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Forbidden First Times: A Contemporary Romance Collection

Page 40

by Sofia T Summers

  “You promise?”

  “I promise, Mom. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” She hugged me and I held her tight, wondering when I might get the chance to see her again. Probably not for a while with a brand-new job. When we parted, I headed for the door again, but as I glanced behind me, I realized my mom still hadn’t left.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked her with worry etched across my features.

  Mom gave me a half-hearted smile. “I worry, you know, Billie,” she confessed. “Especially since you’ve never even seen your new home in person. What if it was a false advertisement? What if the pictures were wrong? What if something bad happens to you?”

  I turned and walked back over to her. This time, I grabbed her by the shoulders and held her gaze in mine. “Listen, Mom, everything is going to be fine. I told you already, the new job had an immediate start and I was under a time crunch to get a new place. That’s the only reason I haven’t had a chance to see it, but I assure you, I did all the research right and I’m renting it from a legitimate real estate agent. The landlady was really nice and accommodating. She even let me sign all the papers online. There’s absolutely nothing for you to be concerned about, all right?”

  “All right,” Mom replied with a nod. “Just be safe, Billie, okay?”

  “I will, I promise. Goodbye, Mom.”

  “Goodbye, Billie.”

  We shared one final hug before my mom climbed back into her own car and drove off down the road after giving me a little wave through the window. I was thankful to be alone once more. As much as I loved my mom, she could be overbearing at times and she was part of the reason why I was still as shy and sheltered as I was even though I was almost thirty.

  With a sigh, I climbed the steps back up to my first-floor apartment before entering for the very last time. The tiny apartment was bare and it should have upset me, but in all honesty, it wasn’t that much different. This place had never truly felt like my home. It had only been a stepping-stone to something greater and now, I was excited to get my life started for real.

  I headed toward the kitchen door where I could hear a faint whimpering and the odd scratch of claws on wood. “Lucky? It’s okay, I’m here now,” I called out to my dog before turning the handle. As soon as the door was open just a crack, a black snout was pushing its way through and before I knew it, I had a lapful of yapping fur. She knocked me to the ground, and I giggled as she sniffed and licked at my face.

  “Lucky, come on now,” I said through laughter as I pushed her away from me. “Let’s go for a quick walk before we get in the car, okay?”

  My loyal rescue mutt looked up at me with a confused expression as I pushed myself up off the floor. I reached into my bag and produced her pink leash. As soon as she saw it, Lucky began jumping up at me on her three feet and barking happily. I attached the clip to her collar and then pet her head gently.

  “Let’s get going, girl.”

  Getting her outside was the easy part. Lucky, like most dogs, loved a good walk outside, however, as soon as I tried to get her into the car, she began to freak out. As soon as we went anywhere near the vehicle, Lucky began to pull against her lead and back away.

  “Come on now, Lucky, I promise everything will be okay. We’re just going to our new home, okay? Nothing bad is going to happen,” I explained to her even though she couldn’t understand me. I kneeled down and stroked her patchy black and brown fur in the way she liked. “You can do this. You’re a brave girl, Lucky.”

  In the end, I had to pick her up and carry her into the backseat. I couldn’t be mad at her for struggling with me. After all, she absolutely hated change. She’d been rescued by a local animal shelter after experiencing severe neglect by her last owner who used to leave her locked up outside all day and night in all weather conditions. That was how she’d ended up losing one of her back legs. She’d been hit by a car, and then she gnawed at her wound anxiously and it became infected. There had been no other choice but to amputate it.

  The people at the shelter had explained that three-legged dogs were much harder to rehome, and the story had tugged on my heartstrings. I had a soft spot for underdogs, and I thought right away that I needed to take responsibility for this dog. That all changed once I actually caught sight of her. She was the most beautiful dog I’d ever seen and even though she was a little shy and timid, she reminded me of myself. I knew she just needed a little support and encouragement to get her out of her shell, and I wanted to be the one to give it to her.

  No matter what the staff had told me about her history and what trauma she might suffer from after the ordeal she’d been through, nothing had put me off taking her on and now, she felt like my own baby. Even though I was moving an hour away and I knew Lucky might struggle with the trip, I’d never once considered leaving her behind. We belonged together.

  Everything was finally ready for me to set off and so, I climbed into my old car and turned the ignition. It felt so good to get away from my crappy, low paying job for something better. I’d been working as an accountant for a small clothing store in my hometown for over six years now without any appreciation or any progression. Hell, they’d never even given me so much as a raise. So, when I saw the job posting for a hugely successful vineyard in Napa Valley seeking a new accountant, I’d jumped at the chance.

  It hadn’t been easy. There had been many other candidates who were equally as qualified as me and with just as much to offer the company, but after three intense stages of interviewing, I had won! I couldn’t have been more shocked or happier when I found out. It really was going to be a great new opportunity for me.

  “Hold on tight, Lucky!” I called out behind me as I merged onto the highway. Thankfully when I checked my rearview mirror, I noticed that Lucky had already settled down onto her blanket on the backseat. I was glad she’d managed to calm down enough for the ride.

  Before I knew it, I was already pulling into the short driveway of my new building. The house was a lot older than the more modern ones I was used to in Sausalito, but it wasn’t to its detriment. In fact, the older building had a character to it that was inimitable and had clearly been well-maintained. It was made of red and brown bricks and had an old sprout of ivy crawling up the side. As I pulled the handbrake on, I let out a long sigh and glanced up at the apartment built over the garage which would be my new dwelling.

  “We’re home,” I told Lucky with a smile.

  “Billie Nichols?” a voice called from in front of me as I stepped out of the car.

  I looked around for a moment before I realized there was a tall, tanned, and beautiful woman stood at the front door of the house. She was holding a large bottle of red wine in one hand and two glasses in the other. With a smile, I stepped forward to meet the other woman.

  “You must be Carla, right? My new landlady?” I asked.

  She nodded and offered me a glass. “It’s nice to meet you, Billie.”

  Oh yeah, I thought, things are going to be good here.



  Waking up on a Monday morning was difficult no matter what place on the career ladder you found yourself. For me, I was the acting manager of my parents’ vineyard, the Wendall Winery, in Napa Valley which was just one cog in their billion-dollar winemaking business. Despite how much I loved my job, some days I wasn’t sure I wanted to face it. It wasn’t the work necessarily that was the issue. I knew it was me. It was just how empty the rest of my life felt after one too many bad decisions in my love life. It had left me tired, worn out, and bitter. Socializing was difficult and meeting new people was even harder.

  That’s why I couldn’t get out of bed that morning because today the new hire was starting.

  As a forty-one-year-old man, I was used to pulling the strings of my own life and being in control, so why exactly had I let someone else conduct the job interviews? I rubbed my tired eyes and rolled over in bed, trying to ignore the sound of my alarm clock ticking on my nightstand. T
he minute I arrived at work, I knew I would have to help some fresh-faced new recruit to settle in and I wasn’t sure it was going to go well at all, but what could I do? If I was a lesser man, I’d stay in bed all day and ignore my problems, but I wasn’t a lesser man. I kept telling myself over and over again that I could do this.

  You’re the boss, Quentin. You make millions a year. You’re the man every guy wants to be when they grow up. You’re smart, you’re attractive, and most importantly, you’re in charge. So, go into work and act like it already.

  In spite of my little pep talk, my body didn’t move an inch. With a groan, I pulled the comforter back over my face and prayed for the day to be over already. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t like I had anything against new staff, it was just that I’d had some serious bad luck in the past and I wasn’t sure I knew how to trust my instincts anymore. Luckily, this time, I wasn’t relying on my own instincts.

  “That’s right,” I whispered to myself. “My parents did the hiring this time…”

  It was simultaneously a blessing and a curse. It meant that I didn’t have to conduct long, boring interviews and that the two people I trusted most in the world would be ensuring I had a great new employee. After all, they’d been working in the industry for a long time. Both of them literally had almost three decades more experience than me at this kind of thing. They’d undoubtedly make the right choice. At the same time, however, relying on them meant that I had no idea who would be sitting in the office with me at work today.

  Still, it wasn’t a good enough reason to avoid work. After all, I’d never even had a sick day—I was dedicated to my work and I wasn’t going to let anything stop me. Not a new staff member, not a bad past, nothing.

  Eventually, I forced myself up and into my morning routine. I got myself freshly showered and I dressed in one of my sharpest suits. Once I’d adjusted my navy blue tie a few times in the mirror, I deemed myself ready to start the day. My green eyes were framed by faint purple bags where I’d struggled to sleep, but my golden blonde hair was combed back and held with gel in the sleek style I liked. Even though I was well past the age of frantically worrying about my appearance, I still liked to look my best.

  As I was heading for the door of my bedroom, I glanced down at my watch and jumped in shock. “Seven-thirty?” I said with a gasp. “But…” I hurried out of the room and looked around my apartment, but there was no one to be seen. It was clear that my son, Lincoln, wasn’t up yet which meant his nanny hadn’t arrived yet.

  “God damn it, do I have to do everything myself?” I cursed in irritation as I headed toward my son’s bedroom. At this rate, he was going to be late for kindergarten. It frustrated me that this nanny had only been working for me for a week and she was already showing signs of being a bad choice. I groaned. It was just more salt in the wound.

  I opened Lincoln’s bedroom door and rushed to his bedside. “Linc? Linc, Daddy needs you to get up now,” I whispered to my sleeping son as I stroked his hair gently. “You don’t want to be late for school, do you?”

  At those words, the child’s eyes widened, and he shot up in the bed. “School time! School time!” he cried excitedly.

  “Now, be a good boy and get yourself dressed, okay?” I said. “Daddy needs to go see what’s happening with Nanny Mandy.” Lincoln was already heading for his dresser and pulling out his favorite clothes before I even finished my sentence. I silently thanked God that he had given me such a wonderful kid.

  I pulled my phone out from the pocket of my slacks and began to scroll through my contacts when I heard a key twist in the door. My head flew upward and as the door opened, the nanny entered with a flustered expression and I felt my frustration rise. Mandy Temple was a fairly attractive thirty-something woman with a penchant for the color blue and taking care of children. I’d hired her on the good recommendation of one of my friends from college. Now, I was starting to wonder if I should have looked around a little more.

  “I’m so, so sorry Mr. Wendall,” Mandy began as she walked in and closed the door behind her. “Traffic was a nightmare and I—”

  “Don’t worry,” I said in a harsher tone than usual. “Just make sure Lincoln gets to kindergarten safely, okay?”

  “Yes, Mr. Wendall.”

  I strode toward the door to leave just as Lincoln emerged from his bedroom, haphazardly dressed with his shirt on backwards. “Daddy, are you going?” he asked.

  I sighed and turned. “Yes, Linc, I’ve got a lot of work to do today,” I said, crouching down to talk to him at eye level.

  “But, but… I thought you were taking me to school today,” he protested, pouting his lip adorably. “I wanted you to take me to school! You never take me anymore!” Lincoln stomped his foot on the ground and wrapped his arms around my leg.

  “I’m sorry, Lincoln, I really have to go. Nanny Mandy will take you, okay?” I used the firmer tone I reserved for Lincoln when he needed discipline. He seemed to understand as he let go of me, but tears were still pouring down his face.

  “I promise we’ll do something together soon, okay?” I told him with a smile before reaching out and cupping his small, chubby cheek. “I love you, son.” I kissed his forehead before turning and leaving before he could argue any further.

  Just another thing I feel awful about, I thought to myself as I made my way to my car. I rubbed a hand over my face and sighed. This is all a bit much for a Monday.

  As I arrived at the office, I began to wonder if I’d made a mistake letting my parents choose my newest employee. I trusted my parents, of course I did, but it felt strange to hand the reins back to them since they’d already retired and put me in charge. I wondered if they regretted the decision, but before I could dwell on that subject for too long, I shook my head and walked inside the old, rustic building.

  The inside was familiar and comforting in a way. I had yet to redecorate since my parents had left and so, it still reminded me of the place I’d grown up in. The walls were decorated with brown paint and vine patterns had been illustrated through the middle. The office was small and had only one separate room designated for the acting manager/CEO. However, I wasn’t looking at any of that as I walked inside. Instead, I was peering down at the schedule on my phone as I walked through the door.

  “Peter? Are you here yet?” I called out into the quiet office as I strode confidently toward my door.

  When I looked up, however, it wasn’t my male colleague standing there. No, it was a beautiful, curvy woman who stood there facing my office door. From behind, I could see how her tight pantsuit hugged every curve of her body and how she was wiggling her hips from side to side a little as though she was nervous about something. It was strange to see someone so similar to the women I pictured in my fantasies that it unnerved me for a moment. I stood there slack-jawed and staring for a second before I realized just how inappropriate my behavior was.

  Eventually, I shook my head and approached her since she’d obviously not heard me before.

  “Hello there, can I help you?” I asked as I reached her.

  Immediately, the stranger turned and looked at me surprised. The coffee she was holding slipped out of her hand and smacked me in the stomach. I didn’t get a good look at her face in that moment because I was distracted by the scalding hot liquid pouring down my shirt.

  “Ah! Shit!” I cried as I reached down to pat at my white shirt that was now stained brown.

  “Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” the woman exclaimed before taking a step backward and kneeling to pick up the paper cup. “I promise, I didn’t mean to do that at all.”

  “Of course, you didn’t,” I muttered as I reached for my handkerchief in my pocket. I began to dab at my shirt with a sigh. “I hope I have a spare in my office or I’m going to have to run home…”

  The woman had taken tissues out of her bag and was mopping up the carpet floor as best she could before standing and tossing the empty paper cup into the nearest bin. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
she asked in a concerned voice.

  “No, no, don’t worry about it,” I told her with a dismissive wave of my hand.

  She stood in front of me fidgeting nervously and it was terribly distracting. “I really am sorry though,” she continued, “I was told to wait here by the receptionist downstairs. Please don’t fire me, it’s my very first day.”

  Hearing those words caused me to pause my clean up and lift my head. I let myself take in her appearance properly for the first time. She had a purse and a briefcase. She was wearing office-appropriate clothes, even if they did make my pulse quicken a little, and she was twiddling her thumbs anxiously. My green eyes met her brown ones and I was taken in by just how beautiful her face was. I’d thought she was pretty much perfect for me before I’d even taken in her heart-shaped face and her rosy red cheeks. Now, I was a total goner.

  Shit, this is bad. This is really bad.

  Even though I wanted to reach out and embrace her, perhaps even kiss her, I held myself back. This was a workplace and I was a professional. Just because this woman looked exactly my type didn’t mean that I’d like her personality. I needed to keep a level-head and act like the manager I needed to be.

  So, I plastered on a polite smile and thrust my hand out to shake hers. “You must be my new accountant then,” I said, “my name is Quentin and I’ll be your boss while you work here.”



  Never before had I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole more than I did right then. Not only had I just poured coffee all down my new boss’ shirt, but I could feel my body heating once I realized just how drop dead gorgeous he was. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his for a long moment. They were green like the lush vegetable fields I’d driven past on my way here. I didn’t think I’d ever seen someone’s eyes look so green before and I felt like I might get lost in them.


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