Discovering Rafe

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Discovering Rafe Page 15

by Sara Blackard

  He grabbed a bright blue glass jar on the nightstand and twisted the lid off. “Mama J, Zeke’s stepmom, made this healing balm.” He dipped his fingers in it. They trembled as he stretched them toward her forehead. “She’s always pushing this essential oil mumbo jumbo on us.” His throat bobbed and his chuckle sounded forced. “Crazy stuff works.”

  The warm floral scent soothed Piper, so she breathed it in deeply. He poured more peroxide onto a cotton ball and reached toward her belly. With stiff fingers, she lifted her hem so he could tend to the ragged cut. The wound had stung so much when she’d washed it out in the shower, she’d almost thrown up. She steeled herself so she didn’t toss her cookies in front of him.

  “Oh, Piper.” He groaned as he dabbed the peroxide over the cut and sniffed. “Maybe I should … I think this … this might need stitches.”

  “No.” She jerked her hem down, the ointment stinging as it stuck to her shirt. “Not right now, please. Can we just let it be for a while?”

  “Yeah, sure. I can stitch it in a little bit.” He peeked at her face, his pained expression slicing through her before he lowered his head and focused on capping the jar. “I should probably—”


  His shoulders slumped, and his head bowed until it rested on her knees. Why was he so upset? He’d found her, saved her when she thought all was lost. She pushed her fingers through his hair, and his hands fisted into the loose fabric of her pants.

  “I’m so sorry.” His raw voice made her throat burn with tears.

  “It’s not your—”

  “It is.” His voice cracked. “I should have thought of the tracker sooner. Should have—he could’ve killed you. If we hadn’t gotten there—”

  “But you did. I shouldn’t have gone off by myself.” She rubbed her hand across her shoulder.

  His eyes were red-rimmed when he peered up at her. “Did he—” He squeezed his eyes shut when his voice gave out.

  “No. I think I lost my appeal when I tried to bite off his nose.” She forced out a breath that was half laugh, half sob. “I … I don’t want to talk about it right now. I just … I need you to hold me.”

  He slid his hand up her arm and cupped her neck, his thumb rubbing along her jaw. “Piper, I’ll hold you the rest of my life if you let me. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let you go again.”

  Her smile trembled as her eyes filled with tears. “That’s good. I don’t want you to let me go, either.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Scoot on up there.”

  She moved to the center of the bed as he crawled up with her. He stretched out on the comforter and pulled her so her head lay on his chest. His heart beat loudly against her ear, calming her with each steady thump. Her eyes stung, but she blinked the moisture away. She didn’t want to focus on the terror she’d felt. She wanted to relish Rafe’s words and bottle up the strength she gained from being close to him. How could one day hold such intense fear and joy at the same time?

  Rafe ran his hand softly up and down her arm draped across his chest. His other arm anchored her tightly to his side. Just possibly, if he stayed this close the entire way home, she could face that long plane ride. Could handle being in the same space as her nightmare without crumbling into a ball of fear. How could she have been so brave when Elias had her tied to that bed, but the very thought of him now made every part of her quiver?

  “Hey, Pipstick.” Davis’s voice and knock on the doorjamb caused her to jump.

  Rafe’s hands tightened on her. “Shh, I’ve got you.” His whisper was so soft she barely heard it.

  “Are you okay?” Davis came into the bedroom, his hands wringing before him.

  His eyes were bloodshot, like he’d been crying. She’d never seen him so hesitant before. Never seen him so strung out with emotion, even after their parents died. She sat up, and Rafe mirrored the motion, wrapping his arm around her back.

  “I will be … eventually. Thanks to you and Rafe and Derrick.”

  Davis’s shoulders slumped as he nodded and gazed out the window. “About what I said earlier. I’m sorry. I’ve been a total jerk this entire time, taking my issues out on you two.” He turned his eyes back to her. “I’m happy this numskull wised up. I can’t think of a better man for you, Piper.”

  Rafe kissed her on the head. “Thanks, man.” His voice cracked, and he cleared his throat.

  Piper leaned toward Davis, pain jumping through her bruised muscles. “Can I get a hug?”

  He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her in. His strong arms wrapped around her hurt her sore body, but she held on just as tight. Here was the big brother who’d championed her growing up.

  “I’m so sorry,” he whispered into her hair.

  “I forgive you, Davis.” She squeezed him harder. “And I’m here for you, whatever I can do to help with what you’re going through.”

  “We’re both here for you, man.” Rafe clapped Davis on the shoulder as he rubbed his other hand up and down Piper’s back.

  Davis sniffed, wiped his eyes across her shoulder, then sat up. “It’s good to be back with family.”

  Piper smiled and kissed him on the cheek. She’d missed her brother so much. Davis took her hand and squeezed. Her heart jumped at his bruised knuckles, crashing the happiness that had bubbled up back down.

  Davis sighed. “Listen, Derrick and I have decided we’re going to take Elias back to the states, then come back to get you two.”

  Her body slumped back into Rafe’s, and her throat ached. She wouldn’t have to see Elias. Wouldn’t have to sit in the same space as him. She nodded, the relief so thick it bottled up her voice.

  “We’ve got a pocket clearing in the storm, so we’re going to head out as soon as it’s safe.” Davis peeked out the window and squinted.

  She glanced at his knuckles again, the memory of Elias’s broken and bloodied body assaulting her brain. “Is he … is he okay?”

  Davis’s eyebrows squished together as he turned back to her. “Elias?”

  She nodded.

  “Better than he deserves to be.” Davis’s jaw clenched.


  “He’ll live.”

  Was it relief or vengefulness that warmed her chest and stung her eyes? Oh Lord, help me not to grow bitter. Help me forgive.

  She took a deep breath to ease the tightness in her chest. “Thanks, Davis. I don’t know if I could fly back with him.”

  “I didn’t want you to have to.” Davis patted her leg and stood. “All right. You two behave yourselves. We’ll be back as soon as we can.”

  Piper buried her face into Rafe’s chest as Davis strode from the room. The last of the remaining fear dissipated like morning fog on a sunny day. Rafe wrapped his arms gently around her and lay back down.

  “Finally.” He sighed. “I get you all to myself.”

  She snuggled closer to him as the worry and horror of the last few weeks leeched out of her. She closed her eyes and breathed in the floral scent of the healing ointment. As the thump of Rafe’s heart and the light tapping of rain on the window filled her ears, she relaxed into the promise of a brighter tomorrow.


  Rafe tossed a palm branch into the pile of rubble on the beach as the sputtering of Emori’s boat sounded over the joyful chirping of the island’s birds. While the tropical storm still beat the area north of there, it had moved on from Zeke’s island after a day and a half. The mess Rafe and Piper had spent the early afternoon cleaning was nothing to what people other places were in for as the storm built.

  Piper threw an armful of palm branches onto the top of the pile and shielded her eyes from the sun as she peered toward the engine noise. A salty breeze pulled strands of hair from her braid out behind her, making Rafe jealous. He gave in to the temptation and ran his fingers over the soft braid. She turned her face to him and smiled.

  “The wind made me do it.” He put on the innocent expression he’d always used
growing up.

  She snorted and returned her gaze to the end of the beach. “I’m guessing it’s Emori.”

  He inched closer and ran his hand down the length of her hair. If only he could take out the hair tie and thread his fingers through the silky strands. The coy look she gave him said she knew what he was thinking.

  He cleared his throat. “Why do you think it’s Emori?”

  She shrugged. “My superior female instincts tell me the man couldn’t wait to get out here and clean this place up. Everything about the grounds and the house scream that a perfectionist takes care of it. I figured he’d be here as soon as he set his own house to order, if not sooner.”

  “Your superior female instincts?”

  “I may not be able to tell one motor from another, but I can spot another worrywart a mile away.” She shrugged. “Let’s go meet him, ease his anxiousness.”

  She pulled his hand away from her hair, threaded her fingers through his, and started toward the dock. He grinned. He loved it when she got bossy … well, bossy for Piper, that is. It was like the attack had broken loose the last of her timidity.

  She had hardly flinched when he’d stitched up the cut in her stomach, while his eyes had stung with tears so much he’d worried he’d sew her up crooked. When he’d told her he thought she should see someone to help her with any PTSD she might have from this ordeal, she agreed, but only if he’d see someone about his. Remembering the challenge she’d had in her eyes and the cute cocking of her eyebrow had his heart thumping hard in his chest all over again.

  He wrapped his arm around her back and pulled her to a stop. When she tipped her head up in question, he captured her pretty pink lips in answer. She closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around his neck. Everything he’d never realized he’d wanted had been right there in front of him all along.

  The boat motor coughed to a stop, and Piper pulled away. Her cheeks were rosy with a blush, but the soft smile on her lips begged Rafe to kiss her again. The way she glanced at his lips said she wouldn’t mind.

  “Rafe, will you marry me?” Her soft question stopped his approach to her mouth.

  He leaned back and stared into her eyes. He’d been burning to ask her the same question, but worried it was too soon. She broke eye contact and glanced over his shoulder.

  He brought his hand to her chin and slid his thumb along her skin. “Yeah, Piper, I’ll marry you, though you know that means you’ll then be stuck with me, right?”

  She beamed as she combed her fingers through his beard. “I’ve been stuck with you in my heart since I was fourteen.” She took a deep breath and bit her lip. “What do you think about eloping?”


  “Yeah.” She leaned into him, spreading her palms on his chest. “I’ve been researching it, and we could get married in a day or two if we pulled the right strings.”

  When had she learned to read his mind?

  “What about Davis and Chloe? Don’t you want them at our wedding?” As much as he wanted his friends and family there for the wedding, he prayed she’d say no.

  “Sure, part of me does.” She leaned back and peered in his eyes. “But I’ve been waiting to marry you for years. I don’t want to wait any longer. Besides, we can have a big reception when we get back or something.”

  He pulled her up to him and ran his hands up her back. “Let’s go say hello to Emori, then figure out the fastest way to get hitched.”

  He gave her a quick kiss, promising himself he’d take time to kiss her more thoroughly later, and turned to Emori. The groundskeeper ambled toward them with his son Timi following behind. Rafe forced himself to look at the boy. While Rafe still saw the similarities, his hands didn’t slick with the sweat of guilt. His chest felt light and unconstrained with the hope of healing filling him.

  He raised his hand and smiled. “Timi, what does a cloud wear under its raincoat?”

  Timi’s eyes widened and darted from Rafe to his dad. Emori gave his son an encouraging nod and patted him on the back.

  “I … I don’t know.” Timi’s voice shook with nerves.


  White teeth flashed as the boy threw his head back and laughed. Rafe let his own joy free, the sound not ringing false in his ears anymore. Piper leaned in and kissed his cheek, and he squeezed her closer to his side. It had taken almost losing everything, but he’d discovered himself again.

  Piper stared in the full-length mirror in the private villa Rafe had rented on the mainland. The ivory lace of her wedding dress hugged the length of her and made her tanned skin seem darker somehow. She turned to the side to peer at the open back that made her feel sexy and secretive since the lacy short sleeves suggested a more modest style.

  She’d almost passed the dress up the day before when she’d been trying gowns on, even though she’d fallen in love with it the moment she’d slipped into it. The low-cut front had been a little too risqué, but the dressmaker had assured Piper she could adjust it. After being bold and asking Rafe to elope, she figured she should go for the dress that would make his eyes bulge out of his head and his hands itch to touch her.

  Piper placed her hands on her scorching cheeks. Who was this woman that stared back at her in the mirror? She was daring and forward. The voice that had always urged Piper to stop being so shy was finally coming through to her in full force.

  Piper lowered her hands and grinned into the mirror. She’d gone for her dreams, pushing aside all the doubts that had urged her to stay safe and had plunged in head first. Sure, she’d still help Chloe shoot for the stars, but that didn’t mean Piper had to settle for remaining on solid ground. She had her own desires to go for.

  “Miss, we’re ready when you are.” Anne, the friendly woman who had helped get the last-minute wedding arranged, entered from the patio door.

  “Finally.” Piper chuckled softly as she dashed to Anne.

  “Your future is waiting on the other side of this glass.” Anne motioned toward the beach visible through the sheer curtains.

  “Thank you … for everything,” Piper said as she stepped through the doorway.

  Shells of varying sizes lined a path to where Rafe waited with the local pastor. Rafe’s shoulders relaxed under his loose white cotton shirt the moment he saw her. Her bare feet sunk in the warm sand as she made her way toward him.

  Rafe took a hesitant step in her direction, then strode to her as if in a trance. She snorted a laugh and shook her head. He never was good at following directions.

  He stopped before her, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he took her in. “You look incredible.” His voice broke and his eyes were bright with tears.

  She closed the distance between them and pressed her lips to his. “Come on, handsome. Let’s get hitched.”

  He laughed against her mouth and kissed her softly, before tucking her hand in his elbow and leading her to the amused pastor. Rafe’s promise to love and cherish was strong and resolute, bringing tears to her eyes. As a gentle ocean breeze blew a salt-filled caress against her face, she became Mrs. Rafe Malone.


  “I’m telling you, a joint wedding would be epic.” Chloe’s hands waved wildly and whacked Jake in the chest.

  Derrick shook his head at Chloe’s enthusiasm. She’d insisted that she and Jake go with Derrick and Davis to pick up Piper and Rafe, so now they all sat under the cabana, drinking cold drinks while Chloe tried to get her way. Jake sure had his hands full with that one. Derrick’s mouth tweaked up on one side. Didn’t seem like Jake minded at all.

  “Chloe, everything with you is epic.” Davis laughed.

  Piper peeked over at Rafe, a secret smile passing between them. Those two had been acting strange since Derrick and the crew had landed earlier that morning. Derrick narrowed his eyes. Just what had happened the week they’d been gone?

  Piper leaned into Rafe’s side. “You know your mom will want to throw some big shindig and invite all her highfaluting friends. Rep
orters will swarm to get pictures of America’s newest country darling and her hero fiancé getting hitched.”

  Chloe shook her head, her eyes big in her fairy-like face. “Oh no, I didn’t think about that.” She slumped against Jake’s side. “That sounds horrid.”

  “The worst.” Jake rubbed his hand up and down her arm, but a smile stretched across his face.

  Derrick enjoyed seeing Jake happy again. His distance and the hurt that none of them could break through had been hard to handle the last two years. In reality, Jake’s injury chilled Derrick to the core. He probably would’ve been a bigger mess than Jake if he didn’t have a fully functioning body. Losing Derrick’s best friend, Ethan, had ripped something vital out of his core, but losing a limb would have devastated him.

  He shook off the thought, not wanting to dwell on how he’d failed to protect those he loved … again. It’d taken him a long time to realize there had been nothing he could have done differently on that mission to save Ethan. It had been doomed from the start.

  His gaze bounced between Rafe and Jake, glad to see their lives taking turns for the best. Derrick hadn’t ever thought much about relationships past the flirting and stolen kisses while hanging out at the bars. He’d always had more pressing things to worry about, like rising in the rodeo ranks and then becoming the best soldier he could. Women had just been a nice diversion for an entertaining evening.

  Now, however, with the ranks of his friends at the ranch falling in love around him left and right, the thought of his own next step in life rammed against his brain. Maybe it was time to think beyond the next physical challenge. Kiki Payne’s bright blue eyes flashed before him, causing his forehead to furrow.

  What the heck was that about? Sure, they’d become friends over the last few months as she adjusted to life out from under her parents’ manipulation. That didn’t mean there was more there than friendship. Besides, if he was going to get serious about moving on with life, he’d do better finding someone who enjoyed searching out adventures in the stockyards, not someone who got excited trading stocks behind a computer screen.


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