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The Age of Napoleon

Page 139

by Will Durant

  accedes to imperial throne, issues Declaration of Pillnitz, 36, 559

  reign of, 559

  prohibits secret societies, 564

  patron of music, 565

  death of, 36

  Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau, Louis-Michel (1760–93), 52, 141

  Lepeletière section, Paris, royalist revolt in (1795), 87

  Le Père, Jean-Baptiste (1761–1844), 280

  Lermontov, Mikhail Yurievich (1814–41), 685

  Lespinasse, Julie de (1732–76), 93, 148, 366

  Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim (1729–81), 226, 591, 616, 629, 630

  and the Aufklärung, 588, 602

  and classic tradition, 139, 611, 619

  Lesueur, Jean-François (1760–1837), 137

  Letourneur, Charles- Louis- François- Honoré (1751–1817), 88

  Letters from England: By Don Manuel Alvarez Espriella (Southey), 450

  Letters of a Russian Traveler (Karamzin), 683

  Letter to a Member of the National Assembly (Burke), 514–15

  Letter to a Noble Lord (Burke), 514–15

  lettres de cachet, 16, 18, 130

  Lettres sur les causes premières (Cabanis), 143–44

  Leucippus (fl. c. 450 B.C.), 389

  Levana (Richter), 626

  levies en masse, 63–64, 74, 267

  Levin, Rachel, see Varnhagen, Rachel Lewis, Matthew “Monk” (1775–1818), 409

  libelles, 20

  Liberal, The (periodical), 494

  Liberation, War of (1813–14), 599, 626, 658, 712–25

  Fichte and, 643, 712, 714

  first phase of (Germany, 1813), 712–19

  Goethe and, 623

  Görres and, 625

  Kleist and, 618

  Körner and, 613, 627

  second phase of (France, 1814), 721–25

  Liberation, War of, Spanish (1808–14), 534, 537, 539

  liberum veto, 210, 213

  Lichnowsky, Prince Karl (1753–1814), 565, 570, 571, 584

  Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph (1742–99), 602

  Lictors Bringing Home to Brutus the Bodies of His Sons (David), 141

  Liège, 50, 80, 588

  Life of Napoleon (Scott), 507

  Life of Napoleon Buonaparte (Hazlitt), 448

  Life of Nelson (Southey), 450

  Life of Samuel Johnson, The (Boswell), 505

  light: Newton’s theory of, 388

  wave theory of, 385, 388

  Ligne, Prince Charles-Joseph de (1735–1814), 674, 681

  Ligny, battle of (1815), 745–46

  Liguria, 172, 174, 187

  Republic of, 103, 105, 202, 546

  Lille, 5, 126, 263, 739, 740

  Lille Hyrdedreng, Den (Oehlenschläger), 666

  Lima, Peru, 609

  Limoges, 34, 35

  Lincoln, Abraham (1809–65), 679

  Lindet, Robert (1746–1825), 60, 117

  “Lines Written in Dejection near Naples” (Shelley), 482

  “Lines Written in the Euganean Hills” (Shelley), 482

  Linguet, Simon-Nicolas-Henri (1736–94), 89

  Linnaean Society, 386

  Linnaeus, Carolus (Carl von Linné 1707–78), 326

  Linnell, John (1792–1882), 416

  Lion of Lucerne (Ahorn), 666

  Lisbon, 222, 225, 456–57, 532, 538

  literature: Danish, 666–67

  English, 408–501

  French, 114–51, 286–321

  German, 619–35

  Russian, 684–86

  Scottish, 505–7

  Spanish, 534

  Swedish, 662–63

  lithography, 613, 623–24

  Lithuania, 212, 689, 697

  “Little Black Boy, The” (Blake), 414

  “Little Boy Lost, A” (Blake), 415

  Liverpool, 342, 368, 409

  Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2d Earl of (1770–1828), 345, 527

  Livorno, see Leghorn

  Livy (Titus Livius; 59 B.C.- A.D. 17), 91, 140, 141, 607

  Llorente, Juan Antonio (1756–1823), 534

  Lloyd, Charles (1775–1839), 446

  Lobau, Georges Mouton, Comte de (1770–1838), 747–48

  Lobkowitz, Prince Jose Fran (1772–1816), 565, 570–71, 576

  Locke, John (1632–1704), 298, 363, 368, 456

  Lodi, 100, 104, 171

  Lodoïska (Cnerubini), 137

  Logik (Hegel), 647, 657

  Loire Inférieure département, 69

  Loire River, 37, 41, 69, 71

  Lombardo-Venetian kingdom (1815), 733

  Lombardy: under the Hapsburgs, 541, 558

  N.’s conquest of (1796), 99, 100–102, 104–5, 170, 544, 571

  retaken by Austria (1799), 117

  campaign of 1800 in, 171–74

  in Italian Republic (French protectorate), 187, 188, 241

  in N.’s kingdom of Italy, 202, 253, 546

  under Austrian rule (1816), 478

  Lombardy, Iron Crown of, 202, 546

  Lombardy, Republic of (1796), 101–2

  London: Jane Austen’s picture of life in, 410

  climate of, 609

  clinics and hospitals in, 392

  clubs in, 370

  fashion in, 368–69

  government of, 354

  newspapers in, 408

  population of (1811), 342

  port of, 342, 367

  prostitution in, 363

  salons in, 370–71, 505

  theaters in, 371–74

  Wellington honored by, 377

  Wordsworth’s description of, 444

  London Corresponding Society, 517

  Londonderry, Charles William Stewart Vane, 3d Marquess of (1778–1854), 754

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807–82), 626

  Longman, Thomas Norton (1771–1842), 409

  Longwood (N.’s home at St. Helena), 758–69, 772

  Longwy, Fortress of, 44, 46

  Lonsdale, Earls of, see Lowther Lons-le-Saunier, 738

  López y Portaña, Vicente (1772–1850), 533–34

  Lord of the Isles, The (Scott), 505

  Lords, House of: Bentham’s disciples and, 407

  Byron (the poet) in, 345, 456, 460

  as a court, 352, 354, 454

  and education bill, 361

  Irish representation in (after 1800), 510

  membership and powers of, 53, 354, 359

  Lorrain, Claude (Claude Gellée; 1600–82), 385

  Lorraine, 5, 38, 277

  Loterie Nationale, 130

  Louis, King of Holland, see Bonaparte, Louis Louis XIV, King of France (r. 1643–1715), 162

  art under, 139, 281, 290

  centralization under, 4

  the Church under, 184, 359

  and the Fronde, 25

  Paris under, 180

  prizes given by, 322

  and Spain, 231

  Louis XV, King of France (r. 1715–74), 9, 15, 51, 729

  art under, 139

  Louis XVI (Louis-Auguste), King of France (r. 1774–92), 7–19 passim, 22–41 passim, 50–52, 95

  the arts under, 139, 140, 141, 145

  captured by mob in 2d invasion of Tuileries, 39–40, 149

  character of, 9, 152, 155

  children of, 65

  and Civil Constitution of Clergy, 28, 31

  Comédie Française and, 138

  and Constitution of 1791, 28, 29, 32, 559

  death of, 52, 129, 160

  and Feast of Federation, 28–29

  flight to Varennes, 31–32, 559

  at Hôtel de Ville (1789), 19

  last words to son, 66

  and Mirabeau, 29–31, 33

  and Narbonne, 35, 148–50

  and Necker, 10, 11, 17, 19, 147

  and Philippe d’Orléans, 152

  red cap donned by (1st storming of Tuileries), 37–38, 149

  and States-General, 11–12, 13, 15, 16

  trial of, 50–52

  and Women
’s March on Versailles, 25, 133, 331

  Louis XVII, King of France, see Louis-Charles de France, Dauphin

  Louis XVIII (Louis-Stanislas-Xavier, Comte de Provence), King of France (r. 1814–15, 1815–24), 38*, 144, 279, 322, 729–31

  escapes from France (1791), 729

  acknowledged as king by royalists (1795), 85

  royalists attack N. for not recalling, 167

  appeals to N. for restoration, 169, 175–76

  is a factor in N.’s concordat with Church, 183

  wanders in exile, 176, 212, 729

  royalists demand restoration of (1813), 719

  First Restoration (1814), 300, 320, 321, 729–31, 741–42

  and Congress of Vienna, 733

  asks Ney to lead force against N. (1815), 738

  leaves Paris at N.’s approach, 308, 739

  Second Restoration, 308, 752–54

  orders N.’s arrest, 755

  repays Mme. de Staël, 301

  court of, 774

  Louis, Baron Joseph-Dominique (1755–1837), 730

  Louis-Charles de France, Dauphin (Louis XVII b. 1785-d. 1795), 24, 25

  imprisoned in Temple, 40, 50, 65

  death of, 85, 729

  Louis de France, Dauphin (1729–65), father of Louis XVI, 9, 729

  Louise, Duchess of Saxe-Weimar, see Luise

  Louise (Luise) of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1776–1810), Queen of Frederick William III of Prussia, 208, 293, 595, 601–2

  at Tilsit, 212–13

  tomb of, 611

  Louis Ferdinand of Prussia, Prince (1772–1806), 208, 209, 595, 605, 612

  Louisiana, 177, 189

  Louis Philippe, King of the French (r. 1830–48), 752, 774–76

  Loustalot, editor (b. 1762), 20, 24, 33

  Louvre, 139

  additions to, 280

  captured art sent to, 102, 279, 610

  industrial exhibition at, 206

  Lovelace, 2d Earl of, 501

  Lovell, Mary, nee Fricker, 424

  Lovell, Robert, 424

  Lovers’ Vows (Inchbald), 371

  Lowe, Sir Hudson (1769–1844), 245, 759–64, 766

  Lowther, Sir James, Earl of Lonsdale (1736–1802), 418, 419, 434

  Lowther, Sir William, Earl of Lonsdale (1757–1844), 434, 435, 442

  Lübeck, 236, 588, 592, 694, 695

  Lucan Brotherhood, 611–12

  Lucca, 219–20, 482, 541, 546

  Lucchesini, Marchese Girolamo (1751–1825), 179

  Lucinde (Schlegel), 633, 638

  Lucretius (96?–55 B.C.), 467, 468

  Ludd, Ned (fl. 1779), 345

  Luddite revolt (1811), 345, 460, 526

  Ludwig I, King of Bavaria (r. 1825–48), 625

  Ludwig of Württemberg, Duke, 613

  Luise, Queen of Prussia, see Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz

  Luise of Hesse Darmstadt, Duchess of Karl August of Saxe-Weimar, 293, 605

  Lund, University of, 662

  Lunéville, Peace of (1801), 177, 188, 588

  Lushington, Stephen (1782–1873), 466

  Luther, Martin (1483–1546), 587, 592

  Lützen, battle of (1813), 715–16

  Luxembourg, 177

  Luxembourg Palace, Paris, 88, 123, 159, 168

  Barras’ apartments in, 114, 136

  Directors’ reception for N. at, 106–7, 151

  gardens, 63, 136

  Luxembourg prison, Paris, 82

  Lyceum, Liverpool, 409

  Lyon, Amy, see Hamilton, Emma, Lady

  Lyons, 34, 126, 263

  canals at, 261

  depressed conditions in, 7, 8, 75, 118

  Girondist/capitalist revolt at (1793), 56, 62, 67, 70

  and N.’s return from Egypt, 119

  and N.’s return from Elba, 737, 738

  society in, 271

  Mme. Roland’s description of, 35–36

  Terror in, 69–71, 81

  textile industry in, 5, 194, 261

  White Terror in (1795), 84

  Lyons, Academy of, 94

  Lyrical Ballads (Wordsworth and Coleridge), 428–32, 449

  Mably, Gabriel Bonnot de (1709–85), 89

  Macaulay, Thomas Babington (1800–59), 150, 302, 368, 654

  Macaulay, Zachary (1768–1838), 368

  Macbeth (Shakespeare), 371, 372

  Macdonald, Alexandre (1765–1840), 718, 723, 726

  Machiavelli, Niccolo (1469–1527), 93, 251, 254, 301, 493, 646

  Mack (Mack von Leiberich), Baron Karl (1752–1828), 202, 203, 544–45

  Mackintosh, Sir James (1765–1832), 346, 504, 515

  Maclure, William (1763–1840), 350

  Macpherson, James (1736–96), 146, 242, 413, 416, 629

  Macri, Theresa, 458

  Madame Mère, see Buonaparte, Letizia

  Madeleine, La, see Temple de la Gloire Madelin, Louis (1871–1956), 679*

  Mademoiselle de La Valliére (Genlis), 185

  Madison, James (1751–1836), 43

  Madras, 536

  Madrid, 223–25, 229, 236, 533*-35 539, 598

  Magic Flute (Mozart), 565

  Magnano, battle of (1799), 116

  magnetism, terrestrial, 323, 608, 609

  Magyars, 558

  Mahmud II, Sultan of Turkey (r. 1808–39), 670, 697

  Mahomet (Voltaire), 138

  “Maid of Athens, ere we part…” (Byron), 458

  Maine de Biran (Marie-François-Pierre Gonthier de Biran; 1766–1824), 266, 331

  Main River, 600, 715, 719

  Mainz, 211, 569, 587, 633, 719, 721

  changes hands (1792–93), 49, 62, 516

  Jews in, 275

  N.’s court at, 285

  N.’s emotional collapse at, 208–9, 238

  theater at, 614

  Mainz, Prince Archbishop Elector of, 560, 597

  Mainz, University of, 561, 606

  Maistre, Joseph-Marie de (1753–1821), 105, 332–36

  Maitland, Capt. Frederick Lewis (1777–1839), 755–56

  Malesherbes, Chrétien-Guillaume de Lamoignon de (1721–94), 51, 312

  Malet, Claude-François de (1754–1812), 707, 710

  Maleville, Jacques de (1741–1824), 180

  Malfatti, Dr. Johann (1775–1859), 577, 585

  Malfatti, Therese, 577

  Mallet du Pan, Jacques (1749–1800), 7, 115

  Malmaison, Château de, 120, 191–92, 217, 234, 235–36, 751–52

  Maloyaroslavets, 707

  Malta, 107

  captured by N.(1798), 109, 115, 169, 676

  seized by British (1799), 114, 178

  England pledges to relinquish, 179

  England holds on to, 188–89, 522, 676

  Byron at, 457, 459

  Coleridge at, 438–39, 444, 449

  awarded to England, 733

  Malthus, Daniel (d. 1800), 400

  Malthus, Thomas Robert (1766–1834), 317, 345–46, 386, 400–403, 492

  Owen and, 347, 349, 402

  Mamelukes, 109–10, 174*

  Manchester, 342, 344, 347, 354, 386

  Manet, Édouard (1832–83), 385

  Manfred (Byron), 479–80

  Mannheim, 103, 588, 721

  music in, 612

  theater in, 614, 615

  Mansfeld, 593

  Mansfield, William Murray, 1st Earl of (1705–93), 368

  Mansfield Park (Austen), 411, 412

  Mantua, 541

  in 1796 campaign, 100, 103, 552

  in 1800 campaign, 171, 173, 174

  Manzoni, Alessandro (1785–1873), 660

  Marat, Albertine, 58

  Marat, Jean-Paul (1743–93), 7, 20–21, 57–59

  urges dictatorship, 21, 49, 159, 167, 252

  incites march on Versailles, 24

  in hiding after demonstration (1791)

  increases his influence, 33, 34

  and anti-veto demonstration (1792), 37

  radicalizes Jacobin Club, 38, 54

bsp; incites invasion of Tuileries, 39

  denounces Danton, 41

  incites September Massacres, 43–44, 45, 58

  in Convention, 47, 49 ff.

  wages war on Girondins, 49, 54, 55, 56–57

  at trial of Louis XVI, 51, 52

  his own trial and acquittal, 55

  death of, 57–59, 141, 145

  Marburg, University of, 591

  Marchand, Leslie, 454*

  Marchand, Louis-Joseph-Narcisse (1791–1876), 767, 775

  Marches, Papal, 542, 549

  Marcomanni, 558

  Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Emperor of Rome (r. 161–180), 195, 558

  Marengo, battle of (1800), 173–74, 187, 211, 263, 289, 521

  Murat at, 220

  N.’s planning for and tactics at, 240, 248

  Marenholz, Baron von, 304, 307

  Maret, Hugues-Bernard (1763–1839), 191, 702, 735

  Maria Amalia of Austria (1746–1804), Duchess of Ferdinand III of Parma, 549, 558

  Maria Carolina of Austria (1752–1814), Queen of Ferdinand IV of Naples, 541, 543, 558

  and Emma Hamilton, 519

  welcomes Nelson (1798), 521

  flees Naples, returns (1799), 545

  evicted again (1806), 547

  fails in insurrection against French, 216

  Maria Feodorovna (nee Sophia Dorothea Augusta of Württemberg), 2d Czarina of Paul I of Russia (1759–1828), 212, 226, 234, 675, 677

  Maria I Francisca, Queen of Portugal (r. 1777– 1816), 531

  Maria Ludovica of Modena (1787–1816), 3d wife of Emperor Francis I of Austria (Holy Roman Emperor Francis II), 580, 700

  María Luisa of Parma (1751–1819), Queen of Charles IV of Spain, 222–24, 534

  Maria Stuart (Schiller), 285

  Maria Theresa, Empress, ruler of Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia (r. 1740–80), 205, 558–59, 564, 604

  Maria Theresa of Naples (d. 1807), 2d wife of Holy Roman Emperor Francis II, 700*

  Marie Antoinette (Maria Antonia; 1755–93), Queen of Louis XVI of France, 9, 13, 17, 19

  and Women’s March on Versailles, 24–25

  at Tuileries, 29

  captivates Mirabeau, 30

  urges brothers to invade France, 36

  attempted flight of, 31, 559

  Louis begs forgiveness of, 32

  her comment on Narbonne’s appointment, 148

  imprisoned after mob captures Tuileries, 40, 50, 65

  trial and execution of, 65–66 Austria’s reaction to death of, 560

  Marie-Josèphe of Saxony (1731–67), Dauphine of France, 95

  Marie Louise (1791–1847), Empress of the French as 2d wife of Napoleon I, 220, 246

  marriage to N., 234–35, 241, 271, 562, 598

  Canova makes statue of, 555

  birth of son to, 236, 244

  praised by N., 699

  at Dresden (1812), 700

  N. hears from at Borodino, 703

  N. returns to from Russia, 711

  appointed as regent (1813), 715

  at Mainz, 716

  N. returns to after Leipzig, 719


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