Page 24
With the lovely bouquet in my hand, I descended the stairs, my heart heavy.
The music was beautiful, the setting incredible, and the man I was about to marry stunning in his elegant tux. Everything was exactly as any good fairytale I would wish for; not a cloud in the sky, dozens of white roses located as far as the eye could see, the golden runner shimmering in the sunlight and decorated with hundreds of flower petals.
Kito squeezed my arm before walking away, standing with the other guard in order to see the comings and goings of guests, what few there were. The moment I stepped on the dazzling runner, the music changed, the guests immediately standing. There was nothing like the sight of Gabriel’s face as he turned to watch my progression. So eager. So happy. So full of life.
Liam stood by his side, so very like his brother yet so different in many ways. But there was tremendous respect and admiration for his long-lost brother, a moment of peace for both of them.
His best man squeezed his shoulder, Aiden’s eyes also never leaving me as I took deliberate steps, scanning the guests on each side. While I knew none of them, I could see total shock on several of their faces. They hadn’t been anticipating the identity of the bride to be.
As I neared my beloved fiancé, my heart began to race. I had to find the courage to do what was necessary.
Until death do us part.
Gabriel’s gaze was drawn away and to the back of the garden, rage replacing his blissful happiness.
“What the hell?” Gabriel hissed, his voice loud enough to draw immediate attention from the closest guests, several jerking to their feet. He rushed forward, offering a waning smile as he cupped my face before taking long strides down the aisle.
“What are they doing here?” Liam asked.
I turned just enough to see both Stephen and Jefferson heading into the area.
Within seconds, the lovely garden was surrounded by members of law enforcement, all advancing with a clear purpose in mind.
To arrest Gabriel.
To take me back to prison.
No. No. No!
That wasn’t going to happen, at least not until I was finished with my task.
I refused to allow lies to tear apart a man who’d already been through so much. As with everything in the last two weeks, all time slowed to a crawl; sounds muddled, movements labored but my vision was crystal clear.
As well as my intent.
There was only way of justice in my mind. I watched as the bouquet slowly fell from my fingers, the action yet another cathartic moment of purity lost. I reached under the dress, my grip firm on the handle of the knife. I had purpose. I had conviction.
And nothing or no one was going to stop me.
I advanced, moving in front of the true monster, his smile telling.
“You killed my father, you bastard. Now you’re going to pay for your sins.” The words were no surprise to the asshole who’d pretended to be Gabriel’s best friend, standing by his side in preparation of an unholy matrimony. As everyone else faded away from my line of sight, leaving only the two of us standing, I lunged forward.
Only Aiden had anticipated my attack, grabbing my wrist and twisting, easily able to take the knife from my hand. As he pulled me against him, wrapping his arm around my neck, he placed the edge of the blade against my jugular and laughed. My air was instantly cut off as I struggled with him, trying desperately to get out of his grasp.
“You remembered,” he hissed, yanking me back several feet. “Unfortunately, too little, too late.”
A single gasp drew Gabriel’s attention and in another moment of slow motion, his beautiful eyes turned dark and cold, hungry for vengeance.
“No!” Gabriel screamed, fighting his way through the guests in order to get to me.
As Aiden’s grip tightened, stars floated in front of my eyes, my throat closing.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Gabe. I have no problem killing her,” Aiden hissed as Gabriel came within two feet, the gun pointed at Aiden’s head.
“What. The. Fuck?” Gabriel snarled. “I should have known it was you, your friendship always convenient, your questions always pointed. I fucking trusted you.”
“And you were a fool,” Aiden said, laughing once again.
“Wait, brother,” Liam encouraged. “Let the authorities handle this.”
“Don’t do it, Gabriel,” Jefferson stated in a firm voice. “He’s not worth it.”
Gabriel was shaking, his upper lip curling. “Did you hire my best friend to betray me as well?” He glared at Jefferson, shaking his head.
Aiden moved from foot to foot as he twisted the knife. “I assure you, Jefferson had nothing to do with this. He is actually loyal to you, whereas your accountant had no problem selling you out.”
“Let her go, you bastard, or I will pull the trigger and I assure you that I am a crack shot,” Gabriel said, allowing a smile to cross his face. “You’re responsible for making the threats, including to Luis.”
Aiden snickered. “He was easy. All I had to do was threaten his precious little girl and he knew I was serious since Bobby Rivers was spending so much time with the lovely Alessandra. Luis knew better than to risk her life in order to save a monster like you.”
Everything was becoming fuzzy, the nightmare more real than I could have imagined, the police continuing to advance. As Stephen came into view, I whispered Gabriel’s name as well as the very words that seemed to terrify him so much.
“I... love... you.”
“Mr. Aiden Raintree, these officers are here to take you into custody for the death of Mr. Luis Toro, the murder for hire of Bobby Rivers, and for extortion. I suggest you put down the knife or the officers will be forced to shoot you,” Stephen said.
Several officers moved in, their weapons drawn, all prepared to do what was necessary.
I could see the confusion in Gabriel’s eyes, but only for a few seconds. He was determined to save me, to follow through with the unsaid promise my father had believed.
“Why?” Gabriel asked, inching even closer.
Aiden pressed his face against mine, his breathing labored. “Why? You don’t remember me? Why should you? You didn’t even come to the funeral. That’s right, my family would have gunned you down.” The change in Aiden’s voice, the Irish accent harsh as he spit out the words, created a wave of emotions on Gabriel’s face as well as a wavering of the hold on the gun.
“Yes... I’m Christina’s brother and you murdered her.” Aiden’s voice cracked, his body shaking.
“No!” Jefferson intervened, flanking Gabriel’s side. “It was an accident, a horrible, tragic accident.”
“You’re lying!” Aiden screeched, his hold on my neck loosening.
Jefferson eased an envelope from his jacket, turning his attention toward Gabriel. “I went to Ireland to find out the truth. What I found were faulty brakes that were supposed to have been repaired. Instead, they were cut. You didn’t kill Christina, Gabriel. You had no control over the car.”
Salvation—deliverance from sin and consequences. On that day of white fluffy clouds and pristine blue skies, my beautiful wedding day, I truly understood the meaning.
All the pain and suffering, all the lies and torment came crumbling down.
“That’s not true!” Aiden snapped, his breath skipping. I could feel the vibrations of his hammering heart against me as the man became unraveled, the point of the knife becoming painful.
“It’s over, Gabriel,” Jefferson continued.
Gabriel turned his head slowly, giving Jefferson a nod of respect, but as he shifted his gaze back in my direction, I could see the same darkness pooled in his eyes.
This would never be over.
“Let. Her. Go,” Gabriel’s voice boomed.
Aiden huffed, his chest heaving as beads of sweat fell from his face to mine. I dug my fingers into his arms, struggling once again. I knew exactly what he was about to do. “You took my sister away from my family. You destroyed them.
Now I’m going to take everything away from you.”
They didn’t always come in perfect packages. There wasn’t a playbook of requirements, instructions on saving the damsel in distress. There was only the understanding they would fight to the death in order to save the ones they loved.
And on my shattered wedding day, I knew Gabriel Masters truly loved me the second he pulled the trigger.
Chapter Eighteen
“You don’t have to worry, Gabriel. I promise you that everything will be taken care of until you return, which I hope isn’t for a long time.” Jefferson grinned as he patted me on the back. “You need time to get reacquainted with your family and your country.”
Sighing, I scanned the perimeter of my office, my heart just as heavy as it had been the last few days. To think Aiden had befriended me, pretending he gave a damn would remain in my mind for some time. I was a fool after all. “I know you will. You’re a good friend.”
“I’m glad to hear you say that.”
I studied his kind eyes and the way he was looking at me, a pang of guilt remaining. He’d been the one person I could trust all along, spending his money and his time to find the truth. I still had difficulty believing the brakes had been tampered with, the evidence covered up, but with Jefferson’s digging, he’d located everything needed to exonerate my name.
My family’s name.
My father’s enemy had been to blame, but unfortunately, the man couldn’t be brought to justice, his death only months before my father’s. While returning to Ireland for a period of time remained bittersweet, it was something I had to do.
I was tired of working in order to achieve forgiveness. Only through Alessandra’s eyes had I seen what I’d done to myself, let alone the people around me. I was finished with being a monster.
“Just keep the wolves at bay,” I suggested as I walked toward the French doors, gazing out at the pool one last time before leaving.
“I’d made some alterations, enough so that even if the information Luis absconded with does show up, I doubt it will hurt you any further. Several of the investors had purchased new shares of stock, allowing me to make certain adjustments. Everything is on the up and up with every deal.”
The up and up. My ruthless tactics might continue, but only by riding the line of the law. “Good to know.”
“I forgot to mention that Mr. Braxton called. It would seem he’s had a change of heart. What do you want to do about that contract?”
“Do what you believe in the best interest of the company.”
Jefferson laughed. “Alessandra is very good for you. I’ll see what his terms are. I might be able to make the deal that much sweeter since he’s coming back crawling.”
My light.
My heart.
My love.
The woman I was prepared to let go.
“Original terms,” I stated as I turned to face him. “Whatever deals Masters Enterprises enters into will be done with integrity from now on.”
He cocked his head, a slight smile curling across his lip. “I hope you won’t mind me saying this, but I’m very proud of you.”
Even weeks before I wouldn’t have given a shit. Now? His words meant the world to me. “I appreciate that, Jefferson. Thank you for everything, including pushing Stephen.”
“Stephen Cantor is an exceptional attorney. He knew something was wrong the day Alessandra was arrested, although Luis never said a word. He was in the dark as much as the rest of us.”
“I didn’t think Aiden was that powerful.”
Jefferson snorted. “You’d be surprised. He’s also very convincing. There are at least ongoing investigations regarding the people he worked with. You know that network you mentioned? They do exist and at least a few of them had no problem being a part of your fall.”
“And I thought you were a part of them.”
“See, even you can be wrong.”
I couldn’t help but shake my head. “More often than I care to admit.”
“At least Stephen never stopped digging because he also couldn’t believe that Luis would betray you. He simply was unsure of who was behind the entire scheme until Bobby talked to him the night he was murdered. Took him a couple days to bring together all the evidence and to get a judge to believe him. They do say confessions are good for the soul and in doing so, that allowed all charges to be dropped against Alessandra. From all appearances, it seemed that Bobby really cared about her, which is likely the reason he lost his life. He refused Aiden’s orders to abduct her in order to put pressure on Luis.”
“That’s why Aiden shifted to other tactics.” The entire situation was still unbelievable, the anger and hatred that Aiden had carried for years.
“Exactly. A true tragedy. When he recovers from the gunshot wound to his shoulder, he’ll likely spend the rest of his life in prison. Good shot, by the way. Luis can rest in peace knowing his daughter is loved and protected.” Jefferson sighed. “And I know you love her, Gabriel. That’s very easy to tell.”
I glanced away, holding my breath, able to gather her scent. The wedding had been ruined. I’d failed her once again, but at least she was safe.
A girl in a perfect cage, one with a view.
“I do love her,” I managed, swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat.
“Have you said that to her in the last few days?”
I shot a look in his direction, unable to answer him.
“Take one last piece of advice, Gabriel. Never allow a single day to go by without telling her how much you love her.”
“I’ll take that under advisement.” I checked my watch, grimacing seeing the time. There was one stop that needed to be made, one Alessandra has insisted on. “One last curiosity. Why didn’t Luis share the truth in the beginning when he sent the contract?”
He walked closer, his eyes twinkling. “I did have a few opportunities to spend with Mr. Toro prior to his death. He admired you, although he knew you were a tormented man. From what Stephen told me, Luis didn’t have any idea who was behind the situation. He trusted no one, including his own attorney. Maybe he was afraid of saying too much. Maybe he needed to be certain he could trust you.”
“Stephen held those letters from Luis the entire time. Why the fuck would he do that?” I’d been asking that question for days. While I’d learned that Alessandra had received another note from her father moments before the wedding, she’d only mentioned that she was the reason Luis extorted the information and nothing more.
Jefferson grinned. “That’s where it’s still a mystery. Stephen wasn’t holding them. He obviously hired someone else. Even courier services can be authorized to deliver when requested for the right price. Maybe Luis Toro wanted you to search for the answers in order to find yourself, including what’s in your heart. I believe that worked. You had the courage to accept a destiny that you deserve.”
I chuckled as I walked toward the door. I wasn’t certain I was deserving of a beautiful, innocent creature. “I’ll call you in a few days.”
“Take a long honeymoon. Rediscover Ireland. Enjoy the passion.”
“Goodbye, Jefferson.”
What I was about to do would take every ounce of courage I had left.
But I would do it in the name of love.
* * *
“Why are we here?” I asked, although I wasn’t certain I wanted to know the answer. The small bank was outside of the city and only used by locals.
Alessandra held out her hand. “Just trust me.”
The moment I took her fingers into mine, the electricity soared as it did every time that I touched her. Although there was a difference. The touch meant so much more. “I do trust you, with my life.”
She smiled, her grip remaining firm as we walked inside. As soon as I realized we were going to the lockbox room, I stiffened. She’d obviously been holding onto something her father had sent her.
I st
ood several feet away as the bank employee worked with her in order to open the small container. Even my pulse was skipping. Luis Toro might have the last laugh, although I wasn’t certain I could blame him. I’d never been a decent boss to work for. That would change as well.
I gave her time to peer into the box, her hand shaking as she pulled out various contents, including an envelope with my name on it.
“I believe this is for you,” she whispered.
While I should feel relief at seeing the jump drive he’d used to collect data, what I felt was admiration for Luis. He’d been a man of true honor, the simple words on his note releasing the last of my anger.
I knew you were a man of great integrity, which is why I was unable to go through with the demands made, even though my daughter’s life was threatened. I also knew you would protect and love her, as you will until the end of time. I’ve left all I had in her name. I hope you will also help her achieve greatness in whatever she longs to do in her life.
So much was lost in order to exact revenge, the same kind of retaliation I’d planned for ten years. In the end, Jefferson had been right. I’d found happiness as well as the man hiding inside. Sadly, I knew it was too late.
“Stocks. Bonds. He has a bank account here,” she half whispered as she looked at the items. “Is the money...”
I moved closer, taking her shaking hand. “I already told you. Luis didn’t steal any money from me. Whatever he saved, he did so with you in mind. Your father loved you very much.”
A single tear slipped down her face. “I know.”
As I pulled her hand to my lips, I could barely get out the words. “I need to tell you something and I want you to listen to me. You don’t have to come with me. There is no need for the contract any longer. I release you completely, just like the courts have.”
There were no sounds for a full minute, her face holding no reaction.
Then she lifted her head, searching my eyes, her voice little more than a whisper. “Ask me.”
Her smile was laced with mischief. “Ask. Me. If you do, I’ll say yes.”