The Age of Napoleon
Page 142
Of Population, an Answer to Malthus (Godwin), 402
Oldenburg, duchy of, 206, 236, 688
Oldenburg, Peter Friedrich Ludwig, Duke of (1755–1829), 688
Old Mortality (Scott), 506
O’Meara, Barry Edward (1786–1836), 758–59, 761–62, 767, 773–74
On Marriage (Hippel), 604
“On the Admission of Women to the Rights of the State” (Condorcet), 133
On the Constitution of the Church and the State (Coleridge), 447
opera: in Austria, 575
in France, 137, 278–79
in Germany, 612, 613–14
Italian, 278, 552, 553, 612, 613–14
origin of leitmotif in, 137*
Opéra, Paris, 30, 73, 137, 198, 278
Opéra-Comique, Paris, 137
Oporto, 222, 532, 538
Orange, France, Terror in, 69
Orange Society, 509
Orbiton, Scotland, 351
Ordener, Michel (1755–1811), 191
Orders in Council (British), 219
Orgon, France, 727, 736
Oriani, Barnaba (1752–1832), 101
Origin de tous les cultes, L’ (Dupuis), 184
Origin of Species, The (Darwin), 403
Orinoco River, 609
Orléans, 8, 420
Orléans, Louis- Philippe- Joseph (“Philippe Égalité”), Duc d’ (1747–93), 18, 370, 774–75
ambitious to be king, 10–11, 152
in States General, 13
joins Assembly, 17
in Convention, 47
and trial of Louis XVI, 51, 52
death of, 67
Orlov, Aleksei Grigorievich (1737–1809), 675
Orlov, Grigori Grigorievich (1734–83), 675
Oroonoko (Behn), 368
Orpheus and Eurydice (Canova), 554
Orsha, 708
Orvieto, 542, 611
Osnabrück, bishopric of, 588
“Ossian” (Macpherson), 93, 146, 242, 290, 413, 629
Ostend, 189, 522
Otto I the Great, King of Germany and Holy Roman Emperor (r. 936–73), 558
Ottoman Empire (Turkey), 105, 107, 669–71
Catherine II’s and Joseph II’s designs on, 513, 559, 670
Peace of Jassy with Russia (1792), 670
New Organization in, 670
Bonaparte’s expedition against, 108–14, 170, 174*
in Second Coalition against France (1799), 115–16, 521, 670, 676
Neapolitan ports closed to, 177
peace with France (1802), 179, 670
N.’s designs on (1805), 201, 241
war with Russia (1806–12), 212, 671
and Peace of Tilsit, 687
resists Continental Blockade, 222
Peace of Bucharest with Russia, 671, 689, 697
Greeks revolt against, 497–500, 669–70
Oubril, Count Peter, 207, 208
Oudinot, Nicolas-Charles (1767–1847), 699, 709, 717, 722–23, 726
Ouinette, Deputy, 751
Ouvrard, Gabriel-Julien (1770–1846), 263
Overbeck, Johann Friedrich (1789–1869), 611–12
Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso; 43 B.C.-A.D. 17), 532
Owen, Caroline, nee Dale, 347, 350–51
Owen, Robert (1771–1858), 346–51, 361, 399, 504
agnosticism of, 347, 350, 358
calls for improvement of factory conditions, 345, 349, 402
and child labor, 349, 350, 447
Owen, Robert Dale (1801–77), 350–51
Oxford, Countess of, 461, 462
Oxford University, 354, 362–63, 392
Oxford University and City Herald, 469
“Ozymandias” (Shelley), 482
Pache, Jean-Guillaume (1740?–1823), 63
Paderborn, bishopric of, 588, 590
Paestum, 682
Paganel, Pierre (1745–1826), 52
Paganini, Niccolò (1782–1840), 220, 553–54
Paget, Arthur (1771–1840), 521
Pahlen, Count Peter von (1745–1826), 676, 678
Paine, Thomas (1737–1809), 43, 316, 386, 394–97, 515–16
and Christianity, 358, 394–97, 414
in Convention, 47, 52, 394
in Joseph Johnson’s circle, 366, 409, 413
and rights of man, 515–16
“Pains of Sleep, The” (Coleridge), 437–38
painting: in England, 380–85
in France, 140–41, 281–83
German, 611–12
in Russia, 683–84
in Spain, 533
Paisiello, Giovanni (1740–1816), 278
Palafox y Melzi, José (1775–1847), 229
Palais-Royal, Paris, 11, 17, 26, 34, 132, 139
Palazzo Braschi, Rome, 554
paleontology, 326, 387
Palermo, 116, 520, 541, 543, 545
Paley, William (1743–1805), 394, 397, 448
Palm, Johann Philipp (1766–1806), 208
Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3d Viscount (1784–1865), 353, 775
Panin, Count Nikita Petrovich (1770–1837), 676, 678
Panthéon, Paris, 30–31, 58, 79, 682
Paoli, Pasquale di (1725–1807), 91, 93, 94
papal infallibility, 336
Papal Legations, 183
Papal States, 360, 542–43, 549–50
in 1789, 541, 542, 557
Directory orders N. to conquer, 101
and Treaty of Tolentino (1797), 104, 544
subjection of by French (1798), 108, 545
regained by Papacy (1799), 548
and the Concordat, 546
N.’s designs on, 202, 243
under French Empire, 236, 253, 549–50
returned to Papacy, 733
Parini, Giuseppe (1729–99), 543
Paris: amusements in, 135–36, 271–72
architecture in, 177, 279–80
capitulations of (1814, 1815), 724–25, 752
clubs in, 32, 33–34, 136
journals in, 20, 24, 32, 33, 128, 152
opera in, 553
paupers in (1789–91), 7, 8
population of, 3, 135
public works in, 261
salons in, 136, 272, 288–89
street lighting in, 125
theaters in, 86, 137–39, 283–84
tourist capital (1802), 180
see also Paris Commune Paris, Parlement of, 5, 9, 10, 130
Paris, Treaties of: First (1814), 730
Second (1815), 754
Paris, University of, 265
Paris Commune, 38, 47, 53, 130, 132, 135
captures Tuileries, 39–40
closes churches, 73
and Girondins, 56–57
and Massacres, 42–45
radical demands of, 51, 54, 63, 65
subjugation of, 83
Parker, Sir Hyde (1739–1807), 664
parlements, 5, 130, 152
abolished, 27, 131
Parliament, British, 354–55 corruption in, 346, 367
and debts of Prince of Wales, 357, 358
and divorce, 364
and Ireland, 508, 510
and labor legislation, 343–45, 350, 402
and Reform Bill, 447
slave trade ended by, 368, 526
supports war with France, 53, 339; see also
Commons, House of
Lords, House of Parliament, Houses of, 384
Parliament, Irish, 507–10
Parliamentary Reform Catechism (Bentham), 367
Parma, 294, 558, 772
art expropriated from, 279
under French, 101, 221, 546
Parma, Duke of, see Ferdinand III
Parmenides (5th cent, B.C.), 657
Parthenopean Republic, 116, 117, 545
Pascal, Blaise (1623–62), 389
Patriote français, Le, 20
Patterson, Elizabeth, see Bonaparte, Elizabeth
Paul, Saint (d. 67), 396
Paul I (Pavel
Petrovich), Czar of Russia (r. 1796–1801), 178, 675–76
arts under, 683
death of, 176, 192, 665, 676
his designs on India, 664, 676
and Malta, 116, 676
and Naples, 116, 676
reforms of, 675
in 2d League of Armed Neutrality, 176, 663–64
Paul et Virginie (Bernardin/Lesueur), 137
Pavia, 544
Pavia, University of, 551, 552, 608
Peacock, Thomas Love (1785–1866), 474, 494
Peel, Sir Robert (1788–1850), 447
Peep-of-Day Boys, 509
Peninsular War, 222–25, 228–30, 457, 537–39, 695
Penthesilea (Kleist), 617–18
Pepin the Short, King of the Franks (r. 751–68), 542, 548
Perceval, Spencer (1762–1812), 526–27
Percier, Charles (1764–1838), 280
Percy, Thomas (1729–1811), 413, 416, 505
Père Duchesne, 54
Peregrinus (Wieland), 227
Pericles (d. 429 B.C.), 141, 290
Perpignan, 62
Perseus (Canova), 555
Persuasion (Austen), 411
Perugia, University of, 550
Perugino, II (Pietro Vanucci; 1446–1523), 611
Peschiera, 102–3
Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich (1746–1827), 43, 642, 653, 660
Peter I the Great, Czar of Russia (r. 1682–1725), 672–74, 681, 683
Peter III (Piotr Feodorovich, orig. Karl Friedrich Ulrich of Holstein-Gottorp), Czar of Russia (r. 1762), 675
Peter Schlemihls wundersame Geschichte (Chamisso), 626
Pétion de Villeneuve, Jerome (1756–94), 31, 36, 45, 47, 57, 67
Petit, Jean-Martin (1772–1856), 727
Petworth, 376, 384
Pforr, Franz (1788–1812), 611–12
Phänomenologie des Geistes (Hegel), 647, 650–52, 658
Phèdre (Racine), 294
Phélippeaux, Antoine de (1768–99), 113
Philharmonic Society, London, 585
Philip II, King of Spain (r. 1556–98), 533, 621
Philippe-Égalité, see Orléans, Louis-Philippe-Joseph, Due d’
Philippeville, 754
philology, 591, 606–7, 632, 634, 635
Philosophical Dictionary (Voltaire), 629
“philosophical radicalism,” 405, 407
Philosophical View of Reform, A (Shelley), 492
Philosophique zoologique (Lamarck), 328
Philosophy of History (Hegel), 655–57
Philosophy of Religion (Hegel), 655
Phosphorists, 662
Physical, Moral, and Political Regeneration of the Jews, The (Grégoire), 275
physics, 322–24, 387–89, 603
Physiocrats, 5, 10, 13, 126, 154, 405, 406
physiological psychology, 143
Physiologie du goût, La (Brillat-Savarin), 272
physiology, 142
Piacenza, 173, 221, 546, 772
pianoforte, 570, 582
Piccini, Niccolò (1728–1800), 553
Pichegru, Charles (1761–1804), 64, 74, 80, 84, 85
conspires against N., 185–86, 190
death of, 192, 321
Picton, Sir Thomas (1758–1815), 747
Piedmont, 97, 104, 541
N.’s 1796 campaign in, 98, 544
taken by French (1798), 116, 174
annexed to France, 187, 188, 189, 201, 241, 546
Pietists, 350, 601, 631
Pillnitz, Declaration of (1791), 36, 559
Pindar (522–442 B.C.), 607
Pinel, Philippe (1745–1826), 325
Pinkie (Lawrence), 381
Pinney, John, 421
Piombino, 219–20, 554
Pirch, General, 747
Pissarro, Camille (1830–1903), 385
Pitt, William, the Elder, Earl of Chatham (1708–78), 512
Pitt, William, the Younger (1759–1806), 147, 160, 245, 367, 394, 512–13, 517–18
1st ministry of (1783–1801), 53, 357, 361, 512–13
supports bill against slave trade, 368, 512
gives laureateship to Pye, 450
orders Paine’s arrest, 516
opens negotiations for 1st Coalition (1793), 517
war measures of, 425, 517–18
forms 2d Coalition (1798), 521
withdraws poor-relief bill, 402
opposed by George III on Catholic emancipation, 360, 509–10, 512
resigns (1801), 510, 521
and execution of Enghien, 192
begins 2d ministry (1804), forms 3d Coalition, 201, 522
receives news of Austerlitz, 205, 525
death of, 525, 536
Pius VI (Giovanni Angelo Breschi), Pope (r. 1775–99), 104, 127, 542, 544, 559
Pius VII (Luigi Barnaba Chiaramonti), Pope (r. 1800–23), 232, 235, 282, 319, 542–43, 548–50, 555, 713
signs Concordat with N., 183
at N.’s coronation, 197–99
N.’s imprisonment of, 185, 321, 542–43, 549, 550, 557, 712
death of, 550
protects N.’s mother, 770
Place, Francis (1771–1854), 362, 403
Plague at Jaffa, The (Gros), 282
Plain, the, 34, 47, 83
Plato (427?–347 B.C.), 348, 493, 636, 657
plebiscites (France), 168 (1799), 186–87 (1802), 195–97 (1804)
Pleisse River, 719
Pleisswitz, Armistice of (1813), 716–17
Pleyel, Ignaz (1757–1831), 278
Pliny the Elder (Caius Plinius Secundus; A.D. 23–79), 467
Plumptre, Anne (1760–1818), 133
Plutarch (A.D. 46?–120?), 35, 57, 66, 92–93
Pneumatic Institute, Bristol, 386
Poetical Sketches (Blake), 413
Poetiske Skriften (Oehlenschläger), 666
poetry: Danish, 666–67
English, 413–16, 417–501
German, 416, 626–28
Scottish, 416
Spanish, 534
Swedish, 662
Poland, 667–68, 713
grand duchy of Warsaw established in, 213, 233, 276, 593, 668
kingdom of (1815 ff.), 733
PARTITIONS OF, 210–11, 233, 596, 667, 688, 697
First (1772), 593
Second (1792), 46, 53, 593, 594
Third (1795), 85, 116, 593, 594
by Congress of Vienna (1815), 733
Polignac, Armand de (1771–1847), 190, 192–93
Polignac, Jules de (1780–1847), 190, 192–93
political economy, 660–61
Political Register, 408
Pollard, Jane, 419
Pombal, Sebastião José de Carvalho e Mello, Marquês de (1699–1782), 531
Pomerania, 627, 661, 663, 733
Pompadour, Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de (1721–64), 95
Pompeii, 139, 140, 480, 611
Poncelet, Jean-Victor (1788–1867), 323
Poniatowski, Prince Józef Antoni (1763–1813), 699, 718–19
Ponsonby, Sir William (1772–1815), 747
Pontine Marshes, 550
Poole, Thomas (1765–1837), 426, 427, 439
Poor Laws (England), 343, 344–45, 349, 362
Poor Lisa (Karamzin), 685
Pope, Alexander (1688–1744), 368, 412, 456
porcelain, French, 280–81
Po River, 102, 113, 173
Portalis, Jean-Étienne-Marie (1745–1807), 162, 180, 239
Portland, William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, 3d Duke of (1738–1809), 509, 526, 536
Portoferraio, Elba, 734
Portugal, 3, 531–33
alliance with England, 213, 222, 225, 532
colonies of, 532, 539
and Continental Blockade, 533
and Convention of Cintra, 536
in First Coalition against France (1793), 517, 532
invaded by French (1807), 222–23, 532, 693
peace with France (
1797), 114
Peninsular War in, 225, 229, 457, 537–38
in Second Coalition (1799), 116, 521
Posen, 710, 733
Potsdam, 209, 595
Poussin, Nicolas (1594–1665), 140
Pradt, Abbé Dominique de (1759–1837), 711
Prague, 559
Congress of (1813), 717
Prelude, The (Wordsworth), 419, 428, 432, 443–45, 446
Pre-Raphaelites, 380, 611
Pressburg, Treaty of (1805), 205, 560
Price, Richard (1723–91), 513, 514
Pride and Prejudice (Austen), 411–12
Priestley, Joseph (1733–1804), 43, 47, 165, 391, 406
Prieur, Pierre-Louis (Prieur of the Marne; 1756–1827), 60
Prieur-Duvernois, Claude-Antoine (Prieur of the Côte d’ Or; 1763–1827), 60
Prince, The (Machiavelli), 93, 251
Princesses Luise and Friederike (Schadow), 611
Principles of Morals and Legislation, The (Bentham), 405–7
Principles of Political Economy (Malthus), 346
Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (Ricardo), 346
Prisoner of Chillon, The (Byron), 477, 478
Prix de Rome, 140, 279
Prolegomena ad Homerum (Wolf), 607
Prometheus Bound (Aeschylus), 482
Prometheus Unbound (Shelley), 482–83, 493
“Prophecy of Dante, The” (Byron), 489
“Proposed Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen” (Robespierre), 61
Proserpina (Paisiello), 278
Protestantism: in Austria, 559
in France, 4, 10, 23, 27–28, 126, 184
in Germany, Mme. de Staël’;s view of, 299
Provence, Comte de, see Louis XVIII
“Proverbs from Hell” (Blake), 415
Prud’hon, Pierre-Paul (1758–1823), 139, 281, 282–83
Prussia, 3, 593–99, 600–601, 603
in 1st Partition of Poland (1772), 593, 667
in 1st Coalition against France (1792), 36, 44, 46, 48, 54, 517, 593
in 2d and 3d Partitions of Poland (1792, 1795), 46, 53, 85, 116, 593, 594, 667
in Peace of Basel with France (1795), 85, 97, 114, 126, 594
in 2d League of Armed Neutrality (1800), 178, 208, 663–65
relationship to Empire (1800), 587, 588
and Rhineland reorganization (1801–03), 188, 589
treaty with France (1802), 179
and French seizure of Hanover (1803), 595
in 3d Coalition (1805), 201–2, 595, 686–87
penalized in Treaty of Schönbrunn (1805), 205, 595
alliance with France (1805–06), 205, 207–8, 595
England and Sweden declare war on (1806), 207, 595
in new disastrous war against France (1806–07), 208–12, 276, 593, 506, 617
dismembered and occupied under Peace of Tilsit (1807 ff.), 212–13, 593, 596, 613, 617, 618, 641, 650, 698
reconstruction of, 596, 713
in unwelcome alliance with France (1812), 697, 712