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Dragon's Nanny MatchMate

Page 12

by Maia Starr

  When I saw Alec flying back towards us, I was in tears.

  I was crying tears of joy, and then I realized Fallon was too. We both stood, holding each other, waiting for Alec to land on the hill in front of us. I ached to be able to touch him again, to be able to kiss him.

  Fallon ran up to his father first, tossing him a pair of jeans one of his men gave us for when he returned. Alec threw them on for the sake of decency and then embraced his son, picking him up, kissing him on the cheek, and spinning him around. Fallon laughed hysterically, happy to see his father alive and well.

  I waited my turn as Alec ruffled Fallon’s hair and tickled his little guy, and then looked up at me. He smiled wider and opened his arms. Laughing, I ran to him and let them wrap around me. I couldn’t help myself from crying into his shoulder again, or from leaning up and kissing him. His lips were rough, but still very much kissable. All of my love for him was poured into that kiss, and we stood there, holding each other for what seemed like forever. Every brush of his fingers against my neck made me shiver. His gaze made me want to tear off those pants he just put on and go wild.

  But we didn’t quite have that kind of privacy just yet.

  Far behind us, Sandra began to scream out for Fallon again. “Fallon! Fallon! Please come here. Come see your mother!”

  We turned at her shrieks, and Alec’s features hardened. Those who worked for Levi and didn’t run off were all bound with rope we’d found in the shed, including Sandra. In the distance, the police were just pulling up and were questioning Alec’s shifters about what happened. Alec strode towards her, leaving me to take Fallon’s hand and follow behind him. What happened to Sandra was his decision.

  When she saw us coming over, and me holding her son’s hand, she snarled and spat at us. “Are you both happy? Is stealing my son that important to you?”

  Alec stared at her. “He isn’t your son anymore, Sandra. You’re the one who left us.”

  Her face twisted in agony, and then she looked to Fallon. “Come here, Fallon...please. I’m your mother.”

  But Fallon wouldn’t budge. He stared back at her, much like his father did, and shook his head, then hid behind me.

  Sandra went to swear at me again, but Alec stepped in between us. “It’s over, Sandra. You won’t be bothering us ever again. You won’t be bothering my son ever again.”

  She took a step back. “What are you going to do with me then? Kill me? God, you shifters are all monsters.”

  Fallon flinched at his mother’s words.

  Alec slapped her across the face and then leaned in. “You’re going to jail. That’s it.” He waved over two officers. It looked like those officers had already been briefed on what had happened because they didn’t hesitate in the least when they grabbed her arms and steered her away. She looked back but couldn’t bring herself to speak again.

  We watched quietly as she was placed inside a police car and then driven off.

  We all let out a collective breath and visibly relaxed.

  Then I remembered my little secret and patted my stomach.

  Kneeling in front of Fallon, I touched his shoulder. “How are you doing? Are you all alright? It’s okay not to be.”

  Fallon frowned and shrugged. “I’m okay…”

  “Well, if you change your mind, we can talk about everything that happened, okay?”


  “Good. Now, do you mind going over to those nice men? I want to talk to your dad about something important.”

  Nodding, Fallon walked over to where a group of Alec’s shifters were laughing and talking. He joined right in and got a slap on the back. He smiled.

  Turning back to Alec, he arched a brow as I took a deep breath. “Alec...there’s something I need to tell you. I have no idea how you’ll react because this is big, but…” I took another deep breath and wrung my wrists. “Well, here it goes. I was planning on keeping this a secret from you, but I’m pregnant.”

  Alec’s eyes widened. My heart thrummed with the nerves in the body. I wanted to disappear entirely. I could feel his gaze suddenly darting to my torso, and his questions bubbled up from the bottom of his throat.

  “You’re really pregnant?” he asked, stepping closer. “I thought you said you were barren.”

  “I thought so too...but I was wrong,” I said, stepping away from him. “I know you don’t want to be hearing this right now. But it’s the truth. I’m going to have a baby. I’m...not even sure if it’s yours. It could be my ex-boyfriend’s kid…”

  Alec stepped closer, closing his palms around my cheeks, lifting my gaze. “Well, who cares? We’ll raise it like our own no matter what.”

  I opened my mouth to argue...but then his words finally hit me. “Wait, you aren’t mad? You’re not going to fire me and ditch me?”

  He frowned. “Who exactly do you think I am?”

  Laughing, I kissed him. “But you said we’ll raise him…”

  “Yeah,” he said, kissing me on the nose. “Because I’m claiming you as my mate now. I don’t want you just to be the nanny anymore. I want you to be mine. In every way possible. So from now on, we’ll truly be together.”

  I fanned myself to keep my eyes from tearing up again. “It’s just the wind!” I muttered when he chuckled.

  “Do you know whether it’s a boy or girl yet?” Alec said.

  “No, not yet. It’s early. We’ve got another eight months before the baby comes, you know.”

  He pressed his forehead to mine. “ about I send Fallon home with some of these guys and we stay here? The police have rounded up Levi’s men, so they’re gone. There’s nobody else around. It’ll just be the two of us. We can have a lot of fun, you know…”

  Just even hearing him mention us making love up here made me bite my lip in anticipation, and so I nodded. “Fallon will be fine without us now, I think.”

  And so Alec gave his clan the signal to leave.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  We waited patiently as the other dragon shifters took Fallon and flew down the hill and headed towards San Francisco. Because we didn’t want Fallon to see what we were up to, we waited until the whole group was completely out of sight before we pounced on each other. Literally.

  Waiting for the chance to let loose only made it even hotter when we finally did get to touch each other.

  We went for long kisses first. I ran my hands up and down Naomi’s body like she was something holy. I caressed her soft skin, eagerly gripping onto her hips and pulling her closer to me, pressing her chest against my pecs. In response, she giggled and ran her soft hands through my hair, rubbing her palms against the tips of my ears. I shivered at her touch, wanting to feel so much more of her. I was desperate to have her.

  Lifting her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist and I pulled off the shirt that had been loosely hanging on her torso. Her bra was the only obstacle in my way now, and I tore it off fervently, pressing my face into her chest. She moaned and gasped as my teeth bit her skin. I wanted to fumble around with her pants, but I couldn’t, so I tore her off of me and put her on her back on the grass. She laughed as my fingers tickled her while I slid her pants and panties off. Finally, she was completely naked below me.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She was like an angel, vibrant and gentle, and oh so alluring. My whole body urged me to hurry up, but when she bit her lip and reached forward to undo my jean zipper slowly, I tensed. Her fingers were slow and deliberate, her eyes watching my reactions. We could finally let loose now without worrying about any interruptions, and she wanted to make sure I felt every second of this.

  I breathed heavily as he pulled down my pants, and then I kicked them off. I knelt and climbed on top of her, leaning down to keep kissing her. I never wanted to stop.

  She reached in between my legs as we kissed, guiding me, her touch making me growl in pleasure.

  Then I was inside her, and we both gasped as I plunged deep. I rocked back and forth
, gaining momentum with every second. “More...more...faster...faster!” she kept saying, making my inner dragon go frantic with desire.

  Soon enough, she was screaming in pleasure as my hips slammed against hers. Our bodies trembled as one. Every movement made me stiffen, and before I knew it, I exploded, going rigid.

  Naomi’s breath was hot as she squirmed at the sensation, her arms and legs wrapping around my back tightly. I grunted and stuttered, closed my eyes, kissed her, went slack.

  And then I kept going. She spasmed like crazy.

  Then she tapped me on the shoulder. “Flip…” she gasped.

  Obeying, I put my hands under her and rolled over so that she sat on top. She smiled down at me as she righted herself. I placed my hands on her hips, but then she threw them off and started moving on her own. She rocked back and forth, bounced up and down. My eyes were spinning at the sight of her getting so into this. Before, Naomi had been reserved, but now it was like she was finally free of something.

  I simply laid back and watched her go to town, trying my best to stay sane. I couldn’t help but watch my goddess ride me like I was a wild beast.

  When I couldn’t just stand to watch anymore, and when I wanted to pick up the tempo, I grabbed her and pulled her down, lifted her butt a bit. Then I went rapidly, making her shout swears and loud moans. It was a good thing we had decided to wait, or else everyone and their mother would have heard us.

  I nibbled on her ears, my adrenaline racing, my body hardening. She dug her fingers into the dirt, pressing her face into my shoulder. She moaned directly into my body, her lips kissing my chest.

  I lost my mind and erupted. I couldn’t hold it. She was just too much. It was too hot.

  I barely knew what happened next as I held her and she laid on top of me, swearing over and over and kissing me. It seemed like our spasm went on for hours. When we finally got to breathe, I kept holding her. After a few minutes, she lifted her head and kissed me, still smiling beautifully.

  “Are we done?” she asked.

  “For now,” I said. “So, I’m still amazing, aren’t I?”

  “Beyond words, of course.”

  That made me chuckle, and we continued to lay like that in silence, just holding each other. The world around us was so peaceful.

  “So, what now?” she asked, looking up at me. “We are done. With the conflict, I mean. Right?”

  I nodded. “Levi’s clan...we’ll make sure they understand they lost. After that, my clan will be the only major one left in the city.”

  “What, does that mean you’ll be a dragon king or something?”

  I smiled. “And you’ll be my human queen. Yeah, that sounds perfect.”

  Naomi lifted her torso and drew circles on my body. “So, it’s our happily ever after then, eh?”

  “Looks like it.”

  Naomi grinned at me. Her smile was so beautiful.

  I didn’t think this could have ended any better.


  Dragon;s Surrogate MatchMate (Drgaon’s MatchMate Agency)

  As a powerful dragon shifter, I had everything I wanted.

  Everything except for the one thing that mattered most.

  A baby.


  Dragons And Faes (Mated To A Fae): The Complete Series (Books 1-4)

  She’s my fated mate and I’m about to capture her.

  I don’t have a choice.

  She’s a human and dragon hybrid.

  A threat to my existence.

  A threat to my world.


  Special Ops Dragons: The Complete Series (Books 1-4)

  This Special Ops Shifter collection contains four books that burn with sexy dragons, and their obsession to save and protect their mates. Chiseled abs, fake marriages, and hot single dads will keep you awake at night… and have you burning for more!


  Dragon Shifter Island: The Complete Series(Books1-4)

  An island full of sexy dragon beasts, that will do whatever it takes to protect and claim their mates!


  Wolves Of Silverwood Island: The Complete Series(Books1-4)

  Hot shifters who will go insane without mates. Women on the run from dangerous past relationships. Can these shifters protect and claim these women as their new mates, or fail to protect them against the monsters hunting them?


  Alpha Shifters Of Salem: The Complete Series (Books 1-4)

  Dreamy alpha shifters are roaming around the town of Salem ready to claim and protect their mates. Expect to find hot single daddies, innocent nanny’s, secret babies, unexpected pregnancy’s and much more sizzling action primed to keep your pages turning all hours of the night.


  Bear Lake Protectors: The Complete Series (Books 1-4)

  Welcome to Bear Lake. Full of dreamy bear shifting alpha bad boys who will do whatever it takes to protect and claim their mates by any means necessary. Get all this hot sizzling action in the full and complete Bear Lake Protector series!


  Other Books By Maia Starr

  If you enjoy my books then you are in for a treat! See below for a list of boxsets or some standalones on my more recent work. All FREE on KU !:) Enjoy !

  Sci Fi Alien/Weredragon Romance

  Protected By The Aliens: The Complete Series(Books 1-2)

  Warriors Of Ition: The Complete Series(Books 1-4)

  Aliens Of Xeion: The Complete Series (Books 1-4)

  Weredragons Of Tivuso: The Complete Series (Books 1-4)

  Zenkian Warriors The Complete Series (Books 1-4)

  Dragons Of Kelon: The Complete Series (Books 1-6)

  Dragons Of Udora: The Complete Series (Books 1-4)

  Aliens Of Jenalk: The Complete Series (Books 1-4)

  About the Author

  Thank You for reading! I truly hope you enjoyed my book. I am a passionate writer that is OBSESSED with Paranormal Romance. I have been writing since I was a little kid and never looked back! I look forward to interacting with all of you and bringing you new hot and steamy Paranormal Romance books.


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  Thank You !

  Maia Starr


  Your Exclusive Prequel Bonus

  Dragon Protector(Dragon Shifter Island Prequel)





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