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Forbidden First Times: A Contemporary Romance Collection

Page 28

by Sofia T Summers

  “Yes, please,” I breathed shakily into his mouth.

  Laird possibly broke a couple of speed laws driving home, but I just couldn’t keep the smile off my face. He kept glancing at me as he drove, like he was waiting for me to change my mind and back out of it, say that I didn’t want this after all. As if I could possibly change my mind about wanting to be with him.

  We got to his condo and I could feel the heat spiking through me again, anticipation thrumming through me, making me feel like my fingertips were vibrating. Laird helped me out of my coat and it was like I could hardly breathe properly. I wanted him so badly—now that I knew I could have him, all that I had been holding back was just letting go and rushing through me like a river, threatening to overrule me and consume me. It was heat and desire like nothing I had ever felt before and I wanted to melt with it.

  Laird gently brought his hands up to my shoulders, his thumbs rubbing back and forth. “Are you sure about this?” he whispered. “This isn’t just because of… the role, or the money? I don’t want you to feel like you have to do something. You don’t have to do anything.”

  “Thank you, for asking. You have no idea how much it means to me to hear you say that.” I couldn’t explain why it meant so much, not without diving into all of my past, and I still didn’t know how to share that with him, to unburden myself in that way.

  Laird smiled at me like he understood anyway.

  I realized I hadn’t actually answered his question. “I want this. I want you. Regardless of the money, or the job. So please…” I trailed off, unsure how to finish the sentence, just knowing that I wanted him.

  Laird’s smile went soft, then darkened and sharpened into something sexy and determined. “Then let’s get you out of these clothes,” he purred, his accent thick and his voice dark and soft. I had to swallow down a whimper. If he had just talked at me in that voice, I think that would’ve been enough to get me off.

  He kissed me, deep but deliberate, like he was clearly determined to take his time and make this good for me. The idea that he cared so much about my pleasure was sexy as fuck, and I clung to him as he walked me slowly backwards into what must be his bedroom.

  Laird peeled my clothes off slowly, one by one, and I shivered with heat at the feeling of his fingertips trailing over each patch of newly-revealed skin. “Look at you,” he rumbled, his mouth moving along my shoulder. “You’re gorgeous, fuckin’ gorgeous.”

  I was glad that it was dark in the room, because I knew I was blushing. Pete had never complimented me like that. Not after the beginning of the relationship when he’d been flattering me to lure me in. Sometimes he would talk about how I looked good, but only in the context of how other men would try and steal me from him, or when he wanted to take me somewhere to show me off to make others jealous. It had made my looks feel somehow both useless and a curse.

  But Laird sounded like he was awed, like he couldn’t quite believe it, like he couldn’t stop himself from saying things like that. “You’re not so bad yourself,” I pointed out, which was an understatement.

  Especially once I got his clothes off and could see all of him. God, he was so handsome, his body firm, solid, clearly the product of working out and keeping active. A trail of hair led down between his legs to where his cock was jutting out, and my mouth watered so fast I was almost choking on it. I wanted to get my mouth on that dick.

  Maybe not right now, though, because Laird had a determined look in his eye, as he stepped back into me and wrapped his arms around me. “Lie down on the bed, love,” he told me, kissing my jaw, my throat, making slick slide down my legs.

  I did as he told me and Laird spread my legs, giving me a smirk before kissing the inside of my knee. “I’ve touched myself thinking about this,” he told me, in between slow, sucking kisses up the insides of my thighs. “Came so bloody hard thinking about tasting you, getting my tongue inside of you.”

  He avoided where I wanted him and kept setting his mouth to my legs, my stomach, only occasionally darting his tongue through my folds like he was sampling me. I struggled to hold still, and Laird finally took my wrist in his hand, bringing my fingers to his hair, so that I could clench my fingers in the soft strands and anchor myself.

  When he finally set his mouth to me, I nearly sobbed with relief. It felt so good, better than I could’ve imagined. I had never had anyone eat me out before. It wasn’t really something I’d given much thought to one way or another before Pete, and then after Pete… well, God forbid he ever do something like that, God forbid he ever think about giving someone else pleasure without getting something out of it himself. He was all about what made him feel good and he hadn’t cared too much if it made me feel good as well.

  But this was—this was insane. Insanely good. Laird kept teasing me, pulling away when he thought I was close, adding his fingers to stretch me out, licking against my clit and around where his fingers were inside of me. It was nothing short of obscene and I found my nails digging into his hair, into the bedsheets, my body shaking and writhing uncontrollably. I’d never felt so good before, and before I knew it I was begging him to let me come.

  Laird gave in at once, like he couldn’t stand to hear me not get something that I wanted. He sealed his mouth over my clit, sucking, and I cried out, my hips thrusting, my brain going white and fuzzy as pleasure filled me. I was pretty sure I even cried, just a little, it was all so overwhelming. I had never orgasmed like that before, never felt taken over with it.

  Slowly, in bits and pieces, the world came back to me, and Laird crawled up my body, smirking at me right before he kissed me. “How are you feeling?”

  Despite my orgasm, I wasn’t quite finished with him. I wanted him inside of me. “Good,” I said, my voice a little slurred. “I want you to fuck me. Please.”

  Laird chuckled. “I think that was the politest anyone’s ever been about sex.”

  I would’ve been embarrassed, but Laird said it so warmly, like he was delighted by it, so instead I found myself relaxing, feeling… adored, almost.

  Laird kissed me again, relaxing me, and for a moment that was all we did, our hands roaming over each other, making out like we were teenagers. I hadn’t done that in ages, just enjoyed someone’s body and being with someone, and I found that I liked it more than I would’ve thought.

  At last, I wrapped my leg around Laird and spread myself, guiding him into me, and the both of us gasped. Oh, God, it felt so good. I had forgotten that it could feel good to feel stretched and full like this. My body wasn’t used to it after all this time and I clung to him, panting, trying to adjust, ignoring the instinctive feeling of too much too much it can’t fit.

  It took a couple minutes, but when I was ready, I nodded, kissing Laird on the corner of his mouth. “I’m good,” I murmured.

  Laird started to move, and I gasped again, the feeling of him moving inside of me more than I could’ve ever anticipated.

  He moved quickly, like his self-control was fleeing, and I didn’t want him to hold back. He was pushing me towards the brink again, the feeling of him inside of me and on top of me turning me on more than I could’ve anticipated, even with only the passing glide against my clit. I locked my ankles together around his back and cried out his name as Laird thrust into me with abandon, shoving himself into me, coming hard inside of me and I felt the hot rush of his come and lost it, shuddering apart once again.

  I lay there, gasping, feeling like I’d been hit by a train. It was probably silly and ridiculous of me to be reacting this way. Laird was probably wondering what was wrong with me.

  But when I looked over at him, Laird was simply smiling breathlessly down at me, his chest and face flushed from exertion, his hair sticking up everywhere. He looked so handsome it was almost unbearable.

  “You look gorgeous,” he murmured. His hand slid up my stomach to my breast, kneading softly. I whimpered. My body was still coming down from the high of my orgasm.

  Pete had never cared about my pleasure.
Well, he had at first. Back when he was luring me in and putting on that whole mask, pretending to be the perfect boyfriend. But I hadn’t had good sex in nearly three years thanks to that asshole. He hadn’t cared about me.

  Laird had. I hadn’t come so hard in my entire damn life.

  “You ready for round two?” Laird whispered. His hand kept touching my breast, then slowly moved back downwards, between my legs. I gasped as he stroked my clit, making my toes curl.

  “Oh… ye—es,” I whispered, the word broken in half as I gasped in pleasure.

  Laird’s grin was positively wicked. “Then let’s see if I can make you scream, hmm?”

  Oh, he most certainly did.



  I woke up feeling oddly hot all over. It wasn’t because of the blankets—I didn’t have any on me. I hadn’t left the heat on overnight, I never did that since it wasted so much power and electricity. Then why…?

  Rolling over, I realized what it was: Trudie.

  She had plastered herself to me in the middle of the night and was now clinging to me like an octopus. I grinned down at her, reaching up to stroke her hair. I never would’ve pegged her as someone who liked to cuddle. Trudie was so independent, so self-contained. But here she was, curled up against me, her head on my shoulder and her arms around me, our legs tangled together.

  I fucking loved it.

  As much as I loved it, though, I did need to pee, and I was starving. We’d had quite a lot of athletic sex the night before and I needed refueling before I had her again—and I intended to fuck her quite a few more times before the weekend was over.

  The clock on the wall said that it was only six in the morning. Damn. I knew that Trudie had work on Saturdays but not until later, so we still had time. I started to ease out from her embrace, and Trudie grumbled.

  “Wha’ time izzit?” she mumbled. Then, without even looking at the clock to answer her question, she added. “Iz too early. Stay here.”

  “I have to get up,” I told her. “I’ll make you coffee. And it’ll be worth your while, it’s the best coffee you’ll ever have. You’ll never drink that sludge you sell at Buzz ever again.”

  Trudie mumbled something that I couldn’t quite make out, and I finished getting out of bed. Once I had taken care of everything in the bathroom, I went into the kitchen to start up the coffee maker.

  Yeah, I probably should’ve put on clothes, but I wasn’t really going to bother with that when I was only going to be taking them off again in a hot minute. Besides, I was used to walking around my place naked. Why shouldn’t I? Nobody could see me like this, I had the place to myself. Now that Trudie was here, I was sure she wouldn’t object to seeing the goods, given how last night had gone.

  The memory of being inside her soft, hot cunt, the noises she’d made, the way her face had looked as she’d come, washed over me like a wave. I wanted to fuck her again, and again, and again. She was addicting in every way, more so even than my precious coffee.

  After I got the coffee started, I set about making a basic breakfast: just some toast and eggs and sausage. I was sure the smell of the coffee and the food would perk her right up.

  Sure enough, right as I opened the fridge to see what I had for fruit, I heard shuffling feet behind me. I grinned and turned around, only to have Trudie wrap her arms around me, nuzzling against my chest. She was dressed only in one of my shirts, which she must’ve grabbed up off the floor.

  I never would’ve guessed that she would be like this. It felt like my heart was leading an entire brass band inside of my chest. “Somebody’s a snuggle monster,” I teased.

  Trudie just groaned. I chuckled and picked out a couple of oranges, setting them down on the counter, then closed the fridge door. “You hungry?”

  “Mmhmm,” Trudie hummed. “C’mon, boss, it’s way too early.”

  Boss? I wasn’t her boss, although I technically owned the building she worked in. It was a cute and unexpected nickname. “It’s not that early, we were just up late last night. You’ll thank me later when you’re on time for work.”

  “Ugh. Don’ wanna go work.”

  “Yeah, I know, but your wallet will thank you.” I lightly petted her hair and Trudie pushed up into the motion.

  It occurred to me, all of a sudden, that Trudie was probably touch-starved. All humans needed touch. It was just how we were. There were studies that showed that the more a baby was held, the better-adjusted that baby was as a child. We craved touch. We were social animals for a reason, after all.

  Well, if touch was what she needed and wanted, then I would be there to provide it for her. I loved that she was so cuddly and clingy. It was a soft side to her that I hadn’t expected. Hopefully that meant that there was even more to her that I had yet to uncover. More to her that I would soon get to see. I wanted to learn everything about her, to come to know her as well as I knew myself.

  I kissed the top of her head. Trudie grumbled. “Boss. Food and coffee. I’m gonna keel over.”

  I laughed. “Well at least you’re talking more coherently now. How do you want your eggs?”

  Once we had the food settled, Trudie perked right up. I watched her while we ate, seeing how she devoured the meal like it was the best thing she’d ever had. Maybe I was crazy—maybe she was just extra hungry after the sex last night—but, no. I had seen her that way with the pizza, too. With every meal that we’d had together, except for last night. She had been so beautiful last night. Every time I thought about her, how she’d looked, my goddamn cock twitched, wanting to get hard for her all over again.

  But last night had also been the only time she had eaten normally, and not wolfing her food down like she hadn’t eaten in a week. Probably because as my wife she would be used to eating, and eating in fancy places at that, so she needed to not scarf her food down. But what did that say about her life?

  Clearly she needed this money, badly. Maybe that was why she was calling me boss? Because I was paying her for this?

  God, what a bloody fool I was. Here I was falling for her, halfway in love with her already, and to her I was probably just her ticket to financial freedom and stability. Which wasn’t exactly a bad thing, but it was different from what I wanted with her. She just saw me as a paycheck. Her ‘boss’. Sex was fun, you could be attracted to someone without wanting to actually date them or actually being in love with them.

  Well, it wasn’t her fault that I had these feelings. She hadn’t asked for them. I knew then and there that the sensible thing to do would be to stop sleeping with her, to try and keep it as platonic as possible up until we went to the wedding, but I couldn’t find it in myself. I wanted her too badly. I’d never thought of myself as a bloody masochist before but, here we were.

  I would hold in my feelings, I resolved, and simply spoil her with my affection as much as I could. She clearly needed a friend and a safe place. If that was all I could be to her, then that was that. I would do what was best of her.

  “Ugh, okay, you’re right,” Trudie said, downing the coffee I gave her. “This coffee is the best.”

  “See, sometimes I do in fact know what I’m talking about.”

  “You’re a god among men, boss,” Trudie said, winking at me.

  All I could do was smile in response, wishing that she returned my affection.



  I just barely made it to church on time on Sunday.

  Not that I was surprised. I had work yesterday, of course, but other than that? I’d been spending the last two days getting fucked within an inch of my life.

  After breakfast yesterday, Laird and I fucked again in the kitchen, then in the shower, and then I went to work. After work, he picked me up and brought me back to his condo, where we had more sex in the living room and then in the bedroom, again and again, until we passed out. Then I woke up this morning to him kissing slowly up my neck, his hand sliding between my legs, and he entered me gently, carefully, from behind. We fucked
slow and deep, until I was gasping out my orgasm. I barely had time to scarf down some food before I was rushing out the door to make it to mass.

  All this time, I’d been pretty much convinced that my sex drive was dormant. Oh, sure, sex was fine, but I hadn’t really craved it since I was a teenager and caught tight in the grip of hormones. I was sure that Pete had something to do with that. How could I crave sex when the only times I had it were when my asshole boyfriend wanted it, and he cared fuck-all about how I felt during it?

  Now, with Laird… God, it was driving me insane. I wanted him so badly, all the time. I had thought that it was bad before, but now that I’d gotten a taste of what Laird was actually like in bed—gentle and soft when he needed to be but in charge, confident, and one hundred percent focused on making me orgasm until I was screaming—it was even worse. I felt like I was drowning, but in the need for sex. It was like I’m sixteen all over again.

  The crazy thing was, I never would’ve guessed that Laird would be like this when I’d first met him. Blushing, soft, sweet Laird, turning out to be an actual sex god? Who would’ve thought it? It was amazing and I craved more of it. Even the good sex that I’d had before Pete was nothing compared to this.

  But for now, Laird was out getting brunch with Jack. Apparently, Jack had met someone and he wanted to introduce them to Laird to see if Laird liked them. “I could never date someone that Jack didn’t like,” Laird explained. “And he couldn’t date someone that I didn’t like. We’re each other’s best friends and we’re going to be in each other’s lives like family. You wouldn’t be with someone that your family didn’t like, either.”

  I was lucky, in a weird way, that I had no family to worry about. Liam liked me, but what about Laird’s parents? His cousins? Would they like me?

  Jack, at least, liked me.


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