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Forbidden Love

Page 16

by Phillips, Laura

  “Hey,” Kacey said when Madison opened the door. She immediately noticed how tired Madison was. “Are you okay?”

  “Come in.”

  Kacey followed her inside. “Were you working?” she asked, noticing the light coming from her office.

  “I was just going through some old files... Do you want some wine?”

  “Sure. Whatever you’re having is fine.”

  Kacey went into the living room and sat down on the couch. Madison joined her a minute later, handing her a glass of red wine.

  “How was your day?” Madison asked, tousling her dark hair and pushing it over one shoulder.

  “Okay. The usual. The restaurant is still standing so I survived another day,” she said with a smile, still trying to figure out if Madison was okay. She had this distant look in her eyes, and Kacey hoped nothing was wrong.

  “What about you?”

  Madison took a deep breath. “Today was... Difficult. I got a call from the hospital that one of my former patients tried to commit suicide last night. I’m not even sure why they called me. I referred her on to one of my colleagues... Maybe my name is still on her file.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “She’s alive. That’s all I know really. I haven’t been in touch. I’m not sure what to do, professionally or personally. She’s no longer my patient... I just feel like I let her down.”

  “By going back to college?” Kacey guessed.

  “Yeah. I’ve been thinking about making the switch and going back to therapy full time.”

  “Come here,” Kacey whispered pulling her into her arms, gently rubbing her hand over her back. “It’s not your fault.” This was the first time she’d seen this vulnerable side to Madison, and she wasn’t sure what to do other than to be there for her.

  “I know...”

  “And she’s okay.”

  “I think I need to do this... For myself,” Madison said as she reached for her wine glass. “I’m going to apply for the leave next week.”

  “And this could be your last year teaching?”

  “For now. It’s only a break. I don’t have to make a decision about my long-term future. This is just what I need to do right now. I miss helping people.”

  Kacey nodded. “Just let me know what I can do, if anything.”

  “Having you here is more than enough. I almost got drunk with Ashley today, but I thought spending the evening with you would be better.”

  Kacey laughed. “Thanks, I think. How is she? I feel like I only ever talk business with her now.”

  “She’s good. She actually wants to go on a double date Friday.”

  “I’m up for that.”

  “Great. I’ll let her know.”

  Kacey took a sip of wine. There was already a change in Madison’s demeanor, like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

  “Do you have any friends in real estate?” Kacey asked her when she’d finished texting Ashley.

  Madison thought about it for a second. “No. I don’t think so. Why?”

  “My lease is up soon. I think I should find a rental closer to the restaurant.”

  “You’ll have to pay a lot more... It’ll be close to the beach.”

  “I know, but it would make my life a lot easier,” Kacey said, getting comfortable beside Madison. “And I think I want to live somewhere new. My apartment right now just reminds me of being a student.”

  Madison nodded. “I know it might be too soon, but...”

  Kacey stared at her, finally realizing what she was trying to stay. “You want to live together?”

  Madison’s shoulders lifted. “We practically live together now... Here.”

  Kacey took another drink. She honestly hadn’t thought about it, probably because there was a part of her that worried that Madison wasn’t as serious about their relationship as she was.

  “Are you serious?” Kacey asked, trying to keep the excitement out of her voice.

  “Yes. I wouldn’t joke about something like that. I’d love to live with you Kace.”

  As much as Kacey wanted to jump at the idea, part of her was afraid it was too soon. “Is it okay if I think about it?”

  “Of course. Take all the time you need. The offer’s there.”

  Chapter 51

  Madison rolled over to check the time on her phone. 3:22AM.

  She tried to get comfortable again, rolling over and fluffing up her pillow. She rarely had trouble sleeping, but tonight, no matter how hard she tried, sleep just wouldn’t come. Kacey was fast asleep beside her, gentle breathing sounds escaping her lips.

  Madison was finally able to distract herself from what happened earlier today with her patient, but that was only because she had something else to worry about. She couldn’t believe she’d asked Kacey to move in with her. It wasn’t like she didn’t want to live with her, but saying it so soon was probably a huge mistake. She could see the hesitation written all over Kacey’s face.

  As soon as it was out of her mouth, she’d wished she could take it back. That was a conversation for this time next year, when they’d had a solid year together. Now, things were still so new. She couldn’t believe she’d even suggested in.

  They did spend most of their free time together, but that wasn’t the same as living with someone. Madison had never shared her space with anyone else, not since she’d had a roommate in college and that was completely different. What if they got on each other’s nerves?

  Madison was also drafting her application for a career break in her head. It wasn’t exactly counting sheep, but at least she was being productive while she stared at the walls.

  This was the first time in a long time that Madison felt like she’d lost control. She’d had the same days, the same months, and they all rolled into the same years. Now, her life was changing. Kacey was in it, and she was seriously considering a career change. She was happier than she’d ever been, but she felt like she was free-falling through life, and it was terrifying.

  A heavy arm rested on her stomach. Kacey had rolled over, draping her arm over her, and somehow that calmed Madison down. She edged herself a little closer to Kacey, until her back was against her body. In just a few seconds, Madison could feel herself drifting off to sleep.

  Chapter 52

  Kacey took a few more pictures with her phone, standing back to get the entire open planned living and kitchen area in the photos. It was a modern apartment, recently refurbished, and less than a twenty-minute walk from The Beach House. She should have been telling the realtor then and there that she wanted the place, but Madison’s words still rang in her ears.

  “I’d love to live with you Kace.”

  A part of her was so relieved that Madison would not only think that but say it out loud. The other part of her was worried that this was a very bad idea. Their relationship was new and moving in together could end up ruining what they have.

  Or it could bring us closer together...

  “Well, what do you think?” the realtor asked, her heels clicking on the tiled floors as she crossed the room to join her by the front door.

  “It’s perfect. Can I get back to you though?”

  “This place is going to go fast. Can you let me know by tonight?”

  “Yeah,” Kacey said, running a hand through her hair. “I’ll give you a call tonight if I want to take it.”


  Kacey followed her, taking one last look before she closed the door behind her. It was the ideal apartment for her, but the idea of living with Madison was making it look less and less appealing.

  Nothing about the way they met or ended up together was normal, so why should this be? Who said that they had to be dating for a year or two before moving in together? That was just what Kacey thought was normal, but if it felt right, why wait?

  Kacey got into her car, and it practically drove itself to Madison’s. That’s where she went most evenings after work. They fell into an easy routine. Madison would often be working in
her office until Kacey arrived, and she spent more nights there than she did at home, so moving in with her really wouldn’t be that much of a leap.

  But it’s still a leap... A very big one.

  They hadn’t spoken about it since, but Kacey needed to bring it up again tonight. If they weren’t going to do this, then she needed to take that apartment she just saw. It was perfect.

  Kacey parked her car in the space beside Madison’s and got out, slinging her bag over her shoulder as she went into her building and took the elevator up to her floor. The more she thought about it, she really would love to live with Madison. She just hoped that it was the right decision.

  Chapter 53

  Madison brought their empty plates into the kitchen and loaded them into the dishwasher. They hadn’t talked anymore about living together, but she felt good about it either way. If Kacey wanted to get her own place, things probably wouldn’t change too much. They’d still spend time together in the evenings like tonight, and if she did want to move in with her, they practically lived together now. It wouldn’t be that big of an adjustment.

  Madison wasn’t going to bring it up again though. Kacey was probably looking for an apartment near The Beach House, and maybe that made more sense for them right now. They hadn’t been together that long.

  “Hey,” Kacey said when Madison joined her in the living room. “I viewed an apartment earlier.”

  “Oh yeah? Was it close to the restaurant?”

  Kacey nodded. “It’s exactly what I’m looking for. It’s more than I’m paying right now, but I expected that. It’s modern, clean... The building is well looked after, and I can walk to the restaurant.”

  “Wow. Is there anything wrong with it?” Madison asked, taking Kacey’s bare feet into her lap and running the pads of her fingers across her arch, massaging the balls of her foot with her thumbs.

  Kacey closed her eyes for a second while Madison worked on her foot. “I have to make a decision. Right now, really. It’s getting late, and I told the realtor that I’d let her know tonight.”

  “Well, it sounds perfect.”

  “It is,” Kacey said, running a hand through her blond hair. “I just can’t stop thinking about what you said the other night... About living together.”


  “I know it’s probably crazy, but... The more I think about it, the more I want to.”

  Madison stopped massaging her foot. “You do?”

  “Yes,” Kacey said with a laugh. “Why? Have you changed your mind? Because if you have, that’s completely fine. Like I said, this place is ideal.”

  “No. I haven’t changed my mind. I just didn’t think you wanted to... Of course, the offer still stands.”

  “Okay,” Kacey said, returning her smile. “I’ll let her know that I don’t want that apartment... You’re sure?”

  “Yes,” Madison said, scooting closer to her on the couch to put her arm around her, kissing Kacey on the cheek while she took out her phone. Her heart was pounding her in chest.

  We’re really going to live together.

  Madison went back to Kacey’s feet, carefully massaging each of them while Kacey spoke to the realtor, letting her know that she wasn’t interested in the apartment. She should probably be panicking right now, but Madison felt this strange calm settle over her as Kacey hung up.

  “So, we’re really doing this,” Kacey said with a smile.

  “We are... When do you need to be out of your place, again?”

  “Not until November. I was willing to pay for both places if it meant finding the right apartment, but I don’t have to worry about that now.”

  Madison nodded, giving Kacey’s foot one last rub, before she got up and went into the kitchen. She opened the top drawer, rummaging through the menus, screw drivers, and business cards before she found the spare key to her apartment.

  “Here you go,” Madison said, sitting down beside Kacey again, handing her the key. “You can start moving your things over whenever you want. I don’t know if you want to do it gradually or leave it until you’re ready to leave your place... But I want you to start thinking of this place as your own from now on,” she said, brushing a few strands of Kacey’s blond hair behind her ear.

  “I love you,” Kacey said, smiling as she leaned in to find her lips. “This is probably crazy, and my mom’s going to think I’ve lost my mind, but I don’t care.”

  Madison laughed. “I wonder what Ashley’s going to say.”

  “Do you want to tell her Friday night? When we go out with her and Brooke?”

  “Yeah. If that’s okay with you?”

  “Of course.”

  “I love you too, by the way,” Madison said, brushing her lips across Kacey’s again.

  Madison was in the process of applying for a career break, and Kacey was moving in with her. If someone had told her those two things were going to happen this year or possibly ever, Madison would have told them they were nuts, but they were both happening. Things were changing, but for the first time in a long time, Madison was happy with where she was and what was coming ahead.


  Kacey slid her arm around Madison’s waist as she admired their afternoon’s work. She’d turned the lights off so just the glow from the white fairy lights that were wrapped around their first Christmas tree lit the room. Silver and red ornaments were evenly spread out across the surprisingly realistic looking branches.

  “What do you think?” Kacey asked, turning to see Madison’s expression as they took in the tree that was in the corner of their living room.

  “I think that’s the most symmetrically decorated Christmas tree I’ve ever had,” she said with a smirk.


  “Everything’s perfect. That’s all I’m saying,” Madison said, lightly rubbing her hand across her back. “I don’t think I ever spent the time to make sure it looked this good... It was just for me after all.”

  Kacey shrugged. “I didn’t have a Christmas tree last year. Maybe that’s why.”

  “Why not?”

  “Same reason. I was living on my own, and it was kind of depressing. I was going to my mother’s house on Christmas Eve last year and spending a few days there. I didn’t see the point in decorating my apartment.”

  “I think we should celebrate,” Madison said, going into the kitchen for two glasses and the champagne that was at the back of her refrigerator, waiting for a special occasion.

  “And what are we celebrating?” Kacey asked when Madison handed her the glasses, and she carefully balanced the bottle on her knee as she popped the cork, catching it before it did any damage.

  Madison poured them each a glass, leaving the bottle on the coffee table. “Everything. Our first Christmas... Living together for almost two months.”

  “Your career break.”

  “Right,” Madison said with a smile as she took her glass from Kacey. “And your success as manager of The Beach House.”

  “I guess we have a lot to celebrate,” Kacey said, returning her smile as she clinked her glass of Madison’s.

  “We definitely do... To us and our future.”

  “Cheers,” Kacey said, bringing her glass to her lips.

  A year ago, Kacey was planning her mother’s wedding and worrying about her growing crush on Madison Malone. Now, she could hardly believe where she was.

  Not only was Madison her girlfriend, but Kacey didn’t think she’d ever been happier. It wasn’t just a crush or infatuation. They had something, and Kacey planned on making it last.

  She never could have imagined having this kind of love in her life, not even in her wildest dreams.

  When Universes Collide

  by Laura Phillips

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Copyright © 2016


  September 4, 2016

  Anna Cooper stood in front of her old high school, the red brick exterior looking much the same as it had seven years ago.

  In two days’ time, she would be teaching her first English class here, probably in a classroom that she’d once sat in.

  She stood there in jean shorts and a black tank top wondering where the last seven years went.

  She’d be lying to herself is she said that she wasn’t nervous.

  She was absolutely petrified.

  When she left this small town behind, she was eighteen and she thought she knew exactly what she wanted.

  She was going to study journalism at UCLA and work for a major newspaper, maybe even travel the world while doing so but at some point in her first year of college things weren’t working out the way she had imagined.

  She started thinking about teaching. She’d been volunteering to help tutor high school students in the evenings and she loved it.

  She transferred to Penn and back to the east coast, only a few hours from home.

  Now she was back to her old high school, to small town life, to all the things she couldn’t wait to leave behind when she was eighteen.

  Anna took a deep breath and made her way into the building, a light breeze blowing her blond hair away from her face.

  She hadn’t set foot inside the school since she graduated and as she pushed the door open, seeing the familiar brick walls and the packed trophy cabinets brought back a lot of memories.

  Her time here had been pretty forgettable really.

  She’d been a better than average student and played several sports. She hadn’t been popular, but she’d had a group of friends that she’d spent most of her four years here with.

  There was only one thing… one person that had made her senior year here one of the best of her life.

  She didn’t know if she was still teaching here or if she even cared if she was.

  Anna had spent the last seven years trying to forget about her.


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