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Trust the Fall (Fallen Hunters Series Book 2)

Page 10

by Melissa Winters

  I twist in his arms. “Glad to see you’re wising up.”

  He laughs. “Are you ready to go in there and give them a piece of your mind?”

  I blow out a breath. “Not really. I’m tired of the lot of them.”

  “Want me to send them away?”

  “Can you do that?”

  He grins down at me. “That and more, love.”

  “What deal did you strike with them?” I ask, remembering how he’d said as much.

  His grin fades. “Do you really want to know right now? We can discuss it later. You’ve dealt with enough today, don’t you think?”

  “Rip off the Band-Aid, Luke.”

  He clicks his tongue before blowing out a breath. “I need to return to Hell and take back my throne. They’re going to help me do it.”

  Yet another unsurprising revelation. There was never a doubt in my mind that he’d have to return. God will never allow Luke off the nail. Not after the millennia of wars and conflict he’s rained down on Heaven since being cast out.

  It all might’ve started as temporary punishment, but how Luke reacted after the fact sealed his fate as keeper of Hell.

  “Is that what you want?” I ask, knowing full well it’s not.

  His sad smile breaks my heart in two. “You and I both know the answer to that question, love. There was never a choice.”

  “You’re the only one who can restore order.”

  “I know. I didn’t want this burden, but it’s mine to bear.”

  There has to be more to it. Heaven wouldn’t have sealed Luke out of Hell if they wanted him back there all along.

  “You’re right, Victoria. They kept me out so that you and River would meet. They wanted him to piece together who you are. They hoped he’d take you to the reaper kingdom. When he didn’t, they decided to act.”

  My eyes narrow. “Why?”

  “They want you to take your proper place on the reaper throne.” His head turns away from me.

  “And,” I press, knowing there’s something he doesn’t want to say.

  “You know, Victoria. Don’t make me say it.”


  They want me beside River.

  “Exactly,” he says through clenched teeth.

  “What else did you promise them, Luke?”

  He shrugs. “That I’d make sure you went to the reaper kingdom to discover your destiny.”

  I huff. “I won’t go without you.”

  “You don’t have a choice, love. I can’t go with you.”

  “We have to go, Satan,” Michael says, coming up behind us.

  “Where?” I ask, looking from Michael to Luke.

  “Back to Hell. They’re going to help me remove Nolda.”

  “I’m coming too.”

  His expression changes to a mask of stone. “You aren’t.”

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I steel my voice to remain even and hard. “Don’t tell me what to do, Luke.”

  He stands to his feet, brushing off his pants, not meeting my eyes. “River is coming here to get you. I have to keep my promise.”

  I leap to my feet, getting in front of Luke and forcing him to look at me. “It wasn’t your promise to make. This is my life. My decision.”

  “Don’t you want to know your mother? Where you come from?” He searches my face.

  “I’ve managed this long without her.” I walk back toward the building, needing to put some space between us.

  What I said is nothing more than a giant lie. A very big part of me is desperate to know her. She didn’t abandon me. I was hidden away by Heaven. She was kept from me.

  “I know what you’re thinking, Victoria. Go. Meet her. Make your decision.”

  I spin around and take two giant strides until I’m close enough to shove at Luke’s chest.

  “Get out of my head!”

  I’m so damn sick of having to say this.

  His face falls, dropping the harsh expression he’s been wearing. “I’m sorry. It’s not always on purpose. I’m so tuned in to you that sometimes, I don’t even realize I’m doing it.”

  “Just stop. And for the record, I’m not going anywhere but to Hell. You’re taking me back. Nolda did me wrong too. I want my own vengeance.”

  “It’s not what’s important,” Michael cuts in, planting himself into a conversation that has nothing to do with him.

  “You don’t get to make any more decisions for me, Michael. Like I already said, you might not have known, but that doesn’t change how you treated me when I fell. You were horrible to me.”

  “And for that I’ll always be sorry.”

  “One day I might be able to forgive you, but not today. I’m going back to Hell to help take down Nolda and to ensure that my friends, the Bellamy brothers, get out of there.”

  “She isn’t going to back down, Michael. You have a better shot at getting to Camille than changing Victoria’s mind.”

  “Make the arrangements,” Michael says, shocking both Luke and me. “I think we should leave these two alone,” he says to Luke, motioning with his head toward Zeke. “They have some business to attend to.”

  I rake my hands through my hair, not really in the mood to deal with Zeke, but knowing it’s time, if we’re to fight alongside each other in Hell.

  “If you have something to say, say it,” I bark, stalking back toward the barn.

  I’m not really angry at him; it’s everything else. This doesn’t seem like the time to hash out an ancient affair, one that no longer matters. But taking one quick look at Zeke, I can see that this is important to him. And for all the times he came to my aid, I decide I’ll hear him out.

  I stop, placing my hands on my hips.

  “I was on Earth on assignment, tasked with rounding up Nephilim to train them for battle. They have dormant powers that can be brought to the surface. God wants them ready to defend humanity if war breaks out.” Zeke blurts the words without taking a breath, and I don’t butt in, allowing him to get it all out. “I was only told that you would be falling, and I was to find you and keep you safe. He wanted you to hunt demons that were growing brave and coming out of the shadows to keep your skills sharp, but he didn’t want you to know about the Nephilim or that you were predestined to fall.”

  He takes a deep, cleansing breath but doesn’t continue.

  “And?” I press.

  “And that’s it. That’s all I was told, Victoria.”

  I narrow my eyes. “You knew nothing about the reapers?”

  His hands raise in a placating manner. “No. Nothing. I swear.”

  “Were you given permission to take my virginity?”

  He winces. “Um . . . no. That was not part of my assignment.”

  He’s uncomfortable and I’m enjoying it. I’m not angry that I gave him that piece of me. It was cathartic after Luke abandoned me. If anything, I’m glad it was him and not some random human.

  “How did Heaven feel about that?”

  “Let’s just say I was called before the Council for it.”

  “What was your punishment?”

  “I’ve been cast to Earth for the remainder of my existence and my mission was stripped from me.”

  I suck in a breath. No wonder he insisted that he wanted to stay. He knew there was no way back for him, and he’d accepted as much.

  “Why would you take that chance, Zeke?”

  “Because I cared. For you. It was worth it for any chance of a future with you, Victoria. I welcomed fighting beside you.”

  His admission hurts, only because I don’t feel the same way. I never really did. For a short time I had considered it, but deep down, I knew he wasn’t the one.

  “There is no future between us, Zeke. There never was.”

  I feel like I owe him honesty, even if he didn’t offer me the same courtesy. The last thing I need is a fallen angel making problems because he’s under some delusion that there could be a future for us.

  “I don’t regret it. My time with you was w
orth everything, Victoria.”

  “I’m sorry.” It’s all I can offer.

  “Nothing to be sorry for. The heart wants what it wants, right?”

  “So I’ve heard,” I smile, kicking at the dirt. “Now what?”

  “I continue to hunt with the Nephilim. Regardless of whether Heaven wants my help with that or not, I’ll have them ready for war. It’s coming, Victoria, and a part of me believes this was always my destiny, even if Heaven says otherwise.”

  “You should’ve told me, Zeke. All of it.”

  “I know. But by the time I realized that, Lucifer was already back in the picture. I know when I’ve been beat, Tori. It was always going to be him.”

  I nod. “Thank you for keeping me safe, Zeke.”

  He offers a sad smile. “Friends?”

  I pull him into a hug. “Friends.”

  “Hate to break up this chick fest, but it’s time to head to Hell,” Luke says, grabbing my hand and pulling me away from Zeke. “And just for the record, I’m still going to kick your ass for taking what was always mine.”

  I roll my eyes. “Freaking caveman.”

  “That’s right, love. For you, I will beat my chest and claim what’s mine.”

  I slap his chest. “Whatever. Let’s go save my friends and get your throne back.”

  He pulls me into his chest. “You need to touch some part of me. All of you will,” he says over his shoulder at the motley crew of angels. “Don’t let go, or else you’ll be stuck in limbo. I won’t be able to find you easily.”

  “I’m not touching you,” Leeanna states haughtily.

  “Suit yourself, but you won’t make it to Hell.” He leans in and whispers into my ear. “You can touch me wherever you’d like.” He waggles his brows and I roll my eyes.

  “Let’s go, Satan. Before you corrupt Earth any more.”

  He grins. “I have no interest in corrupting Earth . . . today. Now you, on the other hand—”

  “Ready to go to Hell, angels?” I yell, cutting off his words.

  He doesn’t wait for a response. Hugging me to him tightly, he zips us all from the barn and into Hell in the same location he found me before.


  Luke’s massive erection presses into my leg and my cheeks heat in response. If there wasn’t a throne to take back, I’d be begging him to whisk me off into some dark recess of Hell to have his way with me. Against a wall. Laid out on some torture table. I don’t care. I just need him inside of me.

  “Victoria . . . darling . . . now isn’t the time to mess with me. I’m already rock hard. I know you feel it.”

  I smile into his shoulder. “What did I tell you about reading my mind, Lucifer?”

  “You were practically screaming.”

  The humor in his voice brings a smile to my face.

  “You can’t always use that excuse. One of these times, I’m going to knock you out for prying.”

  I step back, slapping his chest.

  “Do your worst, my love. I can’t wait.”

  “Masochist.” I grin, covering my flaming hot cheeks.

  “You know me too well.”

  My eyes narrow in what I hope appears to be a warning of harm to come if he keeps it up. He chuckles, raising his arms to shield himself from any additional attack on my part.

  A throat clears, and that’s when it registers. Zeke, Leeanna, Michael, River, and the Bellamys—who’d been left behind—are staring at Luke and me in varying degrees of shock, awe, and annoyance.

  “Is this really the time for all that?” Zeke says, sounding disgusted.

  Embarrassment washes over me, knowing they all likely heard every word shared between Luke and me. It was a private moment, shared in an entirely nonprivate location, and if it’s possible, my cheeks heat even more.

  “Don’t be shy, love. They’re just jealous of what we have.”

  I smile up at Luke and allow all of my emotions to bubble over. Love, happiness . . . it all comes pouring out of me, and I feel revitalized. Love isn’t weak. It’s a bond that makes me stronger. Makes us stronger.

  Leanna steps forward. “Lucifer, we need to act while we have the element of surprise.”

  Lucifer grunts. “You’re right. We can’t stand around here, waiting for the menagerie to show up.”

  “What can we do to help?” Julian asks, side-eyeing the angels in the room. “We’ll join this fight if you’ll help us get out of here when it’s over.”

  Zeke and Leeanna both wear matching frowns, likely trying to uncover any hidden agenda. Eventually, Leeanna addresses the king of vampires, asking the one question likely to piss him off.

  “What’s in it for you?”

  He pulls a face. “Did I not just say it? We need to get out of here too. My price is our freedom for our help. Nothing more, nothing less.”

  “What do you think, Zeke?” she asks.

  “Enough,” I snap. “I’ve gotten to know these two and I trust them.” I level Leeanna with a sharp glare, signaling we’re still on rocky ground and she needs to step down.

  “Have you two just been hanging out here the whole time? Nobody came for you?”

  “You were gone for only a couple of minutes,” Julian says, as though that should be obvious.

  “What? How is that possible?”

  I think about Luke’s and my lovemaking and then the talk with Michael. I’d conjured a storm. That was hours, not minutes.

  “Love, I know you want answers, but now isn’t really the time,” Luke says, pulling me into his chest. “Time is different here. Can that be enough for now?”

  I look up over my shoulder and offer a tight-lipped smile. He’s right. We’re standing in the middle of Hell with Nolda’s legion likely on their way to us. There will be time later for answers.

  “We need their help.” It’s all I say, steering the conversation back to the original issue.

  Zeke nods to me before turning to speak to Leeanna, who still doesn’t appear convinced. Well, too damn bad.

  “Is there any choice? We’re likely to be outnumbered. We can use all the help offered. Even if it does come from vampire royalty.”

  I don’t miss the snarky dig on Zeke’s part, and it ticks me off.

  “You know who he is?” I ask, pointing to Julian.

  “I’m familiar with the Bellamy brothers, yes,” Zeke replies, sounding annoyed.

  “Then you should know that they aren’t like the vampires we hunt. Julian is a good man and dedicated to preserving life. So be respectful,” I reprimand.

  Zeke’s arms rise in surrender. “I’m only being cautious. Hearing about them and actually knowing them are different things, Tori. How well do you know them?”

  I share a look with Julian, then Law, then Luke. “Enough to know they’re on our side.”

  Julian offers me a smile and nods his head once.

  “That’s good enough for me,” Luke says, pulling me away from Zeke and closer to Julian and Law, forming something like a huddle.

  “Julian. Law,” Luke acknowledges them both. “This is the plan . . .”

  He springs into his makeshift strategy, calling out orders and directing the brothers on where to go and how to take out Hell’s demons.

  “Wait, so we’re supposed to kill these demons with our bare hands?” Law asks, sounding unsure.

  “I’d suggest grabbing something from there,” Luke motions toward the room of torture. “You should be able to find something useful.”

  “Where’s the demon?” I ask, noticing his absence.

  “Likely running to tell Nolda the cavalry is here,” Law says dryly.

  Both vampires head that way, and I watch as they maneuver around the unmoving person strapped to the chair and dig through the table of devices. Julian lifts the serrated knife from earlier, blood dripping from the tip, and I turn away. I need my head in the game, and that is not the way to accomplish it.

  “I’m expecting my own cavalry to arrive at any moment. Including Rix. You
know him, love,” Luke says.

  I purse my lips, recalling my run-in with the hellhound in the woods next to my loft.

  “Please keep your dog away from me. I still haven’t forgiven him for nearly killing me.”

  “He didn’t.”

  “He did.”

  He shakes his head. “It wasn’t even close. Rix doesn’t make errors.”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “Whatever you say, but just know, I’m not over it.”

  He smirks. “Noted.”

  “Could you two quit with the foreplay and get on with the strategy talk?” Lawrence quips, smiling a boyish grin as though Lucifer and I entertain him thoroughly.

  I curl my lip in mock annoyance. “How much more strategy do you need, Bellamy? I’m beginning to worry I’ll need to shield you from danger.”

  “Nope. I have my trusty sidekick now.” He holds up a butcher’s knife, smiling like he won the lottery.

  “Bigger isn’t always better, Law. Or are you doing the whole man thing—attempting to make up for something you lack?” I grin, hoping to convey I’m only teasing.

  His lips smack together as if to say fuck off, but a grin quickly follows.

  In the short time I’ve gotten to know Julian and Law Bellamy, I’ve really grown to like them. I have every intention of honoring my promise of help when the vampire war begins.

  We all naturally spread out. Vampires huddle in one corner, angels in another, River leaning against the wall alone and looking far too comfortable for his own good.

  He hasn’t said a word since Luke arrived, and I wonder what he’s thinking.

  A throat clears, and I turn to see Luke’s narrowed eyes. He’d clearly been watching me, watching River.

  “Care to fill me in on what exactly was happening when I arrived here last time? You two looked very cozy.”

  “Luke, is this really the time for unnecessary jealousy?”

  His jaw clenches and I know I’ve hit a nerve. “I think now is the perfect time. If I’m to trust him at my side, I need to know he’s not plotting to take me out so he can have my girl.”

  “Ooookay, caveman, you can chill out with the barbaric alpha act. Was it not you who just gave me the orgasm of a lifetime?”

  He takes a threatening step forward, pinning my back to the brimstone wall.


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