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Delicate (Sublime Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Michelle Everett

  I stared at him dumbfounded. How does he know all of this?

  “I also know,” he continued, “that you did not pick this location to meet Mr. McDouche tonight.”

  “Oh, really?” I squared off to him, “and where do you suppose that I would have picked to meet someone?”

  “Hmm…” Tobie thought for a moment. His eyebrows pulled tight and his lips pressed together. “You probably would have suggested lunch. That way if things were going badly, you could always say that you had other plans later on.”

  “How…?” I was speechless, “How do you know that?”

  A small smile curled up on one side of Tobie’s face. “I know these things because I pay attention to the things I care about.” Alright. That did it. My heart was officially I puddle of goo sitting inside my stomach.

  “You’ve been watching me all these years?”

  “Well when you put it that way, it sounds really creepy.” His face twisted up, making me laugh. “No, I wouldn’t call it ‘watching’ as much as observing. You’re a very interesting person, Amber. You’ve always fascinated me.”

  Fascinated. “I don’t think anyone has ever said that about me before.”

  Tobie smiled at me, his dark brown eyes locked in with mine. I don’t know exactly what it was, but something like a spark shot between us in that moment. I could have been the two drinks I’d had, or it could have been the appreciation for him rescuing me from such a horrible date. Either way, something happened and I didn’t think it would be something I could easily ignore.

  “Hey, so do you want to get out of here?” he asked, pulling out his wallet.

  “Yeah, that sounds good.” I agreed. Tobie tossed some money on the bar and helped me scoot my stool out from the bar. “Wait. What about your friends?”

  He looked over to the group of guys still playing darts. He waved to the really tall guy to signal that we were leaving. “No big deal.”

  “Is that guy standing on a chair or something?” I inquired.

  Tobie laughed, “No, that’s just Adam. He’s a freak.”

  Tobie tucked my arm into the crook of his elbow as he walked me down to a coffee shop a couple blocks down from the bar. I couldn’t help but blush from such a chivalrous gesture. The skin on the inside of his elbow was soft and warm against my hand. I let my fingertips discreetly trace the defined lines of his forearm muscles while we walked down the sidewalk.

  The shop was so much quieter and peaceful than the bar. He gestured to a set of pub chairs with a small table in between them. I situated myself in the furthest one and set my purse down on the table.

  “Drink?” he asked.

  “Since you seem to know everything about me, how about you surprise me.” I responded like a brat. He grinned and walked over to the counter. I watched him from my chair as he ordered for us. The barista obviously thought he was cute. She giggled and played with her hair while he ordered our drinks. I could tell he wasn’t as interested as she was, but he still made a point to be friendly. He’s a really nice guy. A few minutes later, Tobie returned to the seats with our drinks.

  “Chai latte for the lady,” he reached a cup out to me. My jaw dropped. My favorite.

  “Seriously, Tobie!? How the hell do you know all this stuff!?”

  He laughed. “I told you, I pay attention,” he winked.

  I shrunk down in my chair, smiling and sipping my latte while holding my cup with both hands.

  We talked about all kinds of stuff while we sat at that coffee shop. My job, his last semester at school, how he was excited to be working for his dad in a larger capacity. We talked about Hannah and her upcoming job interview. Conversation with Tobie was as easy as breathing. He was funny, he was charming. He was polite to the wait staff. He asked all about me and was truly interested in what I had to say.

  It was past midnight before I realized how long we had been sitting there. Tobie insisted that we share an Uber home, stating that he thought it was a waste of money for us to each take one separately if we only lived five minutes apart. By the time I got home, Hannah had gone to bed. I tucked myself into bed and allowed my mind to wander.

  The physical high of being with Tobie made me feel like the only thing keeping laser beams of happiness from shooting out of my body was my huge smile. I really wanted to see him again. It wasn’t just the way he made me feel physically, either. Don’t get me wrong, I could drown myself in his gentle and subtle touches, but just being around him made me feel desired on a whole different level. He was kind. He was funny. He was smart. Helpful, sweet, and considerate. And holy hell, was he sexy. I wanted to spend as much time with him as I could.

  Despite the swelling in my heart, I couldn’t help feeling the bit of dread lurking deep in the pit of my stomach. Being with Tobie in any capacity was risky. It could jeopardize his relationship with Hannah and I wouldn’t be the one to do that. He was way too important to her.

  I weighed through my options. If I somehow continued to see him, I risked Hannah finding out... If I ended things now I ran the risk of missing out on what could be an amazing relationship - regardless of how long it lasted… If it was just a short term thing it could lead to some really awkward situations assuming that Tobie and Hannah remained friends afterwards… which brought me back to the whole issue with stressing their relationship. I can’t do that. I won’t do that.

  Chapter Ten


  “So how was the date Friday?” Sarah asked as she unwrapped her sandwich.

  “Um… it was good, I guess,” I replied hesitantly.

  “Yeah? So are you going to see him again? Trey, right?”

  “Yeah, Trey. Uh... probably not.” I stayed focused on my own lunch. I wasn’t ready to talk about my feelings for Tobie. Especially since I didn’t quite know what they all meant.

  “What? Why not?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, he was kinda cute and all, but he kinda only talked about himself the whole time. It wasn’t an awful date, just no real connection, I guess,” I tried to explain.

  “Oh, that sucks. But I totally get what you mean. No point in wasting time with someone you don’t connect with.” She shrugged her shoulders, “Oh well. Better luck next time. He’s out there, Amb. Just hang in there.”


  “Are you gonna make it or do I need to carry you back to the truck?” I teased.

  Hannah and I had decided to go on a hike today since we both hadn’t started working yet. Hannah looked like she might pass out. Her face was all red and splotchy. Sweat was making her hair stick to her face.

  “You’re not gonna throw up are you? ‘Cause if you are, could you please do it before you get in my truck? I just had it cleaned.”

  “Shut your mouth, Tobie. Not all of us are in amazing shape like you. I’m just proud of myself for not dying.”

  I laughed at her. This trail had been her idea, not mine. For some reason, Hannah had always dreamed of hiking the Appalachian Trail but refused to admit that she actually hated being outdoors.

  We started the drive home in almost complete silence. That’s how you know when you’re really close with someone. Being able to be silent with them takes years of practice and comfort. Hannah was exhausted. Ten minutes into it, she was passed out with her mouth hanging open. I tried to make it a game to see if I could toss pieces of the trail mix in while driving at the same time. When I hit her in the eye by accident, she startled awake.

  “Tobie, you jerk! I was trying to sleep.”

  “Yes, I observed that. Thanks for being such a good co-pilot.”

  “I hate you.”

  “I know.”

  Amber was making dinner when we got back to the house. She insisted that I stay, convincing us that she had plenty of food for all of us. Hannah started helping Amber in the kitchen. I grabbed my gym bag off the floor and started to head upstairs.

  “I’m gonna grab a quick shower,” I called to the girls. “Amber, are there towels up there I can use?”<
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  She almost dropped the pan of lasagna and her face turned beet red. I wagged my eyebrows at her when she looked up at me. I laughed as she tried to recompose herself in front of her sister.

  After we all finish eating, Hannah suggested that I stay for a movie. I groaned for a second and looked at the clock. It was already eight thirty. I really needed to get home and take care of some uh... personal business.

  “Come on, Tobe. It’ll be fun! Just like old times. I’ll even let you pick the movie. Pleeeeease!?”

  “Oh, alright. But only because I get to pick the movie.” Hannah knows damn well that I’m a movie freak and love even terrible movies. In fact, the worse a movie is, the more I’ll probably like it. And don’t ever tell a soul, but I’m actually a chick-flick enthusiast. Something about a good old fashioned love story really gives me the feels. You know what, shut up. You know you like them, too.

  Each of us grabbed a beer and headed into the family room. Hannah went to sit on the couch but I stopped her.

  “Oh, no you don't. There's no way in hell I'm sitting next to you, kid. I love you, but you still stink. Go over there.” I haphazardly motioned to the loveseat.

  “Pft! Fine by me! You take up too much room anyway” She retorted. Hannah plopped into the loveseat, let out an overly obnoxious sigh and stretched herself out as long as possible.

  “A whole couch all to myself,” she taunted.

  I looked to Amber as I sat down on the far side of the couch. I patted the seat as a signal for her to sit down next to me. She'd been standing back watching the banter between Hannah and me play out. She pulled a long sip from her beer and raised her eyebrow up at me as if to accept my challenge.

  Amber strolled into the family room and took her seat - with an appropriate amount of space between us. I grabbed the remote and scanned through the streaming options for a minute but then turned to Amber.

  “You know what? You never got to pick the movie. How about you get turn tonight?” I said, handing her the remote.

  “Aw, thanks, Tobe!” Amber smiled at me and took the remote from my hand, letting our fingers touch again. Tiny sparks shot up my arm. She turned her attention to the TV and settled deep into the couch.

  “Just don't pick something crappy,” Hannah scolded.

  I sat back in my seat but kept my focus on Amber as she scrolled through the movie options. I enjoyed watching her facial expressions change with each plot she read. Her brow furrowed and her lips pulled into a tight line while she decided what to pick. She finally landed on a movie I’ve never heard of. Some foreign film about an orphan who wanders around the world searching for her birth parents. While the storyline wasn’t really captivating to me, the cinematography looked cool. Normally I would have been completely mesmerized by the use of color and lighting throughout the entire movie but tonight I was distracted. Should I make a move? Should I just try to enjoy the movie? Hannah is right here… she might notice if I try anything…

  My thoughts were interrupted when Amber got up from the couch. I watched her walk over to the basket in the corner of the room and pull out a blanket. She returned to the couch but instead of resuming her previous position, she lay down sideways and pressed her feet against my thigh. Without even looking at me once, she unfolded the blanket and covered part of my leg and her bottom half as if I were just an extension of the couch.

  Any interest I had in this movie was completely gone the second she started to knead her toes against my leg. I reached my hand under the blanket and rested it on her feet. She continued to wiggle her toes against my hand. I took my cue to softly rub the tops of her feet and slide ever so carefully up to her ankles. I couldn’t have Hannah noticing that I'm caressing her sister under a blanket. I lightly stroked the soft skin behind her ankles. She let out a quiet sigh as my hand slid up her calf.

  I don’t know how she did it, but Amber had the power to completely distract me from the world. I became so entranced by the slightest touches from her that I could hardly remember my own name. Every slight movement that she made became tattooed into my memories. After a few minutes, the interaction between us became so natural that my fingers were moving over her feet and legs like they’d been doing this for years.

  When the end credits began rolling, I looked over at Hannah who was passed out and snoring softly on the loveseat. I shifted my focus to Amber and saw that her eyes were bloodshot and swollen from crying. She noticed me looking at her with a grin on my face. She snorted a laugh and began wiping her face with the blanket.

  “Look at you!” I teased, “You’re a mess!” I took my hand out from under the blanket and placed it up on her thigh, rubbing gently.

  “Shut up, Tobie! It was so sad!” She laughed through her tears.

  “How is it sad? She found her family!” As much as I loved sappy movies, I don’t ever I’d ever understand how women are able to cry real tears over fictitious characters.

  I looked back to Hannah and laughed. “Look at this one,” I said. I raised up from my seat and poked my finger into her gaping mouth. She startled and smacked her lips but returned back to snoring without actually waking up.

  “That girl could sleep through a tornado.” Amber laughed, still wiping her face with the blanket.

  “I should probably put her in an actual bed. That’s not going to feel good on her neck in the morning.” I leaned over to scoop Hannah up. I cradled her in my arms and carried her up to her bedroom. She leaned her head on my chest and haphazardly tried to hold onto my neck, only waking slightly when I laid her down on her bed. I tucked her under her covers and brushed her hair away from her face.

  “Goodnight, Tobie Magoo,” she slurred with closed eyes.

  “Goodnight, Hannah-banana. Love you, girl.” I whispered as I walked backwards toward her door.

  “Love you, too, Tobe.”

  I turned off her light, softly closed her door, and headed back downstairs to find Amber.

  Chapter Eleven


  When I came back downstairs I found Amber in the kitchen. I stood back and watched her flitting around like a hummingbird while she cleaned up from dinner. It was fucking adorable. I drew in a deep breath.

  Her back was to me as I stepped in behind her. I placed my hands on her shoulders and leaned my face into the back of her neck. I could feel her tense as my hands slid down to her elbows. I inhaled a deep breath of her skin. The blood was rushing out of my head and making its way to my core. She smelled like vanilla and soap.

  “Amber…” I breathed, “ have no idea what you do to me.”

  She slowly set the plates down on the counter and turned in my arms to face me. My hands slid further down her arms and settled on her waist. I couldn’t help pulling her tight against my body. Her face was a mixture of confusion and disbelief as our bodies pressed together, but thankfully no signs of anger.

  “I'm sorry… what…. did you say?”

  I lowered my voice and spoke gently to her. I wanted to be clear with my intentions without being vulgar.

  “I wish I could have a chance to be with you. To know you better than any other man ever will.” My voice may have been steady, but my stomach was doing somersaults.

  She lightly placed her hands on my forearms. She looked like she may fall over. I decided my best move at this point was to let her digest this information at her own pace.

  “Tobie, I mean… I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to lead you on… why in the world would you want to be with me?”she asked with intense confusion.

  “How could I not want to?” I leaned my torso away from hers, but continued to hold onto her hips. “Look at you,” I surveyed the length of her body with my eyes. “You are amazing. Your heart, your body, your eyes, the way you compose yourself. The fact that you don't even know how incredible you are makes you completely irresistible.”

  “My heart?” she questioned. The surprise in her eyes made it clear that she hadn’t planning for all of our flirting to go beyond that

  “Oh, Amber...” I shook my head. I could barely get the words out. This woman had no idea of her effect. I paused to steady my breath and slid one hand down my face. I reached down to hold her hand in my own, admiring how her small hands were dwarfed by the size of mine. I lightly caressed her warm skin with my thumb. It was time to let her know exactly how I’ve always felt about her.

  “This isn’t just about today.” I paused to gather my thoughts. “You have been the standard in my life that no other woman has ever been able to come even close to. I have been infatuated with you since before I even knew what that meant. But I’m not a stupid man, Amber. I realize that there is a big age difference between us and I would never expect you to settle for someone like me, but seeing you at the bar with that other guy made my stomach churn. All I’m asking for is a chance to make you happy. I know that I will do everything in my power to give you the attention that you deserve. Please. Give me a chance.”

  A silence fell between us and she looked up at me in astonishment. She looked back down to my chest and shook her head.

  “I don’t think that this is a good idea...” she trailed, but the doubt in her voice was strong.

  I lifted my hand from hers and placed my fingertips under her chin. Softly, I tilted her face so she was looking me in the eye. The intense shade of blue pierced my soul.

  “Amber, I can see it in your face and feel it in your touch that you want this as much as I do.”

  “Tobie… I don’t… I mean… I’m not going to sleep with you.” There were storm clouds in her eyes.

  My heart sank. Not because she told me she doesn’t want to sleep with me, but because she thinks that’s all I’m after. What she doesn’t realize is that I am after so much more. This woman has been the pillar of all things good and true to me. I wanted to shower her with the love and affection that she deserves for the rest of our lives. My heart was on fire for her and I didn’t know how to tell her that. I couldn’t give up. I leaned back into her and nuzzled my nose against her neck.


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