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Pure Page 32

by Linda Kay Klein

  See also shame

  born again, 11–12, 17–18

  author and, 38, 56, 58

  author’s brother and, 38

  experience of, 18n

  as qualification for date, 2

  testimony and, 11, 11n, 241–43

  Brain That Changes Itself, The (Doidge), 188–89

  brain trap

  “focal dystonia” and, 189

  sex/shame brain trap, 183–98

  what it is, 188–89

  Brock, Rita Nakashima

  Proverbs of Ashes, 48–49

  Brown, Brené, 15–16

  I Thought It Was Just Me (But It Isn’t), 15–16, 202

  Burke, Edmund, 238n

  Burke, Tarana, 31n

  Bush, George W., 22, 22n, 281n


  Camp, Susan, 274–75, 279

  Carter, Jimmy, 162n

  Catholic church/Catholics, 17, 18–19, 27, 31, 131

  religious orders for women and, 120

  sexual abuse and, 93

  Catholic University, 96–97

  Code of Student Conduct, 97, 97n

  celibacy, 118, 120, 259

  masturbation and, 125

  Charismatic churches, 46

  Choosing the Best, 63

  “Knight in Shining Armor,” 63, 63n

  Christian and Missionary Alliance, 19

  Christian Broadcasting Network, 260

  Christianity Today, 118

  Church Too movement, 31–32, 31n

  Clinton, Bill, 22, 22n, 25, 219

  “collective effervescence,” 47

  Community Based Abstinence Education, 22n


  abusive dynamics and, 67–69

  author’s mother and, 105

  communities practicing, 66

  confidence, assertiveness as sin, 109

  definition of, 62

  as divisive church issue, 161

  evangelical women leaders and, 166–67

  gender expectations and, 166

  “Knight in Shining Armor” illustration of, 63

  at Southern Seminary, 162–63

  woman’s place in marriage and, 70–71

  concert of prayer, 2, 2n, 6

  Connell, J. P., 278n

  1 Corinthians 3:1–2, 41

  Covenant Life Church, Gaithersburg, Md., 265–66


  Devil (Satan), 95, 250

  anger, sadness, and, 45

  temptation and, 227

  wrong emotions and, 47

  Dickerson, David Ellis, 234

  divorce, 117n, 146–47, 194, 196, 272

  purity myth and, 77

  Dobson, James, 19, 19n

  Life on the Edge, 134–35

  Doidge, Norman, 188

  The Brain That Changes Itself, 188–89

  Duggar family, 235

  Dunn, Laura L., 85–90, 93–98

  Durkheim, Émile

  “collective effervescence,” 47

  Elementary Forms of Religious Life, 47

  Dutch Reformed Church, 19


  Echoing Green (nonprofit organization), 98

  Elementary Forms of Religious Life (Durkheim), 47

  Elliot, Elisabeth

  author’s reading and, 5

  Passion & Purity, 5, 262

  emergent church movement, 270–71


  adolescence and religious euphoria, 47

  Christianity and “right emotions,” 47n, 48

  cutting oneself and, 201

  denial of pain, 48, 49

  depression and, 201

  disconnecting from or hiding, 46, 48, 202–3

  feelings of isolation, 202–3

  “joy” mask, 48

  suicidal thoughts, 167, 203

  suppression of, 44–48, 47n, 108

  See also anxiety; post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  Esther, Elizabeth

  #BecauseFundamentalism, tweets of, 266

  Girl at the End of the World, 266

  evangelical Christianity/evangelical church, 17, 18–19

  absolutism and, 144

  attitude, demeanor and, 44–46

  author leaves the church, 7, 192, 256, 284

  black churches and, 260, 264

  born again and, 17–18, 18n

  “collective effervescence” and, 47

  conformity and acceptance, 155, 157

  as dementor, 239–40

  denominations within, 19–20

  distinguishing characteristics of evangelicals, 18

  diversity of, 19–20

  emergent church movement, 270–71

  emotional suppression and, 44–48, 47n, 108

  in Europe versus America, 240–41, 243

  evangelizing and, 18

  gender and sexuality messages of, 2, 4, 7, 12, 13, 60–67, 76, 107, 108, 109, 110–11, 120, 129, 138, 150–79, 200, 234, 259, 270–74

  gender roles and, 44, 60–71, 63n, 105, 108, 109, 152–54, 160–63, 164, 166–67, 171, 172, 192 (see also complementarianism)

  Good News and, 17, 18

  “high on Jesus” and, 58

  homosexuality and, 200, 201–2, 204, 214, 231, 270–84

  lack of traditional hierarchy, 20

  loss of faith and, 143–45

  members leaving the church, 7, 155, 162, 162n, 177, 220

  purity preaching and, 21–22

  rules and regulations, 18, 20, 33, 48, 62, 77, 146, 166, 200, 210, 270–71

  sex and marriage, 11, 22, 22n, 23, 24, 25, 116, 122–23, 133–48, 141n, 195n, 211, 223, 261

  sexual abuse and, 68–69, 68n, 232–33, 236, 237, 239–40

  sexuality education and, 8–10, 21–27, 22n, 76, 195n, 276n, 278

  sexual purity message (see purity movement)

  shame and, 8–10, 9n, 12–17, 21, 26, 30, 77, 138, 173, 197–98, 209, 214–15, 235, 268–69, 270, 280

  single status vs. marriage, 116–17, 117n

  as subculture, 11, 18–20, 23, 31, 42, 48, 58, 67, 117, 169, 261, 263n, 265, 276

  suffering and, 41–42, 46

  term Christian and, 20

  unconditional love as conditional, 61

  “us” versus “them” messaging, 10–11, 144

  as white, conservative Americans, 19, 260, 261, 264

  women’s issues and, 160–79

  women’s positions in, 163–64

  See also shame (sexual shame)

  Evangelical Christian Women (Ingersoll), 162

  evangelical institutions (colleges, publishing houses, music production houses), 20

  See also specific institutions

  evangelical Lutheran church, 169

  Evans, Claire, 116

  Evans, Rachel Held, 41

  A Year of Biblical Womanhood, 41–42

  Every Young Man’s Battle (Arterburn et al.), 128

  Every Young Woman’s Battle (Arterburn et al.), 129n


  family values, 149–59

  church as authority, not family, 157–58

  feminism/feminists, 47n, 61, 62, 63, 145

  “Biblical feminists” or “evangelical feminists,” 162

  self-esteem and, 244–45

  Feministing online community, 76

  Focus on the Family, 19n

  Forbidden Fruit (Regnerus), 78–79

  “For What Binds Us” (Hirshfield), 258

  Freitas, Donna, 21

  Sex and the Soul, 21, 77–78

  Freud, Sigmund

  author’s experiences as “taboo” and, 3n

  Totem and Taboo, 3n

  Fundamentalist Christianity, 17n, 19, 282

  Winell book and, 140


  “gap, the,” 178–79

  Gasteyer, Ana, 185

  gender justice, 8, 261

  gender roles, 61–62

  abusive dynamics and, 67–69

  complementarianism and, 62, 63, 63n, 66, 67, 68, 70–71, 104, 109, 161, 162, 163, 166

  egalitarianism and, 108, 161, 162, 163, 167

  evangelical Christianity/evangelical church and, 44, 60–71, 63n, 105, 107, 108, 109, 152–54, 160–63, 164, 166–67, 171, 172, 192

  “The Lie” and, 67, 69, 69n, 70, 71

  male authority and, 105, 109, 163, 171

  pride as sinful and, 109

  “stained-glass ceiling” and, 160–79

  submissive behavior and passivity, 45–46, 67, 68, 108, 129, 145–46, 158, 164

  Ghana, 260

  Girl at the End of the World (Esther), 266

  girls, 154

  abstinence education and, 8–10, 21–27, 22n, 76, 195n, 276n, 278

  adolescent sexuality and, 26–28

  consistent shaming and, 14

  emotional health of, 15

  emotional suppression of, 44–48, 47n

  evangelical values and, 149–59

  fear of abandonment and, 15

  fighting against her sexual nature, 189

  gender and sexuality expectations, 2, 4, 7, 12, 13, 14, 23–24, 60–67, 76, 107–11, 120, 129, 138, 150–79, 200, 234, 259, 270–74

  as “good girl,” 43–44, 107–8, 110, 262

  man-made girls, 101–14

  marriage as career goal, 160

  purity culture stumbling blocks for, 30–31, 61–73

  purity industry products for, 23–24

  purity pledge and, 24

  religiosity and identity, 67

  role as cheerleaders for men, 44, 160

  same-sex oral sex, 79–84

  sex education and, 107, 151–53, 152n, 155

  sexual experimentation among children and, 79–81

  sexual guilt and, 27

  shame’s effect on self-esteem, self-worth of, 15, 59–61, 154, 161

  shaming messages, impact on brain of, 14–15

  smiling Christian personality and, 44–46

  “stained-glass ceiling” and career goals, 160–79

  submissive behavior and passivity, 45–46, 67, 68, 108, 129, 145–46, 157–58, 164

  virginity fetishism and, 76–77

  See also gender roles; shame (sexual shame)

  Goldstein, Valerie Saiving

  “The Human Situation: A Feminine View,” 109

  grace, 33, 148, 201, 241

  Graham, Billy, 163


  “half-kiss,” 13, 13n, 70

  Harris, Joshua, 262, 263n, 265–66

  childhood sexual abuse of, 266

  evolution of thinking of, 266–67

  I Kissed Dating Goodbye (IKDG) (Harris), 261–62, 263, 263n, 264, 265, 266–68, 267n

  megachurch of, 265–66

  Sex Is Not the Problem (Lust Is), 116

  Hebb’s axiom, 188

  Hell, 47n, 253

  people bound for, 61

  slippery slope leading to, 134

  Highlands Church, Denver, Colo., 271–80

  adolescent sexuality education, 276–79

  inclusive ethos of, 272, 272n

  sermon excerpt, 273–74

  Hirshfield, Jane

  “For What Binds Us,” 258

  Holiness groups, 19

  homeschooling, 80, 81, 82, 154, 231, 262

  “Human Situation, The: A Feminine View” (Goldstein), 109


  I Kissed Dating Goodbye (IKDG) (Harris), 261–62, 263, 263n, 264, 265, 266–68, 267n

  Ingersoll, Julie, 162, 167

  Evangelical Christian Women, 162

  interviewees, 69n, 150, 150n, 251n

  about, 31, 31n, 291–93

  message for readers from, 289–90

  pseudonyms, 31, 150n, 293

  Intimate Behaviour (Morris), 134–35

  I Thought It Was Just Me (But It Isn’t) (Brown), 15–16


  John 16:12, 282

  Jones, Blue, 101–3, 104, 109

  Joy, Emily, 31n


  kissing, 2, 5, 11, 13, 119

  as being impure and, 12

  first kiss, ideally from husband, 8, 13, 24, 77, 135–36

  “half-kiss,” 13, 13n, 70

  “kissginity,” 175

  lack of, woman in late twenties, 121

  purity and, rules for, 77–78

  shame and, 6

  Klein, Linda Kay, 244–45

  adolescent sexuality of, 2–3, 3n, 4, 39–40

  approval sought by, 54–55

  in Australia, study abroad program, 42–44, 104

  born again, 38, 56, 58

  breaking free and, 33–34, 198, 252–53, 257

  “church” at home and, 284–85, 287

  denial of pain, 48, 49

  denial of sexual passion and, 4–6

  desire to be pure and breakup with boyfriend, 2–3, 4–6, 39–40, 156, 156n

  diagnosis of IBS then Crohn’s disease, 44, 48, 49–50, 55

  eczema and, 183–84, 187

  evangelical church left by, 7, 192, 256, 284

  family joins evangelical church, 38

  fear of pregnancy (without having sex), 7, 183–84, 188, 189–90, 191, 195

  fears and anxiety, linked to church’s messages, 7, 33, 183–84, 186, 187–88, 191–92

  gender and sexuality expectations and, 109, 110–11

  as “good girl,” 107–8, 110

  identity as Christian/evangelical, 38, 56–58

  investigation of impact of purity movement on women, 7–8, 31–32, 31n, 193

  living at home, at age thirty and unresolved shame, 249–54, 257

  mother’s religion and, 37, 251, 253, 254–56, 258

  in NYC choir, 285–87

  pleasing God as sacrifice and denial, 1–2, 1n, 40

  prayer and, 37–38, 39, 41, 47

  relationship with God, 33–34, 38, 47, 255–56

  religious upbringing of, 37–39, 250–51

  at Sarah Lawrence College, 104, 105–6, 109–11, 184–86, 185n

  self-awareness and, 110–14

  self-discovery of, 40–41

  sexual naïveté and dysfunction, 6–7, 184, 186–87, 198

  sexual shame triggered in, 191

  shame and self-image of, 6, 7, 101–3

  study of songwriting and performance (with Blue Jones), 101–4, 109, 110–14

  suffering and, 42, 48, 54

  surgeries of, 37, 50–51, 52, 53, 103, 106

  as taboo, 3n

  term stumbling block seen as double standard by, 3–4

  voice of (squeaky girl), 101–2, 104, 108, 110–11, 114, 255

  “woman-power song” by, 111–13

  wounds and scars and, 258

  writing her book, 249–54, 256–57

  years as an evangelical, 38–39

  as youth group leader, 106–7

  youth group retreat and identifying with subculture, 56–61

  youth pastor of, discovered to be a sexual predator, 43, 53, 104

  Knowles, Solange, 150n


  LaHaye, Tim, 135

  Latter-day Saints (Mormons), 27, 237

  Leaving the Fold (Winell), 140

  LGBTQ+ individuals and community, 47n, 61, 127, 158, 200, 201, 201n, 213, 270–84

  acceptance and, 204, 209

  church’s reaction to, 201–2

  Eli, formerly Elizabeth, and purity movement’s messages for girls, 199–210, 200n

  ex-gay ministries, 200, 201, 204, 214, 231

  Highlands Church, Denver, Colo., 271–80

  lesbian Pride parade, NYC, 285–86

  LifeJourney Church, Indianapolis, Ind., 280–84

  “Many Voices” group and, 261

  sex and, 209–10

  sexuality and identity, 275, 279

  sexual violence against, 236n

  LifeJourney Church, Indianapolis, Ind., 280–84

  Life on the Edge (Dobson), 134–35

  London School of Theology, 116, 116n

  Lotz, Anne Graham, 163


  man-made girls, 101–14

  marriage, 22, 22n, 23, 24, 25, 116–17, 117n, 122–23, 133–48, 141n, 195n, 211, 223, 261

  example, sexual ignorance and intercourse, 133–37, 140

  premarital sex and, 28, 194

  as primary goal for women, 160–79

  purity movement and sex within, 137–38

  sexual difficulties in, 133–48, 141n

  sexual enjoyment and, 122–23, 137–40

  tiger/lamb language and hypersexuality, 139–40

  masturbation, 122–27, 140, 235

  as being impure and, 12

  Christian teaching on, 127–29

  double standard for women, 128–29, 129n

  as sex play, 147

  shame and, 128, 145

  Matthew, Gospel of

  22, 273–74

  22:46, 274

  McClair, Rachael, 270–74

  McKenzie, Keisha, 264–65, 268

  Mennonites, 19

  Merzenich, Michael, 188

  Me Too movement, 31–32, 31n

  Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC), 282

  Milano, Alyssa, 31n

  Miller, Jean Baker, 202–3

  Miner, Jeff, 270–84, 283n

  modesty doctrine, 30, 92, 166

  Morgan, Jenny, 271–72

  Mormon church, 27, 237

  Morris, Desmond

  Intimate Behaviour, 134–35


  National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), 17, 20

  National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, 27, 78

  19 Kids and Counting (TV show), 235

  nondenominational evangelical churches, 19

  No Shame Movement, 259–69, 259n


  Obama, Barack, 25, 95

  object lessons, 8–10, 9n, 21, 23, 152–53, 237–38

  OKCupid (online dating site), 220, 229, 229n

  One Punk Under God (TV show), 156

  Otto, Rudolf, 47

  Our Whole Lives (OWL) program, 152n, 276, 276n, 277n, 279


  Paasch, Hannah, 31n

  Pagitt, Doug, 23, 26

  Parker, Rebecca Ann

  Proverbs of Ashes, 48–49

  Passion & Purity (Elliot), 5, 262

  Pathways Church, Denver, Colo., 270–71

  Paul of Tarsus, Saint

  Romans 14 and, 29–30

  Peretti, Frank, 19, 19n

  Piper, John

  What’s the Difference?, 164

  pornography, 11, 125, 127, 135, 136, 231, 232, 235, 277, 277n

  post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 8, 16, 171, 172

  prayer, 148

  communal, 47

  group, or concert of, 2, 2n, 6


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