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The Hunt (Of Blood and Magic Book 2)

Page 12

by Delicious David

  She worked him up till his cock felt to burst. He rose to return the favor, taking each boob in his mouth and nibbling her areolas until she let out a soft moan. He sucked her tits as she gave him a dirty handjob, pulling insane stunts on his cock with her hands. As the unbelievable encounter got more heated, Bijou’s fingers reached for her pussy. As they reached there, he felt her hand smack him off by the wrist.

  “That is out of bounds to you,” she stated sternly, her eyes passionate and foreboding at the same time, “For now, all you get to do is fuck my tits.”

  Momentarily, Bijou descended from the heights of bliss. He was dazed by her words. How did one fuck tits? He hadn’t done that before. Clever as ever, Celine read the confusion in his eyes and offered to help.

  “I’ll teach you,” she assured.

  She dragged him up toward her by the hips, his erection crawling across the face of her navel, stimulating him. She conjured a transparent bottle with transparent jelly from nowhere, rubbing a copious amount of it across the middle of her chest. It smelled like strawberry. It felt like lube. She rested his cock in the groove between her boobs and, with both hands, squeezed her warm, fleshy boobs over the top of it, sending a dizzying wave up Bijou’s brain. It felt like the inside of a pussy, but different, and somehow more exciting.

  “Now, fuck me.” Celine had a fiery glint in her eyes that told him she wanted to feel his thrust in all its fullness. And so Bijou did, hands positioned on both sides of the bed, sliding under Celine’s boobs, climbing higher into the clouds, Celine egging him on.

  He came with a roar that sounded like a victory cry at the twilight of battle, his body spasming violently. He collapsed beside Celine, who broke into a smile, massaging her nipples.

  “There you go, champ. I’m glad you’re satisfied,” her voice dripped with honey, and then it hardened to a comb, “Rest if you want, but you have thirty minutes to exit my room.”


  WHEN LUKE SAW THE first vampire, he couldn’t believe it. He recalled three hundred years ago when his kingdom still sprawled with hundreds of thousands of children of the night. This little vampire girl in front of him reminded him of the kids who would play interesting games on the palace grounds, bringing sunlight to the castles with their smiles and the warmth of their innocence. Now, vampires were a scarce commodity. From what the guards who were escorting them had said so far, this was the last remaining sanctuary for vampires, and yet they had walked a half-hour with Luke not meeting more than a dozen vampires. There was not a single vampire among the guards on duty. When disgruntled, he had asked what was up with that, he had only gotten a harried, lackluster response that read along the lines of protocol and safety guidelines. Luke had felt the anger boil up in him like lava in a volcano. Not only had his people been exterminated, but the few left amongst them had also been castrated. What had happened to the proud soldiers of the vampire clan? Of the men and women who breathed nobility and protected the dignity of their kingdom their lives?

  Luke exhaled raggedly. It had been three hundred years, yet his failure seemed as stark as if it had just happened yesterday. This place was no sanctuary, it was a hole into which his people had been confined, because apparently, they deserved it, being beings of darkness and whatnot. But this was no place for the vampire clan. The fact that they couldn’t stand the sun didn’t automatically condemn them to eternal darkness. No one deserved this. No one. And especially not vampires. Not his vampires.

  Luke shivered as he saw two teenage vampires head to a locker, where they were handed meager rations in steel bowls by a placid-faced human with the same bat with extra-large claws sign that everyone here seemed to have. Maybe the guards were lying, he hoped. Maybe this was merely a secret cult that Tyrone or some other bloody traitor had established, and then kept in the dark because it was a threat to everyone. Maybe there was indeed a vampire sanctuary that had survived the ugliness of the last three hundred years to emerge unscathed and vibrant and high above here on the surface, protected by a magical barrier. But if such a place existed, wouldn’t he have felt it? He knew he would, and the thought of it only depressed him further. Besides, Becca—who had trained as a vampire hunter at a point in her life due to her dad’s influence—had been to Transylvania consistently for years and hadn’t even sensed a vampire once. Luke realized that he had to let go of all pipe dreams. These were all of his people that he had left, and the thought of it killed him.

  Becca walked silently behind him, consuming the scene before her eyes with a heaviness in her spirit. She could feel Luke’s spirits sinking even faster than hers. She had been excited to know that indeed, despite the High Commission’s best efforts and endless machinations, a colony of vampires had survived, whether or not their base was miles underground. What she hadn’t expected were conditions as dreary as this. Her orb continued to produce her shimmering light, which put the weak torches burning in brackets on the wall to shame.

  They made many turns, and Luke stopped asking questions. She knew that the questions were still there, in their torrents, pushing against his rib cage, screaming to be asked. But there was this thing about dreading an answer. Or, better still, knowing an answer and wanting another because the one you knew was terrifyingly uncomfortable but refraining from asking for fear that the answers would only affirm your fears. She knew he was melting on the inside, a lot faster than she was. She reached out a hand and squeezed his shoulder. He didn’t turn back. He said nothing. But she could sense that he recognized the need for her presence at this moment, in itself was enough for her.

  The corridors got narrower and Becca sensed that they would soon reach their goal. Her shoulders tensed as the magical aura in front of them thickened. She sensed a defining moment coming and her chest filled with dread.

  They reached a narrow passageway, at the head of which were four guards with spears crisscrossed over a narrow doorway.

  “We have brought King Lukai with us.” the Lykae from earlier announced and, in a move just as surprising as the first time, the four hefty guards, whom Luke noticed with a seed of happiness were vampires, dropped their swords, immediately falling to their feet in a deep bow.

  They melted away from the entrance and the guards walked in with Luke and Becca with them. They walked into a large domed room, which the guards had referred to as the inner sanctum. There were a dozen seats of stone on both sides and a glinting sword on a pedestal right at the center of their gaze.

  “King Lukai is here!” the witch with the red staff and hurricane magic announced proudly, and it was then that Lukai observed the huddle and hubbub of activity at a far end of the left side of the room. What looked like a team of elders, who had been huddled together previously, looked up to face him, their expectant faces bursting into expressions of glee. Something gold glinted in the midst of the group. As the elders parted in their excitement, some of them beginning to head in their direction, he observed that the gold object was a crown, and, beneath that crown was a head bearing a face that had riled him for three hundred years. Tyrone was not only here. He was king.

  He stood in the middle of the crowd of diplomats, his face widened in a smile that showed all his teeth. “The King is back!” he was shrieking, “The final piece of the puzzle that will guide us to freedom is here.”

  Luke couldn’t take it. He let out a mad shriek and, with a speed of movement unmatched even by the night at the southern doorways, he zoomed in the direction of the crowd, catching Tyrone by the neck and pinning him against the wall of the left side, meters away from the gathered crowd, a dagger angled at his jugular, all before anyone should blink.

  The guards leaped into action, instinctively rising to protect their king, but before they could make a single move, they watched their weapons float out of their hands to hover close to the ceiling’s eye and turned, to find Becca’s face alight with eyes the color of lightning.

  “You need to stay out of this,” her voice yelled, securing everyone’s attentio
n, “This is a matter for the kings to settle between themselves. Personally.”

  Tyrone squirmed under his powerful hands, sputtering and gasping as he choked. Luke resisted the urge to run a dagger through his neck right away and stab him for as many times as he had to until the life left his useless body.

  “You disgusting little traitor,” he spat, his eyes sparking flames, “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t drive this through your neck right now.”

  Tyrone thrashed and flailed, Luke’s stranglehold draining his energy. “I I I don’t d-don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Don’t you dare lie,” Luke bellowed, livid, “You sold us out. The coalition promised you immunity from the sun in place of my freedom and you took it. You took down our kingdom. It was all you!”

  Luke’s body was shaking at this point, his mind overwhelmed with memories. Tyrone coughed, his eyes filled with genuine incredulity.

  “Y-Your Your brother told you that?”

  At these words, Luke’s hand slackened. How had he known?

  Suddenly, Luke’s mind took him back to the day of his capture; the day their kingdom fell. About an hour before the castle erupted in flames, while his army still battled at the northern gates, before the witches and hunters had emerged from the underground opening that had confirmed to him the presence of a mole, Lukai’s brother had run into the room, panting.

  “Tyrone betrayed us. I had him followed.” and he had launched into these detailed explanations of how he had found Tyrone’s actions suspicious in recent time, stating examples, and had had him followed, only to hear from his informant that the coalition had offered Tyrone a deal and that Tyrone had accepted it, giving them all the information they needed to launch their final attack. It had made sense, until now.

  “He captured me and had me tortured and locked in a dungeon,” Tyrone blurted, his eyes red, “I didn’t understand what was going on. But then, on one night, I overheard him talking about how he had partnered with the coalition and how he would soon claim his rightful throne from you.”

  Tyrone turned his back to Luke and raised his shirt to reveal a scar that bore a mark that was unmistakably inflicted by the sword of Lukai’s brother.

  Lukai collapsed onto the concrete floor, his head pounding. For all those years he had found it impossible to understand why the captain of his army had turned on the kingdom for a reward as fickle as immunity from the sun. Now he realized that Tyrone had never been the problem. He had been played, by his own brother. All because of a senseless rivalry that had begun when they were only kids and at matured into jocular jealousy, his kingdom had fallen apart and the last three hundred years of his life had been wasted. Worse still, his brother, Rabakai, had fallen in the battle, at the hands of the very coalition he had colluded with.

  Lukai leaned his head against the wall and broke into hot tears, his frame convulsing violently. In a flash, the weapons were clanging back to the ground and Becca was by his side, rubbing his shoulders, cooing placations into his ears, and placing his head between her boobs so he could cry into them.

  Chapter 10


  Timou’s hips felt electric as the bed banged. Elena had her back to him, receiving him as he rammed into her from behind. Her moans disappeared into the pillow as he plowed his cock deeper into her ass, driving mad pleasure up her skull.

  He tossed her over so she faced him, her nipples erect, her hips looking like a red fruit ready to be served. His dick still in her ass, he bent over to anoint her nipples, drawing ecstatic moans out of her. Her body quivered as he licked her areolas. Her pussy spilled over with juice.

  He ran his tongue across the smooth, golden brown dune where the ribcage settled into the boobs. She groaned, wanting him to fill her up further, until she became a dick sandwich. He reached for her belly button, blowing bubbled all over it. She chuckled excitedly, gripping strands of his oily hair as he did so.

  He slid his dick out of her ass and straight into her pussy. She chuckled at the sensation of it. She felt pleasure rise from her clit to her head as he drove deeper, harder. He was making this about her and she loved every bit of it. He hit her G-spot and she screamed. He hit it again and she came, her body shaking like a robin caught in the rain.

  By the time Timou came, she had come four times.

  They settled into a breakfast of pancakes with Elena in a rosy mood. Her orb zipped all over the place, casting a deep purple aurora all over the room. Sex between them had become more frequent since their return to the High Commission, yet Timou couldn’t have enough of it. He loved exploring her delightful curves; the sharp inclines of her hips as they broke out into her ass. He also loved how Elena had begun to open up. In just a few days of her transformation, he had found out so many different shades and angles to her. To him, she was no longer simply a straight faced, arrogant bitch. She was a multifaceted human being with an occasional big heart and an astonishingly wide ambit of knowledge.

  He had also found that they had really similar interests. They both loved rivers and sports cars and fireflies. They also shared the same powerful resolve to put Lukai in his place for eternity. Speaking of that, Timou had been meaning to ask Elena a question.

  “I hear we are getting a new teammate tomorrow,” he began, “Any ideas how that will go?”

  Elena’s expression quickly became one of indifference. Timou hoped he hadn’t tripped the wrong chord.

  “My hopes aren’t very high, to be honest,” she said, halfway through a mouthful of pancakes, “All I know is that replacing Seydoo will be impossible. Whatever we’re given, we’ll just have to work with.”

  Timou couldn’t agree more. He looked into her beautiful face as the sunlight streaming through the window bounced off it. He couldn’t believe that he had finally gotten all that he wanted. His childhood flashed before his inner eye like a video reel, and this time, he found that he could actually laugh at all of it, almost like it had never happened.

  Things were different now, and this became more apparent by the second. It was a good kind of different.

  Today, they would make merry. Tomorrow, they would prepare for war.


  THE NEW recruits filed into the office on the seven hundredth floor, looking around with awe like aliens would a planet they had always coveted but had only just reached. Celine was at her desk, signing a large pile of papers, her golden spectacles reflecting the light from her blazing fireplace.

  She looked up as they entered and they bowed in succession; first the young, corn-haired witch with the animation magic; next, the vampire hunter prodigy named Samsa; and, finally, the Lykae youngster with the barrel chest.

  “I want to officially congratulate you for being the first of your generation to make the elite forces,” she said, a faint hint of pride in her voice, “It is my understanding that you have been properly briefed by your direct superiors.”

  To this, they all nodded. This seemed to please her.

  “As you may well know, with great prestige comes great tasks.” she floated a map of North America to them, with an x marked over a spot in Atlanta, Georgia. There was also a note in which coordinates and details with directions had been scribbled. “This is your first assignment. Go to this exact location and destroy the mansion that sits there. Do not be fooled by the magical barrier, I’m sure that you will be able to handle it. If anyone resists, you have the license to exterminate them. Take this as your contribution to the war against Lukai.”

  The details were clear. The target was in Atlanta, Georgia. It was a mansion right after an abandoned basketball court at the edge of what looked like a grove of trees but was really a strong magical barrier. Becca’s Grandmother’s house.



  They were shown their room by a kind maidservant in a plain white dress. There was a king-sized bed in a corner, laid with unbelievably white bedsheets. Luke collapsed straight on the bed, feeling his head grow heavi
er with the second.

  Becca slid in right beside him and unraveled his chest. She picked at his chest hairs, loving the smooth texture of it, and how it brought a semblance of contentment to his features.

  She could tell that his mind was very much consumed by Rabakai’s betrayal, but she was glad that he was no longer talking about it. She appreciated Tyrone’s efforts at distracting him, especially as he had dangled their grand plans to attack the High Commission before Luke’s face, over and over. They would discuss the plans at greater lengths in the morning.

  Becca knew the importance of letting him feel what he was feeling, but she was tired of seeing him like this. She felt the need to do something, bring sunlight back into his life, and help him return to living in the now.

  She took off her cloak and blouse, until only her lacy bra remained, parading her boobs in all their glory.

  “What were you saying about my telekinesis earlier?” she pressed, shoving her boobs closer to his face, her voice dripping with sex appeal.

  In spite of himself, Luke smiled. He glanced at her from the side of his eyes.

  “I see what you’re doing.” his voice carried mischief. In his eyes was a sudden glint that she had known to love and admire.

  “And” her voice egged him on, taunting, and at the same time endearingly sensual.

  “I think I like it.” his voice emerged with a delightful rasp and stars twinkled in his eyes.

  He chuckled and she squealed, as his face disappeared into the warm embrace of her boobs.


  The End

  Sneak peak from the next book- The Found

  Chapter 1

  The Hollow

  When they returned to their room, Becca’s spirits were soaring. As they shut the door, Becca swung like a wildcat and pinned Luke against the door. She attacked his lips with her mouth, drinking in his passion as their lips locked; sucking the salt off his tongue. Her nipples crushed his as their bodies pressed together. She ran her tongue across his ears and he moaned, his body vibrating against hers. He took her boobs in his hands, massaging them gently, and pinching her nipples so sexily that she screamed. He pushed her against the bed and she exhaled. Her eyes glowed white as she willed her clothes off her body. Off came the cloak and jeans, until she was naked. She angled up her hips like an offering of the ripest cherry fruit. Luke’s eyes widened at the sight of her gleaming red pussy and his dick rose in response, threatening to burst out of his pants.


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