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Rumor Has It: The Complete Series

Page 39

by Tucker, RH

  “Matt Hillard.”

  * * *


  * * *

  There are a few people outside of the dance hall taking pictures, as I make my way back into the dance. The scarcity of people means they must be announcing the prom king and queen now. My assumptions are confirmed as I reach for the door handle and suddenly hear my name.

  “Matt Hillard.”

  I freeze, my hand stuck to the handle. Leave it to me to show up just in time, in my new outfit no less, making the most awkward of entrances. I take a deep breath, gather my nerves, and nod to myself. I didn’t come back to the dance for prom king. I came back for her.

  “I saw him earlier, where’s Matt?” I hear Mr. Garrison behind the closed door.

  Okay, it’s now or never.

  I swing the door open, and I’m not exaggerating when I say every set of eyes in the room turn and find me. I reach up, running a hand through my hair, that’s ruffled up more the usual, and adjust my blue suit. The same suit that matches Spike from Cowboy Bebop. The only weird feeling of the outfit, other than that I know it’s from an anime cartoon, is that the pants are unusually high, so I feel like I’m wearing high-water pants. But I try to suppress every nervous feeling I have and walk through the crowd.

  My eyes find Carter first somehow, who’s staring at me confused. Then a smile hits his lips, and he nods in approval. He doesn’t know the show or the character, but he saw the suit in my room. He knows what I’m doing.

  More confused looks find me, and I offer a diffident grin as I make my way over to the stage. Through the crowd I finally see Izzy, and my timid grin turns in to a full-blown smile. The dress she’s wearing is awesome, and she looks incredible. True to how she described, the top looks like Faye’s yellow top from the show, and instead of the red jacket hanging around her arms, Izzy’s got what looks like a red sash around her arms. The yellow dress comes down in front to just above her knees and flows longer behind her. But nothing’s as gorgeous as the smile she wears, as she watches me walk over to the stage, where her and everyone else still stand.

  Instead of Mr. Garrison and the crown though, I head straight to her. I’ve put this off for far too long, and I need to tell her how I feel. But before I can get any closer, Yvette grabs the crown from Mr. Garrison and runs over to me, cutting me off.

  “Congratulations.” She smiles, putting the crown on top of my head.

  I give her an annoyed frown, but before I can say anything, Mr. Garrison speaks up.

  “Let’s hear it for this year’s prom king and queen.”

  The music starts, and everyone starts clapping for us. I try to take a step around her, but Yvette blocks my way, then wraps her arms around my shoulders. I see Izzy behind her, the smile fading from her lips, as she and the rest of the court disperse from the stage.

  “We have to dance. It’s tradition,” Yvette says, clasping her hands behind my neck.

  I couldn’t care less about tradition. But the only way out of this dance would be to pry her fingers off my neck.

  “Dance,” she orders as she starts swaying back and forth.


  “Shh.” She brings a finger to my lips. “It’s okay. We’re king and queen, just as we should be.”

  “No, this isn’t—”

  “I said shh.” She puts her finger back to my lips and keeps it there. “This is meant to be, Matt.”

  I want to argue, but I know there’s no point. I have no idea if I actually won the vote, because knowing her, she could have very well rigged it.

  “I almost didn’t win.”

  I’m caught off-guard by her admission, and my feet start shuffling back and forth. “What?”

  “I saw the votes after Mr. Garrison announced you in his hand. You won by a landslide, but the nerd barely lost to me. Fourteen votes, can you believe that?”

  I can actually, but I don’t say that. I imagine how perfect it would’ve been for Izzy to have won prom queen. I scan the crowd and find her standing next to her friends, staring at me. She offers me a smile, but it’s pained. I return the same expression and want nothing more than to be with her.

  “Hey.” Yvette’s fingers find my chin and pull it down, so my eyes find hers. “I know you’ve been fighting it, but we belong together, Matt. This should prove it.”

  “No,” I answer bluntly.

  “Yes,” she counters. “Sometimes relationships are hard, but we’re perfect for each other.”

  “Yvette, what are you talking about? You barely know me.”

  “That’s not true. We’ve gone to school together for four years.”

  “Yeah, and that’s about as much in common as we’ve got.”

  “Stop.” She rests her head on my chest. “I know you, Matt. Stop fighting this.”

  “Fine,” I answer, still shaking my head. “What do you know about me?”

  “What?” She looks back at me, confused.

  “What’s my favorite color?”

  She offers me a blank look, before throwing out a guess. “Blue.”



  “Where’d I apply to college?”

  “Um, UCI.”

  “I didn’t.”

  “You didn’t?” She sounds less surprised and more appalled.

  “No. What’s my favorite video game?”

  “Video game?”

  “Yes, I like video games. What’s my favorite?”

  “Matt, I don’t—”

  “Legend of Zelda. What’s my favorite comic book?”

  “I’m not—”

  “Saga. This should be an easy one, based on how I’m dressed. What’s my favorite anime?”

  “What’s anime?”

  I let out a disbelieving chuckle. “Exactly.”

  She wraps her hands around my neck tighter as I try to step away, but I’ve had enough. I know who I’m supposed to be dancing with. Who I’m supposed to be with. And it’s not her.

  “Yvette, I’m sorry. Really, I am. I don’t think I ever did anything to give you the wrong idea about us, but if I did, I’m sorry. We aren’t going to be together.” I grab her arms and pry loose from them. “I do hope you find your king someday.”

  Her eyes look hurt, but her mouth drops in disgust. She doesn’t say anything. I don’t know if she turns around and watches me walk past her, or if she just stands there, because I don’t turn around to check. My focus is solely on Izzy, who’s turned around and is talking to her friends.

  Cindy sees me first, and she smiles, then Veronica grins as I tap Izzy on her shoulder. She turns around with a surprised smile.


  “Hey,” she answers.

  I offer her my hand. “Would you like to dance?”

  She stares up at me for a moment, then down at my hand with a smile. “I’m not sure. Who’s asking? President McHottie or Hottie McFanboy?”

  “Neither.” She stares back at me, unsure. “Just a nerd asking another nerd to dance.”

  The smile spreads across her lips as she takes my hand. We walk onto the dance floor, as other people have started dancing. Emma gives us both a smile, as she dances with Carter, who nods his head in approval at me again. The song is a slower one, and as she wraps her arms around me, I finally feel like this is exactly where I should be. Where we both should be.

  “Iz, I’m sorry,” I whisper to her.

  “For what?”

  “For being so stupid.” She giggles. “Seriously, I should’ve listened to you from the beginning.”

  “Matt, you don’t have to apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong. I should never have given you that ultimatum. No one should tell someone else how they should live or who they should be. I am glad you’re here in that suit, though.” She smiles. “You’re like my very own sexy Spike.”

  “You look amazing. Of course, you always look amazing.”

  “Thank you.” Her head dips as I see her cheeks blush.

I’ve had something rattling around in my brain. Something you said, when you called me fake.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it that way.”

  “I know. But you said something else. About being honest and true to myself. Honestly, Izzy, I know the things I like, and that’s really enough for me. I’m interning for my dad this summer, and if I did end up going into law, I wouldn’t love it, but I’d do it. I liked playing football, and it was fun and great, but it’s just another thing. Same with student council.”

  She stares at me, trying to understand where I’m going with this.

  “What’s I’m trying to say is, I could be into my nerd stuff in the privacy of my own life and be fine with it. I could hide it forever, and it wouldn’t be a big deal. I don’t know if that makes me stupid or a hypocrite or what, but I would still feel like I’m being true to myself, because all these other things, I like too, you know? But you? Us? This feels like it’s right.

  “This feels like where I should be. I could do all that other stuff and feel like I’m still true to myself. But unless I’m open about it all, whether you ask me to or not, I’d feel like there’s something between us. I don’t want that. And being out here, with you right now? This is my truest self. I’m true to you, and that makes me happiest.”

  Her eyes never break away from mine, and I can see them glistening over. She smiles up at me before shaking her head, looking away with a nervous expression.


  She puts her head on my shoulder, her arms still around me. “I’m scared.”

  I lean back, waiting for her to look up at me. “Of what?”

  “Matt, I … I’m falling for you.”

  I bring my hands up, holding her face in my palms, lowering down, so my lips are only inches from hers. “I already fell.”

  Her breath catches, and our lips connect. I take in everything—her scent, her taste, the feel of her lips on mine and her fingers through my hair. Everything. Tomorrow, next week, or next year. With her is the only place I ever want to be.

  Heart Shaped Lock

  Rumor Has It, Book 3

  Chapter 1


  If you would have told me at the beginning of the year that I’d be spending my senior prom standing off to the side, without a date, too uncomfortable to go hang out with my two best-friends, I’d have called you crazy. If you would have said that I’d be ignoring one of my best-friends for the last five years because I recently confronted him on how big of dickhead he was, and I’d be feeling like a loser and an outcast, I’d have said you were deranged. I would have checked you in to a mental institution myself, absolutely sure that you were suffering from delusions and were most likely on the edge of schizophrenia.

  But no, it’s not a delusion. It’s not schizophrenia. It’s my life. My actual life.

  “Dude, you’re acting weird.” Jackson bumps my shoulder.

  Jackson Lawrence. We’re not friends. He was on the baseball team with me, so I know him. I mean, we’re friendly, but we’re not friends. I guess beggars can’t be choosers.

  “Come on, let’s dance,” his date says, pulling him away and he follows her out to the dance floor.

  And Sam Patterson, this year’s prom court joke-vote is not only dancing with someone, but they’re making out on the dance floor. Dude, when did I become such a loser?

  One of my friends, Carter, walks over to me with a drink in each hand.

  “What the hell are you doing, Lucas?” He hands me the cup of soda.

  “I know, I know.” I take a drink and then look down at the ground.

  “Just come over and hang out with us. Whatever’s between you and Jen, she’s been with Franco most of the night.”

  “Ugh, don’t remind me.” I roll my eyes and scan the crowd against my better judgement. I find Jen—my neighbor since we were five years old, and up until eighth grade my best friend—hanging all over Franco Avila.

  Jen’s a knockout. Blonder hair than mine, pouty lips that I’ve thought about way too much, and a cute, upturned nose. She’s a little on the thinner side, but that never bothered me. She has grayish-blue eyes, and tonight she’s wearing this shimmering black and emerald dress that hugs her skin but leaves her shoulders bare. She’s gorgeous. She’s always been gorgeous. And if I hadn’t screwed it up all those years ago, I might be the one out there on the dance floor dancing with her, instead of Franco.

  We’ve kept our distance from each other for the last few years—ever since my stupid, nervous mistake—but it’s not like I’ve forgotten her. It’s hard to forget a girl you’ve been in love with since elementary school.

  “You never told us what the deal is between you two. You should’ve just asked her out, man.”

  Carter and our other friend, Matt, think I only have a crush on her. They don’t know we’re neighbors and that we used to play together when we were little. That we went trick-or-treating together, or that we’d pretend we were drunk off of apple cider during my parents New Year’s Eve parties, or that we used to have sleepovers. All memories I’ve tried to ignore or forget, but they never leave.

  “It’s complicated.”

  Carter chuckles. “Whatever.” He turns to see that I’m staring at her. “She’s been with him all night. Just come over.”

  Earlier this year Carter started going out with Emma, Jen’s best friend. I still hang out with Carter and Matt, but it’s usually during our games, after school, or on the weekends. Jen’s around during school hours, so I just avoid them. It’s easier that way.

  Jen and I haven’t spoken more than five words at one time to each other since middle school, and even though I know it was a mistake, she still hates me for what I did. Ever since then, she’s tried to cease all communication, and I make sure I try not to upset her. I look at it as my way of still trying to be a part of her life, by making sure she doesn’t have to work very hard to ignore me. How ass-backwards is that? See, I’m such a joke.

  I let out a sigh and see Matt dancing with Izzy, a girl he’s liked for a while. The song the DJ is playing switches from a fast one to a slow one, and I see Izzy reach her hands around Matt, as he pulls her closer. I avert my gaze, partially to give them their privacy, but mostly to scan the crowd again and find Jen. I’m a glutton for punishment. And punishment I find, when I see Franco holding her tightly and she leans her head back to kiss him.

  “Ugh!” I practically spit and turn to walk away.

  “Dude,” Carter says, grabbing my arm. I shrug him off, but he doesn’t take the hint, and follows me.

  “Go ask Kayla to dance.” He points to the side, where I see Kayla Johnson.

  She’s a nice girl with short brown hair, and she’s laughing with some of her friends. She looks pretty in her gold and blue prom dress, but I’m not in the mood to get close to anyone tonight.

  I shake my head, but before I can say anything Emma comes over to us.

  “Hey, Lucas.” She smiles.


  She pulls at Carter’s arm. “Come on, I love this song.”

  She gives him a pleading look, but even if she didn’t, I know Carter would do whatever she asks. Damn it, why do all my friends have to be in love?

  And there I go, feeling like an ass for about the hundredth time tonight, getting upset at my friends for having girlfriends. Carter gives me an apologetic shrug.

  “Go.” I motion to the dance floor and Emma smiles at me.

  “Thanks,” she whispers, and I give her a nod.

  Even though the dance still has a couple hours to go before it’s technically over, and there will probably be after parties I could go to, I know my night’s over. I showed up because it’s my senior prom, and even if I was dateless, I still felt like I wanted to experience it. Now I just wished I’d stayed home, ordered a pizza, and played some Call Of Duty.

  And as I walk out the doors, it’s exactly what I plan on going home to do.

  Chapter 2


sp; I’m on cloud nine as I slide into the table at lunch. I’ve been there ever since prom, two days ago. Franco was perfect. The night was perfect. After drooling over him for a while, even though I played my cool and just flirted here and there with him, we’re finally together. Okay, we’re not officially together, but prom went just as I expected and I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before we make it official. I’m mostly just excited to finally find someone I can let my guard down around. Someone I can trust with my heart.

  I smile at both Carter and Emma, before my mood changes drastically. Matt’s walking toward us, which isn’t the problem. Ever since Carter started dating Emma, Matt’s been really cool. And I owe him big time for hooking Franco and I up as prom court couples last week. The issue is that Lucas is next to him.

  Our eyes meet, and I can’t help curling my lip a little. It’s stupid, because the thing I’m mad about happened so long ago and it really is childish, but it’s what we are now. He was the first boy I ever liked. The first boy I kissed. The first day I saw that dirty blond hair and those green eyes, I was smitten. It didn’t help that the older he got, the hotter he got. But that all changed and now I get annoyed just seeing him.

  He gives Matt that fist bump thing and turns the other way, while Matt walks over to us. Turning his head to see what I’m frowning at, Carter sees Lucas.

  “Okay,” he says, giving me a confused look. “Jen, I have to know.” Matt looks at him as he takes his seat at the table. “No, we all have to know. What the hell is the issue with you and Lucas?”

  Sighing, I grab my water bottle. “It’s nothing.”

  “Bullshit.” Matt laughs.

  “I’ve known you all four years of high school and you’ve always hated him.” Emma stares at me. “What happened with you two?”

  Letting out a deep groan, I check my emotions. It’s not like I’m still mad at Lucas for what he did when were in middle school, it’s just that … okay, I’m still mad.


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