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Captive: A Dark Romance (Slave for Love Book 1)

Page 3

by Violet Noir

  “This room is all yours, Tessa, darling. Mine is on the third floor, but you must never come up there unless you are invited. For now, you’ll be kept in here. Further house privileges will be given based on your obedience. You have your own bathroom stocked with everything you could possibly need and your closet is full of approved clothing. You may wear what you want while you are in your room. I will tell you what to wear when I come to retrieve you.”

  I’d never let any of my former toys occupy that particular room. It was the second nicest suite in the house after mine. They’d all had very nice accommodations, but for some reason, I felt that Tessa should have the best.

  “Do you have any questions before I go?”

  “We aren’t sharing a room?” she sulked.

  “I’d expect you to be a little more appreciative of what you’ve been given. Remember that you are a slave here, sweet Tessa. I could just as easily lock you in a storage room in the basement. Would you prefer that?”

  “No, sir,” she said obediently, but she was still sulking.

  “I’m going to go now. I’ll come back for you when it suits me,” I said. “There’s a panel here on the wall that you can use to call for the housekeeper. She’ll bring you food and drink if you require it. This late in the evening you are permitted fruit and nothing more. Get some rest, Tessa.”

  I closed the door and went back down to the first floor. After instructing the housekeeper on what she was and was not permitted to do for Tessa, I retired to my study.

  My security system allowed me to watch any room in the house, and I intended to keep an eye on Tessa. I wanted to see how she would behave in her new environment. I had to know what she would do when she thought no one was watching her.

  First, I had to take video call from one of my least favorite business associates. I thought that if Alex Connor was calling so late, it had to be important. Little did I know that he was just calling to bitch about Tessa.

  Apparently, we’d both bid on her before the auction started. Alex had learned all he knew from me, and it pleased me that he was beginning to use my techniques. Even if he had tried to use them against me, it could’ve been forgiven if he’d acted like a man.

  “You shouldn’t have won her,” he snarled into the camera. “I outbid you.”

  “I’m not sure how you could have outbid me when I owned her before the auction even began,” I said calmly.

  “I offered Madame Rose a quarter of a million dollars on top of whatever you bid, and she refused.”

  “That’s because she’d loyal, Alex. That appears to be a topic where you could use a little education.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. I think if anyone knows about my loyalty, it’s you. I’m a man who keeps secrets for his friends, William. You of all people should know that.”

  “What’s your point, Alex?” I pinched the bridge of my nose. I’d grown tired of the conversation, and I had better things available to occupy my time.

  “I want the girl. I’ll pay you back the money you paid and throw in the quarter of a million I offered Madame Rose. Surely you could get another for that price.”

  “No, Alex. She’s mine.”

  “What about my shares in Jarex Tech? I’ll sign them all over to you. That would put you close to a controlling share in another company.”

  “No,” I responded without hesitation. “If I wanted your shares, I’d get them. Is there anything else you need tonight, Alex? If all you want to do is talk about my new toy, this conversation is over.”

  “Fuck you, Delacroix,” he said and hung up.

  He really needed to work on controlling his temper. Alex Connor was a spoiled brat famous for his brutality. He had a reputation as a sexual deviant and it wasn’t a secret. The gossip rags wrote about him frequently, and there was even a rumor that he’d killed one of his slaves.

  With Alex gone, I could turn my attention back to watching my toy on the monitor. For a while, Tessa just sat on the bed looking around. She eventually got up and went to the call box on the wall.

  A few minutes later, the housekeeper on duty brought her a tray of fruit. There was a table by one of the large windows in the room, and Tessa carried the tray over and placed it down. She sat in one of the chairs, and I watched her eat the fruit. My little pet seemed particularly fond of the strawberries.

  When she was finished, Tessa called for the maid to come back and get her tray. After that, she went into her closet and found a pair of pajamas. I watched her undress and then put them on.

  My pet finally went into her bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. She went to bed shortly after that, and I had to fight the urge to go tuck her in.

  I went up to my room to shower myself. As soon as the water hit me, my thoughts turned to Tessa’s tight little cunt and round ass. They’d been so much fun to play with, and they were mine for as long as I wanted them.

  Images of her sucking my cock flooded my mind. It was obvious she was inexperienced, but it had felt so good despite her needing training.

  My cock was hard, and I found myself casually stroking it. I didn’t need to jack off. I could easily go into Tessa’s room and make her suck me off or even pop her sweet little cherry, but working with slaves required restraint. If I gave in to my urges too often, she’d realize how much power she had over me. Her first night in my home wasn’t the right time for that.

  I briefly considered calling a service and having a girl sent over. I didn’t want anyone but Tessa, but perhaps I could get them to send me a blonde. In the dark, I could pretend. I could make her suck my cock or fuck her from behind. It would just be to get off.

  No, I decided. Nothing but Tessa would do. If I couldn’t have her, then the images of her big tits bouncing as she cried her eyes out in my limo would have to do. I could almost imagine that the drops of water hitting my cock were her tears.

  “Fuck,” I growled as I leaned over.

  With one hand on the wall to steady me, I shot my load down the shower drain. I pumped my cock until I’d jacked myself dry and pictured painting Tessa’s sweet face and chest with my seed.

  I finished up my shower, got dressed again, and went back to my study. I’d wanted to watch Tessa sleep for a while. Normally, I slept fewer than four hours per night. It was just the way I was wired. I figured that I could get some international business done while I watched my prize sleep.

  After a few hours, I was convinced she was down for the entire night. I retired to my room for a nap.

  Before the sun was even up, I was awake again. I went to my gym and ran a few miles before showering again and checking Tessa’s cameras.

  When I logged into the security footage, I saw that her bed was empty. So, I flipped the display to the camera in her bathroom. Sure enough, she was in the shower. My cock grew stiff at the sight of her lovely body covered in soapy water.

  But then something else caught my attention, her little fingers were in between her legs. She was stroking her clit and tugging on one of her nipples. Her face was scrunched up like she was about to come, and I shot up out of my chair.

  Sweet Tessa was about to learn a very painful lesson. That pussy was mine, and no one touched it unless I gave permission.



  I tried to resist touching myself. I knew that if Master walked in and caught me, I’d probably be in trouble. But, I was so turned on. I couldn’t resist the throbbing, needy nub between my legs. It was as if I were possessed.

  My mind hated Will with a furious passion, but my body craved his touch. He hadn’t laid a hand on me again after he’d showed me to my room, and I felt an ache in his absence. It didn’t make any sense, but then again, almost nothing in my life made sense anymore. So much had changed in one day, and it had left me reeling. I thought that at least some pleasure would bring me comfort.

  The next thing I knew, the bathroom door flew open and Will charged into the room looking furious. He dragged me out of the shower and pushed me ag
ainst the cold tile wall.

  “Do you think you can just do anything you want?” he said and pinched my nipple hard.

  I cried out, but at the same time, my pussy grew even wetter and my clit throbbed. My body got off on what he was doing even if it was taking all of my strength to scream and kick him.

  “Turn around and face the wall, Tessa. Put your hands against the wall and bend over,” he said as he removed his belt.

  I had no idea what came over me, but I shoved him. “No. I won’t do it. You can’t do this to me. Slavery is illegal. I’m a human being.”

  He snapped the belt. “You’re just making things worse for yourself. Now, turn around and bend over.”

  “NO!” I screamed and spit at him. “I’m done with this.”

  As I tried to walk past him, master’s hand shot out and grabbed me by the wrist. “This is your last chance, Tessa. You’re mine. You’re my property. If you didn’t want to be sold, then you shouldn’t have put yourself up for auction. What’s done is done. You can either bend over and accept your punishment, or I’ll drag you down to the basement and keep you locked in a cell I have for just such occasions.”

  His grip tightened around my wrist, and I tried to fight it at first. I knew after a few seconds of struggling that I wasn’t going to get away. He would win, and I’d end up in a basement cell shivering naked, wet, and cold in the dark.

  I walked back toward the wall and he let go of my wrist. “Make sure you spread your legs wide,” he instructed as I bent over and placed my hands on the wall. “Wider,” he barked and I moved my feet out farther apart.

  My face burned with shame. I was bent over and on full display for him. I knew he could see it all, and I didn’t dare turn around to catch a glimpse of his face.

  “Is there anything you want to say before we begin?” Will asked softly.

  I wracked my brain for the right answer. “I’m sorry, Master,” I said and hoped that was the response he desired.

  “While I’m glad that you’re sorry, sweet Tessa, apologies mean nothing. You’ll be forgiven once you’ve been properly punished.”

  My skin prickled a bit when he ran his hand over my buttocks, but it didn’t sting nearly as much as I expected. I’d thought that the spanking I’d gotten the night before would have left more damage, but I was nearly healed.

  I assumed the belt was going to do more damage and bit my bottom lip in an attempt to keep from crying. The belt cracked against my skin and despite the searing pain, I felt myself grow even wetter.

  “How many times did you talk back?” Master demanded.

  “Three,” I said. I wasn’t sure, but that sounded about right.

  “That sounds good to me,” he said. “Two,” he barked as the leather belt bit my skin again.

  I felt the looped belt run over my chastised skin. It stung fiercely when he dragged it across the welts. Again, my pussy betrayed me. It clenched as if it were reaching out for his cock.

  The leather slid between my ass and over my clit. My entire body shivered in response. I wanted to beg him to stop whipping me and fuck me instead, but I knew that would only add to my punishment.

  Instead, I thrust my hips out toward him. I invited my punishment if only to feel the satisfaction of pleasing him again.

  The belt left my skin and I knew it was raised and ready to strike. The anticipation was killing me. Not only did I crave the bite of the strap, but I wanted whatever was next.

  But, before it came, I heard something heavy thud on the floor behind us. I turned to look and a maid had come through the door and dropped a basket of laundry.

  Her eyes flicked from the welts on my buttocks to the belt in Wills hand. “Mr. Delacroix,” she gasped.

  “Get out now,” he barked, and she hesitated for just a moment before turning on her heels.

  He followed her out of the room and I heard my bedroom door open and then slam shut again. I was standing, but as soon as he walked into the room, I bent back over and put my hands on the wall. The belt struck my ass, but it didn’t sting nearly as much as I’d expected. He was distracted, and for a moment, I feared that he’d grown bored with me.

  That thought terrified me. What if he decided he didn’t want me anymore and instead of letting me go, he locked me in the basement?

  In a show of submission, I dropped to my knees. My gaze dropped to the floor, and I put my hands on my thighs with my palms up.

  “That’s good,” he said. “I like that.”

  I was still facing the wall, but I could hear the smile in his voice. Will went to the medicine cabinet and retrieved something.

  “Please stand.”

  I did as he asked, and he put a hand on my shoulder to direct me over to the vanity. He gently pushed my shoulders so that I was bent over the counter. Panic gripped me, and I wondered if he meant to spank me more.

  Instead, he opened a little pot of cream and rubbed some of it on my welts. It burned for a split second and then the pain melted away.

  “This will help you heal,” he said and applied more of the soothing cream. “Your buttocks are too beautiful to be marred by bruising and scars. Though, the welts do arouse me.”

  I stood there obediently and let him finish. When Master was done, he washed his hands and then turned me around to face him. I cast my eyes down, and he lifted my chin.

  “What do you want?” he asked softly.

  Heat shot from my chest to my core. I felt my cheeks redden. I wanted him so badly, and he wanted me to tell him. But, I was humiliated by my feelings.

  I felt his fingers squeeze my jaw a little. “Don’t make me ask again, Tessa.”

  “I want you, Master.”

  “You want me to what?”

  “I want you to fuck me, Master,” I whispered.

  I yelped when he pinched my nipple hard. “Language, Tessa.”

  “I want you inside of me, Master,” I offered.

  “That’s better,” he said. “What will you do for me to get what you want?”

  “Anything you ask, Master.” I found the words so easily.

  It was as if he hypnotized me with his questions, but in reality, it was just that it was the truth. For a moment I forgot that I was supposed to be fighting him. All I wanted was to please.

  “Get on your knees and open your mouth, Tessa,” he said. “I will have your innocence today, but I do not want to come too quickly.”

  Master spoke the words as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. I knelt down in front of him, and Master reached down and pulled one of my nipples before releasing it harshly. He grasped the other and pulled it without letting go. It was as if he were testing the weight and feeling it. The sensation created a desperate need between my thighs.

  When Master let go of my nipple, he thrust his cockhead toward my mouth. I sucked it between my lips and then pulled back and let it go before sucking it right back in again.

  “Don’t tease,” he said, but there was no anger behind the words.

  It was almost playful, and when I flicked my eyes up to meet his, he was smiling. I wrapped my hand around the base and took him between my lips again. When I moved back, I dragged my teeth softly across the delicate skin.

  “Christ, Tessa,” he said.

  His breath was hitched and jagged. He’d gotten himself as worked up spanking me as he’d done to me.

  “Make me come, Tessa.” I knew he’d meant it to sound like a command, but I heard the pleasure in his voice.

  I worked his cock with my tongue and lips until his whole body was tense like a spring wound too tight. When I ran my hand up his thigh and grazed his sac, I felt it draw up.

  “Oh, Christ,” he moaned.

  I tilted my head back so I could take more of him in. When I felt his head bump the back of my throat, I tried to relax and get just a bit more of his length.

  To my surprise, I was able to take him in all the way to the hilt. He lost it when I sucked him in and let him fuck my face so deeply. Seconds l
ater, I felt the hot rush of sticky cum against the back of my throat. Master thrust his hips forward and emptied himself into me while I swallowed every drop he gave.

  “Such a good girl,” he said as he stepped back and pulled his already hardening cock from between my lips.



  I pulled Tessa to her feet and then picked her up off the floor. It was time, and I wanted it to be special. I could have just bent her over and rammed my cock into her until I was spent, but for some reason that felt wrong. There would be a time and place for sex like that, but Tessa deserved to be treated like a princess.

  There was no rhyme or reason for me believing that. She was a sex slave I’d purchased at auction, and she wasn’t particularly good at obeying. Something about her made me want to worship her, though.

  It was supposed to be the other way around, but I couldn’t help myself. She was so beautiful, and I found I liked that she was a challenge.

  I carried her into the bedroom and laid her out on the bed. Her golden hair fanned out across the bedspread and spilled over her shoulders. For a moment, all I could do was stand there in awe of her beauty. She’d bewitched me.

  “Tessa,” I said as I began to undress.

  “Yes, Master?”

  “Tessa, for right now, I want you to call me Will.”

  “Will,” she said as if she were trying the name out.

  “Yes, and I want you to speak freely. I want you to be open with me while we do this. There will be plenty of time for training later. Right now, we’re just lovers. I want your first time to be soft and loving.” I was naked then, and I climbed onto the bed beside her.

  I didn’t expect tears to well up in her eyes, but they did. My first instinct was to lean in and kiss them away. I was shocked when that made her giggle. For a moment, I thought I’d have to call the whole thing off, but she pressed her body against me.

  “Are you alright?” I asked.


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