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The Age of Napoleon

Page 144

by Will Durant

  Santa Cruz, Canary Islands, 520

  Santerre, Antoine-Joseph (1752–1809), 43, 52

  Santo Domingo, see St.-Domingue

  Sappho (Dannecker), 610

  Sardanapalus, ruler of Assyria (c. 822 B.C.), 487

  Sardinia, kingdom of, 541

  in 1st Coalition against France (1793–96), 53, 97, 98, 333, 517, 544

  loses Piedmont, 544

  loses Savoy, 49, 98, 333

  peace with France (1796), 98, 519

  restored, 335

  Sardinia, King of: in 1796–1802, see Charles Emmanuel IV

  in 1802–21, see Victor Emmanuel I

  Sard, Giuseppe (1729–1802), 137

  Sartre, Jean-Paul (1905), 650, 658

  Saumur, 72

  Saussure, Horace-Bénédict de (1740–99), 608

  Savage, Richard (1697?–1743), 368

  Savary, René (1774–1833), 191–92, 212, 226, 308

  made Duc de Rovigo, 221, 270

  as minister of police, 236, 297

  at Rochefort with N., 755

  Savenay, 72

  Savigny, Friedrich Karl von (1779–1861), 607

  Savona, 172, 185, 549

  Savoy, 332–33, 541

  annexed by France, 49, 97, 98, 169, 333

  restored, 754

  “Savoyard Vicar’s Profession of Faith” (Rousseau), 6–7, 79

  Saxe-Coburg, duchy of, 206

  Saxe-Coburg, Friedrich Josias, Prince of (1737–1815), 53, 80

  Saxe-Gotha, duchy of, 206, 588

  Saxe-Weimar, duchy of, 206, 588

  Saxe-Weimar, Duke of, see Charles Augustus Saxony, 561, 587, 592–93

  and Peace of Basel, 85, 593

  in Confederation, 206

  defeated at Jena, 596

  troops defect to Allies, 718

  and Congress of Vienna, 733

  Saxony, King of, see Frederick Augustus I

  Schadow, Johann Gottfried (1764–1850), 611

  Schadow-Godenhaus, Wilhelm von (1789–1862), 611–12

  Scharnhorst, Gerhard Johann David von (1755–1813), 596, 598

  Scheldt River, 50, 516–17, 719

  Schelling, Caroline von, nee Michaelis (1783–1809), 605, 633, 640, 644

  Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (1775–1854), 582, 587, 606, 630, 643–45

  Coleridge and, 433, 444, 644, 645

  and Fichte, 640, 643, 644

  and Hegel, 643–46 passim

  marriage of, 605, 633

  in Romantic circle at Jena, 633, 643–44

  Wordsworth and, 644, 645

  at Würzburg, 293, 644

  Schenkendorf, Max von (1783–1817), 714

  Schérer, Barthélemy- Louis- Joseph (1747–1804), 116

  Schikaneder, Johann Emanuel (1748–1812), 565

  Schiller, Johann Christian Friedrich (1759–1805), 226, 587, 611, 620*, 621–22, 625, 660

  Beethoven and, 569, 582, 583–84

  contemporaries’ assessment of, 616, 623, 626

  death of, 296, 615

  and Fichte, 638, 640

  and French Revolution, 43, 155, 622

  at Jena University, 606, 622, 627, 631

  and Rousseau, 621, 658

  and Mme. de Staël, 293

  at Weimar, 293, 305, 615, 621, 622, 640

  Schindler, Anton (1795–1864), 570, 584, 585

  Schlegel, August Wilhelm von (1767–1845), 582, 615, 623, 631, 623–35

  and Athenaum, 624, 632–33

  at Jena, 606, 633

  marriage and divorce of, 605, 633

  Shakespeare lectures of, 433, 634, 635

  Shakespeare translated by, 616, 634, 635

  and Mme. de Staël, 293–95, 296, 300, 634, 635

  Schlegel, Caroline von, see Schelling, Caroline von

  Schlegel, Dorothea von, see Mendelssohn, Brendel

  Schlegel, Friedrich von (1772–1829), 582, 615, 623, 631, 632–35

  and Athenäum, 624, 632–33

  his conversion to Catholicism, 602, 630, 634–35

  and Fichte, 638, 640

  at Jena, 606, 631, 632–33

  marriage of, 603, 633

  on the Middle Ages, 611, 634–35

  Schleiermacher, Friedrich (1768–1834), 602, 603, 607, 714

  and the French Revolution, 619

  and Romanticism, 630, 632, 640

  Schliemann, Heinrich (1822–90), 565

  Schloss Esterházy, 565

  Schloss Karlsruhe, Silesia, 613

  Schmid, Dr., 573

  Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Julius (1795–1872), 611–12

  Schönbrunn, Treaty of (1805), 205

  Schönbrunn, Treaty of (1809), 232–33, 236

  Schönbrunn Palace, 205, 279, 562, 563

  School of Medicine, Paris, 87

  Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788–1860), 155, 331, 587, 639, 645, 658

  Schröter, Korona (1751–1802), 615

  Schubert, Franz (1797–1828), 155, 586

  Schumann, Robert (1810–56), 626

  Schuppanzigh, Ignaz (1776–1830), 570

  Schwarzenberg, Prince Karl Philipp von (1771–1820), 713, 717–18, 721–26

  Scotland, 339, 342, 354, 502–7

  education in, 361, 392, 502–3

  Industrial Revolution in, 340

  literature in, 416, 505–7

  Scott, Alexander John (1768–1840), 524

  Scott, Charlotte, nee Charpentier, 505

  Scott, Sir Walter (1771–1832), 381, 409, 417, 437, 446, 450, 505–7

  and Byron, 488, 505

  and debts of publisher Constable, 409, 507

  Toryism of, 408, 507

  Waverley Novels of, 410, 506–7

  Wordsworth and, 451, 507

  Scottish Friends of the People, 515

  Scrivia River, 171, 173

  sculpture: Danish, 667

  English, 377

  French, 280

  German, 609–10

  Italian, 554–56

  Russian, 682

  Seasons, The (Thomson), 416

  Sébastiani, Comte Horace (1772–1851), 188, 703

  Séchelles, Hérault de, see Hérault de Sechelles, M.-J.

  Second Abdication (1815), 750–51

  Second Coalition (1798), 113, 116, 119, 521, 676

  Second Empire, French (1852–70), 763

  Second League of Armed Neutrality (1800), 176, 178, 663–65, 678

  Second Restoration (1815), 752–54

  Second Treaty of Paris (1815), 754

  Seditious Meetings Act (1796), 517

  Segati, Marianna (fl. 1816), 479

  Ségur, Comte Louis-Philippe de (1753–1830), 235, 239, 266

  Seldorf Family, The (Forster), 605

  Selim III, Ottoman Sultan (r. 1789–1807), 670, 676

  Selva, Giovanni Antonio (1751–1819), 554

  Sénancourt, Étienne de (1770–1846), 318

  Senefelder, Aloys (1771–1834), 613, 623–24

  Senlis, bread riots in, 62

  sensationism, 143, 298, 330–31, 441

  Sense and Sensibility (Austen), 411

  Sepolcri, l (Foscolo), 553

  September Massacres (1792), 42–46, 129, 135

  Charlotte Corday and, 49, 58

  Danton and, 41, 45–46

  Marat and, 43–44, 45, 49

  Robespierre and, 48

  Mme. de Staël and, 149

  Serbia, revolt of (1804), 669

  serfdom: in France, 10, 11, 16, 22, 597

  in Poland, 213, 668

  in Prussia, 595, 596–97

  in Russia, 687

  Servan, Joseph (1741–1808), 40

  Sésurier, General, 97

  Seven Years’ War (1756–63), 361, 588, 592

  Sévigné, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de (1626–96), 35, 286

  Seville, 457, 533

  Sèvres, 280

  Sèze, Romain de (1748–1828), 51

  Sforza, Lodovico, Duke of Milan (r. 1481–99), 101

, William (1564–1616), 138, 371–74 passim, 629, 632, 658

  N.’s view of, 286

  August von Schlegel and, 433, 616, 634, 635

  Sharp, Granville (1735–1813), 368

  Shchedrin, F. F. (1751–1825), 683

  Shchedrin, Sylvester Feodorovich (1791–1830), 683

  Sheffield, Eng., 342, 354

  Shelley, Sir Bysshe (1731–1815), 467, 472, 476

  Shelley, Charles Bysshe (b. 1814), 474, 476, 481

  Shelley, Clara Everina (1817–18), 481, 482

  Shelley, Elizabeth, nee Pilfold, 467

  Shelley, Harriet, nee Westbrook (1795–1816), 470, 472–76, 481, 492

  Shelley, Ianthe (1813–76), 473, 474, 481

  Shelley, Mary Godwin (1797–1851), 474–78, 480–86, 488, 489, 494–95

  birth of, 366, 400

  and death of Byron, 500, 501

  and death of Shelley, 495–97

  later life, 501

  quoted on Shelley, 473, 492

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792–1822), 353, 374, 417, 449, 467–78, 480–86, 491–91, 501

  appearance, 468

  and atheism, 361, 469, 470, 472, 478, 481, 493

  birth and education, 467–69

  and Byron, 472, 476–78, 480–82, 486, 488–90, 492, 494–95

  character, 491–93

  death of, 495–97

  his Defence of Poetry, 493, 663

  elopement and marriage, first, 470, 472, 473–475, 481

  elopement and marriage, second, 475–76, 481 ff.

  and factory conditions, 361, 492, 508

  and French Revolution, 155, 493

  Godwin, correspondence with, 470, 471, 492, 495

  Godwin helped by, 400, 474, 476, 481

  Godwin’s influence on, 397, 399, 468, 471, 493

  and history, 455, 468, 469, 492

  in Italy, 481–86, 488–89, 491–97

  and Keats’s death, 485–86

  and Southey, 450, 470–71

  in Switzerland, 476–78

  Wordsworth, comparison with, 451, 452

  and Wordsworth’s pantheism, 446, 493

  Shelley, Percy Florence (1819–89), 483, 485

  Shelley, Timothy (1753–1844), 467, 469, 472, 474, 476, 480

  Shelley, William (1816–19), 476, 480, 483, 497

  Shenley, Captain, 497

  Sheremetev family, 673

  Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (1751–1816), 357, 371, 372, 379, 508

  Byron and, 459, 465

  Shipwreck, The (Turner), 383

  Shiskov, Aleksandr, 685

  Shuvalov, P. A. (fl. 1795), 674

  Siberia, 326, 673, 674

  Sicilian Romance, A (Radcliffe), 409

  Sicily, 216, 439, 543

  Siddons, Sarah, nee Kemble (1755–1831), 370, 577–72

  Siddons, William (d. 1808), 371

  Sidney, Sir Philip (1554–86), 467

  Sidney Smith, Sir William (1764–1840), 113, 408*

  Siege of Corinth, The (Byron), 461, 464

  Sienna, art in, 611

  Sierra de Guadarrama, 229

  Sieyès, Emmanuel-Joseph (1748–1836): and 18th Brumaire, 119, 120–21

  in Institute, 107

  and Third Estate, 5, 15–16, 117, 161

  seeks successor to N., 172

  writes new constitution, 119, 120, 159, 161–62

  Signorelli, Luca (1441–1523), 611

  Silesia, 558, 593, 613

  Silva, Francisco da, 532

  “Simon Lee” (Coleridge), 430

  Singer, Charles, 636*

  Sismondi, Jean-Charles-Léonard Simonde de (1773–1842), 294, 317, 660–61

  Sistine Madonna (Raphael), 593

  Sjaelland Island, 664, 665

  Sketch of a Tableau of the Progress of the Human Mind (Condorcet), 467

  slavery: campaign in England against, 359, 363, 512

  Coleridge and, 437, 447

  ended in all British territory, 368

  ended in French colonies, 23, 79, 130, 153

  ended in Spain, 540

  restored in French colonies, 181; see also

  slave trade slave trade, 367–68

  Congress of Vienna and, 733

  ended by British Parliament, 526

  Slavophils, 684–85

  smallpox inoculation, 392–93

  Smart, Sir George (1776–1867), 585

  Smith, Adam (1723–90), 341, 346, 472, 503, 512, 685

  Smith, Benjamin, metalworker, 377

  Smith, Mrs. Spencer, (fl. 1809), 457

  Smith, Sydney (1771–1845), 408

  Smith, Sir William Sidney (1764–1840), 113, 408*

  Smith, William “Strata” (1769–1839), 387

  Smolensk, 702, 703, 706–8

  Smollett, Tobias (1721–71), 409

  Smorgonie, 710

  Snowdon, Mount, 419

  Snowstorm, The (Turner), 384–85

  Soane, John (1753–1837), 377

  Social Contract, The (Rousseau), 7

  socialism (communism), 89–90, 126, 260, 262

  Marxian, 649, 658

  Owen and, 346, 350, 351

  and utilitarianism, 407

  Société des Égaux, 89

  Société des Noirs Amis, 35

  Society for Commemorating the Revolution, 513–15

  Society for Constitutional Information, 515

  Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 361–62

  Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 368

  Society for the Education of the Poor in Accordance with the Principles of the Established Church, 362

  Society for the Suppression of Vice, 367

  Society of Friends of the Constitution, 33

  Society of 1789, 34

  Society of the Friends of Man and the Citizen, 34

  Soirées de Saint-Pétersbourg (Maistre), 334–35

  Soissons, 723

  Somborsky, Archpriest, 677

  Sombreffe, 744

  Somerset, Henry (1792–1853), 747

  Somerset House, 376, 377, 386

  Songs of Experience (Blake), 415

  Songs of Innocence (Blake), 414, 415

  Sophocles (496?–406 B.C.), 497

  Sorel, Albert (1842–1906), 249

  Sorrows of Werther, The (Goethe), 151, 242, 290, 318, 416, 424, 582

  Soufflot, Jacques-Germain (1713–80), 682

  Soult, Nicolas (1769–1851), 269

  in 1805 campaign, 202, 203, 204

  at Jena (1806), 209

  in the Peninsula, 229–30, 537–38, 721

  in the Hundred Days, 742

  at Waterloo, 745, 747

  Souper de Beaucaire, Le (Napoleon), 94

  Southerne, Thomas (1660–1746), 371

  Southey, Edith, nee Fricker (d. 1837), 424, 449, 451

  Southey, Robert (1774–1843), 370, 389, 390, 408, 409, 424–25, 449–51

  Byron and, 450–51, 456, 489

  and the Coleridges, 417, 424, 439, 449

  death of, 451

  and the French Revolution, 513

  on the Luddites, 345

  meets Shelley, 470–71

  Soviet Union, 329

  Spain, 3, 36, 513, 533–35

  in 1st Coalition against France (1793), 53, 62, 74, 517, 532

  signs Peace of Basel (1795), 85, 97, 532

  declares war on England (1796), 519–20

  cedes Louisiana to France, 177

  allied with France (1804–05), 201, 202, 203

  Godoy offers friendship to Prussia, 208

  Treaty of Fontainebleau with France (1807), 222

  occupied by French (1807 ff.) 222–25, 532, 534–35, 693

  N.’s constitution for (1808), 224, 229, 535, 539

  insurrection against French (1808–14), 223–25, 534, 537, 539

  Peninsular War in (1808–14), 225, 228–30, 537–539, 581, 695, 697

  national Cortes writes new constitution, 537, 539–40

  Spencer, Herbert (1820–1903), 328r />
  Spenser, Edmund (1552?–99), 419

  Speransky, Count Mikhail Mikhailovich (1772–1839), 687–89

  Speyer, 49, 74, 588, 619

  Spezia, Bay of, 496

  Spinoza, Baruch (1632–77), 468, 490, 623, 639

  Schelling and, 643, 644

  Wordsworth and, 430, 443

  Spirit of the Age, The (Hazlitt), 402, 448

  Spohr, Louis (1784–1859), 612

  Spontini, Gasparo (1774–1851), 278

  Spree River, 593, 600, 605

  Stadion, Count Johann Philipp von (1763–1824), 561, 562

  Staël, Albert de (1792–1813), 149, 294, 296, 300, 305

  Staël, Albertine de, later Duchesse de Broglie (b. 1797), 301, 302

  birth of, 151, 305

  travels with mother, 292, 294, 296, 300

  Staël, Auguste de (1789–1827), 292, 293, 294, 297, 300, 305

  Staël, Germaine de, née Necker, Baronne de Staël-Holstein (1766–1817), 146–51, 262, 288–302, 304–7, 634, 683

  birth and education, 146–47

  love for her father, 146, 288, 293, 300, 302

  marriage of, 147, 297

  in Paris during early Revolution, 35, 147–49

  flees to Switzerland (1792), 149–50

  and Narbonne, 149–50, 292

  in England (1793), 150

  returns to Paris (1795), 136, 150–51, 304

  her encounters with N., 106–7, 151, 233, 245, 269

  and Constant, 150–51, 292, 294, 295, 296, 300, 304–7, 333, 742

  her war on N., 167, 272, 274, 288–302

  passim, 304–6

  friendship with Mme. Récamier, 272, 273, 295, 297

  publishes De la Littérature, 289, 290–91

  banished from Paris by N., 290–92

  to Germany (1803–04), 292–93, 612, 634

  and father’s death, 293, 306

  to Italy (1804–05), 293–94, 634, 660

  N.’s letters to Fouché about, 294–95

  and Julie von Krüdener, 296, 601

  writes on Germany, 296–99, 600, 606

  to Vienna, Russia, Sweden (1812–13), 300, 706

  in England (1814), 300, 370

  and Byron, 300, 477

  in Paris under Restoration, 300–302, 730, 739

  and Chateaubriand, 301, 302, 315

  death of, 302

  on conversation, 551, 649

  on England, 369, 375

  on Müller, 660

  on Slavophils, 684

  on Vienna, 564, 565

  Staël von Holstein, Baron Eric Magnus (1749–1802), 147–51

  passim, 289, 297

  Stanhope, Charles, 3d Earl Stanhope (1753–1816), 398, 513

  Stanhope, Col. Leicester Fitzgerald Charles (1784–1862), 498, 499

  States-General (France, 1614), 13

  States-General (France, 1789), 11–17, 51, 91, 131, 144, 147, 330

  cahiers brought to, 11–12, 130

  Statesman’s Manual, The (Coleridge), 440

  steam propulsion, 261, 342

  Steele, Sir Richard (1672–1729), 408


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