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Forbidden First Times: A Contemporary Romance Collection

Page 33

by Sofia T Summers

  Catcalls greeted us and I pulled away in time to see Colleen and her husband making their way to their rooms. “We’re the one who’re supposed to be randy!” she said.

  “Ah, fuck off, Colleen, not my fault he can’t get it up,” I shot back.

  Colleen laughed while Trudie hid her face in my chest, mortified. “Sleep well, don’t let the sound of all my orgasms keep you up!”

  “I’ll be too busy having mine!” I replied.

  “This is not how normal people talk,” Trudie moaned.

  “When they’re Irish and drunk it is,” I replied. “C’mon, let’s get you into the bedroom.”

  We stumbled inside, and I practically slammed the door closed behind us before I shoved her against it. I had no patience for a bed, no patience to take my time. I wanted her so badly I was throbbing with it.

  Luckily, Trudie seemed to be of the same mindset. “Off,” she chanted, yanking at my pants. “Off, off, off.”

  “You look so bloody hot in this dress,” I told her, undoing my pants and letting her shove them down, then yanking her dress up and out of the way before I hoisted her up.

  Trudie wrapped her legs around my waist. “Speak for yourself, in this suit, you’re—you’re so handsome, oh my God, you know the first thing I thought about you was how handsome you were—”

  She stroked my dick a few times, smearing the precome that had dripped from it, getting it good and wet, and then I lifted her up a little farther and helped hold her as she guided my cock inside of her.

  I groaned loudly, unashamed, as I entered her. She was so fucking tight, so wet, perfect for me. I was sure that I was never going to find a woman who was so goddamn perfect, so clearly made to fit with me, emotionally and sexually. It was like we were two ends of a battery, perfectly charged, and I couldn’t stop myself from setting a harsh, rough, fast pace as I fucked into her.

  “Yes!” Trudie screamed out, clawing at the backs of my shoulders. Her head fell back against the door and I kissed and sucked at her neck, biting at her collarbone. “Yes, Laird, yes, yes, yes!”

  Each scream, especially of my name, sent another jolt of arousal through me and I kept fucking her, wanting her to be so swept up in pleasure that she couldn’t even form words anymore. The door was rattling in its hinges and I was sure that anyone near us could hear everything, and then they would know exactly what we were doing, but I didn’t care.

  “You’re so hot,” I groaned. “Fuck, you have no idea—fuck—you’re so hot, I want you all the time, want to fuck you until you can’t walk, you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever met—fuck yes—”

  I was babbling, and part of me was worried that I would let something slip, that how much I loved her would be revealed, but I wasn’t even sure if Trudie could hear me anymore. She kept crying out, sobbing my name, and I couldn’t hold it in anymore, I had to come, spilling into her.

  “Oh my God,” Trudie moaned, and I kept fucking her, my come sliding out of her, and it was so obscene and so goddamn hot, my orgasm going on and on, and I felt her clenching around me and coming, orgasming because I had come into her, and my knees nearly gave out with how overwhelmed I was.

  But I wasn’t finished. Not yet. I still had one more thing I wanted to do to her.



  I thought that was the end, as Laird came inside of me, shoving himself into me hard and fast, and I felt myself coming from the feel of him filling me up, hot and greedy, making a mess of me.

  But then Laird picked me up and turned me around, tossing me lightly onto the bed, and got down on his knees. I realized what he was doing and moaned all over again, my hands diving into his hair as Laird made sure my dress was shoved up out of the way and licked inside of me.

  He was licking my come and his out of me, licking himself out of me, and it was so fucking hot I could feel a new orgasm starting to build, even as my last one wasn’t finished fading. “Laird,” I cried out. It was so much, too much, I was still so sensitive…

  Laird twisted his tongue inside of me, scraping against my clit, and I orgasmed again, squeezing his head with my thighs, sobbing, thrusting mindlessly, everything draining out of me and I collapsed onto the bed.

  We shouldn’t have done that. I knew that even as we were doing it. But God, Laird was like a wild animal in the best kind of way, fucking me so hard I was screaming for him. I had never screamed like that before, never had felt totally and completely overwhelmed with wanton desire like that. I had felt completely overwhelmed, giving over to my sexual passions, letting go completely, and I loved it.

  As I lay in bed, quickly falling asleep, I had enough time to wonder how my heart was going to recover when all of this was taken from me, and then I was out like a light.

  When I woke up, my mouth tasted like death. Ew.

  Ah, being hungover. I hadn’t felt like this in ages. I never drank a lot, not even when I was first legal, I was just really scared of getting too drunk and embarrassing myself. And then with Pete I was scared about what he might do to me while I was out of it. So I just stayed sober, which is why I was now such a lightweight.

  Ugh. The sunlight coming in through the gap in the curtains felt like it was trying to kill me, hammering away at me.

  Laird was still dead asleep, one arm draped over me, a heavy weight against my back. I luxuriated in the feeling for a moment, enjoying it, and then I made myself slide out of bed to inspect the damage.

  Oh my God. I looked like a wreck. My hair was a mess, and my makeup was all smeared, and I had hickeys… everywhere. The first two were solved with a shower but the hickeys? I’d have to use a crap ton of makeup.

  I hopped in the shower, letting the warm water take care of my hangover and my aches. Ugh, it felt so good. I figured I could get in and out before Laird woke up and then let him have a turn and start getting ready, but I had only just finished washing off the makeup when he stepped in to join me.

  “Morning,” he murmured, smiling at me. I almost wished that he was less of a good person. That he was annoying, that he was one of those people who flaunted his wealth and hoarded it instead of using it to help other people. If he was arrogant, if he was an asshole, I could’ve gone through with this whole thing happily. I could handle assholes. I’d handled Pete, after all. I could take his money and walk away and I wouldn’t be leaving my battered heart on the ground.

  But if he’d been a horrible person like that, I never would’ve said yes to this in the first place.

  “Good morning,” I replied, smiling back at him helplessly. I felt so safe with him, and when he pulled me into his arms for a good morning kiss, I just wanted it to never end.

  He couldn’t be doing stuff like this if he was just going to dump me at the end, would he?

  But I had told him we should just focus on the moment and have fun. That was what he was doing, nothing more, nothing less. Laird was a sweet and thoughtful person who would never want to hurt me on purpose. I just had to… find a way to survive this. Even though right now I kind of wanted to drown myself in the shower.

  We traded a few lazy kisses as we washed up, and then I tugged him out and threw a towel at him. “Food. Feed me. I’m hungry.”

  “Always with you and the food,” Laird noted, grinning as he quickly dried himself off.

  “You said there was going to be a breakfast buffet so you can’t blame a girl.”

  Laird chuckled. “I’ve been thrown over for bacon and eggs. I should’ve known.” He adopted a pout. “Did you only agree to this because I kept buying you pizza?”

  “Maybe,” I teased him, drying myself off and grabbing some clothes.

  “Cruelly taken advantage of for food,” Laird mourned, shaking his head. “Oh, what a cruel and callous way to be treated.”

  “Has anyone ever told you that you’re melodramatic?” I asked, tossing him a shirt to put on.

  “Maybe once or twice,” Laird admitted, winking at me as he put his clothes on.

  When w
e got downstairs, Liam, Alana, and Laird’s mother were already down there and halfway through their food. I loaded up my plate and tried not to feel nervous as I sat down. Liam and Alana certainly seemed to like me and I was pretty sure I’d made a good impression on Laird’s mother last night, but I wasn’t sure, and I was scared of being wrong or undoing any points in my favor that I’d earned.

  “We were wondering when you two would get up,” Liam said. “The blushing bride and groom already left.”

  “I’m not surprised,” Laird responded. “They’ve got to catch their flight.”

  “Where are they going?” I asked.

  “Italy.” Laird grabbed the salt and pepper. “They weren’t going to go on a honeymoon and were going to have a smaller wedding so that they could use the money instead to buy a house. So Liam and I said we’d take care of the wedding and the honeymoon, and they could have as big of a party as they wanted and go wherever they liked.”

  I nearly dropped my fork. “You never mentioned you were paying for this,” I said. I didn’t care if he was using his money this way. It was Laird’s money, he could do whatever he wanted with it. But it was just… “That’s so generous, Laird. I had no idea. I’m sure they appreciated it.”

  Damn it, he kept finding ways—even without trying—to make me fall further in love with him. Who just did that? Who said, hey I have the money so let me pay for your gorgeous wedding in a castle and your honeymoon to Italy? Not enough people, that was what. Most rich people that I heard about didn’t use their money for that. They spent it all on lavish lives for themselves and then hoarded it otherwise.

  But Laird… Laird just gave and didn’t even think about it. I wasn’t even sure that he realized what a big deal it was.

  Laird smiled at me, blushing a little. “Well. Y’know. They’re family, it was the least I could do. I’m lucky to have that money so why not give it to people who need it? I’m not using it for anything.”

  I reached across and squeezed his hand, then leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. I really didn’t have words. I just… I was feeling so much, for him, and it was overwhelming.

  “Aww,” his mother said, and when I looked, she was smiling at us. “You two really fit each other. I’m glad for it. Even if we weren’t invited to the wedding.” She arched an eyebrow at her son.

  “I wasn’t invited to my own wedding when you announced it to the family,” Laird replied mildly.

  “Can you two please bury the hatchet?” I asked, surprising myself. “I know that you feel hurt, ma’am…”

  “Oh, please, none of that. Call me Sharon.”

  “Sharon,” I corrected, feeling myself blush. “I know that you feel hurt. Perhaps a bit betrayed. That’s exactly how Laird felt. Like he wasn’t in control of his own life, like he couldn’t trust you, like he had been betrayed. We’ve had a lot of talks about it.” Of course we did, seeing as this was the reason for our charade. “So now you understand how he feels, and you can apologize for being inconsiderate and putting him in such an awkward position.

  “And you.” I turned to Laird. “You can apologize to your mother for not telling her you were married and for not inviting her to your wedding, because you know that’s something that’s important to her and while you are justified in showing her what it’s like to be treated that way there’s no reason for you to continue to sour your relationship. You’ve made your point, now let’s move on and be a proper family again.”

  Laird was gaping at me. Liam looked absolutely delighted by this entire thing. Alana was delicately sipping her tea and deliberately staring out into the distance over the castle garden, like there was nothing more fascinating in the world than the rose bushes.

  Sharon chuckled. “The more I get to know you, Trudie, the more I realize why my boy fell in love with you. You’re a good one.” She looked over at her son. “Laird. I am sorry. You’re right, it was wrong of me, and… I know that part of it was just my… wanting to get the family off my back and all, but part of it was wanting to put pressure on you to get married, and that was wrong of me. You picked the person you wanted to pick regardless of the rest of us and that’s how it is with love. So I am sorry.”

  Laird looked back at his mother, as if in staring at me he’d forgotten she was there. “I’m sorry too. Well… not entirely sorry, in the sense that I’m glad I was able to show you what it felt like. But I am sorry that I’ve made you feel left out of my life. That wasn’t my intention. You’re my mother and I love you and I want you to be included in my life.” He paused. “Also hold on one moment, I’ll get back to apologizing in a second.”

  Laird turned, and leaned in, and before I realized what he intended, he kissed me. It was slow and deep, and as I closed my eyes, I pretended that I could feel the love in it, the real, genuine passion. I pretended for just a moment that he loved me back.

  He pulled away, leaving me stunned and staring at him, my lips still parted. “I just had to,” he confessed, blushing.

  I could feel my face heating up and I ducked my head down, wishing I could sink into the floor. He appreciated what I had said, that much was clear, and had probably found it attractive as well judging by the kiss. Well, if nothing else, I supposed that he was sexually attracted to me and that was all well and good. I wasn’t a complete idiot, sitting here thinking oh he doesn’t really want to kiss me. Obviously he did. But did he have the emotions to go with it? I doubted it.

  Laird was clearly the kind of person who was generous and liked to help people while they were down. He was thoughtful and created a safe place for me. That didn’t mean that he had any actual romantic feelings for me. I had to keep reminding myself of that, since trying to keep things ethical between us as technical boss and assistant was… clearly not working.

  “Awww,” Liam said, which prompted Laird to say, “Oh fuck off, like you and Alana weren’t as bad when you were first married.”

  This led to the two brothers bickering, while their mother, instead of trying to control or stop them, just laughed fondly. I looked up at her, and she winked at me, a gesture that was so like Laird that I almost did a double-take.

  Alana joined in the conversation, obviously determined to ignore the brothers being, well, brothers, and I both loved and hated the warmth that settled into my chest. Because I liked these people. I really liked them. They were a wonderful family, the kind that I had yearned for. And while that made it easier to play this part right now, easier to get along with everyone, I knew it was going to make it harder to say goodbye. And the guilt was crushing me from the inside out. I wanted to say, hey you learned your lesson so here’s the truth… I didn’t want them to have to keep laboring under a lie.

  It was almost over, I kept telling myself. We were heading back to Liam’s place to stay for a couple of days while Liam and Alana went off on a vacation somewhere. It was very generous of him to let us stay there so that I could see more of Laird’s home city. But the best part was that it meant after today, I didn’t have to pretend for Laird’s family anymore. We could go home, and Laird would wait a bit and then announce his divorce. No need to pretend in the meantime.

  I kept telling myself, as I sat there basking in the warmth and attention from Laird’s family, that it was a good thing.



  Trudie was a bit quiet at breakfast, but she soon warmed up after we went on a nice walk around the area, getting a proper tour of the castle and the grounds, seeing the local town. Once we got back to Dublin and I said goodbye to my family, she relaxed even more.

  I wasn’t all that surprised when I woke up in bed alone the next morning. We had both gone straight to bed, tired after the long day and the long day before that (and all the athletic sex from before that), but Trudie had looked contemplative.

  Sure enough, I found her sitting out on Liam’s back porch, sipping tea and staring out over the other flats and houses, observing the sunrise.

  “How’re you feeling?” I asked softly, tr
ying to preserve the quiet, peaceful atmosphere.

  “Good,” Trudie answered. She didn’t protest when I sat down next to her. Maybe this was all just fun for her, a job mixed in with a friends with benefits situation, but I was going to take advantage of it while I could and be close with her.

  “I know they can be a lot,” I told her, trying to soothe her. “But you did a great job. They all loved you.”

  “No, they were great,” Trudie promised me. “Thank you. I had a really lovely time.”

  “Aside from the lying,” I guessed.

  She nodded. “Aside from that, yeah. But that was the whole plan.” She gave me an impish smile. “I think that we pulled it off rather well.”

  “They really believed us,” I agreed.

  Trudie blushed. “No, I mean that… they were all startled and shocked, even the ones who had been told the original lie by your mom. It was really funny, actually. And your parents learned their lesson. So everyone wins.”

  “Yup,” I agreed, swallowing down the trace of bitterness that I felt so it wouldn’t show in my throat. “Everyone wins.” I didn’t get the girl that I wanted, but that was okay. Or, I’d make it be okay. I’d find a way to move on.

  “What’s the plan for today?” Trudie asked, changing the subject.

  “Well.” I eyed her in her soft pink pajamas, letting myself give into the lust that never fully went away when I was around her. “Originally I was going to suggest we go around town and I show you the neighborhood where I grew up, some of the historical sites, the museums…”

  “Being my tour guide?” she teased.

  “Yup. Just like that. But now I’m thinking maybe we should just stay in bed all day. We do have the place all to ourselves.”

  Trudie laughed. “Well, Liam and Alana aren’t coming back, so we have all night to stay in bed and be as loud as we want. I want you to be my tour guide again.”


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