moment. Except right now, his erection nudged her cleft and she wanted to forget that they had a flight to catch in three hours.

  “I swear to God, you two have a serious problem,” Jenna complained from the kitchen. “Every time I turn around, you guys are making out. You’re making the rest of us jealous. Damn, you’re worse than Mom and Dad.”

  Alex’s parents had gotten back together and were busy making up for lost time… Everywhere they could.

  Alex growled against Van’s lips. “Shut up and go away, Jen. I’m trying to convince Van to have a quickie.”

  Van laughed and wiggled underneath him. With a disappointed sigh he sat back and helped her to her feet. She kissed him softly before turning to Jen. “Don’t listen to your brother. That’s just his way of saying thank you for firing him.”

  Jen grinned. “Anytime, big brother. God I can’t believe you guys are leaving.”

  Van checked off the last couple of items on her packing checklist before turning back to Jen. “I’ll be back in three weeks, and this will give me time to work on my new business plan for VP Coaching. I have two major investors lined up to speak with when I return so I’ve got to get a financial balance sheet laid out and the marketing SWAT analysis solidified. Hopefully, by the time Alex comes back a few weeks after me for a break, I’ll be lining up clients.”

  “What about Fran?”

  Things had been a whirlwind since Van had left DIVE. Fran hadn’t been kidding about her plans and Vanessa had agreed to temporarily consult on a private basis to help her fast-growing company. “I’ve got two of her new employees already up and running. They’re top shelf and have solid management skills, so Fran can count on them. Meanwhile, I’ll be consulting with two more via Skype while I’m in Europe. Fran, like Alex, is in good hands.”

  She smiled at both Jen and Alex. Leaving DIVE had been like jumping off a cliff with no parachute and not knowing what she’d find at the bottom. At first it scared the hell out of her, but now, following her dream to develop her own company was exhilarating as well as terrifying, and it felt a hell of a lot more comfortable to her than DIVE ever did. Consulting for Fran until she had VR Coaching established was icing on the cake. It allowed her to have income, gain experience as a coach, and still have time to travel to Europe with Alex and work on her own goals.

  Alex gave Van a look that said he was proud of her. Then he threw an arm around his sister and stole one of her chips. “So what you’re telling me is you’re going to miss me?”

  Jenna shrugged him off. “No. What I’m saying is, I’m going to miss Van. I need guy advice.”

  Van perked up as she added her last packing cube into her carry on. “A new prospect?”

  Jenna scrunched her face? “What? No. He’s a new donor. His name is Jacob. But he’s such a smug son of a bitch, I can’t stand him. I need help on how to torture him.”

  Van grinned. “Now you’re talking my expertise. We’ll Facetime, okay?”

  “I guess that will have to do.”

  There was a knock at her door and Alex raced to answer it. When he swung it open, he breathed a sigh of relief. “There you are. Finally.”

  His voice was tight and the hairs on Van’s neck stood at attention. Since his parents had come around about his racing, they’d been on great terms. Why was he being so short with them?

  Martha came over and hugged Van close. “I’m so excited for you. You have to find a weekend to drag my son to Venice while you’re there. Or even better, Paris. Oh even better, why don’t we plan to join you?”

  “Now, Martha,” John said, grinning from ear to ear. “Leave the kids alone. They don’t need us tagging along after them.”

  Van laughed. “Why don’t we plan it for my next trip? I’ll be working pretty hard this time around. Between the interviews and the travel and the leadership meetings, I won’t have time to play.”

  Alex looped his arm around her waist. “But you will make time to see me race.”

  Van laughed. She’d already put all his races on her calendar. “I am your grid girl after all.”

  Alex kissed her softly before sinking down to his knees. What the hell? She backed a step. “Alex, what are you doing?”

  His family moved in, gathering around her.

  He smiled that lopsided grin she loved so much. “If you’d let me get a word in edgewise, I’ll tell you that I’m in love with the most beautiful woman on the planet. And every time I see her I feel like I’m being lit up from the inside. And she’s smart and beautiful and drives me bat shit all the while fascinating me. And I would very much like to give her my grandmother’s ring and ask her to be my wife.”

  Van’s mouth hung open. OhGodohGodohGod. “Are you serious?”

  “He wanted mine,” Martha said, giving John a wide smile, “but I’m going to need it again.”

  “I was waiting on Mom and Dad to get here. I was worried we’d have to wait until we got back.” His heart was in his eyes. “You going to put me out of my misery here?”

  “Oh, my God. Yes. Yes. Yes.” She blinked at the brilliant solitaire diamond ring he slipped on her ring finger. “Oh, Alex.”

  He dragged her into his arms. “I love you so much.”

  Her eyes stung as she looked at her ring. “I love you.”

  Knowing her well, he handed her his phone. “Go on, call Becca. Then we need to get to the airport.”

  “You’ve really thought of everything.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck before he said, “I tried. I called your father to ask his permission. He wasn’t exactly thrilled.”

  “Alex, I’m honored you would ask him. But don’t kill yourself trying to make him happy. I’ve had to learn the hard way. If he’s capable of changing, he’ll have to do it on his own. There is nothing I can do short of living my life and being as happy as I can be. I belong with you.”

  “I’m glad you feel that way. We won’t give up on him, I promise. You know the ol’ Alex charm. I’ll wear him down eventually.”

  She grinned and shook her head.

  Outside, a horn honked. Alex looked out the window. “Since your Dad wasn’t available, I asked Becca and Liam’s permission, if that’s okay with you.”

  It was perfect. “They are my family.”

  The horn honked again. “Good, ʼcuz the limo’s here. You might want to check with the driver about all this luggage.”

  Limo? “I thought Jen was taking us to the airport.”

  Jen and Alex exchanged a look. One that said they had something up their sleeves. Alex thumbed at the door. “Just go talk to the driver, Van.”

  She stepped outside. A big, black limo had pulled close to the front curb. As she approached the driver’s side, the window rolled down and a familiar smiling face greeted her. “All gassed up. Ready to ride off into the sunset, Louise?”

  “Becca?” Her friend was wearing a black chauffeur hat tipped jauntily to one side. “What ar
e you…?”

  Liam leaned across Becca and spoke to someone behind Van. “Did she say yes?”

  Alex came up behind her and put his arms around Van’s waist. “She did.”

  Becca and Liam cheered, both exiting the car. Liam hustled for the duplex as Becca detached Van from Alex and gave her friend a hug, complete with a squeal. “I’m so happy for you.”

  Liam emerged with one of her suitcases. Jen and John brought the others. They loaded them all in the trunk.

  “We’ll start planning the wedding as soon as you get back,” Becca said.

  Happiness filled Van’s heart. Like she’d told Alex, this was her family now and her future was brighter than any she’d ever imagined. “Yeah, well, I’m just taking Alex off the market to save all those innocent women out there who might fall for his charms.”

  Alex pinched her ass and she batted his hand away. He opened the backseat door and held out his hand. “Ready, love?”

  Van gave Becca one last hug. Alex’s hand was warm and strong as he tugged her to him. “I’m ready.”

  They all got in, Liam driving this time, thank God, since Becca’s driving skills were less than good on her best day. Van could only imagine what she could do with a limo in traffic.

  They waved goodbye to everyone and soon they were on the interstate. Van cuddled into Alex’s arms and leaned her head against his shoulder. The leather seat was cool and soft and she laid a hand on his chest. He kissed her, a soft, delicate kiss.

  Rising up, she whispered in his ear. “Does that little button over there raise the divider between the front and back seats?”

  His brows dipped. “Yeah, why?”

  “I think it might be time for that quickie.”

  Alex chuckled low and deep, his hand already on the button. “A woman after my own heart.”

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