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Cake and Punishment

Page 24

by Maymee Bell

  “No.” I shook my head. “I didn’t notice anything. I was only focused on getting to the car.”

  “You questioned Patrick about killing Emile; then you heard the footsteps?” He hadn’t seemed too happy when I’d told him about that when he’d first started to question me about the rest of my night.

  “Yes. After I asked Patrick about his love of cooking and where he’d been, he left, and that’s when I heard someone following me,” I said, and took another sip of coffee.

  “Patrick claims that he and Alice are seeing each other.” Carter talked and wrote on his little notepad. “When I asked Alice about that morning, she confessed, but not without her mom grounding her immediately and taking away her phone.”

  “There’s the whole different social class between them. Natalie thinks Patrick isn’t good enough for her daughter. And there’s the fact that he can’t chew tart gum.” A big sigh escaped me. “I guess he’s not the killer.”

  * * *

  There was a knock on the front door.

  “You enjoy another scone while I grab the door.”

  There was a little prance in my step as I went to see who was there. I loved that Carter was enjoying yet another pastry I’d made.

  “Noah,” I gasped when I opened the front door. “What are you doing here?”

  “What are you doing here?” His eyes slid past my shoulder.

  Carter stood behind me eating one of the scones.

  “Sophia and I were just getting up to start our day.” Carter yawned and stretched his arms in the air, letting one rest across my shoulder after it floated down. He was good at getting Noah’s goat.

  “Last night Charlotte invited me to join the wedding after all the food is served, and I wanted to come over and ask you to be my date.” Noah tried hard not to look at Carter.

  “Oh, man, Sophia is my date. Sorry, bud.” Carter shoved the rest of the scone in his mouth.

  I gave Noah a sympathetic look before he stalked off down the front porch.

  “I’ll see you at the RCC,” he shouted from the rental car before he hopped in and screeched off.

  “That was fun.” I turned around and smiled.

  “He’s so mad. He thinks we’re an item. I don’t mind you using me.” He winked.

  “I’m not using you.” I held the door open wide.

  “You are totally using me to make him mad. Eventually you won’t, though. You’ll see. Pick you up at five.” He shoved past me and walked out the front door. “Delicious scones, by the way.”

  Playfully I pushed him out the door.

  “I’ve got to get to the RCC to get the cake on display in the ballroom. Get out of here.”

  I couldn’t help watching until his car disappeared before I headed back up to my room to get ready. There wasn’t much time before I had to get to the RCC and put the last touches on Charlotte’s cake.

  With fingers crossed, I prayed that nothing was going to ruin her big day.

  A wedding in Rumford was celebrated almost like a big holiday. Charlotte had left no stone unturned. Even the banners hanging from the carriage lights down Main Street were victims to her big day. They read CONGRATULATIONS, BRETT AND CHARLOTTE.

  There was a parking spot in front of Small Talk Café. A hot cup of coffee was exactly what I needed. All this wedding stuff had made me think about Noah and how I was going to handle that situation. Not that I wasn’t happy that I’d said yes to go to the wedding with Carter. I was absolutely excited about it, though the acceptance was under a false pretense and Carter knew it.

  The red dress hung in the back of the car, and I couldn’t wait to put it on after I’d put the finishing touches on the cake. I’d refused to let Bitsy see it. I wanted her to be surprised. The sun was out, and the forecast from the local radio predicted it to be a beautiful day in the Bluegrass State. Charlotte couldn’t have ordered a better day if she had put in a request with Mother Nature herself.

  The steam from the espresso machine shot up in the air and chatter drifted through the small café. The line was about ten deep and the same grumpy cashier was at the register. She wasn’t going to ruin my morning.

  “I heard from Bubba down at the feed store that the police are going to arrest Evelyn as soon as the wedding is over.” An older woman and a few of her friends were occupying a table with what looked to be tea in the cups.

  Oh, no. After the wedding? I gulped and inched a little closer to the table.

  “She was always trying to be too big for her britches,” another of the women said.

  “I think she’s a beautiful woman. A shame she never married. Then she could’ve stayed home, had a few young’uns, and this would’ve never happened.” The third woman nodded as she spoke.

  “Beauty is only skin deep, Pricilla. Ugly goes all the way to the bone. You never know what goes on in someone’s head.” The first lady picked up the cup and extended her pinky. “Some people are just plumb crazy.”

  The quiet one of the group finally spoke up. “For cryin’ out loud, y’all don’t be packing no tales where there’s no tale to pack.”

  Any other time, I might’ve thought this conversation was a little entertaining; not so much today. Even though it was now rumored that Carter was going to wait to make the arrest until after the wedding.

  There was no time to waste grabbing coffee. I hopped out of line and hurried back to the car. Before I pulled out and headed toward the RCC, I quickly texted Carter. I wanted to know what his plan was and when he was going to arrest Evelyn.

  He didn’t text me back between the short drive from the Small Talk Café to the RCC, so I sent him another quick text letting him know I wasn’t going to go to the wedding with him if he didn’t answer my questions. Charlotte didn’t need to see any of that on her big night and have her wedding day ruined. This would completely overshadow her wedding.

  The parking lot had orange cones strategically placed with a couple of signs on them stating that the club was closed for the day for a wedding. I couldn’t imagine how much Charlotte had had to pay to rent the RCC for the entire day. I pulled around to the back of the building and went in through the back door. The hallways were empty. The kitchen was quiet and Noah was nowhere to be found.

  I reached around my back pocket to grab my phone to see if Carter had texted, but my phone wasn’t there. I figured I must’ve left it on the seat when I parked. I set my bag on the island and decided that I’d get started on the cake before heading out to grab my dress and phone out of the car.

  The cake was even prettier than I’d anticipated. The gold spray paint had a vibrant shine, and the two blue layers were the perfect accent. With the few hours between now and the wedding, the cake would be at perfect room temperature and easy to cut into for the traditional cake-feeding photo event.

  With the RCC still quiet and no one around, I’d be able to get the cake wheeled into the ballroom and set up exactly where it’d look perfect. I held on to the cart the cake was on and backed it out of the refrigerator. I carefully pushed it across the kitchen and slowly pushed the door open between the ballroom and the kitchen.

  The first sight of the ballroom literally took my breath away. Yesterday it had been beautiful, but with all the finishing touches, it was gorgeous. The drapes on the windows had been replaced with ones the same shade of blue Charlotte had picked out for her cake layers. There was a long table with a white cloth along the wall of windows closest to the outdoor courtyard. There were glass hurricane candle holders with gold candles in each of them. I could picture Charlotte and Brett sitting in the middle with all of their attendants sitting alongside them, supporting them at the beginning of their life together. The florist had placed moss-covered round flowerpots filled with white roses on top of the already larger-than-life birdcages. The sides of the tablecloths that were hanging down from the circular guest tables were now pinned up to form a very elegant scalloped edge. It was truly a reception fit for royalty.

  For a brief instant, I sto
od there wondering what my life would’ve looked like if I’d stayed in Rumford. Who was going to do the weddings? The baby shower cakes? And the other events Rumford put on?

  A faint sound from the kitchen brought me out of my deep thoughts. There was no time to dillydally. I had to get the cake in place before they could fit another thing in this room. I wanted it to be the centerpiece of the room aside from Charlotte.

  There was a perfect spot in front on the left side of the dance floor and on the same side as the wedding party table. Naturally, all eyes would float to the table and admire the cake. Once I got the cake set in place, I took a rose or two from the arrangements around the room. There were so many flowers you’d never know I’d taken any. I strategically placed the long-stemmed flowers on the table around the cake and the plates.

  I took a step back and looked at the cake and the display. It was breathtaking. Pride swelled up in me. It was the prettiest cake I’d ever made. I couldn’t have been more proud, and I couldn’t wait to see Charlotte’s face. She was going to be a beautiful bride.

  My mind flipped back to Carter and whether he’d texted me back.

  I wheeled the empty cake cart back into the kitchen.

  “Hey,” I greeted Nick. He jumped. I laughed. “I catch you off guard?”

  “You did.” His eyes were huge. He was busy tying the tie of his chef ’s coat around his waist. “I thought I was alone.”

  “Nope. I wanted to get in here and finish the cake before Noah got here. The less time spent in the same room with him, the happier my life will be.” I pushed the cart out of the way.

  The kitchen was going to be buzzing like a finely oiled machine in just a short time. Noah would be snapping orders to get it all done, and I wasn’t sure how Nick was going to take it.

  “Just so you know, he’s a stickler for events. This one will mean a lot since he’s been trying really hard to get me to forgive him.” I walked over and looked into the pot Nick had put on the stove. “What are you making?”

  “Just a base for the lamb.” He hurried around the kitchen.

  I could already feel the stress. It was about go time. Instead of hanging around asking him questions and keeping him from the work Noah had probably barked at him, I headed to the car to grab my dress and phone. There were still a few hours until the wedding, but I could disappear out of the kitchen and hang out in a quiet place until Charlotte arrived. I’d help her and the girls out wherever they needed me.

  The parking lot was filling up quickly. The landscape crew was pulling weeds and adding new mulch for the big celebration. It’d warmed up and the sky was a brilliant blue. Not a cloud in sight. A perfect day indeed.

  I was looking around the parking lot for the quickest way around the other cars when the back of a truck caught my attention. Images of the night I’d been run off the road clicked in my head. Suddenly I remembered seeing a sticker on the right corner of the back window as the truck sped off. It was the four-leaf clover symbol of the 4-H Club.

  Was that the truck? My eyes darted around the parking lot. The landscape workers didn’t look up. Like a crazy person, I ran over to the truck and looked inside the window. Nothing was on the seat. There had to be something in there with a name. I focused on the glove box. Bitsy always kept some documents in her glove compartment, like her car insurance. I tried to jerk the door handle open, but the door was locked. I ran around the front of the truck and tried to open the driver door. It was locked too. I took a step back. My brows furrowed. I curled my bottom lip under my top teeth. I felt like this was the truck that had tried to run me over.

  Immediately I felt sick to my stomach and took off toward the RCC. Tears stung my eyes. The killer was here and was going to show up at the wedding. This wasn’t happening. I ran as fast as I could down the hall to Evelyn’s office. There was no time to knock, so I tried to open her door. It was locked, so I ran back to the kitchen to find Nick and call Carter.

  “Nick,” I gasped, after I’d smacked the swinging door of the kitchen. The door hit the wall and I jumped. “Nick!” I yelled out.

  He wasn’t in the kitchen where I’d left him. I turned around before I darted around the kitchen, looking in the refrigerator, the freezer, and around the corner to the dishwasher.

  A panic ensued. Had the killer already gotten him? A light from Emile’s office caught my attention, and without thinking, I immediately headed there.

  “Nick?” I pushed the door open. No one was in there. The ledger was sitting out on the desk.

  I jumped when my phone rang in my back pocket. Danny from the laundry service was finally calling me back.

  “Hello?” I whispered and knelt down next to the desk.

  “Is Sophia Cummings there?” he asked.

  “It’s me, and I needed to know if you talked to Emile the last time you came in.”

  “No. He wasn’t there, which was odd, but that other guy was there,” he said.

  “Other guy?” I asked. “You mean Nick?”

  “Yeah. That’s the guy. He signed off on the paperwork, so he should have it.” His words sent chills down spine.

  “Let me get this straight.” I had to make sure, because Nick had said he’d not been to the RCC that morning. “You’re telling me that Nick signed for the cleaning service that morning?”

  “Yes,” he confirmed.

  “Thanks.” I clicked the phone off and started to dial Carter’s number. I stopped when I noticed a pair of shoes stop next to my crouching body.

  “Yeah. I’ll take that.” Nick stood over me with his hand extended out. “You’re not calling another person. Ever.”

  * * *

  I winced when he dragged me up to stand by the fatty part of my arm.

  He wagged his finger for me to move away from the desk. “I’m guessing you’ve figured it out.”

  “Figured what out?” I tried to put on a good act, but tears stained my lids. How could he do this? Was he going to kill me too?

  “Sophia.” He snickered. “I’m not stupid. I can see it in your eyes. You know I killed Emile.”

  “I’m going to go.” I took a turn toward the door, but he beat me to it.

  His hand pushed past me and slammed the door shut.

  “I’m afraid you won’t be going anywhere unless it’s in a body bag.” He shrugged.

  “Listen, I don’t care. I only wanted Charlotte to have her wedding here.” I felt like I was going to pass out. The room began to spin. I started to talk really fast. “Just let me go. I won’t say a word and I certainly won’t be here after today.”

  I winced from the pinch of his fingers on my skin.

  “I can’t let you do that. You seem awfully chummy with that sheriff.” He shoved me into Emile’s chair. The wheels on the chair legs rolled and I was up against the wall.

  “I’m not chummy with anyone. I’m a lone wolf. I’ve been gone for ten years.” I nodded, hoping he’d just let me go.

  “You’re back now, and you know.” He walked around the desk and dragged the ledger to him. He tapped the open page with his finger. “Year after year I’ve shown up here as Emile’s sous chef. He was a nasty boss. He never wanted to listen to my ideas. There were so many amazing dishes I wanted to try.”

  He started to pace back and forth.

  “I’m sure you understand how all this works.” His eyes lowered. “It was my turn to take over. I’d even written all the ingredients to order in the ledger. I figured Evelyn would fire Emile over it, but she didn’t. I came in that morning and he was staring at the menu I’d created. The one I’d created to get him fired, and he laughed in my face. He said that he hadn’t told Evelyn that it was me and that I was immediately fired. It was the complete opposite of what I was trying to do. He mocked me. While he read the menu out loud, I picked up the new skillet he’d purchased and I did it. I swung and hit him as hard as I could.” He grinned. “After I killed him, I went home to gather my thoughts. I came up with every possible suspect that had great motive.
When you started snooping around, I fed those people to you and knew you’d tell that sheriff. I even sent you a very clear message when I ran you off the road. I didn’t want to kill you. I only wished you’d stop.”

  Why was he giving me his confession? Was he trying to clear his conscience before he killed me? My jaw tensed as I bit back tears.

  “Today I came in and your ex told Evelyn he was leaving after the wedding. Not taking the job. She offered it to me.” He laughed. “But here you are. You figured it out and now I’m afraid I’ve got to kill you.”

  “But I asked you to take the job. I even told Evelyn, but you said you didn’t want it.” I recalled all the conversations I’d had with him over the last few days.

  “I couldn’t just say yes. Then the cops would’ve thought I had motive.” He ran his hand through his hair. He untied the tie on the apron around his waist. He wrapped the straps around each hand and smacked it taut. “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you ruin it for me.”

  My throat tightened. I lifted my hands around my neck. The look on his face frightened me to my core. I gulped when I remembered I’d been alone with him at the bakery and told him everything I’d learned.

  “Now that you know the truth, I’m going to have to silence you.” He stepped forward with the strap held out in front of him.

  “No! Help!” I screamed, feeling the panic rising within me.

  The door of the office burst open.

  “Hold it right there!” Carter yelled, his arms out in front with his gun pointed at Nick. “Stop right there, Nick.”

  Nick hesitated.

  I quickly tapped the toes of my feet on the floor, pushing the rolling chair away from the desk.

  “Let her go, Nick.” Carter stepped forward. He motioned for me to come to him and I took the opportunity to jump out of the chair, rushing to his side. “Are you okay?” he asked, the gun and his eyes still focused on Nick.

  “I’m fine,” I said in a shaky voice.

  Nick dropped his arms to his side, and his chin dropped to his chest. A few more police officers rushed in. One of them grabbed Nick and thrust his arms behind his back, cuffing him.


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