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Forbidden First Times: A Contemporary Romance Collection

Page 52

by Sofia T Summers

  It only took me an hour or so to finish up my afternoon tasks. As soon as I was done, I slipped out of my office and practically tip-toed down the stairs, wanting to avoid Quentin if he was around. Once I reached the kitchen, I could see Tracy’s bright blonde hair straight away. Before I could reach her, however, I was accosted.

  “Billie!” the head chef Marco greeted affectionately. “What brings you to our neck of the woods?”

  Marco was a fairly handsome guy. From what I could gather, he was in his early thirties and divorced. He was tall, had a medium build with black hair and blue eyes. He’d let his stubble grow out a little today and it gave him a rugged sort of look. If I wasn’t so hung up on Quentin, I might’ve asked him out.

  “I’m here to see Tracy if you’ll let me take her away from you for a minute or two,” I responded, practically batting my eyelashes at him in the hopes of being able to steal my friend away.

  “Oh, how could I ever deny such a harmless request from such a beautiful lady!” Marco remarked before winking at me. “She’s all yours.”

  “Thanks, Marco.” I smiled at him before crossing the tiled floor toward my friend. “Tracy!” I called.

  She was chopping vegetables and looking engrossed in her work when I called her, but as soon as she heard my voice, her head snapped up. “Billie! What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “I’m here to rescue you,” I told her as I wiggled my eyebrows.

  Tracy laughed. “Have you been flirting with my boss to get me extra breaks?” she asked with a grin.

  “Trust me, I did not flirt. Marco is the flirt. You’ve seen what he’s like with all the girls,” I replied with a shrug.

  “Not all of them. Not with me,” Tracy explained and arched her eyebrow.

  I sensed the conversation was being steered in a direction I didn’t want to go down so I cleared my throat and shook my head. “Anyway, come outside for some fresh air with me and I’ll tell you why I’m here,” I told her.

  “Lead the way.”

  The two of us walked the familiar route to the back door of the kitchen which led out near the fields. The fresh air around us was fruity scented and I inhaled deeply. The sun was still high in the sky and shining down on us, warming my exposed skin. I turned to Tracy with a smile.

  “Dinner tonight? My friend Carla wants to meet you finally,” I explained.

  Tracy gave me a sunny smile. “That sounds wonderful,” she agreed. “I don’t have any plans so I’m happy to come.”

  “Great! I’ll text you the address. Carla wants us to get there for seven, okay?”

  Tracy nodded. “Is that all you wanted me for?” she asked.

  “Yeah, any excuse to get away from my office for a little bit,” I said with a laugh. “I feel so cooped up in there sometimes.”

  “At least you don’t work in a kitchen full of men with four stoves on full,” Tracy remarked.

  We both laughed. “Yeah, that’s true,” I replied, still chuckling. “But hey, while I’ve got you here, do you know anything about tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow?” Tracy repeated with an arched eyebrow.

  “Yeah, Peter told me there’s a staff meeting, but he told me to wear ‘comfy clothes’,” I explained with a wrinkled nose. “What on Earth am I in for?”

  Tracy laughed and reached out to pat my shoulder. “Oh, that. Don’t worry. It’s just a little tradition here at this time of year. Quentin orders food from outside the vineyard to give the kitchen staff a break and we all show up in pajamas or loungewear for this one time ‘casual Friday,” she explained. “It’s mostly like a regular Friday staff meeting, but the focus is on socializing rather than business. Everyone talks about the vineyard and their departments and then Quentin basically gives us all the day off. People usually hang around just eating and drinking and chatting the day away.”

  Hearing about it made my heart race. I couldn’t believe I was going to spend such a casual day at the office tomorrow with Quentin. What would he be wearing? I pondered. For that matter, what should I wear? There’s nothing sexy about my pajamas… I shook my head and told myself off. I didn’t need to look sexy. That was a dangerous thought.

  “I can’t wait! You’ll have to make sure you come to see me,” I said and elbowed Tracy teasingly.

  “Of course, I wouldn’t miss it.”

  With that settled, Tracy and I both headed back to work to finish up our shifts for the day. I had a lot to look forward to and it put me in much better spirits. In the end, I managed to finish work without giving Quentin another thought.

  When I arrived home, Carla was waiting for me outside already dressed and ready to go out. “Good day at work?” she asked with a smile.

  “It was fine,” I answered with a shrug. “Let me just change into some comfier clothes and I’ll be right out.”

  Carla nodded. “No rush, I was just enjoying the sun.”

  Inside, I hurried to feed Lucky her dinner before quickly showering and shoving on a linen dress with some thin stockings. Once I was back outside, I was brimming with excitement about the evening ahead.

  “My car or yours?” I asked Carla.

  “I was thinking we could walk,” she replied. “It’s not far and that way we can drink whatever we want.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I do still have work tomorrow, Carla.”

  “Come on, girl. Live a little,” she said with a big toothy grin before grabbing my arm. “One drink won’t kill you.”

  We took a nice leisurely stroll toward the French place as we both enjoyed the California sunshine and the sounds of the town around us. Carla told me about a new business venture she was planning on setting up as we walked and I listened happily, my mind completing forgetting about my boss and all the problems I’d been having.

  “Billie!” Tracy shouted from outside the restaurant as we approached. She was wearing a pair of comfy gray yoga pants and a loose-fitted peasant blouse. She looked great and I was happy to see her again.

  “Tracy, hey!” I called back. We crossed the street and caught up with her.

  “And you must be Carla,” Tracy greeted. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “All of it good, I hope,” Carla retorted with a smile.

  “I can’t promise that,” Tracy joked.

  “I like her!” Carla declared.

  All three of us headed inside together to the faint aroma of vanilla candles and some soft acoustic music. It was the perfect setting to relax. The hostess soon took us to our small little table by the window and I took my seat happily.

  “Drinks girls?” Carla asked with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

  “Sure,” Tracy agreed.

  “Great. I was thinking margaritas…” Carla commented.

  I scoffed. “Do they even make margaritas at a French place like this?”

  “They will for me!” Carla declared, much to my amusement.

  The rest of the night passed in a blur of laughter, too many drinks, and a lot of dirty jokes from Carla. The whole experience really refreshed me and I was beginning to see how I could fit in within this town. It was something I didn’t want to ruin. For that reason, I still hadn’t told Tracy about my little fling with Quentin and I didn’t plan to. After all, the past could stay there for all I cared. I was moving on. Quentin was bad for me and I had no other choice.

  Tracy raised her third margarita in the air and grinned over at Carla and me. “To us wonderful ladies!” she toasted.

  I raised my glass. “To us.”



  When Friday morning arrived, all thoughts of Carmen had been banished from my mind. I was focused on Lincoln and having an enjoyable time at the office that day. Once I parked up the car in the parking lot, I helped Lincoln out of his car seat and straightened out his dinosaur onesie that he’d insisted on wearing today. I opted for my old college sweatshirt and a pair of well-loved sweatpants. I was comfortable, but not totally underdressed. After all, even if it was a casual day,
I was still the CEO.

  “Daddy, is Billie here today?” Lincoln asked as we walked toward the entrance. “I want to see Billie!”

  I tried my best to keep the smile on my face, but I was starting to regret bringing Lincoln with me today. He was a wonderful child and I loved his company, but there was just something about Billie that had charmed him. Well, I guess that makes two of us, I admitted glumly.

  “Um, she should be, buddy, but I--”

  “Yay! I can’t wait to see her!” Lincoln enthused and I couldn’t bring myself to crush his spirit. After all, I didn’t want my own feelings to dampen my son’s day. That was just cruel.

  Instead, however, I ruffled his hair and tapped his back. “Come on, let’s hurry inside,” I said before picking up the pace. The meeting was being held in the staff room - the only place that could fit the entire staff - and I grabbed Lincoln to guide him through the building.

  “I’m tired,” Lincoln complained about halfway up the stairs. “These stairs are too big!”

  I chuckled. “Come here, buddy. I’ll help you.” I lifted him up and hoisted him onto my shoulders for the rest of the climb. “Is that better?”

  Lincoln didn’t answer me, however. He was much more excited about something else. “Daddy, I’m so big now! I’m taller than Daddy!” he declared loudly.

  “Shush,” I said with a laugh. “You don’t want everyone to know we’re coming, do you? I thought this was a secret mission.”

  Lincoln’s eyes grew wide and he grinned. “Yes, secret mission!” he repeated with glee. “Time to find Billie!”

  I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes. I supposed it was normal kid behavior. Lots of kids became attached to friends, aunts or uncles, and even nannies. It was just a phase. Lincoln would get over it… I hoped.

  As soon as we entered the lounge area, I was delightfully surprised that all the preparation had been taken care of already. There were balloons hanging up on the walls with streamers and lots of buffet food was already laid out on the tables alongside coffee pots and jugs of juice and water. With a crinkle of my eyebrows, I looked around before finally my eyes settled on Peter.

  My best friend stood in the corner nursing a cup of coffee. As soon as our eyes met, he smiled and lifted the cup toward me. It was clear he’d come in early to do everything for me and I was grateful. My week had been so stressful with Carmen and Billie that it was just one less thing to do.

  Other people began streaming in behind Lincoln and I which caused the five-year-old to start wriggling impatiently. “Down, Daddy! Let me down!” he demanded.

  “Okay, okay,” I muttered as I shook my head. Children were terribly impatient and Lincoln felt like the most impatient of them all at times. I crouched down and lowered him to the floor. It only took a moment to realize what had caused his fuss.

  When I straightened back up, I watched Lincoln run eagerly across the room. He bounded along, dodging between legs of so many people, on his way. His journey didn’t last long. Soon, he was approaching the person he was most excited to see. I watched Lincoln practically throw himself at Billie. She smiled brightly as he approached and managed to catch him mid-air. My heart ached as she swung him around with ease and bounced him up and down playfully. They were too far away for me to hear their conversation and I wasn’t sure whether that was a good or a bad thing.

  How on Earth do they look so good together? I asked myself. It was bad enough that I was seriously attracted to Billie and that our sexual chemistry was scorching, but did she really have to have such a wonderful relationship with my kid too? They acted like the perfect little family I’d always wanted and my heart throbbed at the thought.

  I have to nip this in the bud. Linc is only going to end up hurt when she goes away, just like his mom did…. It pained me to admit it, but the only woman I’d ever been able to fully trust was my mom. Carmen and many other lovers had betrayed me one too many times. Even Billie with her angelic smile and her caring attitude weren’t enough to convince me that things wouldn’t end badly.

  I watched as Billie kneeled down on the floor. She was pointing at Lincoln’s onesie and he showed her the tail attached to the back. She smiled and laughed easily with him. It was undeniably attractive and I could feel myself being lured by her once again. It didn’t help that she’d left her hair down today. It was longer than when I’d last seen it down and it framed her face beautifully. She was wearing a pastel pair of pajamas that read ‘Time For My Beauty Sleep’ and they were a little loose on her, but I still couldn’t help watching as they clung to her curves when she moved.

  It was undeniable. Billie was perfection and it was going to be impossible to stay away from her. I needed to come up with a plan and fast.

  “Hey, buddy, you ready to get this party started?” Peter asked, interrupting my thoughts before I could think on the subject any further. He patted my shoulder and gave me a smile.

  “Right, yeah, the meeting,” I muttered.

  Peter followed my eyeline and let out a sound of acknowledgement. “Looks like you aren’t the only one in love with Billie,” he teased.

  “I’m not!” I snapped. I grinded my teeth together in irritation. The subject was already weighing heavily on my mind and I couldn’t stand Peter rubbing it in.

  “I know, I know, Quentin,” Peter replied in a soft voice. “I’m sorry, man. I was just kidding.”

  I rubbed my face with my hand and nodded. “Yeah, yeah, I know. Sorry.”

  “No problem. Shall we get started?” he asked with a reassuring smile.

  All I could do was nod.

  The core part of the meeting went as well as always and I was left with an overwhelming sense of pride for the company I’d helped shape and the happy, satisfied staff I was in charge of. Nobody aired any issues and most people seemed genuinely happy with their jobs, salaries, and benefits. The food we ordered in was delicious and overall, it seemed like a hit.

  We’d gotten to the afternoon now and everyone seemed to be breaking off into small groups to chat with their friends. Lincoln had actually finally left Billie alone and was playing with Peter in the corner. Billie had joined up with some of the kitchen staff. I watched jealously as she laughed with Marco, the head chef, and then linked arms with Tracy. It only solidified my desire to monopolize her, to be the one she laughed with, to be close to her.

  Just as I’d decided to go over and talk to her, however, Billie had separated from her friends and was heading toward the door. I watched as she slipped out and as I stepped forward to follow her, I paused. If I followed her, there was no doubt in my mind that I wouldn’t kiss her, touch her, and pull her close. Was that really good right now?

  Feeling conflicted, I headed toward the bathroom instead and began to splash water on my face in an effort to calm down. “Get a grip, Quentin,” I told myself in the mirror as water coated my flushed cheeks. “She’s just a girl. Just a girl.” It didn’t matter how many times I repeated it, however. My heart wanted what it wanted.

  In the end, I locked myself in one of the bathroom stalls and pulled out my cell phone. Before I knew it, I was calling her.

  “Quentin? Is everything all right?” she questioned when she answered the phone. It was obvious she was confused and I couldn’t blame her.

  “Everything’s fine,” I rushed to tell her in a breathy voice. “I… I just needed to talk to you.”

  “Oh, okay… What’s up?” she replied, sounding concerned.

  “I…” I paused and took a deep breath. “Where were you going? You left so early. Do you have dinner plans?”

  Billie took a few seconds to reply. “I was just heading to the office to grab my drink. I left it in there this morning,” she explained and then laughed. “Why? Did you miss me?” she teased.

  “Yes,” I replied seriously and the mood instantly shifted. “I’ve missed touching you and holding you, Billie. It’s been so long.”

  I heard her gasp and it sent a thrill through me and straight to m
y dick. “Quentin, I…” she trailed off. “I’ve been wanting you too.”

  It was what I’d been hoping she’d say and I let out a sigh. “Are you still in your office?” I asked.

  “Y-yes,” she replied. “Are you… Are you going to come here or…?”

  “No,” I replied instantly, shaking my head. “It’s too risky. Anyone could find us.”

  “Oh… That’s too bad.” She sounded disappointed and it hurt me to hear. I never wanted to make her feel that way.

  “We can do it like this instead, if you want,” I suggested with a smile. “I’m already rock hard just thinking about you.”

  She gasped again and I smiled.

  “What do you say, Billie? Do you want to be a naughty girl for me?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she told me and the sheer confidence in her voice aroused me further.

  “Good, good,” I muttered as I reached down to shove my hand in my sweatpants. “Tell me, Billie, what are you wearing under those cute pajamas of yours today?” I began rubbing my aching cock as I waited for her response.

  She let out a small, sweet laugh before she responded, “Just a pair of black lace panties and a matching bra.”

  “Oh, Billie, send me a picture,” I moaned as I circled my hand around my shaft and began pumping my hard cock in earnest. I pictured her as I touched myself, but it wasn’t enough.

  “Okay, hang on,” Billie said and right after I could hear her fumbling. Her clothes were rustling near the speaker and then my phone vibrated. “I sent you it, boss man.”

  I let out a shaky breath and reluctantly pulled the phone away from my ear to check out the message. As soon as I laid eyes on her body, my breath was taken away. She was as curvy and beautiful as I remembered. The thin, black lace clung to her body and hugged her sexy curves. Her breasts were bulging over the top of the bra like it was a tiny bit too small for her and the sight made me bite down on my bottom lip.

  “Oh, fuck yeah, Billie. You’re so goddamn hot,” I practically growled as my motions sped up.


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