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Stealing Rain

Page 2

by A. J. Llewellyn

  They clung to that sensational ass of his, framing it, like a God damned work of art. The professor hated him, of course. He was cocky as hell, and totally without respect, making jokes that had all the students cracking up at the most inopportune moments. Trace was sure they would have booted his ass out if he hadn’t been the best in all the physical endurance tests. The others all loved him, not only because he was entertaining but because he took time out to help the others, prop up the weaker students who struggled with the rigorous physical requirements.

  Trace could still see those wide, dark eyes of his filled with humour and sensuous

  mystery, as if he alone had the answer to some wonderful question. He had a crooked kind of grin which emphasised his square jaw which never seemed to get shaved to the sergeant’s specifications. He was Drew, beautiful and seemingly unattainable.

  Drew paid very little attention to him at first. He’d nod, say hello. Sometimes, he’d ask to borrow a pencil or explain the homework. Every time he came close to him, Trace’s heart hammered in his chest like a drill. He was intoxicated by him.

  One evening, a few months into their training, when Trace was in the locker room, Drew surprised him by walking in. Trace kind of froze up. He knew they were alone for the first time.

  “Hey,” Drew had said casually, knocking Trace’s hat off as he walked by.

  Trace reached down to pick up the hat with a shy smile. “Hey yourself, big shot.” He glanced at him. “What did you do that for?”

  Drew was leaning against his locker nearby, grinning at him. “I just wanted to see you bend over, that’s all.”

  “Ha, ha,” he said, “very funny.” He might have blushed. “What are you doing here, this late at night? You got permission to go into town, didn’t you?”


  “I, ah…thought you were going with the other guys?”

  He shrugged. “I was going to, until I found out you were grounded.”

  “I’m not grounded, I…”

  Drew came closer. “Yes, you are. And I know why.”

  Trace didn’t say anything. He could scarcely breathe.

  “When the Serge asked who it was who stopped to help Nedermere through the mountain hike this morning, you refused to answer. You knew it was me who carried his pack.” Drew met Trace’s gaze. “Why didn’t you squeal? The Serge threatened to take away your pass if you didn’t tell him who did it.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  That was the night they ended up on the tower stairs, when Drew reached out to touch his cheek, Trace melted. He closed his eyes now, remembering. “I dare say you like me a little bit,” Drew had said softly.

  Trace’s eyes opened. It was all playing before him as if it had just happened. He could recite his own dialogue, his excruciating pain. “I…” he began. “I…”

  “I…I…what?” Drew asked him, cocking his head, meeting his gaze.

  When Trace didn’t answer, Drew motioned to him with his finger. “Come on,” he said.

  Trace’s eyes widened. “Where?”

  “I know a place.” He reached for his hand.

  Trace linked his fingers with him. Heaven. It was heaven just to hold his hand.

  Drew led Trace back down into the kitchen, now closed for the night. In times to come, it also served as a source of privacy, but for him, the nights on the stairs were what he kept close. He remembered walking through the dark as if he were a cat, never bumping into anything. “You’ve done this before,” Trace said rather than asked.

  “It’s a great place,” Drew said, his voice low and sultry.

  It sent a shiver up Trace’s spine.

  Suddenly they were in the kitchen. In front of them was a long, stainless steel table. Drew released his hand and opened the refrigerator. “What…?” Trace began.

  “Take your clothes off,” he said. “I’m going to drive you wild.”

  “Drew, I…” Trace glanced around, “I don’t know about this. What if…?”

  “We won’t be disturbed here, don’t worry.” He turned around, a tray of artificial ice cubes in his hand. “Come on, baby, get ‘em off. I want to see paradise.” He paused for a second. “I’m not wrong; you do want me, don’t you?”

  “Oh…ah, yes,” Trace nodded. There was no question of that. “It’s just that this is the kitchen and…”

  “Sweetie, I’m a bad boy, and that’s just what you like about me.” He grinned. “Turns you on, doesn’t it?” He lifted an eyebrow, and set down the tray. “The thought that we might get caught,” he began to unzip his fatigues, “makes me hard as hell.”

  Trace gazed at the bulge in his pants, watching intently as that zipper slid down, his tongue coming out to wet his lips. Baby. Suddenly, it wouldn’t have mattered if they were in the sergeant’s office, he wanted to touch him. He wanted to taste every inch of his hard cock, and there were abundant inches to taste.

  When Drew noticed that Trace hadn’t made a move to remove his clothes, he laughed. “Hey, I’m standing here butt naked and you haven’t even…”

  Trace reached out and grabbed him. He could no longer resist. He pulled Drew into his arms and kissed him the way he’d been dreaming of since the first moment he’d set eyes on him. Slow, deep, and passionate, the kiss went on and on until finally, they broke apart, Drew making some crack about needing to come up for air.

  Trace could still see him, his chest heaving, dark eyes filled with need. Drew helped him take off his clothes and pressed him down on that stainless steel table. He’d looked up into those eyes as Drew moved up over his body. He showed him one of the artificial ice cubes. “They don’t drip like the real ones,” he said, “but they can chill or stiffen just the same.” He smiled, licked his lips. It was the most erotic thing Trace had ever seen. Drew moved the cube over Trace’s lips slowly then to his chin, trailing it down his throat to his chest. When Drew touched it to Trace’s nipple, a shiver ran up his spine. His nipple stiffened, tingling as the frozen ice glazed it over and over again. Drew glanced down at his handiwork, laving Trace’s nipple with his tongue then moving the frozen cube over it again. “You have amazing nipples,” he said, trailing the cube across to the other nipple. Trace could feel Drew’s hard cock graze his inner thigh. He swallowed, grunting as Drew’s fingers tweaked his frozen nipple while stimulating the other.

  “Um, it’s so cold.”

  “Yeah, and you’re so hot,” Drew groaned, lowering his mouth to Trace’s. The frozen cube escaped Drew’s fingers, falling off the table onto the floor.

  Trace wrapped his legs around Drew’s narrow waist, smoothing his hands down over those incredible biceps of his, and thinking that just maybe, this was heaven.

  Even now he could feel Drew’s hard cock moving inside of him. No man since Drew had been able to reduce him to a quivering mass of need like that, touching places deep within his soul he didn’t know existed until Drew brought him to life. He would have done anything for Drew’s touch, had done anything for it. And now, after all this time, after tearing himself away, he’d look into those eyes again.

  Chapter Two

  There was a voice calling to him now, a fist banging on the door. Trace sat up in his chair, his cock hard. “Damn it. Damn you, Drew,” he said aloud, propelling himself out of the chair. I’m not going to let you do this to me again. He tore open the door, and barked, “What?”

  Tor looked taken aback for a moment.

  Trace softened his voice, as he ran a hand over his face. “Sorry. What is it?”

  “Lacour’s ship has found us, sir. He’s set up his equipment on the South side of the planet. He and his crew have been spotted. They’re wearing all atmosphere gear.”

  “Well, that’s one thing I can say for Drew, he was always prepared.”


  Trace shook his head. “Never mind. How many?”

  “We’ve seen three, including Lacour. We’ve surrounded the ship. We’re confiscating the drilling equipment.�

  Trace nodded, his gut fighting with some invisible enemy.

  “We have Drew Lacour on the teleprompter. He’s demanding to talk to someone in charge.” Tor winced. “He’s pissed.”

  Trace actually smiled. “Is he now? Tell the men to hold their positions, to await orders from me. I’ll deal with Mr. Lacour in here, privately.”

  “Yes, sir, frequency six,” Tor said.

  Trace nodded, and closed the door. He walked over to his desk and sat. He hesitated a second then switched on his screen. “Captain Lacour,” he said, swallowing hard.

  Drew was standing in front of his command station, long dark hair hanging down, shading part of his face. He was holding his all atmosphere head gear. His eyes widened as he looked into the screen. “Trace?”

  “Yes. It’s me. How are you, Captain Lacour?”

  “Captain Lacour, is it? Okay. What in hell are you doing on this God forsaken planet?”

  “I’m heading up the security force.”

  “Then, you’re the one! What in hell’s the meaning of confiscating my God damned equipment?”

  “You have no authorisation to get water here, Captain.” God, the years had been more than generous. Trace would have never thought it possible but Drew was even more gorgeous than back at military school. His mind flew back to Drew catching raindrops in his mouth. Looking at Drew was like seeing a mirage of a pool of cool water. Impossibly blue. Impossibly beautiful. He could hardly breathe looking at him.

  “We weren’t sure if this planet was even inhabited,” he growled. “Shit, the average temperature is enough to fry someone alive. Is there really a civilisation under the surface?”

  “Yes. And the frozen water is linked to its survival. We’ve developed a technique to keep the lake isolated from the surrounding environmental heat, only ultilising that heat to melt the water for common usage, as needed.”

  “Fascinating, but you know the rules.”

  “Rules?” Trace laughed harshly. “You’re citing rules now? That’s a laugh. Last time I heard, you no longer even work for the Confederation. You’re a rogue, Drew, a pirate, selling a precious dwindling resource to the highest bidder. I’m afraid that you and your crew are now our prisoners.”

  “Prisoners? Fuck you, Trace. I came here for water, and I intend to leave with some. Unless you have a paper signed by the Confederation stating that the lake is someone’s personal property, it’s open season.”

  Trace’s heart began to beat heavy in his chest. He’d forgotten how determined Drew could be. “Come on, be reasonable. You are three, four at the most? I’ve got a security force of over five hundred soldiers, not to mention a back up military force of three thousand. You don’t stand a chance.”

  “Well, I always said I’d go out fighting, or fucking.” He grinned. “You remember the last part, don’t you baby?”

  Trace flushed. “You’re pissing me off now, Lacour.” Help me find more rain, he’d said. Did Drew even remember that?

  He threw back his head and laughed. “Bring it on. Give me your best shot.” His face faded in front of Trace’s eyes.

  Trace slammed his fist on the desk. He sprang up out of his seat and tore out of his office. The people at the command centre looked up expectedly as he stormed in. “Destroy his equipment,” he bellowed, “blow it up. Now! Then send twenty men onto that ship. Take them into custody, and bring Lacour to me, alive.”

  “What in hell are we doing, Drew?” Will demanded. “Are you nuts? You’re going to get us killed.”

  Drew didn’t answer. His attention was captured by the commando of soldiers heading to his drilling machine. “No,” he shouted, heading for the exit to the ship, “don’t you dare touch my…”

  Pagnotella pulled him back. “You can’t go out there like that,” she fought to hold onto him. “Will, help me.”

  Will jumped in front of the door. “Drew!”

  Drew lifted the head gear and struggled to put it back on.

  Pagnotella screamed. “There’s too many of them! We’ll…”

  Suddenly, a loud explosion rocked the ship. Drew tore off the head gear again and raced over to the monitor. He slammed his fist down on the control panel, smashing the glass. “No, no, no. Those bloody…”

  Will sighed. “We’re screwed.”

  Suddenly, a loud blast blew in the ship’s side entrance. Drew picked up his weapon. Will pressed Drew’s arm down to his side as at least five heavily armed soldiers filed in, screaming, “Lower your weapons, and get on the floor, hands behind your heads.”

  Pagnotella and Will obeyed. Drew clutched the weapon in his hand, standing there defiantly, calculating how many he could possibly get before they got him. Pagnotella reached up and tugged on Drew’s sleeve.

  “Do it,” she hissed at him. “We can’t win this.”

  “I’d sure as hell like to try.”

  One of the soldiers walked over to him, his gun pointed directly to Will’s head. “Do it or he gets it,” he said. “We have orders to take you alive, but the other two…” He smirked.

  Drew dropped the weapon and got to his knees.

  “Nice,” the soldier said softly, “very nice, Captain. Take the other two out,” he yelled, holding his gun steadily on Drew. “I’ll take care of this one.”

  When the ship was empty, Drew looked up at him. He was young, attractive enough, a little cocky.

  “So, you’re Drew Lacour,” he drawled.

  “Seems my reputation precedes me. And you are?” Drew lifted an eyebrow.

  “Tor Yarbo. You can call me Sergeant Yarbo.”

  “I’d like to say that I’m pleased to meet you but under the circumstances—is there a reason why you’re standing there staring at me?”

  “It seems you have a history with my commander. It’s the only reason you’re still alive.”

  “You really don’t like me. Um. I assume you do like Trace.”

  “He’s a good man. If we had time, I’d make you take off your clothes.”

  Drew narrowed his eyes. “Ah, well, I really don’t know what to say to that, Sergeant.”

  “I like to know my competition. With that suit on, you don’t look like much.”


  “My gun could go off by accident.”

  Drew met his gaze. “Yes. It could. But I don’t think Trace would be very happy about that.”

  “Whatever you had with him back in school is finished. Is that clear?”

  “If you say so.”

  “If I had my way, you’d be dead. Get up.” He backed away, the gun steady on him. “Move it. The commander wants to see you.”

  “Where is my crew?” Drew got to his feet.

  “You have no right to ask anything. Just move.” Yarbo poked him with the butt of the gun. He picked up his head gear and threw it at him. “Put it on.”

  Drew fitted it down over his head. “Why don’t you need one?”

  “We are immune.”

  Drew didn’t understand how that was possible but he decided to save his questions for Trace. Yarbo pushed him outside and Drew walked on the spongy sand-like ground, his gaze on the frozen lake nearby, and on what was left of his equipment. His blood boiled. He’d never raise enough funds to buy another drilling rig.

  “Stop,” Yarbo said. “Step onto the platform.”

  “What platform?” Drew asked, looking around.

  Yarbo pulled him a few feet to the left. He lifted his communication device. “Interrogation room,” he said.

  Suddenly, they began to descend into the ground, concrete all around them. A steel door slid open and they were in a room, surrounded by glass. Yarbo gave him the most sinister smile. “Now,” he said, “take them off.”

  Drew stumbled forward as Yarbo gave him a shove. Another glass encasement moved around him. He was trapped. He pulled off the head gear which suddenly felt stifling and blinked. A strong, glaring light glowed down on him. A mechanical arm appeared and snatched up the head gear, pulling it
up and out of the encasement.

  “Now the suit,” Yarbo insisted, his arms akimbo.

  Drew unzipped the atmosphere protection jumpsuit and watched with fascination as the mechanical arm dipped down again and removed it from the cell. He looked out at Yarbo, an eyebrow lifted. “I want to see Trace.”

  “It’s Commander Delano to you.”

  “Fine, whatever, get him.”

  “Take off your clothes.”

  “Dream on,” Drew glared at him. “If you want me to stand here bare assed naked, you’re going to come in here and take them off yourself, or die trying.”

  “And it might well be worth dying for,” a voice suddenly said.

  Drew moved his head sharply to the left to see Trace standing on the other side of the cell.

  “Leave us, Sergeant,” Trace said, never removing his eyes from Drew.

  “Yes, Sir,” he said, disappearing.

  “Quite the little set up you got here, Trace. I really dig that mechanical arm. Does it do anything else?”

  Trace laughed a little. “Actually, yes, but that’s for later.”

  “Where is my crew?”

  “Safe, in custody. You’re lucky you didn’t get them killed.”

  “They know the risks.”

  “I apologise for Tor. He’s a little gung ho.”

  “He’s in love with you.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “He was desperate to see me naked, size me up, so to speak.”

  Trace found it easier to be angry than to be…sweet. He liked seeing the flicker of doubt, the glimmer of fear in Drew’s eyes. It still wasn’t enough to make up for the lost years. The irregular heart beat. He took a breath. “I’m afraid to tell you that he was just following procedure. I’m afraid you will have to…ah…take your clothes off.”

  “All of them?”

  Trace nodded.

  Drew began to undo his shirt, the confidence back now. “You don’t get many visitors I guess.”


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