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Alien Captive: A Reverse Harem Alien Romance (The Shadow Zone Brotherhood Book 4)

Page 6

by Elise Jae

  Then, one long large finger drags up me and and I gasp around Risk’s cock.

  Arc has laid down beside me, drawing soft lines along my breasts, and down my back, so there’s no question whose finger it is… who’s fingers.

  I moan as he presses a second inside of me.

  And Risk curses in the same moment, and my mouth fills with the sugar sweetness again.

  I’m barely able to swallow it in time.

  When I pull back, it’s gasping for air, and Risk kisses me, as if he doesn’t notice.

  He finally lets go of my face, murmuring more of those beautiful words I don’t understand.

  Shock barely lets me catch my breath, before he turns me toward him. He took off his pants while I wasn’t looking and his cock….

  Maybe that was why he didn’t want to go before the others. He’s the biggest of the three, and as I wrap my hand around it… knowing it’s going to be a tight fit, I look up at him.

  “Did you want to be last so you could have me to yourself.”

  “No, I’m just patient.”

  And patience will reap its reward.

  Risk is still dripping from my lips as I take Shock into my mouth.

  Unlike the others, he’s in control, fucking my mouth, taking charge. It’s me so hot.

  I can’t stop from wiggling my hips, from wanting one of the others to line themselves up behind me and take me. But I know they won’t.

  I feel Arc drop to his knees behind me. And my eyes fly wide when he lifts me up, but I’m pressed tightly to Shock’s cock, as Arc’s mouth finds my pussy, as he licks me like I’d just licked him.

  When Shock comes, I swallow him down, wondering how much more my stomach can take.

  I’m not sure why it surprises me how quickly. Maybe it’s because he seemed to know exactly what he was doing.

  But it’s clear we were all sex starved.

  “You are wicked with that tongue.” I look back at Arc who’s smiling like he just won a prize. “I think I like you when you’ve got your mouth full.”

  “We like you that way too.”

  But I am not gonna be able to swallow any more of your delicious come… I just don’t have the room for it.” I stroke Arc’s cock once, twice, and then I’m bobbing up and down on it, as I hold Shock and Risk steadies me.

  “What would you like me to do?”

  With a long pull dragging my tongue down the bottom of his cock, I let it drop, to bounce off my breasts.

  “Paint me.” I dip my head to one side. “Is that okay?”

  Arc fists his cock, gently tapping it on my cheek. “That is more than okay.”

  I take hold of his hips, wanting… more. And when Shock’s fingers press into me again, I ride him the way I wish I could ride their cocks. I’m almost mindless, searching for that orgasm. Moving on him, I press my hips back, and release Arc’s cock on a cry of frustration.

  “Please, Shock.”

  His thumb presses into my clit, harder. Moving from a swirling motion to a grinding one. “I want….”

  The words die in my throat as pleasures wash over me. I hear Arc Curse, and his come covers me.

  Shock’s whole hand cups my pussy, and warm wetness paints my back.

  It doesn’t matter what I want.

  Sex still isn’t on the table.

  We’re just fooling around.

  Everything, but going all the way.

  God. It feels like I’m in high school again. Except this time I’m not the one who’s keeping us from passing that invisible line.

  And all I can think about is how it will feel having them inside of me. Because I am going to have them.

  All of them.

  In every way possible.

  There’s absolutely nothing that can stop me.

  I fall asleep surrounded by the warmth of three very large men. Men I could easily give all of myself to.


  Christina is asleep, her head on my lap, her legs across Risk’s. Arc’s asleep along with her. His head is cradled right next to hers.

  I look at Risk who’s watching them too. “You know what has to happen.”

  He nods, “I always know what’s going to happen.”

  “Are you going to be okay with it?”

  “The Saints will reward us all,” He looks up at me. A placid smile crinkling the skin around his eyes. “One way or another.”

  “Have I ever told you how glad I am to have you on my side?”

  “Once or twice, but it’s always nice to hear.”

  “How difficult is it going to be?”

  The wince that touches Risk’s lips isn’t encouraging. “We can make it easier on ourselves… but it will mean being less than completely honest with him.”

  “I think I can live with that.”

  “I think we’ll have to live with that.” Risk’s smile is soft, his eyes far away. Whatever future he’s seen approximated in the strange way his mind works….

  The perimeter alarm screeches, and Arc shoots to his feet. He’s halfway to the sensor readout before Christina has managed to fully open her eyes.

  “What the hell is going on?” her groggy words are sweet softness after the now-silenced alarm.

  “Perimeter alert. There’s a monster out there with a death wish.” Risk squeezes her leg as he gets up to go grab his gear.

  “And you have to go?”

  I look at the monitor as Risk says, “There are two of them.”

  We could call someone else to handle it. But she needs to know what she’d be signing on for if she chooses to stay here when we ask. “Yes. We have to go. But we will be back.”

  She sits upright watching my face for a moment before she turns to Risk. “Will you?”

  His mouth quirks in a half smile. “We will. We have something extra special to come back for now.”

  Arc looks back at all of us on that statement, and I hold my breath, waiting for him to say something, to contradict it… anything.

  But he sends a smile Chris’ way and disappears into the back to get his suit.

  I have to get mine as well.

  She trails behind me and lingers in my doorway while I strip down and suit up. I can feel her watching me, but I can’t look back until I have my clothes back on. I’m too afraid I’ll see something in her eyes that makes me drag her into the room and onto my bed.

  “We’ve done this hundreds of times before,” I assure her. “We’ll head out, deal with the monster, and then come straight back.”

  “I’m not worried.” She looks over her shoulder. “As long as the three of you are working together, I don’t know if there’s anything that could stand in your way.”

  Arc yells at me from the garage, asking if I’m actually coming. I yell back to tell him I am.

  Taking her hand in mine, I lead Christina back to the living room and make her sit before piling a pair of blankets on top of her.

  “Don’t go anywhere.”

  She smiles up at me, but doesn’t tell me I’m being silly. Instead, she says. “Make sure you all come back to me.”

  I can’t imagine an option where we don’t.

  And Risk wasn’t wrong. Getting back to her is probably the highest priority we have now.

  Arc tosses me a gun as I pull the door closed, and I look from it to him. “When was the last time we all worked together like this?”

  “It’s been at least a year.” Risk says, though I have a feeling he knows the exact number just like I do.

  Of the three of us, he doesn’t look like he’s enjoying the excuse to get out and be on the hunt.

  “Two and a half.” Arc says with a sigh.

  A small voice in my head wants to ask “And who’s fault is that” but I don’t. Because it’s probably more my fault than it is his.

  The ice is like a cool breath on my skin.

  Even without the geothermal heating, the compound is still forty degrees warmer than it is outside. It’s not exactly comfortable, but the three of u
s could survive out here for hours without a suit.

  Somehow, the warmth of the compound has gotten harder to leave since Christina came into our lives.

  We fly across the Zone, our bikes throwing long plumes of snow behind us, and we reach the perimeter trigger in less than ten minutes. From there....

  Boots crunching in the hard packed snow, I swing my gun around, looking for the faint shadow, or the sign of tracks. But there’s nothing.

  I know the sensor array wouldn’t send us out here on a wild sparg chase, but still….

  There’s something eerie in the stillness.

  “Let’s spread out,” Arc says, eyes scanning the horizon. “See if we can find where they’ve slunk off to.”

  With a nod, Risk hurries off to my right and Arc barely looks back at me when he heads for the ridge.

  I watch them both, waiting for a monster to fling itself from the snow as their feet cross over, but nothing mars the ground save for their bootprints.

  Before I head out, I take a moment to glance over a topographical scan of this particular part of the Zone. And as soon as I see the ravine, I head for it.

  A small scar in the semi-smooth landscape, I hop down into a poor excuse for a canyon that slowly turns into the real deal.

  It’s an ever widening highway of void carved into ice. The walls rising and darkening to blue the further I go.

  I’m just about to call it quits….

  That’s when I find it.

  “I’ve got one backed into a fissure.” I say to the comm.

  No idea if either of them are in a position to come to me… or if I would need them if they are. This monster isn’t acting particularly volatile, and even if it was… how many times have we each handled one on our own?

  Drift can see for miles, but my eyes are nearly as sharp, and as I watch this creature shift in front of me, I search for the thing Jessica and Trench found mere weeks ago.

  The dark spot in its forehead.

  It’s easy to get distracted by its split jaw, or the spines sprouting from between the other fur along its back, but the spot is there.

  A device—if Jessica’s speculation is correct—that controls these beasts.

  Every step I take, the monster retreats. Snarling and snapping all the way.

  I’m so used to them attacking I almost stop my advance. They don’t retreat. This is either an ambush, or…

  I only see the movement because I was looking for it.

  A second monster clings to the ice wall ten feet above my head. The one who looks like he’s backing away is just moving me into position.

  The calculations take less than a minute. And I take one final step—enough to catch my balance and plant myself—and twist.

  Our guns are calibrated specifically for these monsters. So it doesn’t matter that it realized I saw it a moment before I shot.

  It doesn’t matter that it leapt straight for me.

  The thing is dead and slams to the hard ground in front of me seconds after I’ve turned my aim back on the first monster.

  Without the other one, this monster is trapped. I see the shift in its posture, the change in focus in its eyes. It knows I’m not going to kill it. And that’s when I see actual fear cross its face.

  That makes me lower my weapon… just enough. But the monster doesn’t have the time to take the opening.

  The detonation is startling.

  Not because it’s loud, or large. But because the creature’s skull caves in between its eyes. Silently.

  A charge so focused, it barely splits open the skin for the brain matter to ooze out.

  Jessica was right.

  And we are in so much trouble.



  If Shock is a wave, and Arc is a tsunami… Risk is the gentle water of a windless sea.

  He moves smoothly through the house, his steps quiet. His presence quieter.

  I imagine he’s spent half his life sneaking up on people.

  When he turns to me with a plate of something that resembles cheese and crackers, his eyes meet mine, and a smile curves his lips.

  I know he knows I’ve been watching him.


  “Don’t be. I don’t mind. Do you want to try it?” He holds up the plate, a brow raising.


  The cube is firm, like a parmesan, but it tastes….

  I don’t fully understand the taste, but it’s not bad, so I take a second and then wave away the offer of more. He puts the plate in the fridge and comes back to me.

  “Done?” I ask, and he nods.

  I reach for him, and he doesn’t hesitate to bundle me into his lap.

  His touch soothes like my skin had been waiting for him.

  Ridiculous, I know. But I don’t have an easier explanation for it.

  Curled against him, I play with the collar of his shirt and wonders how he’s so gentle, with what they do.

  “Are you comfortable?

  “Very.” I twist around so I’m able to kiss him.

  His kiss is just as calm and as peaceful as he is. Warm and enveloping. He wraps me up in him and I don’t know if I’ve ever felt so safe… cocooned in this big man’s arms.

  He doesn’t push for more.

  And when he eases back from me, it doesn’t feel like rejection, it feels like… caution.

  He glances at the hall as if we're going to get caught.

  “Is it Arc?”

  “I don’t want to hurt him.”

  “You’re very protective of him. Both of you.”

  “If you’d live through what we have… you’d understand.” His gaze is distant, and I know I can’t ask. But I don’t have to.

  “Arc was the youngest of us taken from the varying orphanages the Maker used as his personal hunting grounds. After we did the math, we’ve discerned he was six when we were taken.”

  “The math?”

  “Shock and I have always known our ages, we knew how our parents died, knew that we had siblings who weren’t taken when the Maker did his picking and choosing among the orphans.”

  “And Arc?”

  “Arc only just figured out how old he was… that his father is still alive.”

  “That must have been a relief.”

  “It wasn’t. The man didn't care that he was alive. He only cared whether or not Trench was.” His lips twist, almost in a snarl.

  “What an asshole.”

  “You like that word.” His smile, and the short, punctuated breath left me wondering if it was humor or despair that prompted the quiet reaction.

  “It works in too many situations to not use it.”

  He laughs, but it’s still sad. “There are things that I won’t tell you. Because they’re not my stories to tell. Shock won’t either. Because Arc lived through things neither of us had to endure. And I won’t—can’t—tell you what those things were. His trust has been broken so many times… I will never do that to him.”

  “I understand. But kissing you doesn’t mean I want him less. When are you guys going to accept that?”

  The others join us then, but they don’t sit. Instead, eyes heavy, Arc yawns. “It’s late, come to bed?”

  They let me walk to the bedroom, and when I crawl onto the bed, they curl around me.

  The mattress is soft and they’re so warm… it’s not difficult to close my eyes and drift into a deep slumber.


  I wake to the feel of Christina’s hands on me and all it takes is the smallest shift, just a little twist, and she’s under me.

  “Good morning,” she smiles up at me. “You’re first up… would you like to claim a prize?”

  “What’s my prize?”

  Wiggling her hips against me, she raises a brow. “You get to taste me.”

  Humming, I crawl down her, dragging her underwear down with me.

  She looks down at me, he hands cupping her breasts. “You’ve never done this before, have you?”

sp; I shake my head, passing my lips over her. “Teach me?”

  With a wicked smile, biting her lower lips, she nods.

  “The most important thing,” she says as she drags one of her hands down her body, “Is that you know where the clit is.”

  I pull back as she sweeps her fingers over herself, spreading her slicked folds wide, letting me see all of her.

  Her other hand presses between us, and she circles the bundle of flesh at the top of her entrance, and her pussy spasms as she swirls.

  “That,” she says, a little breathless. “Is a tight little nub of nerves that make me squirm. But don’t abuse it. High school Chris can tell you from experience that bruising it from overuse is no fun.”

  She slides her hand away and nods. “Go ahead. Lick it.”

  “Just lick it?”

  “I mean, swirl your tongue too, and you can see if sucking it will make me buck….” Her smile is wicked. “Just play with me Risk. As long as you pay attention, I don’t think you can mess it up.”

  I know it’s the biological imperative, tricking out brains into thinking there’s something incredible about the way women taste. It’s a trigger in our brains to intoxicate us.

  And it’s working.

  She tastes like divinity.

  I press a finger into her, wishing more than anything that it could be my cock. Wishing I could claim her. That I could steal her from the others. But that’s not how the Saints have written our lives. I know better than anyone.

  She arches as I enter her with three fingers and the sweet sound that pours from her mouth makes me unbearably hard.

  It also wakes Shock and Arc up.

  This time, when I kiss her pussy the smile on my lips is for a different reason.

  Because I know this is about to get that much better for her.

  I meet Arc’s gaze when he presses up on one elbow and looks down her body.

  “Playing without us?”

  “I’m pretty sure you were here the whole time.” She says, laughing at them, breathless.

  “That’s worse, you were just using us as props?”

  She chuckles, but pulls Arc to her in a kiss that makes me jealous… even though my tongue is buried inside her.


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