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The First Queen: A Shifter Romance

Page 30

by K. M. Carnoky

  I sighed, removing the thoughts from my brain as I moved behind Preston, entering the dining hall.

  “Ah, Adeline,” my mother said excitedly, “we were waiting for you. Come sit and eat with us.”

  My father’s green eyes glimmered when he took in my state. “How is Poison today?”

  I blushed as I looked down at my riding gear. Yes, my riding clothes were the top of the line, but riding clothes were not to be worn at dinner. Dinner was a time for grand gowns, and when I glanced warily at my mother, I felt my heart drop. She was, in fact, wearing a specular dress and one of her prettier crowns. While I had taken after my goofy father, she was a vision of perfect refinement.

  “I’m sorry, your Majesties. I tried to get her here earlier, but she refused to get off her horse,” Preston whined.

  I nearly rolled my eyes but resisted and instead, sat down at the table.

  “It’s fine, Preston,” my mother said. “You are dismissed.”

  Preston’s smile gleamed brightly at my mother, then he bowed deeply and scurried away like the dirty little rat he was.

  “So?” my father prompted.

  “So what?” I said stiffly, ready for an argument about disobeying Preston. Or a harsh comment about my attire.

  “How is that horse of yours?”

  “Oh,” I diffused quickly, but beamed with happiness as my thoughts progressed. “He’s getting so much better, Dad. He’s incredibly responsive to me; you should’ve seen him today. He listens so well, and I know it’s because he’s starting to trust me more. You should come watch me sometime.”

  My dad smiled happily. “Sure. Maybe next week. I’m swamped this week,” he said. “But I’m glad to hear that he’s turning around. I have to admit that I was quite worried when you first got him; he was really wild.”

  My mom scoffed. “That horse is just like her. If anyone could tame a wild beast, it would be another wild beast.” I knew she was trying to be the disciplinary parent, but I could see some humor in her eyes.

  If you enjoyed this sample, look for

  The Princess and the Alpha

  on Amazon.

  Chapter One

  Rejected but Moving On


  Waking up in the morning has never been easy for me and now it feels as if there's no point in doing it at all. I didn’t always feel this way. I used to love life. I enjoyed hanging out with friends and even going to school. That changed the day I met my mate. What is a mate? It’s supposed to be the best part of being a werewolf, which is what I am. We are born in human form and can transform into a wolf at the age of twelve. From that point on, it’s a waiting game until we find our mate. A mate is a special someone who completes you; the one you was made for and vice versa. I should be happy to have found mine. Unfortunately, my story is unique and I don’t mean that in a good way.


  One Year Ago . . .

  I met him at the age of sixteen. He was everything I could’ve hoped for. Seventeen years old, 6”1’, gorgeous gray eyes, dark black hair, nicely tanned skin, washboard abs, and strong long legs. Perfect, right? I thought so too. We found each other outside the airport baggage claim area. Our eyes met and it was electrifying. We moved towards one another as if pulled by some force until we were only a foot away.

  “Mate,” we both whispered. He reached out to touch my cheek and I leant into his palm. It felt right; like home. I was so happy that I closed my eyes to savor the moment when he suddenly tensed and dropped his hand. I opened my eyes to ask what was wrong just as he took a big step back. I stared at him in confusion and was about to ask what made him move away when the sound of a familiar voice made the words freeze on my lips.

  “Babe, I see you’ve met my sister. Isn’t she adorable?” My older sister, Megan, gushed as she gave me her usual too-tight, can’t breathe type of hug.

  “Did you say babe?” I asked.

  “Yes, silly! Aiden, you didn’t introduce yourself?” She laughed while playfully swatting his chest. “Harmony, meet the best thing to come out of this whole mandatory wolf camp that mom and dad sent me to. My boyfriend, Aiden James,” she announced happily while grabbing his arm.

  My wolf growled at the sight of her touching my mate, but I couldn’t say anything right now. I love my sister. She’s my best friend and she looked so happy. I couldn’t do anything to ruin that. Don’t get me wrong;I had some serious questions to ask but I would get my answers when the time was right. Even if I had to tie Aiden to a chair to do it. There was a satisfactory rumble from my wolf just by picturing it. I couldn’t believe that, out of all people my sister could have met at this camp, she had to meet and fall in love with the one wolf meant for me.

  The camp they attended was a first of it’s kind. It was created for two types of wolves. The first was for someone like Aiden, a future alpha. These types of wolves would one day be the leaders of their pack and had to be taught to control their added power and authority so that it wouldn’t be misused. The second was for wolves born from two werewolf parents who both carry the recessive gene. It causes their child to be born completely human, and my sister was one of those children. The whole thing was complicated enough as it is, and finding out I was the mate of a future alpha my sister was currently dating only added to the complication.

  Aiden and I quickly exchanged hellos as if the spine tingling encounter between us never happened. We grabbed their bags and headed to the car. The ride was uncomfortable mainly because the love birds decided to share the back seat and cuddle. I exchanged looks with Aiden a couple times in the mirror, and though he would smile at my sister, the looks he gave me seemed sad and resigned. His mood confused me but I expected to get an explanation soon.

  We made it to our pack house where they were having a big barbeque to welcome my sister and Aiden back. Aiden is the only nephew of our alpha, and because our alpha’s mate is human, she could not conceive a child. Our law states that the next male in line would be the alpha’s younger brother, Aiden’s dad. However, he was killed by rogues when Aiden was thirteen so by law, Aiden is the next heir. It is strange that we never had the opportunity to meet before but that’s due to the fact that Aiden’s mother took him back to her pack shortly after his father’s death. She was unable to deal with the memories of her lost mate that surrounded her wherever she went. Her story was sad and was still used today to teach young pups the ups and downs of mating.

  After about an hour into the barbeque, my sister made a run to the store with our mom, and it finally gave me a chance to get Aiden alone. I dragged him to a clearing, a little far down from our pack house, and laid above him.

  “So, what are we going to do? I love my sister to death but we’re mates. We can’t deny that. I don’t want to hurt her but the pull I feel for you is so strong I can’t ignore it,” I started rambling.

  “I can,” he said.

  I continued, not quite hearing him. “I mean, I know this is going to be difficult and create a lot of drama but I’m so happy I’ve found you a—”

  He cut me off and repeated those two words, loud enough so I could hear them. “I can.”

  “You can? Can what?” I asked, confused.

  “I can ignore it. This pull between us,” he stated. He proceeded to rip my heart out of my chest with the rest of his words. “I never had a choice in many things in my life. I didn’t choose to lose my dad, or have to leave my pack, or be put into the role of alpha but I chose your sister. I fell in love with her all on my own with no influence from anyone. I refuse to change how I feel just because my wolf wants me to. I want to be with the one I love because I say so and not because a bond is forcing me to.”

  I stared at him. I was shocked and hurt. “Are you saying what I’m thinking? Are you rejecting our bond?”

  He sighed. “Look, I don’t want to hurt you, Harmony. I spent time with your sister, and I got to know her and fell in love all on my own. If I’m with you, it’s not by choice anymore but by fate. I refus
e to let fate control anything else in my life. I’m sorry but that’s just how it has to be.”

  To say I was hurt was an understatement. What came next was just anger. “You refuse? What about me? Do you know how long I’ve dreamed of meeting my mate and finally feeling the love only he can give me? Only you can give me? And now you tell me I can never feel that because fate has dealt you a cruel hand and you're rebelling? And so I’m the one who has to pay for your misfortune? I have never done anything in my sixteen years of life to deserve that, but does it matter to you? Obviously not!” I cried out.

  “Look, Harmony. I—”

  “No, you look. I’m sorry you had to go through all that but that’s what I can be here for. I can help heal the pain you’ve been through and support you through the role that was forced onto you. No one will be able to understand you like I, your mate, can. Let me do this for you. For us,” I pleaded.

  “I just can’t, Harmony. I’ve already chosen the future I want, and that future is with your sister,” he replied firmly.

  “What about our bond? It’s going to be hard to fight it. My wolf is trying to get through, and I’m sure so is yours. How are you going to deny him?” I questioned.

  Nothing. And I meant nothing could have saved me from the pain his answer caused. “Well, I’ll fight him off until I completely mate with Megan. Once I mark her, he will be easier to control, and as more time passes, our bond will eventually weaken.”

  “True, but you forgot one important detail. Or maybe it’s not so important to you since you won’t be affected but what happens to the rejected mate, Aiden? What will happen to me? Let me remind you, being that I don't have a choice in the rejection,” I lashed out in anger, “my wolf will weaken. When you mark Megan, I will feel as if my chest has been ripped open. You will have your love for Megan to help get you through the weakened bond, but I won’t be able to find another wolf mate since we are only given one in our lifetime. Even though the bond will deteriorate, I will still hurt every day. I will have to see you together and be reminded of my rejection time and time again. Is that really what you want for me? I know you feel something for me. I saw it at the airport. Are you absolutely sure this is what you want to do?”

  “It’s what I want,” he whispered. “I’ve thought about this my whole life.”

  I tried one last plea.”What about kids, Aiden? Megan is human. You won’t be able to have a pup with her. How will you carry on your alpha line?”

  “I’ll deal with that when the problem arises.”

  “So you’ll give up your mate and any future blood children just to spite fate?” I asked, hurt and shocked.

  He nodded. “Yes. I’m really sorry. I just can’t be with you.” There was a hint of sadness in his voice.

  “It’s not that you can’t. You just chose not to,” I whispered in defeat. “So you’re finally getting to choose for yourself, and that choice forces me into a life of pain and misery,” I said as I looked him in the eyes. I thought I saw some indecision and pain, but it was quickly replaced by resignation and determination. I looked away as the tears started to fall. “Fine.” I turned back to face him. “I will accept your rejection of the bond but only because like a mate should; I only want your happiness. You see, that’s what mates are supposed to do: Protect each other, care for one another, and put each other first. I will endure the pain of the future for you, and I hope that it haunts you every night while you live your happily ever after with my sister.” And with that said, I shifted into my light brown wolf and ran further into the darkness of the woods.


  Shaking my head of the unwanted memories, I think about my life since then. I haven't done anything drastic to my appearance. I still wear my brown hair long and straight, no contacts cover my light green eyes, my full lips are still only covered in clear lip gloss, and I haven’t changed from skinnys and tanks to ripped jeans and grungy t-shirts. No, the only change is my attitude. The sweet carefree nature is gone. I now know how real life can be and it isn’t a fairytale. My enthusiasm for life is gone. When you look into my eyes, you’ll see emptiness that hides the constant pain.

  I no longer live with my pack. Six months after my rejection, Aiden marked my sister and the pain was unbearable. I couldn’t be around him and see him happy anymore. Yes, there were times when I was near him and could feel his wolf fighting for control but Aiden always pushed him back. I begged my parents to let me leave the pack and join my maternal aunt’s pack— Her mate’s pack in Hawaii, to be specific. My parents didn’t understand why at first because I never told anyone about my rejection. I made up the excuse of it being hard to be around Aiden and Megan knowing I haven’t found my mate yet. At least it was half true.

  That’s where I am now. A new pack, a new school, and hopefully, a new life. I should have an optimistic attitude, but I no longer have the illusion of happily ever after. Hope is something I seriously lack in the present. There is one good thing to come from all this.

  “Harmony, get your lazy ass up so we can get to school. I don’t want to miss all the fresh meat awaiting me. My game is on fire today. Just don’t stare too hard at me ‘cause you might be blinded by all this hotness.”

  There it is. My cousin Jared. He’s the only one who knows about my rejection because, unlike my aunt and uncle, I can't hide the pain from him. He knows me too well, and it took all of my wolf strength to stop him from jumping on a plane to beat the crap out of Aiden. It’s good though because he constantly takes my mind off of things with his crazy man whorish ways and wise remarks. His friends are awesome too. And are total eye candies. A few tried hitting on me when I was first introduced to the pack, but Jared gave all them death glares. He warned his player friends that I was completely hands off unless any of them were planning on putting a ring on my finger. I laughed at all the deathly ill expressions in the room after that announcement. Commitment is equal to a bad case of crabs in their minds. I can’t wait ‘til they meet their mates. It’ll be fun watching them get tamed.

  I get dressed in some black skinnys and an off-shoulder white top with a black tank underneath. I put my hair in a loose bun, gloss my lips, and slip into a pair of black gladiator sandals. As I'm tucking a fly away hair behind my ear, the opening of the front door announces Jace, Nate, and Brad’s arrival. I make my way to their voices and find them in the kitchen as usual.

  “Bro, I’m telling you. This year we’re gonna score so much pu—”

  “Lady in the room!” I shout, interrupting what I’m sure was gonna be one of Nate’s more colorful terms for vajayjay.

  “Right. Sorry, Harm. As I was saying, we’re gonna score so much chicks because we’re now seniors,” Nate corrects himself excitedly.

  “Well, I know I will, but I’m not too sure about you ugly mutts. Just don’t stand too close to me and you’ll have a chance since my sex appeal is just too massive,” Jared boasts, a l in his usual arrogant self.

  “Really, Jared? I know what’s massive about you, and it’s not your sex appeal or your weiner. Don’t try to deny it. Our moms showered us together when we were little, and if I remember correctly, which I do, it was very, very, very tiny,” I say, making sure I emphased the size with my thumb and pointer fingers.

  “Hey, that’s because I haven’t changed yet. Trust me. Massive isn’t even a big enough word to describe it now,” he argues, a tiny bit offended.

  I cringe. “First of all, gross. And second, your ego is the only thing that’s massive. I’m worried if you don’t bring it down you might not be able to fit your fat head out the door.”

  “She’s right. Besides, we all know my sexiness outshines all of you,” Brad informs them.

  “No way. I score the most ass . . . I mean chicks every year,” Jace argues.

  “That’s only cause you don’t have standards and will screw anything with two sets of lips,” says Nate with a raised brow.

  This sets off a whole new conversation about what’s doable and what’s not, fo
llowed by pushing and headlocks. These boys are too much and, even though I'm not excited about the day ahead, it promises to be entertaining.

  If you enjoyed this sample, look for

  My Second Chance Mate

  on Amazon.



  Maggie McNeill

  “In his eyes, she glowed. Her pale skin was like a canvas, just waiting for him to paint it with his dark colors. She was his moon and his hope.”

  Kaia's life is a prison. Ever since her mother's murder, her dad hardly ever lets her out of the house, even going so far as to homeschool her. Not to mention how he keeps secrets from her; according to him, it's too dangerous for Kaia to leave the house, but strangely, it isn't for her brother, Cole.

  But, why? Because, though Kaia doesn't know it, the woods are full of werewolves, and Kaia's scent is particularly mouthwatering.

  The second she steps too far into the woods, they can smell her, and only one Alpha can protect her from the wolves that want to taste her blood.

  Only, her Alpha wants to taste her in another way...The secret world of the lycanthrope is Kaia's destiny, and who better to meet it with than her mate? Especially when his heart is just as dark as hers, if not more so.

  A different take on the werewolf genre; if you're looking for something new about our beloved wolves, you've found it. Grab a copy now!


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