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Page 2

by Lea Hart

  “I’ll take that under advisement.” Smiling, he rocked back on his heels. “I’m glad McCallan is the same idiot he was in high school and went after the shiniest, cheapest thing in the room.”

  “Should I remember you from high school?”

  “Probably not. I was a computer geek with a small group of friends.”

  Smiling faintly, she waited for the inevitable comment about how much she’d changed and blah, blah, blah. When it didn’t come, she narrowed her eyes. “When did you graduate?”

  “A year ahead of Zach.”

  Nodding, she found her smile returning because the chances of a senior remembering an overweight freshman were rather small. Not that she wasn’t proud of the changes she’d made, but avoiding the whole ‘what did you do’ conversation would be nice at this point in the evening. “So have you gone on to achieve immeasurable success in Silicon Valley, thus mocking those who ridiculed you in high school?”

  “Pretty much,” he replied with a small smile. “I’ve got a small company, and we’ve come up with some cool programs over the last couple of years.”


  “That comment tells me you were not part of the vaunted popular crowd.”

  “Not even a little.”

  Stepping back, Norbert ran his hand over his jaw and then grinned. “Let me guess; super braniac?”

  “No, just fat and incredibly insecure.”

  “Seems you managed a little revenge of your own, since you’ve got to be a supermodel by now.”

  Laughing, she covered her mouth. “Women who are size sixteen are never supermodels.”

  “Well, then something needs to change, because I’d buy anything you sold.”

  “God bless you and anyone who had anything to do with you being here tonight.”

  Leaning back, he let out a laugh. “I’m still pissed McCallan monopolized you all evening, but maybe it doesn’t matter in the end.”

  Holding up her hands, she shook her head. “I’m not…”



  “How about we exchange numbers and be friends, then.”

  “I’m guessing we live close to one another if Misty wanted us to meet.”

  “I’m in Hillsborough.”

  “Geographically perfect for a friend, since I’m in San Mateo.”

  Putting out his hand, he smiled. “Let me give you a ride, and I’ll give you my quiz to see if you’re friend material.”

  Cecily took his hand and groaned. “You have a quiz?”

  “Of course. I can’t be friends with people who have crap taste in music, eat tofu, drink box wine and don’t understand the importance of Words with Friends.”

  “I love dance music from the nineties, only eat tofu under duress, prefer gin and tonic, and can kick your very tight perfect ass at WWF.”

  “Are you sure we can only be friends?”

  Looking up, she nodded. “Yeah.”

  He led her through the front doors and let out a sigh. “All right. But you’re never going to kick my ass at anything.”

  As they stepped outside, she felt the cool fall breeze brush over her shoulders and decided not to fire her fairy godmother after all. “We’re you really going for a bad boy vibe?”

  “Absolutely, since women always seem to prefer them over nice ones.”

  “Not any worth keeping.”

  “I hear that a lot, but guys like McCallan always seem to be the one the girl chooses.”

  “I didn’t.”

  “But you almost did.”

  “Almost only counts in horseshoes.”

  Smiling, he looked down. “Guess you’re right, since I’m the one taking Cinderella home in my carriage.”

  “Friends, Norbert. That’s all we’re ever going to be.”

  “You couldn’t give me five more minutes with that fantasy?”


  He led her over to his Tesla and opened the door. “Probably best.”

  “Always is,” she replied as she slid into the car. “Always is.”


  Zach checked his phone again and cursed quietly, wondering when in the hell his baby brother was going to return his text and give him the intel he’d requested hours ago. Seeing his cousin Evan shake his head let him know that he was fooling exactly no one, and he shoved the phone in his back pocket. “What have you been up to, man?”

  “Nothing as interesting as what’s on your phone. That’s for damn sure. You’ve been looking at that thing like a lover since we sat down.”

  “Just waiting on Seth to get some intel for me.”

  “I know it’s not some security shit, so it has to be about a woman, and since you had no one special before you got here, it means you met someone last night at the wedding.”

  Leaning back, Zach let out a laugh. “When you’re ready to leave the oil fields let me know, because we can use your skills at the company.”

  The waitress delivered their meals along with fresh coffee, and Zach lifted his fork and grinned. “Forgot how much I liked biscuits and gravy, and Copes Diner does it better than anyone else.”

  Evan dug into his scramble and nodded. “Bet finding a place like this in Vegas is just about impossible.”

  “You’d be surprised what you can find once you drive away from the strip.”

  “How was Cal and Misty’s wedding?”

  “It was…fun.”

  “That sounds like a questionable review.”

  “I haven’t kept in touch with many people from high school, so it was a little strange, but seeing Cal tie the knot was great.”


  “Do you remember Cecily Baker? She was two years behind us and was friends with Seth.”

  “Tow-Truck Cecily?”

  Zach winced and nodded. “We were seated at the same table last night, and I can tell you she’s fucking beautiful.”

  “Figures,” Evan responded before eating some of his hash browns. “All those ‘popular girls’ from school didn’t age well, and it seems only fair that the ones who had a hard time would turn into swans.”

  “Damn good description,” Zach replied before finishing off his last biscuit.” The woman could be a freaking supermodel and grace any magazine cover.”

  “Did she lose a bunch of weight or what?”

  “She’s got a healthy figure and is no size two.”

  Evan lifted his coffee cup and nodded. “I like a woman with curves, because I’m too damn big to waste my time on one who will break with a real hug.”

  “Blessing of being a McCallan, since we’re all built like Mack trucks.”

  “Is she the one you need intel on?”

  “Yeah, she told me she was going to the ladies’ room and then never came back. Disappeared from the ball, never to be heard from again.”

  “Like Cinderella?”

  “I guess. One minute we’re talking and the next she’s gone.”

  “Maybe somebody better came along.”

  Zach dropped his fork and frowned. “Fuck you.”

  Evan laughed and held up his hands. “That was a joke, but I can see she took your sense of humor when she ghosted your big ass.”

  He picked up his fork again and shoveled some eggs into his mouth, knowing his cousin wasn’t far off the mark. When she’d never returned, he couldn’t freaking believe it because he’d been sure she was into him.

  There were way too many signals to think otherwise. From the way she leaned into him when he spoke, to the encouraging smiles she offered when they danced, he couldn’t have been that wrong.

  Could he?

  “Maybe something spooked her,” Evan said as he wiped his plate clean with a piece of toast. “Maybe she saw you flirtin’ with someone.”

  “The only person I talked to was Danielle, and there was no flirting.”

  “You mean Cole’s old girlfriend from high school, and the one who kicked up a shitstorm with Kelly?”

back, Zach wiped his mouth and nodded. “Yeah.”

  Evan let out a bark of laughter. “Bingo.”

  “No bingo,” Zach almost shouted. “I didn’t do anything.”

  “Yeah, that’s what Cole said, but she was sitting on his lap and his hand was close to the good china.”


  “Danielle has always enjoyed screwing with guys just to see if she could. It’s her favorite power play, and she gets off knowing she can stir up shit and have any man she wants, even if he’s in a relationship.”

  Running his hand over his face, he groaned. “She did drape herself over me, and my hand might’ve landed really close to her ass.”

  “Bet Cecily don’t play that way.”

  Feeling anger build in his gut, Zach nodded. “Yeah, I’m guessing she doesn’t”

  Evan pushed his plate away and grinned. “So what exactly happened?”

  “Danielle pushed her way into the group of guys I was talking to and attached herself to me like an octopus.”

  “You didn’t peel her off?”

  “I thought if I let her have her say, she’d leave without me having to make a big deal about it.”

  “And how did your hand land near her ass?”

  “Not sure.”

  Evan nodded and crossed his arms. “Bet Cole had a similar explanation for Kelly.”

  “If Cecily saw any part of that, it’s no wonder she left. She’s got no reason to believe I’m not an asshole, especially if someone started talking about what happened senior year.”

  “Guess you won’t know until you talk to her.”

  “If she takes my call,” he replied quietly. The waitress refilled their coffee cups, and he took the bill she handed him, then glanced over at his cousin. “I was serious earlier. If you ever want to get out of town, come see us in Vegas, because we’re always looking for good men to add to the team.”

  “How big is McCallan Security now?”

  “We’ve got more business than we can handle and bill around forty million annually.”

  “Damn,” Evan replied as he sat back.

  “If you want a change, think about it.”

  “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Nodding, he pulled his wallet out and thought about Cecily. One way or another they were eventually going to have a conversation, and he hoped when it happened she’d be willing to listen.


  Cecily sat in the Farmacy Café of the Padre Hotel and couldn’t believe there was such a chic establishment in her hometown. Admiring the cool vibe of both the place and the patrons, she sipped her coffee and thought about the men she’d met last night.


  In every sense of the word.

  Zach was blond and resembled Thor in both build and personality. Where Norbert had almost black hair and reminded her very much of Wolverine with a lean build and good heart.

  Not that there was a reason to think about Zach in any way, considering how quickly he’d forgotten her existence and moved on to the next available woman.

  Hearing a little commotion at the door, she looked up and saw her friend sweep in with the usual chaos. Long raven hair swung across Inez’s shoulders, as her dog, Belinda, scrabbled around her feet barking at anyone who looked her way. Add to that a shocking bright yellow kimono Inez wore over her slip dress and there wasn’t a person in the place who’d missed her friend’s arrival. “Morning,” Cecily called out.

  “There you are,” Inez said loudly. “Sorry, I’m late.”

  Standing, she braced for impact as her best friend ran across the small restaurant and enveloped her in a tight hug as her Yorkipoo danced around their feet. “I see you wore your church dress.”

  Inez laughed and then stepped back. “It is Sunday after all, and I’d hate not to be dressed appropriately in the event I decide my soul needs saving and dip into church to see what can be done.”

  “There are not enough priests in all the valley who can help your soul, so I say just go ahead and keep sinning and have all the naughty fun you can.”

  “That’s my plan.” Pulling a chair out, she settled herself, her dog and her purse. “I’ve missed your face.”

  “I missed yours too,” she replied, leaning forward and stroking Belinda’s soft head. “When are you two coming home?”

  “Soon,” Inez replied. “I’m almost done with my thesis, and mom is very nearly healed from her face-lift.”

  “Good, because I count on our symbiotic, co-dependent relationship for my sanity.”

  “Are you still pretending that the move to Vegas isn’t inevitable?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact I am, and may leave the company so I can stay in the Bay area.”

  “You’ve been with Affinity for eight years and just got a promotion, so we both know that’s a lot of bull-hockey.”

  “But, I’m not a fan of Vegas and would much prefer to stay in Northern California.”

  “I would like to have boobies like yours, but that’s not happening, and life’s injustices just need to be endured.”

  “But Vegas…”

  “Could be better than you imagined.”

  “Would you think about moving with me?”

  “I might. It depends on what kinds of jobs I can find after I’m done with the masters.”

  “You already have two, so I imagine another one isn’t going to make that much difference.”

  “You never know,” Inez replied as she tightened the bow on Belinda’s head. “So tell me about the wedding.”


  Sitting back, Inez raised an eyebrow. “Good stories never begin with ‘well.’”

  “Then you know how this one is going to end.”

  “Darn, I was so hoping that Norbert would turn out to be Prince Charming.”

  “He’s not mine but could be yours.”

  “Eeeew, don’t try and pawn off your rejects on me.”

  “The guy is over six-two, a gym rat with a body packed with muscles and has pretty gray eyes with black floppy hair.”

  “And why don’t you want him?”

  “No chemistry, and he was sort of a douche for the first couple of hours.”

  “Which makes him perfect for me, how?”

  “Turns out he’s a computer geek and was just trying to be cool. The only thing he needs is fewer trips to the tanning bed and less teeth whitening, and he’ll be perfect.”

  Inez stroked her dog’s head and smiled. “You know I have a thing for muscly geeks.”

  “And that’s why we’ll be inviting him over the minute you come home.”

  “Okay, now tell me about the part of the evening that sucked.”

  “Do you remember hearing about the McCallan Brothers?”

  “Of course. Just because my parents made me hang out with the nuns at Garces High doesn’t mean I was unaware of the hot guys at your school.”

  “I spent part of my evening with Zach McCallan. He was very attentive for a while and made all sorts of ridiculous promises.”

  “As I recall, there are two sets of McCallan brothers that are cousins. Does Zach belong to the one that grew up in the trailer park with a drunk daddy or the other set?”

  “He’s from the trailer park.”

  “I heard something about him back in the day but can’t remember what it was.”

  “There were lots of rumors swirling, and I didn’t ask what was true and what wasn’t.”

  “Did the delinquent turn into a tempting man or just a big asshole?”

  “Temping but still an asshole.” Pushing away the pile of napkins she’d shredded, Cecily lifted her coffee cup and took a sip. “I think we have to order at the counter, so maybe we should go do that.”

  “Or maybe you should tell me what has your lovely mouth turned upside down into a frown.”

  “It’s not even an interesting story and comes down to the usual big aggressive come on, followed by the loss of interest when a leggy blond draped herself over h
im, and his hand landed on her ass.”

  “Are you disappointed or mad?”

  Tapping her nail against the table, she shrugged. “Disappointed.”

  “Because you liked him or because you were insulted by his actions.”

  “Because I was fooled once again and believed the things a man said would last more than a minute.”

  “Attention span of a tsetse fly is the curse of the modern woman. Too many options, too readily available make the male brain explode as it tries to determine how much it can get away with and have as little consequence possible.”

  “I hope you’ve included that little gem in your thesis.”

  “Oh, believe me, I have.” Scooting her chair back, she stood. “Let’s go order some food and then you can tell me all the things wrong with Zach McCallan.” She set Belinda on her feet and then took Cecily’s hand. “How long do I have you for today?”

  “At least three hours. I’m going over to Affinity’s memory care facility this afternoon for a site visit and then driving home later this evening.”

  “Do you want me to tag along and entertain the residents?”

  Cecily laughed and walked toward the counter. “As much as I’d love it, I don’t think the residents could handle your sass and ass.”

  Inez jutted out her hip and grinned. “I heard senior care facilities are a hotbed of sexcapades since Viagra is the new daily vitamin, so I doubt anyone would notice me as I sing show tunes.”

  “They’d notice. Believe me.”

  “Maybe you should add the whole Viagra sexy-times thing to your advertising, because it’s a hell of a selling point.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Cecily replied as they stood in line. Looking at the menu, she thought about her own chances at sexcapades and decided they were too small to calculate.

  How she could change that, she had no idea.


  Zach walked in to the retirement facility where his father was living and prepared himself in much the same way he had when going into battle. They hadn’t seen one another in over a year and he didn’t know what to expect now that the man was sober.


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