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Love on the Rocks

Page 14

by J. P. Bowie

  Murdoch startled and looked down at the gun he held. “What…?”

  Joe leapt forward and caught Murdoch with a punch to his stomach. It wasn’t a great punch—his left didn’t have the same kind of power as his right—but it caused the dirty cop to stagger back and gave Joe a moment to follow up with a kick to his chest. Murdoch’s hand slammed against the wall as he tried not to fall. The gun went off with a tremendous bang, almost deafening in the small space of Riley’s living room. Miles screamed and Champ, who’d been watching the proceedings as if trying to decide when to help, jumped on Murdoch and took him to the floor, the weight of the big retriever pinning Murdoch flat on his back.

  “Good boy,” Riley yelled and joined in, wrenching the gun from Murdoch and kicking him in the head.

  “Well done, Riley,” Joe said, taking the gun from him. He handed Riley his phone. “Hit the button with Moreno on it.”

  Riley did so and handed the phone back to Joe. “Sarge, Joe Brady. We got an escaped prisoner here. Want to come get him?”

  Murdoch threw Joe a murderous glare from his position on the floor. He tried to sit up but didn’t get too far. Every time he moved, Champ growled and showed his teeth. Joe gave Romero directions to Riley’s apartment.

  “You think you’re so fuckin’ smart, Brady.”

  “Well, smarter than you, Bob. I can’t believe you fell for that old ‘the gun isn’t loaded’ trick.”

  Murdoch sneered. “But I still got those asshole agents thinking you were in on the whole thing.”

  “You’re wrong there, Bob. They were over at my house last week taking a statement and they told me I was definitely in the clear, so that little ploy went to hell. No one else was in your racket, Bob. You’re too cheap to let anyone else in on it. You wanted that money all to yourself. Didn’t even let your wife know about it.”

  “What’s this all about?” This from Miles, who was still shaking and ashen-faced. “I need to get out of here, I can’t breathe, I need air…”

  “There’s all the air you need right outside, Miles.” Riley stared at his ex with disgust. “Why don’t you go? Oh, and this time, never come back.”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t… Everyone’s nuts here.” He started for the door and Murdoch stuck his foot out, tripping him up. Miles sprawled face down on the floor, screaming at the top of his voice.

  “Miles, shut up.” Riley hauled him to his feet and practically pushed him out through the door.

  “What a jackass.” Murdoch laughed then flinched when Champ leaned in and snarled. “Get that damned dog offa me.”

  “Not on your life,” Joe said, chuckling. “There he stays until your honor guard shows up. Don’t think you’ll be going anywhere but the pokey for a long time, Bob. Ever think of writing a book? You’ll have a lot of time on your hands.”

  Murdoch growled. “Fucker.”

  * * * *

  “How’s your shoulder?” Riley asked after Murdoch had been removed from the apartment by U.S. Marshals. Joe was sitting on the couch while Riley perched on the arm.

  “It hurts some.”

  “I’m not surprised.”

  “It’s worth it, though, to see Murdoch carted out of here—and Miles? Oh, boy, what a total jerk. What the hell did you ever see in him?”

  “In retrospect, I really don’t know. I hardly recognized him the way he was behaving. But on the plus side, I don’t think I’m going to be hearing from him again.” Riley chuckled. “I wonder what his ultimatum was going to be.”

  Joe snorted. “Some hogwash, no doubt.”

  “Can I get you a drink? Might help with the pain.”

  “I’m driving.”

  “No, you’re not. You’re staying here tonight.”

  “What about Barney?”

  “Oh right, I forgot.” Riley kissed Joe’s forehead. “Okay, so we go back to your place and have a drink and I’ll stay the night with you.”

  “Good idea, I’ve got a bigger bed anyway.”

  “True that. Oh, and we’ll take Champ, who once again proved he is a king among champs and deserves some pampering.”

  Champ, tail wagging at the sound of his name, put his paws up on Joe’s lap. “Good boy, Champ.” He stroked the dog’s silky coat. “We really are a team, huh?”

  “That we are, Detective.” Riley slid into the couch next to Joe and kissed his lips. “That we are.”

  * * * *

  Tears of frustration poured down Miles’ cheeks as he sped away from Laguna. That had been it, his final chance to win Riley over, and it had gone so horribly wrong. Who’d ever have dreamed of that god-awful situation with an escaped convict and Riley’s detective boyfriend acting like some superhero while he stood quivering, nearly shitting his pants from fear? He would never forget the look of contempt Riley had thrown his way when he’d lost it so completely.

  There was only one option left to him now. One he’d avoided at every turn, but now had no other choice than to take. Already, he could almost hear the derision in their voices when he begged them for their help. It was almost impossible to think that things could ever get much worse than they already were…but yes, they could. Asking his parents if he could move back home was the ultimate horror, and one he was now going to have to face. The tears poured faster, blurring his vision, and he pulled off the freeway to avoid getting into an accident.

  He parked in front of a McDonald’s and, as he calmed down, even he could not escape the irony of the moment. He hadn’t been in a fast-food joint for as long as he could remember, considering them fit only for lowlifes. But he was hungry and, as he struggled out of his car, he knew he had just about enough cash for a Big Mac…without fries.

  Chapter Fifteen

  On the way over to Joe’s house, Riley was quiet, thinking back on the crazy events of the evening. There was no doubt in his mind that Joe was a hero. Despite his bad shoulder, he’d put that other cop away but good. And Miles… Whoever would have thought he’d be such a sniveling coward? Okay, he hadn’t expected him to be Captain Avenger exactly, but all that squealing and saying he didn’t know anybody there, he was just passing by. Man, what a revelation into the character of the real Miles Harper. All that self-confident bravado he exuded gone in an instant. How the hell did I put up with that hollow bluster for two freaking years? Because now, of course, he could see Miles for what he really was…just another shallow egotist with nothing substantial to back it up.

  “You okay?” Joe glanced at him with concern. “You’re awful quiet.”

  Riley smiled and squeezed Joe’s thigh. “I’m fine. I was just thinking about what went down earlier and how fantastic you were… My wounded warrior laying that creep out so easy with one hand.”

  “And your ex-boyfriend being such a big help.”

  Riley laughed. “Yeah, there was that. Poor Miles, what a schmuck.”

  “Good word for him.”

  Champ roused himself from the back seat, shoved his head between them and licked Riley’s face. “And my brave boy,” Riley cooed. “No way were we in trouble with you there to protect us.”

  Joe chuckled. “Right, he’s a champ all right.” He pulled onto the driveway. “Can you hit the garage door button? Still not good with the right arm.”

  “Got it.” Barney’s excited barking greeted them as they climbed out of the car and Champ gave an answering woof. “I’m glad they get along so well.”

  Joe grinned. “Glad we get along so well.”

  “Me too.” Riley waited until the garage door had closed before he kissed Joe. “Don’t want the neighbors to faint.”

  “I bet Mrs. Church has already figured out what we’re up to,” Joe said, “and she’s not the fainting kind.”

  “Want me to take a look at your shoulder?” Riley asked when they’d gotten over Barney’s enthusiastic greeting.

  “Would you? The therapy’s doing some good, but I might have stretched it a bit too far putting Bob down.”

  “Okay.” He slipped Joe�
�s shirt off. “Can I just take a moment to lust over your naked chest?”

  Joe blushed. “It’s just a chest.”

  “It is a beautiful chest and I won’t have you putting it down.”

  They laughed together as he peeled back the tape holding the dressing in place. The wound had healed well. There would always be a puckered scar where the bullet had entered and the area around the entry point was still red and angry-looking.

  “It’s getting there,” Riley muttered. “Doesn’t appear you did any damage. Let me check your back.” The scar there was bigger from the bullet forcing its way through muscle and tendons, but as scars went, it too looked good. Riley taped the dressing down and smiled at Joe.

  “It has helped that you’re in such great shape physically. A lot of people wouldn’t have healed so fast. Let’s just hope that you don’t have to get in another fight for a while.”

  He held up the sling and Joe grimaced as he let Riley slip it over his arm. “I’m tired of this thing,” he grumbled.

  “I know, but until they say you can go without it, that’s where it stays.”


  “That’s right. Now let’s have that drink. We need a quiet moment to relax after all that excitement.”

  “Good idea. I’ll have a Scotch on the rocks, bartender.”

  “Coming right up.” Riley poured their drinks then handed Joe his glass. “That’s funny…”

  “What is?”

  “When you said Scotch on the rocks, it made me remember where I found you…on the rocks.”

  “Huh…that is kinda ironic. Anyway, cheers.”

  “Cheers.” They clinked glasses and Riley leaned in for a kiss. “Mmm…” Joe took a sip and gazed at Riley for a long moment. “Want to tell you something.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah.” He took Riley’s hand and led him to the couch. “Sit with me.” He waited until they were seated close together. “I’ve been wanting to say this for a while now, but I also wanted to be sure it was what you’d like to hear. But tonight when Murdoch had us at gunpoint, I had this moment when I thought, oh my God, we could die here and I never told you how much you mean to me…how much I love you.”

  “Joe…that is the most incredible thing you could’ve said to me…ever. I love you, too.”

  “Seal it with a kiss?”

  “You bet.”

  Of course, the kiss had to lead to something more. “I said we should relax,” Riley murmured in Joe’s ear, “but you know what’s really relaxing?”

  “Let me guess…sex.”

  “Right, or making love.”

  “That too.”

  “I have an idea.” Riley got up and held out his hand. “Come wiz me to the Casbah.”

  Joe chuckled. “You know Charles Boyer never actually said that.”

  “What?” He scowled. “Who cares? Quit killing the mood I’m trying to set. We can have a movie quiz another time. You coming or not?”

  “Bossy.” Joe took his hand and got up from the couch.

  “I have an idea.”

  “You said that.”

  “Smart-ass. You’ll like it.” He started to undress Joe, laying kisses on each part of his body he laid bare. “Mmm, Joe,” he murmured, nuzzling Joe’s left nipple, “you smell and taste so good. I could do this all night.”

  “I might not survive if you do,” Joe muttered.

  Riley shucked off his own clothes then backed Joe up to the bed. “Lie down on your left side. We haven’t tried this before but I think your shoulder can stand it. Just tell me if it’s uncomfortable.”

  “Okay.” Riley crawled onto the bed and lay next to him in a sixty-nine position. “I like this already,” Joe said, eyeing the glistening head of Riley’s cock. He inhaled Riley’s musky scent. He kissed the tip and ran his tongue over the slit, scooping up the beads of pre-cum there. He let out a muffled groan of pleasure as Riley moved his hips, fucking Joe’s mouth in a slow and sensuous rhythm. He was able to put his arm, still in its sling, around Riley’s torso. He couldn’t get a lot of leverage, but it felt great to stroke Riley’s warm, smooth skin with his fingers.

  “Yeah…” Riley moaned as he gripped Joe’s erection at the base. He teased it with his lips and tongue, sending jolts of sheer bliss all through Joe’s body. He tightened his lips around Riley’s pulsing shaft and sucked as hard as he could while he listened with a deep satisfaction to Riley’s soft, muffled whimpers as he made love to Joe’s throbbing cock. Joe wondered how much of this ecstasy he could stand before coming all over the place, or more directly, into Riley’s hot mouth. He dragged the flat of his tongue down the underside of Riley’s shaft then slid his lips all the way to the base, taking him as far into his throat as he could. When he gave in to the sensations of Riley swirling his tongue up and down the length of his cock, it was the hardest thing he’d ever done in his life to hold back his orgasm.


  He almost breathed a sigh of relief along with disappointment when Riley released him and switched positions. Now they were lying face-to-face and that was a joy in itself. Riley’s beautiful lips were a mere half-inch from his and he closed that tiny gap in a flash, kissing him and savoring the salty taste of their mingled pre-cum as their tongues tangled and swept into each other’s mouths…rapture. Riley was moving again.

  What now? Oh yeah… He was sheathing Joe’s rock-hard erection, slathering lube down the length then guiding him into Riley’s hole. It was overwhelming and he cried out Riley’s name. He loved this, being able to kiss and fuck at the same time, and even if his shoulder was starting to protest, no way in hell was he going to say anything but words of bliss and encouragement.

  “Oh, yeah, Riley… God, you feel amazing, so tight, so hot…”

  Riley raised his left leg to give Joe even more access and he bucked his hips, thrusting into his lover as hard and fast as he could. Riley was kissing him again, moaning into his mouth, his breath an intoxicant all by itself. That familiar tingling sensation gathered at the base of his spine and he knew he was going to lose it any second. Riley shuddered against him and deepened their kiss as he came with a strangled groan and jet after jet of cum spurted over Joe’s chest.

  “Riley…” Joe’s vision darkened before white lights burst in the darkness. As Riley’s ass muscles clenched tight around the base of Joe’s cock, he emptied himself into the condom buried deep inside Riley’s heat.

  “Oh, my God…” Their foreheads, slick with sweat, pressed together and their breath filled each other’s mouths as they lay waiting for calm to ease the heaving of their chests.

  “Are you all right?” Riley asked. “Did it tax your shoulder?”

  Joe grinned at him. “If you think I am about to spoil what we just shared with a whiny complaint, you don’t know me. I don’t give a shit about my shoulder at this moment… Later, maybe.”

  “Oh, Joe…”

  “Hush, just relax and enjoy this…this amazing feeling. Now I can’t wait till I’m out of all this crap and able to hold you like I so want to.”

  Riley smiled into Joe’s eyes. “That will be heavenly.” He laid his head on Joe’s chest. After a few more minutes he asked, “Sure you’re not in pain?”

  The answer from his lover was a soft snore.

  * * * *

  Later, they walked the dogs in the little park at the end of the street. Joe grinned ruefully when he heard Mrs. Church chirp out, “Good evening, Detective Brady.”

  “Hi, Mrs. Church, how are you tonight?”

  “Very well, thank you.” She picked up her little dog, who was showing too much interest in Champ for decency’s sake. “I saw you both on television earlier. You caught that nasty man who shot you. Well done.”

  “This is Riley, Mrs. Church.”

  “Nice to see you again, Riley, and this time in much better company.”

  Riley chuckled. “Can’t argue that one, and thanks again for saving me from being beaten up.”

, I think you would have managed quite well even without me there. The other one looked a little…uh, wimpy, I think is the word.”

  Joe laughed and Mrs. Church giggled. “Anyway, you both looked so handsome on TV. I’m glad you found each other.” And with that, she tottered away over the grass.

  “How about that?” Riley gazed after her, smiling.

  “I’m glad too…that we found each other,” Joe said, taking Riley’s hand.

  Riley kissed him. “You have no idea.”

  “Let’s go home,” Joe murmured.

  “Home…I like the sound of that.” Riley put an arm around Joe’s waist as they walked out of the park.

  “Yeah, me too. Oh, and guess what…The Black Pirate DVD I ordered from Amazon arrived this afternoon. With all that went down, I forgot to tell you. We can lie on the couch and watch it.”

  “Sounds perfect, Joe.”

  “So…when are you moving in?”


  “Not soon enough.”

  Laughing together, they hurried home, Champ and Barney bounding ahead of them. They knew they were going home, too.

  Want to see more from J.P Bowie? Here’s a taster for you to enjoy!

  The Journeyer:

  The Journey Begins

  J.P. Bowie


  “Jamie, Jamie MacDonald!”

  The woman’s voice echoed up through the narrow glen to the top of the crag where the young man stood staring out over the valley below. A gray mist was gathering around him while below a solitary stag turned its head at the sound of the woman’s cry then bounded away to be lost among the tall pine trees. Overhead, the darkening sky was heavy with clouds, blotting out what little sunshine was left in the day. A stiff wind was picking up in the mountains, bringing the first cold drops of rain.

  “Jamie MacDonald!”

  His mother sighed as she saw his broad shoulders slump with despair from yet another long and empty vigil atop the rock. He turned and leaped like an agile cat down the cragside, finding sure footing amid the bracken and heather that covered the slope.


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