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Their Harlot Bride (Bridgewater Brides)

Page 6

by Golden Angel

  William’s hand on my breast caressed, while Clive’s fingers dug into my hips, holding me in place. He thrust, and I cried out, rocking forward, William’s cock sliding deeper between my lips. My throat worked, swallowing him as my fingers fell away.

  I was lost in a haze of lust and pleasure, my hands braced on either side of William’s hips as I was pushed back and forth between them. Clive kept a tight grip on my hips, thrusting harder and faster, and I tightened around him as my pleasure grew. I could no longer focus on what I was doing to Will, but it hardly mattered.

  I could tell from his hard grip on my hair, the way his hips thrust upward, using my mouth, he was enjoying himself. I breathed in as much as I could between strokes, the lack of air beginning to make me dizzy, which somehow added to my growing ecstasy.

  I shuddered between them, letting myself revel in the sensations running through my body. Just like the night before, I could feel something inside of me coiling and winding tighter and tighter. The needy ache between my thighs was approaching a pinnacle, and my body yearned for it, reached for it. I craved the bliss I’d found with them the night before.

  “Oh, hell…” Clive’s fingers tightened on my hips, and his thrusts slowed as if he was trying to hold back and take his time. I wriggled in protest. I wanted more—harder, faster. I needed it.

  Instead, his hand moved, sliding over my bottom, and I tensed when I felt him touch the little hole between my cheeks again. Did he mean to have me there? Fear flickered through my passion. I had never had a man take me there without pain, but… if there were any men who were worth enduring it for, it was Clive and William.

  His hand disappeared for a moment, then returned, his slicked thumb circling over the rim of my tight entrance, surprising me with a sizzle of pleasure. Then he pressed, and I whined around William’s cock, wriggling and squirming between them. My muscles clenched down, making it more difficult for him to gain entrance, but the slow pressure did the trick.

  Surprisingly, it didn’t hurt.

  There was a slight burn as his thumb entered, stretching me open, but little more than a sting. In fact, it almost felt good. His thumb pressed deeper as his cock thrust slowly in and out of me, and I squirmed and clenched around him. I felt so very full, almost too full, but it made me hotter… wetter…

  These men were completely upending everything I’d learned at Mrs. Burk’s.

  “Good girl,” William crooned, clearly aware of what Clive was doing. “Doesn’t that feel good?”

  I moaned around his cock in answer, unable to do anything else. With his thumb buried between my cheeks, Clive was moving again, thrusting harder and faster, while William’s cock thrust between my lips.

  “We’re both going to have you one day,” William whispered, his words weaving a perverse spell. “One of us beneath you in your sweet pussy, one of us behind you, taking your ass, making you so full and hot, you’ll barely be able to breathe.”

  I could barely breathe now, my eyes glazing over as the image he described filled my head. It was utterly erotically wicked. Even my fear of the pain I remembered from other men buggering me didn’t put me off. It wove through my arousal, William and Clive’s hands and bodies driving away the memories, giving me new fantasies in their place.

  “I think she likes that idea,” Clive said with a chuckle, his thumb moving inside me, rubbing his cock through the thin lining between my holes.

  I should have been afraid, but I wasn’t. I trusted them not to hurt me.

  What they were doing to me felt good. Clive’s thumb and cock felt good. Perhaps having one of them in each channel would feel good as well. Nestled between them, the way William described, certainly would.

  Leaning forward, Clive rode me in earnest, and I cried out with growing rapture, filling my mouth with William’s cock as my passion soared. I was so full of them, in every orifice possible, my ecstasy could no longer be contained.

  Quivering, shuddering, I lost myself in the hot bliss of climax, buffeted between them as wave after wave of rapture washed over me. I could feel Clive’s cock thrusting deep and pulsing inside me only moments before William’s grip tightened on my hair, and he emptied himself down my throat.

  I was so wonderfully, obscenely full of them… my husbands. Euphoria moved through me, and I gave myself to it completely.


  * * *

  We’d worn our Sassy out again, although she did manage to give both of us a sleepy goodnight kiss before she fell asleep.

  Although William and I were tired, neither of us was ready to lie down yet, and there were dishes to be done. Normally, we’d let Sassy tend to them, but as we were the ones who had worn her out… Besides, dishes were no hardship.

  “I think we’re going to need to talk to Rhys about getting her a plug as soon as possible,” William said, sounding amused as he shut the bedroom door behind him. Like me, he hadn’t bothered putting on a shirt, although we’d both pulled our pants on.

  Yes, we were. I chuckled. Rhys made handcrafted plugs to help train a woman’s bottom to be ready for her husbands. Sassy had frozen up when I’d first touched her tiny hole, but she’d relaxed once she realized I wasn’t hurting her. I was a bit surprised, though. I’d expected more of a fight since it was such a private area.

  “Definitely,” I agreed, collecting the dishes from the table while William got the water and soap. “Although you seemed to enjoy her mouth just fine.”

  “That I did.” William grinned. “She’s a natural, I tell you. Sweet as honey and twice as fine. We’re lucky as hell.”

  That we were, although something niggled at me about what he said. I couldn’t put my finger on what was bothering me, so I pushed it away for now.

  “We should talk to Sheriff Baker and Hank, too,” I said. “Just in case Lord Carmichael comes looking for her.” My lip curled up in a sneer at his name.

  William nodded, his expression turning dark and fierce with an expression I’d never seen before. Then again, we’d never had a wife to protect. We had a ranch to protect, but that was hardly the same thing, and there was no human threat to our land or cattle.

  “If he does, he can turn right around, or he won’t be leaving at all,” William said, his voice hard and uncompromising. He almost sounded like me. After a pause, he spoke again, his voice softer. “I’d rather he not show at all, though. I think it would upset Sassy.”

  “That would be for the best.” Normally, I’d be one for facing a threat and dealing with it, but in this, Sassy’s feelings would come first. “Do you think we should ask Ford if he knows anything about Carmichael?”

  Like us, Ford was fairly new to town and a former lord himself, a marquess or something like that. Titles didn’t mean anything in Bridgewater, so I hadn’t paid much attention to the details. He was a good man, happily married in the Bridgewater way, sharing a bride with one of the soldiers who had traveled with him.

  William nodded slowly. “More information can’t hurt. We should probably question Sassy once she’s more comfortable.”

  Truthfully, I wanted to question her immediately, but her reluctance to talk about her past was fairly clear. Hopefully, William was right, and she’d eventually answer our questions without hesitation. She was so giving with her body, but she held back with her thoughts.

  I wanted both and knew William felt the same.

  Lost in our own thoughts, we got the kitchen cleaned up and returned to the bedroom, stripping before climbing in on either side of her. Her soft, warm skin brushed against mine, and my cock immediately twitched with interest, but I ignored it. Securing our wife between us, William and I quickly fell asleep.



  * * *

  Over the next couple of days, I discovered life on a ranch was both easier and harder than I’d imagined.

  The mornings came quickly, far more quickly than I was used to, even when I’d been working in the factory. I adjusted, though, eagerly plunging into my new li
fe and trying to push away the nagging worries that had followed me out west. It was easier to forget Lord Carmichael and the possible danger when my husbands were at home, but they couldn’t be there all day.

  It shocked me how quickly I grew to crave their presence. I didn’t care how dirty and sweaty they were when they reached the front door, I would fly into their arms for a greeting. Clive had been startled at first, although William met me with a wide grin.

  At night, they told me stories about their day on the ranch, answered my questions, and took me out to the barn to meet the horses and barn cats before we retired to the bedroom. They took turns in my mouth and pussy, sometimes using their mouths and fingers on me first, and always, always, bringing me to my pleasure before they took theirs.

  Both of them also spent a good deal of time stretching out my bottom, using their fingers, to the point where my fear had receded, and I was beginning to crave having them fill me completely. They had already shown me how much pleasure they could give me that I had never experienced before… maybe this would be the same.

  Even if it wasn’t, I truly wanted to please them so much, I would endure whatever they wished in order to satisfy them.

  One afternoon, William came riding back to the house, startling me where I was hanging our laundry to dry. Quickly, I strung up the last of the wash, so I could be done by the time he arrived. He didn’t seem to be in a particular hurry to reach me, but concern rose up, nonetheless. Frowning, I came out from behind the line, having pinned the last sheet in place.

  “Is everything well?” I asked as he rode up. “Is Clive alright?”

  The smile that flashed across William’s face was surprisingly wicked, and I blinked in surprise. I’d been sure that something was wrong. Had he come back to the house just to make love to me?

  “Clive is fine,” William said reassuringly. He leaned to the side, reaching for me with his hand. “Come here, I’ll take you back to the house. I have something for you.”

  My interest piqued, I took his hand and let him pull me onto his lap on the horse, then gave me a thorough kiss that sent tingles through me.

  I desperately wanted to learn how to ride, but the men hadn’t had time to teach me yet. Sitting on William or Clive’s lap while they rode was the best they’d been able to do so far, and I loved every moment of it. To be truthful, sitting on their laps was certainly no hardship. I loved the feel of them holding onto me tightly, knowing they would keep me safe and secure.

  Even though the ride lasted less than a minute, since the laundry line was just behind the house, my body was already humming from William’s touch. My nipples hardened, and my pussy creamed in anticipation.


  * * *

  Why had I thought it was a good idea to put my wife on my lap when I knew I wasn’t going to have time to indulge her?

  The moment her soft curves hit my thighs, my cock went from interested to full mast. Having her ride with me was exquisite torture. She was a soft weight, her bottom rubbing against my cock, my arm banded about her middle just under her breasts, and the sweet, floral scent of her skin filling my nose. I was going to miss this once we taught her how to ride.

  Maybe we’d still occasionally take rides like this for old time’s sake.

  Letting her slip off Blaze, I followed her down, hitching the horse to the front porch. Sassy’s eyebrows rose.

  “I take it this won’t be a long visit?” she asked, her lips curving upwards. She cocked her head at me, clearly curious.

  “Like I said, just something to give you.” My eyes sparkled with mischief as I pulled the box Rhys had brought to us out of my saddlebag. He’d swung by while we were out in the fields. Sassy reached for it, but I waved her hands away. “No, no, let’s go in the house, so I can give it to you properly.”

  Confused but curious, she preceded me into the house before spinning around and putting her hands on her hips.

  “Can you give it to me now?”

  Instead of answering, I pointed to the table.

  “Go bend over the table, sweetheart, and close your eyes.”

  “I am becoming very suspicious of this present, husband.” She sighed, shaking her head in mock exasperation.

  Chuckling, I followed along behind her. “Trust me, wife.”

  Quietly, so quietly I almost didn’t hear her, she murmured, “I do.”

  I practically glowed at her admission, my chest tightening with emotion. She trusted me completely and without reservation. Not even Clive trusted me that way—he needed to be in control too much—but our wife did. I didn’t have the words to tell her how much that meant to me, but I would find a way to show her.

  For now, I needed to give her the present.

  She bent over the table, exactly as I’d asked. I flipped her skirts up, baring her from the waist down, and Sassy squeaked, wriggling her beautiful bottom. Her pussy was already plump and glossy with her arousal, and my cock jerked. It felt almost wrong to have her in this position and not plunge into her, but I needed to get back to Clive in the fields.

  I had won the coin toss to deliver Rhys’ gift since both of us wanted to start her bottom training as quickly as possible, but Clive wouldn’t take it well if I dallied, and I wouldn’t blame him. While we might take turns having Sassy to ourselves at some point, that would need to be agreed upon beforehand.

  Sassy looked over her shoulder, craning her neck to see what I was doing as I pulled one of the polished wooden plugs out of the box. We’d ordered three from Rhys, in growing sizes, and I’d picked up the smallest.

  “What is that?” she asked, pushing herself up with her hands to see better.

  I swatted her bottom. “Back down on the table, sweetheart.”

  With a disappointed humph, she lowered back down while I oiled the wood, making it nice and slick and even shinier than it already was.

  “These are going to help get your bottom ready for Clive and me,” I told her, making sure its surface was nice and slick. “It’s called a plug. Today you’re just going to wear it for the afternoon while you get used to it.”

  She gasped when I pressed the tip to her bottom and began to push in, already squirming at the sensation. My cock throbbed in protest of its confinement. Ignoring the need pulsing through me, I concentrated on gently opening up Sassy’s bottom, moving the plug back and forth with little motions, pushing it deeper.


  * * *

  Oh, my…

  My fingers gripped the edge of the table, and I gasped at the sensation of being stretched open. I had become accustomed to a finger or two when Clive or William had his mouth on my pussy, but this was different.

  It was harder, thicker, and there was nothing to distract me from the slow burn of penetration as William worked the plug back and forth inside me.

  My bottom clenched, trying to keep out the invader.

  “Just relax, sweetheart,” William said, and I moaned when he touched my clit, rubbing in slow, firm circles that made my toes curl. “It will be easier if you relax.”

  Easy for him to say. He wasn’t the one having something pushed up his bottom. It didn’t hurt, other than a slight burn. I trusted him, so I tried to relax. His fingers circling my clit added to the growing pleasure, which far outweighed the discomfort from the plug.

  It nosed deeper, and I yelped at the tiny sting as it suddenly popped through the tight ring of my entrance. Now snugly fitted inside of me, I could feel it pressing on my insides, filling me even more than their fingers and with far more resistance.

  “Good girl,” William said, giving my pussy a final pat before pulling down my skirts.

  Indignant, I shot straight up to a standing position, which made my bottom clench around the plug. I gasped at the sensation, unable to focus for a moment.

  “Whoa there!” William grabbed my elbow, keeping me from swaying too much. “Alright, sweetheart?”

  Was I alright? Oh… no. No, I was not.

  “No!” I
glared at him. “I’m all heated up, but I didn’t… you didn’t…” I blushed hard. Not because dirty words intimidated me, but because asking for what I wanted felt so unfamiliar.

  “Well, now you know how I feel,” he said with a wink. I scowled, but he pulled me into his arms, kissing the frown from my lips before pulling away. “Don’t take that out unless you need to use the outhouse. Clive and I will be back at our regular time.” He sauntered out of the house, hard cock pressed against the front of his pants as if he hadn’t a care in the world.

  My scowl returned, and I looked down my front. My body was so ready, so primed, maybe I didn’t need my husbands for what I wanted… The front door opened, and I jumped in surprise, heart in my throat, but it was just William again. He pointed a stern finger at me.

  “No touching yourself while we’re away, Sassy.” His expression was so forthright, I knew he was serious. “Clive and I will take care of your pleasure tonight.” Then he was gone again.

  Scowling, I kicked the table leg in frustration, which made the plug jostle. My body pulsed, and I whimpered. Taking a deep breath, I decided I needed to find a chore to distract myself. What had I been going to do next?

  Oh, yes, water the garden with the water from the wash.

  Every step was erotic torture. The plug moved, making me think about William and Clive and what they wanted to do to me, which aroused me even further. My pussy was slick and swollen, the lips rubbing together and heating my insides. I wanted to touch myself so badly…

  But I didn’t want to disappoint my husbands.

  The afternoon passed far more quickly than I could have countenanced, likely due to my distracted state. I put together a dinner of beans and ham, letting it simmer in its pot while my fresh-baked bread was wrapped in a cloth on the table. Easy to eat and, more importantly to my mind, the beans and ham wouldn’t suffer from extra simmering.


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