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Page 33

by Linda Kay Klein

  “praying your way through the day,” 37, 39

  premarital sex, 8, 11, 11n, 28, 47n, 97, 129, 138–39, 141n, 143, 187, 194, 283

  pride, 108–9

  “Process of Recovery and Rebuilding Among Abused Women in the Conservative Evangelical Subculture, The” (Giesbrecht and Sevcik), 67–69

  Proverbs of Ashes (Brock and Parker), 48–49

  psychotherapists, 16, 141, 169, 171, 172, 177, 202, 232, 236

  lack of training on religion and religious communities, 174–75, 176

  sex therapist, Dr. Sellers, and writing a sexual autobiography, 173

  Purity Culture Rehab Project, 175

  purity movement, 20–26, 200n, 253

  adolescents’ sexual attitudes and, 21, 26–27, 77–79

  Choosing the Best curriculum provider, 25, 63

  complementarianism and, 62, 63

  as consistent with evangelicals, 20–26

  consumer products related to, 22–24, 23n

  as cultural, 260

  as damaging, 267–68, 269

  exporting of, globally, 260–61

  failure, 28

  false promises of, 143

  family versus, 157–58

  as good/bad binary based, 10, 144, 221, 233

  I Kissed Dating Goodbye and, 263

  impact on girls, 2, 4, 7, 8–13, 27–28, 73, 76, 129, 138, 154, 200, 234, 259

  impact on non-evangelicals, 30

  marital sex and, 137–38

  meaning of being “pure,” 12–13

  men and, 31, 138, 232, 234–35, 259

  number of young people reached by, 25, 25n

  object lessons of, 8–10, 9n, 21, 23, 152–53, 237–38

  prophylactics as sinful, 195n

  PTSD-like symptoms in women and, 8

  purity’s definition and, 77–78

  research findings on, 28, 28n

  sex/shame brain trap and, 196–97

  sexual violence, silencing and hiding it, 91, 233–34

  shaming and, 10, 12, 14, 26, 30, 32, 138, 153, 155, 173–74, 189, 232

  stumbling blocks for girls in, 3, 3n, 51, 61–62, 76, 91, 122, 265

  successes of, 32

  support for those leaving, 175–76

  thoughts, feelings, included in, 13, 235–36

  tiger/lamb language and hypersexuality, 139–40

  virginity and, 76–77, 237–38

  Youth for Christ’s DC ’94, 25n

  purity myth, 76–77, 129

  Purity Myth, The (Valenti), 76, 129

  purity pledge, 24–25, 76, 86, 260–61

  unplanned sex and, 194–95, 195n

  purity ring, 11, 23, 23n

  Pynes, Jeana, 275–77


  Reagan, Ronald, 22, 22n

  Regnerus, Mark, 78, 78n

  Forbidden Fruit, 78–79

  Religious Trauma Syndrome (RTS), 171

  revirgination ceremonies, 12n

  Rezendes, Michael, 93

  Romans, Chapter 14, 28–30

  romantic relationships, 69–70, 71–72

  abstinence and, 259

  author’s adolescence and, 2, 4–7

  celibacy and, 118, 120

  dating as sin, 260, 261–62

  dating breaks, 120

  dating Jesus, 115–16, 117, 118–20, 121

  difficulty in, 191, 198, 219–29

  God brings the man to the woman, 117, 130–31

  kissing and, 119

  modern Christian music and, 119

  non-evangelical partner and, 131–32

  online platforms, 220, 229, 229n

  pregnancy fears, without intercourse, 183–84, 188, 189–90, 191, 195–96

  purity culture and, 117

  same-sex, 201, 205–6

  sexual attraction and, 151

  shame and sexual feelings in, 217–19

  single women and, 116–17, 121–22, 130–32

  women’s independence and, 120, 121

  Ryan, R. M., 278n


  Sarah Lawrence College, 104, 105, 109–11, 184–86

  Seattle Pacific University, 173


  author’s voice and, 101–2, 104, 108, 110–11, 114, 255

  gender, sexuality expectations, and, 4, 109, 111–12, 160–61, 270

  hatred of self and, 66, 187, 270

  “The Lie” and, 67, 69, 69n, 70, 71

  male approval and, 111–14

  pride as sinful and, 109

  purity culture’s effect on, 154, 187

  sex education and, 279

  sexual abuse and, 95, 237–38

  sexual activity and feeling worthless, 194

  shame and lowered, 6, 7, 15, 109, 112–13, 153–54, 160–61, 194, 203, 270

  strong women role models and, 72–73

  women’s bodies seen as evil and, 235

  Sellers, Tina Schermer, 173

  online platform (, 174n

  Sex, God, and the Conservative Church (Sellers), 174, 174n

  Seventh-day Adventist Church, 264

  Sex, God, and the Conservative Church (Sellers), 174, 174n

  Sex and the Soul (Freitas), 21, 77–78

  sex education, 152n, 276n, 292

  abstinence-only, 8–10, 21–22, 22n, 25–27, 76, 151–52, 195n, 276n, 278

  in church, 152–53, 155

  Highlands Church, Denver, Colo., and, 276–79

  internet pornography and, 277, 277n

  lack of, for evangelicals, 133–37

  OWL program, 152n

  parental concerns, 277, 278–80

  parental input, 151, 152, 152n

  success of, 277–78, 278n

  Sex Is Not the Problem (Lust Is) (Harris), 116


  abstinence related to faith and, 23–24

  adolescent sexuality, of evangelicals, 2–3, 3n, 4, 39–40, 193

  children’s sexual experimentation and, 79–81

  damage done by purity message, 7, 74–84

  double standard for women, 3–4, 6–7

  fear, anxiety, and shame linked to, 7, 8, 13, 27–28, 122–23, 193–98, 209

  guilt of women vs. men, 27–28, 27n, 28n

  healing of, 280, 289–90

  human need for sexual expression, 122–23

  ignorance about sex and, 133–37

  impure thoughts and, 77

  level of religiosity and response to, 26–28

  masturbation and, 122–29

  meaning of being “pure” and, 12–13

  men’s lust blamed on women, 3, 3n, 4, 86, 92, 235

  paranoia and, 195

  pleasure and, 28, 122–23, 124, 126, 137–40, 193, 197

  pregnancy fears, without intercourse, 6, 183–84, 188, 189–90, 191, 195–96

  purity, rules for, 2, 77–78

  purity culture, prophylactics as sinful, 195n

  purity culture, shame and, 6–12, 17, 20–21, 77, 193–94

  repression of, 65, 117–18, 122, 126–27, 140–41

  rethinking approach to, 199–215

  self-punishment for sexual feelings, 140

  sex outside of marriage and, 11–12, 28, 209 (see also premarital sex)

  sex/shame brain trap, 188–98

  sexual ignorance and, 74–75, 77, 79–84

  as sin, 11–12, 129

  as slippery slope, 134–35

  as a stumbling block, 3, 30, 43–44, 107, 108

  tiger/lamb language and hypersexuality, 139–40

  virginity and, 12n, 76–77, 86, 90, 137, 151, 193–95, 219, 237–38

  See also shame (sexual shame)

  sexual abuse, 30, 30n, 31, 31n, 91

  blaming the victim, 88–90, 91, 95, 96, 236, 238

  Catholic church and, 93

  church’s silence about, 94

  church youth pastor, revealed as sexual predator, 43, 53, 104, 152

  class-action lawsuit, 266

  complementarianism and, 67–69

p; Dunn’s advocacy for survivors, 95–98

  evangelical Christianity/evangelical church and, 68–69, 68n, 232–33, 236, 237, 239–40

  feelings of worthlessness and, 237

  going public with, 241–42

  Harris and, 266

  institutional silencing of victims, 93–94, 266

  “The Lie” and, 67

  19 Kids and Counting and, 235

  rape, 85–90, 233

  rape within a family, 232–34, 235, 236, 238–39

  religiosity, degree of, and abuse as “good” for them, 49

  religious and gender-based shame, symptoms akin to, 173–74

  self-blame and, 90, 95, 244–45

  sexual violence against males and gender nonconforming people, 236n

  shaming and, 88–89, 95, 96

  submissive behavior and, 68, 68n, 126

  wrongful classification of rape and other forms of sexual violence, 91, 97, 239

  Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), 22

  sexual pleasure, 137

  sexual revolution, 22

  shame (sexual shame), 14–15, 199, 208, 268–69

  after marriage, 138

  author’s, and sexuality, 6, 7, 187–88, 249–54

  behavioral issues related to, 203

  body shame, 91–92, 153

  brain encoding of, 14–15

  freezing up or sense of stasis and, 199–215

  as hidden or unnoticed, 16–17

  judgmentalism and, 66, 221

  language of, 10, 14

  masturbation and, 122–28, 145

  modesty doctrine and, 92

  physical reaction to, 223–28

  PTSD-like symptoms in women and, 8, 16, 170, 172

  purity movement’s shame-based sexual ethic, 8–10, 9n, 12–17, 21, 26, 30, 77, 138, 173, 197–98, 209, 214–15, 235, 268–69, 270, 280

  “the purity myth” and, 76

  race and, 265

  religiously rooted, impact on lives, 17, 90, 150–59, 170, 173

  rewiring the brain to overcome, 252–53

  self-esteem affected by, 7, 15, 109, 112–13, 153–54, 160–61, 194, 203, 270

  sex guilt as, 28n

  sex/shame brain trap, 183–98

  sexual abuse and, 88–89, 95, 96

  sexual dysfunction and, 6–7, 184, 186–87, 198

  sexual thoughts and, 13, 124, 212–13

  shame triggers, 210–13

  shaming experiences akin to trauma, 15–16, 240

  spike in young people experiencing, 173–74

  what it is, 14

  in young evangelicals, 193–94

  Silver Ring Thing, 23, 24

  federal funds for, 24

  Simpson, Jessica, 11


  anger as, 108

  Bible on, 158

  blaming the victim and, 96

  complementarianism and, 109

  confession of/testimony story, 232, 241

  cultural basis of, 260

  marital problems blamed on, 129, 139

  masturbation as, 122–23, 124, 125, 127, 147

  pride as, 109

  prophylactics as sinful, 195n

  purity movement and, 51, 117

  sex as, 11–12, 134–35, 146, 196, 264

  sexual pleasure as, 124, 126, 129

  sin-leveling, 91

  sin nature, 124

  slippery slope, 134–35

  Smart, Elizabeth, 237–38

  Solomon’s Porch, 23

  Soul of Shame, The (Thompson), 14–15, 208

  Southern Baptist Church, 27, 274

  Southern Baptist Convention, 19, 162, 162n

  True Love Waits and, 25

  views on women, 162, 162n

  Southern Seminary, 162

  Sovereign Grace Ministries (blog), 266

  spiritual abuse, 91

  Spotlight (film), 93

  STIs (sexually transmitted infections, also called STDs), 22

  Stiver, Irene, 202–3

  Stewart, Martha, 184–85

  stumbling blocks

  Biblical reference, 3

  definition of, 3

  judgmentalism as, 30

  No Shame Movement and overcoming, 265

  purity culture’s, for girls, 30–31, 61–73

  “the purity myth,” 76–79

  Romans 14 and, 29–30

  strict gender role expectations, 61–62

  women’s sexuality as, 30, 43–44, 107, 108

  women’s sexuality eliciting men’s lust, 3, 3n, 4, 86, 92, 235

  wrongful classification of rape and other forms of sexual violence, 91

  “you are the problem,” 51, 52, 61, 122, 138, 161, 200–202 (see also post-traumatic stress disorder)

  suffering, 41–42, 46

  Christianity and, 51–52

  female martyrs, 42

  goodness and, 54–55

  as one’s own fault, 51, 52

  as way to Christ, 143, 148

  support groups and therapy, 174–77

  online platforms, 175–77

  psychotherapists, 174–75

  SurvJustice, 95

  synesthesia, 216–17


  Tennant, Agnieszka, 118–19, 119n

  testimony story, 11, 11n, 241

  Thank God for Sex (, 174n

  This American Life (radio show), 234

  Thompson, Curt, 26

  The Soul of Shame, 14–15, 208

  Tidd, Mark, 271

  Title V abstinence-only-until-marriage program, 22, 25

  Totem and Taboo (Freud), 3n

  trauma, 170, 240, 243

  brain’s reaction to, 15–16

  dementors (in Harry Potter books) and, 239

  Religious Trauma Syndrome, 171

  sexual abuse and, 173–74, 239

  sexual purity movement and, 8

  shame as, 15–16, 240

  See also post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  True Love Waits, 25, 43, 260–61


  Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), 276

  United Church of Christ (UCC), 271, 276

  University of Wisconsin–Madison, 87, 94

  Uram, Shelley, 15–16


  vaginismus, 141

  Valenti, Jessica

  The Purity Myth, 76, 129

  Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, 95

  virginity, 12n, 76–77, 86, 90, 129, 219

  marital sex and, 137

  rape and loss of, 237–38

  sexual activity and, 193–95

  sexuality education and, 151

  “technical,” 194

  virginity fetishism and, 76–77


  Wellesley College, Stone Center, 203

  Wesleyan Quadrilateral, 283n

  What’s the Difference? (Piper), 164

  Wheeler, Barbara, 18–19

  White House Task Force to Protect Students Against Sexual Assault, 95

  Williams, Layton E., 166–67

  Winell, Marlene, 140–41, 171

  women’s issues, 161–79

  evangelical women leaving the church over, 168–69

  intersection of women’s rights and religion, 161–62

  intimidation of assertive women, 163–66

  at Southern Seminary, 162–63

  Wright, Verdell A., 263, 269


  Year of Biblical Womanhood, A (Evans), 41–42

  Youth & Society journal

  study on religious institutions and support for women, 108


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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Names: Klein, Linda Kay, author.

  Title: Pure : inside the evangelical movement that shamed a generation of young women and how I broke free / Linda Kay Klein.

  Description: First Touchstone hardcover edition. | New York : Touchstone, 2018. | Includes bibliographical references and index. |

  Identifiers: LCCN 2018005457 (print) | LCCN 2018028718 (ebook) | ISBN 9781501124839 (eBook) | ISBN 9781501124815 (hardcover) | ISBN 9781501124822 (pbk.)

  Subjects: LCSH: Women in Christianity. | Evangelicalism. | Christian women—Sexual behavior. | Sex—Religious aspects—Christianity. | Women’s rights—Religious aspects—Christianity.

  Classification: LCC BV639.W7 (ebook) | LCC BV639.W7 K556 2018 (print) | DDC 261.8/357—dc23

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