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Forbidden Love

Page 11

by Phillips, Laura

  They’d decided that there was no reason for them to hide the fact that they were dating. They’d just leave out the part where they’d almost gotten together while Kacey was Madison’s student. As far as anyone else was concerned, they’d only just started seeing each other in June.

  Kacey wasn’t sure how her mother would react. She’d always been supportive, but finding out her daughter was dating someone more than fourteen years older than her... That could be a stretch.

  Wait, when is Madison’s birthday? She mentioned early on that she would be forty in June, but she never said the date.

  Kacey slowed down and came to a stop at the edge of the parking lot to do some stretches. She still couldn’t believe that she was with Madison. It was very early days, but she knew she had it bad, and if she had to guess, she’d say that Madison did too. The last two days had flown by. They’d spent most of them in bed, but Kacey knew that this was more than a sex thing.

  Even though they’d spend the last two days together, Kacey did still worry about how Madison would feel about being seen with her. Kacey did look her age, and there was an obvious age difference that they wouldn’t be able to hide. It didn’t bother Kacey, but that was easier for her to say.

  She didn’t know what would happen when they ran into Madison’s colleagues, if she would be worried about what they thought or if they suspected that this had started when Kacey was still her student. At least they were both friends with Ashley, but Kacey knew it might be slightly difficult to integrate their two worlds.

  I’m getting way ahead of myself.

  She swung her leg back, catching her foot as she went through her stretching routine. There was no point worrying about any of that yet. They’d figure it out as they went.

  The one thing Kacey did know was that she was extremely lucky. She never thought she’d get another chance, and right now, she was going to do her best not to screw this up again.

  Kacey doubted that Madison had held anything back when they’d been in her bedroom, but she still felt like Madison wasn’t ready to open up to her. Their conversations so far hadn’t gone too deep into either of their pasts. Madison still didn’t know that her father had died when she was eight, and Kacey didn’t know much about Madison’s past at all. She didn’t know if she’d had any serious relationships or the type of women that she’d dated. She just knew about Ashley, and Kacey had been reluctant to bring up their relationship.

  They’d spent the majority of their time together doing very little talking, and while Kacey wasn’t going to start complaining about the way Madison kissed her or how easily they’d fallen into bed, they should probably get to know one another. This wasn’t what Kacey would have thought was normal.

  Kacey got into her car and put the AC on. She promised her mother she’d cover half of one of the waitress’s shifts, and Kacey had just enough time to go home and shower before she’d have to go in.

  She didn’t know when she’d see Madison again, but Kacey didn’t want to be too clingy or needy, so it was probably for the best that she was working tonight. She knew if she was at home watching Netflix, she’d probably cave and text Madison, asking her if she wanted to come over.

  I have it so bad...

  Chapter 32

  Madison’s eyes searched The Beach House for Kacey. She wasn’t sure if she was working tonight, but she didn’t know if she should have warned her that she was coming here with her friend. She thought that might have been a little weird, so she decided against it. If Kacey was working, what were the chances of her waiting on their table? Madison hoped they were slim, because that would be awkward.

  Her best friend from college, Christina, had asked her to dinner tonight, but she hadn’t said where. If Madison had known they were coming to The Beach House, she might have suggested somewhere different. She loved this place, but she didn’t want to run into Kacey while she was working. Madison didn’t even know how she would feel about introducing her to Christina.

  “What are you looking for?” Christina asked with a smirk as she refilled their wine glasses.

  “Sorry. What did you say?”

  “I asked you what you were looking for? Your eyes have been searching the restaurant since we got here.”

  “Oh... I know some people that work here,” Madison said nonchalantly.

  “Oh yeah. Your friend. The chef... Ashley, right?”

  “Yes. She might be preparing our meals tonight. I’m not sure if she’s working though.”

  “Well, I’ve heard so many great things about this place. I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to come here,” Christina said, tucking a lock of her blond hair behind her ear.

  “Thanks for inviting me out for dinner,” Madison said, smiling at her.

  “Why wouldn’t I? It’s not every day you turn forty. I can’t believe you didn’t want to have a party. I know you like to do things low-key but turning forty is a big deal.”

  “Is it though? I don’t feel any different.”

  “Well, you don’t look forty, anyway,” Christina said, reaching for her wine glass.

  “And to be honest, I don’t feel like it either. I don’t know where the last few years have gone. I can’t believe we’ve already been working together for eight years.”

  “I know. It really doesn’t seem like that long ago that you were giving me a tour of the campus and helping me get settled in. I don’t know if I ever thanked you for that. You made it really easy for me to feel like I belonged.”

  Madison shrugged. “I guess I just remembered what that feeling was like... Of not knowing anyone and getting lost trying to get to my own lectures. Most of the staff were nice, but you know, they had their own problems, their own workload to deal with.”

  “Well, thank you. I plan on doing the same for someone else... Helping them like you did for me,” Christina said, lifting her glass. “Happy birthday, Madison.”

  Madison smiled back at her as they clinked their glasses together just as their waiter brought over their food. This was turning into a really nice evening. The only thing that was bothering her was the fact that she wasn’t spending it with Kacey, and that was her own fault. She didn’t know it was her birthday.

  That nagging feeling returned as Madison picked up her cutlery. It never took much to set it off, and Madison hated being so indecisive. She knew that she was crazy about Kacey, and the sex was, well... It was mind blowing, but at the end of the day, they didn’t know each other, and it wasn’t like they met last week. They’d known each other for a few months at this stage, and they still had barely scratched the surface.

  “This is delicious,” Christina said, taking her away from her thoughts. She was digging into her teriyaki chicken, and Madison suddenly lost her appetite.

  I need to talk to Kacey... Actually talk to her.

  It was easier said than done though. Every time that Madison was around her, it never took long to give into her desire. She needed to reel that in if they were going to make this work. Madison’s eyes surveyed the busy restaurant again, seeing Kacey carrying a drinks tray across the room, her blond hair tied up in a messy bun.

  Madison tore her eyes away from her. Maybe she could catch her on her way out tonight.

  Chapter 33

  Kacey grabbed Sherri’s arm as she breezed past her. “Hey, can you do me a favor?” Kacey asked, leaning against the bar.


  “Can you take table fourteen for me?”

  Sherri turned to check out the table for two that was against the wall. “Is that Madison?”

  “Yeah... I don’t want to serve them. That would be-”

  “Awkward,” they said together, and Kacey smiled.

  “I don’t mind,” Sherri said, taking her notepad out of her pocket as she headed over to their table.

  Kacey breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn’t believe it when she saw Madison wandering in a few minutes ago with a blond-haired woman that she thought looked familiar, but she didn’t
know her. A pang of jealousy hit her, but she quickly shook it off. She had nothing to worry about. They’d had an amazing two days together, and Kacey wasn’t going to get caught up worrying.

  If Madison was seeing someone else, she’d hardly bring her here. Kacey knew she couldn’t serve them though. Would Madison have even acknowledged her in front of this woman? Kacey didn’t know, but at least she wouldn’t have to worry about that now.

  Her mother appeared behind the bar, lifting two pints of beer and a tumbler of amber colored liquid onto a tray for Kacey to deliver.

  “So, Sherri’s taking over one of your tables?” Elizabeth asked.

  Kacey just nodded. “Yep.”


  Kacey let out the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. “Do you remember how I said I was seeing someone? Well, that’s her...”

  Her mother leaned to the side, trying to get a better look. “The blond?”

  “No. The woman across from her. Long dark hair. Her name’s Madison. ”

  “Wow... You’re dating her?”

  “Mom! What? Do you think she’s out of my league or something?”

  “No. I don’t know. I guess I’m just surprised,” Elizabeth said, her eyebrows furrowing slightly. “Go deliver those to table seven. We’ll talk later. Maybe you can introduce me?”

  “Maybe,” Kacey said as she slid the tray off the bar and onto the palm of her hand as she carried it over to the table in the far corner of the room.

  When she was getting ready to start her shift a few hours ago, her mother had commented on how good she looked. Kacey had tried to blame it on her run earlier, but her mother saw right through it, and Kacey ended up telling her that she was seeing someone and that she was happy.

  Elizabeth had been full of questions, but thankfully, Kacey’s shift was starting, and she had to get out there.

  And now she knows I’m dating Madison, and her reaction was exactly what I was expecting. Skeptical.

  Kacey knew her mother was only looking out for her, but Kacey wasn’t even in a position to defend her relationship. She hardly knew Madison, and if her mother started asking her questions about her, like where she was from and what her family were like, Kacey wouldn’t be able to answer them.

  Kacey hoped she wouldn’t have to introduce them tonight. She needed to talk to Madison about what this really was. It was a conversation that she was dreading, because there was still a tiny part of her that worried that this was just about sex. She thought they were both on the same page, but until they talked about it, Kacey couldn’t be sure.

  Kacey made her way back to the bar to pick up the next drinks order, and her mother was there filling another tray for her.

  “So, what did you get her?” Elizabeth asked with a slight smile.

  “What did I get her...?”

  “Your girlfriend. For her birthday.”

  Kacey stared blankly at her mother.

  “Oh. Maybe it’s the other woman’s birthday. There’s a request for a special dessert with a few candles.”

  Kacey took the tray before her mother could ask her any more questions. It probably was Madison’s birthday. She knew it was in June. She remembered her saying that she was turning forty in June weeks ago.

  But I didn’t know...

  Kacey shook her head as she carried the tray outside to one of the tables on the deck. How could she not know something as simple as Madison’s birthday? It was crazy. They needed to talk, and Kacey knew it couldn’t wait. She’d try and catch Madison before she left tonight.

  Chapter 34

  “No way,” Christina said, sliding the slim leather folder to her side of the table and slipping her credit card inside. “It’s your birthday. This one’s on me.”

  “Thanks,” Madison said, bringing her wine glass to her lips. “We should do this more often,” she said as she stood up, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

  “We should. I’ve hardly seen you since we finished up in April.”

  “I’ve been busy... But there’s still plenty of summer left, right?”

  “Thank God there is,” Christina said as the waiter returned her card. “Do you want to split a cab home?”

  “I’m actually going to see if Ashley’s working.”

  “Okay. I’ll call you,” she said as she wrapped her arm around her. “Enjoy the rest of your birthday.”

  “I will... And thanks again for tonight.”

  Madison gave her a wave as she made her way to the door, and Madison scanned the room, looking for Kacey again, but she didn’t see her. She took out her phone and started texting her as she left, waiting outside to see if Kacey would text her back before she left.

  Madison pressed send as she moved to the left of the entrance where there was a path that led around to the side of the building and the beach that was just a few feet away.

  Madison’s heart stopped when someone grabbed her wrist. She turned to see Kacey and Madison remembered to breathe again.

  “Sorry,” Kacey said, letting go of her. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I just got your texts.”

  “Sorry about the first one... I wasn’t sure if I should let you know that I was here tonight, because I thought you might be working and-”

  “It’s okay,” Kacey said with a weak smile. “Is today really your birthday?”

  Madison nodded, a pang of guilt striking her as she saw Kacey’s face fall. “I don’t like to make a big deal of it...”

  “But how did I not know that it was birthday? Your fortieth?”


  “I feel like we’re doing this backwards,” Kacey said with a sigh. “I hardly know you...”

  “Come back to mine,” Madison said in a rush. “We’ll talk,” she said, feeling the need to clarify. “If you want to...”

  Kacey nodded. “I just finished... I should probably go home and freshen up. Will I come over in a while?”

  “Sure,” Madison said, a smile tugging at her lips. “I’ll see you later,” she said, leaning in for a chaste kiss, brushing her lips across Kacey’s, breaking the kiss before either of them could get carried away.

  “Okay,” Kacey said, returning her smile.

  Madison got a taxi back to her apartment, feeling a little better than she had at the start of the evening. They were finally going to talk.

  Chapter 35

  Kacey waited in the hallway for Madison to answer the door. She wiped her sweaty palms on the side of her shorts, alternating the bottle of rum between her hands. She didn’t know what else to get Madison for her birthday, so before she left the restaurant, she quizzed Trent about it, knowing that rum was his favorite drink.

  Kacey had gone home for a quick shower and to get changed out of her work clothes. Now, she was wearing army green shorts and a black tank top, her hair down.

  “Hey,” Madison said as she opened the door. She was still wearing the black skinny jeans and the emerald green sleeveless top she had on earlier. Her hair was wavy, falling across her shoulders, and Kacey nearly forgot to answer her.

  “Hi,” she said with a smile. “Happy birthday,” Kacey said, handing her the bottle of rum. “I think this is a good one? I asked Trent, because I don’t know anything about rum.”

  “Thanks,” Madison said, their fingers brushing as she took the bottle from her hands. “I’ll get two tumblers. Have a seat,” she said as they went into the living room, and Madison returned a few seconds later with glasses.

  “So... You had a good day so far?”

  “Yes. I went for a run today, and then I met my friend Christina at The Beach House. She works at the college too... I’m glad that you’re here,” Madison said softly as she unscrewed the cap off the bottle and poured them each a generous helping, the ice crackling as the amber colored liquor filled the tumblers.

  “Me too... This is new to me,” Kacey said, knowing that she needed to start talking before she lost her nerve. “Feeling so... Out of control, I guess. I don’t kno
w how else to describe it,” she said with half a smile.

  “I know exactly what you mean.”

  “But what are we doing?” Kacey asked, getting right to the point. “We hardly know each other...”

  “Let’s get to know each other then,” Madison said, taking a sip of her rum. “This is lovely, by the way... I was at your mother’s wedding, and Trent seems great, but what about your dad? What’s he like?”

  Kacey brought her tumbler to her lips. “My dad died when I was eight. Heart attack... I don’t really remember him.”

  “Oh my God,” Madison said, her jaw dropping slightly. “I’m so sorry. I had-”

  “No idea,” Kacey said, saying those words with her. “It’s okay. I just felt bad for my mom growing up. She worked so hard, trying to keep the business going, but then she met Trent, and he’s become a second father to me. They’re good together. I wish I’d gotten a chance to get to know my dad, but my mom’s always told me about him, and I have a box full of photos of the two of us.”

  “I really am sorry...”

  “What about your parents?”

  “They live in Miami... I only really see them over the holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas, sometimes the fourth of July.”

  “Do you have any siblings?” Kacey asked, taking a sip of rum.

  “One younger sister. Diane. She’ll be thirty in November.”

  Kacey nodded. “How do they feel about you being gay?” she asked, but as soon as she said those words, she realized that she’d just assumed Madison was gay. She’d never asked. She could be bi-sexual.

  “They were shocked. Diane didn’t care. She had already guessed, but my parents needed some time to come around... But they’re okay with it, I think. I never brought anyone home to meet them...”


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