Forbidden First Times: A Contemporary Romance Collection

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Forbidden First Times: A Contemporary Romance Collection Page 53

by Sofia T Summers

  “I’m glad you think so,” she replied. “If I was with you right now, what would you do to me?”

  The thought alone was enough to make me groan. I pushed the phone back to my ear and grinned. “Oh, Billie, there are so many things I want to do to you,” I explained as my mind reeled with possibilities. “I’ve been so pent up the last few days, however, I probably wouldn’t be able to resist holding you down and fucking you until you can’t walk straight for days.”

  “Holy shit,” Billie cursed. “God, Quentin, that sounds so good.” She was moaning and I could hear her breath hitching. “I want that. I want you.”

  “I want you too,” I told her. “You have no idea how badly.

  I could hear more movement and then a loud breathy moan. “I have a good idea,” she remarked.

  I couldn’t help myself. I needed more. I needed to know what she was doing. “Are you touching yourself, naughty girl?” I asked with a smirk.

  “Y-yes,” she answered in a stutter as her breaths came fast and harsh. “I can’t help myself.”

  The confirmation made my head spin. It was enough just to think about, but it was overwhelming to know I had such a strong effect on Billie. “Where are you touching yourself, sexy?” I asked. “Describe it to me.”

  Billie took a deep breath. “I was rubbing my nipples at the start, but now… I put my hand down my panties…”

  I couldn’t stop smiling. “That’s good, Billie, I want you to feel really good, okay?” I encouraged as I smoothed my palm over my cock. “Keep rubbing your pussy for me. You’re such a good girl.”

  “Oh God, Quentin, don’t say things like that. You’ll make me come,” Billie whispered. Her hushed voice was low and it made the whole thing feel even more dirty than it already was. I could feel my own orgasm building in my lower belly. My balls were tightening and I was struggling to talk, but I wanted Billie to come so badly.

  “That’s the point, baby,” I crooned. “You can come, okay? Come for me, Billie. I wanna hear you.”

  The words seemed to tip her over the edge and I heard her moan loudly before slowly catching her breath. My hand was still stripping my cock fast and hard. I was close to the edge, but I wasn’t quite there yet.

  “Quentin, are you there? Did you come?” Billie asked in a quiet, timid voice.

  “N-not yet,” I answered shakily.

  “You can do it, Quentin,” Billie told me in a husky voice. “Just picture me there with you.”

  “I already am,” I told her, my eyes closed as I imagined it.

  “Good. Think about me on my knees in front of you. If I was there, I’d take your big, fat cock in my mouth.”

  “Oh God,” I cursed. The image was a powerful one and hearing Billie whisper such filth only spurred me on.

  “That’s it. I’d suck on your hard cock until you end up coming down my throat,” she told me. “Don’t you want that?”

  “Oh, yes. More than anything.”

  “Me too. I can’t wait to feel you inside me again. I’d let you fuck me anywhere you wanted, Quentin. I want to ride your cock like I was born for it.” The words rolled off her tongue easily and they affected me more than I ever thought they would. She was clearly talented and I was totally at her mercy. The more she described in detail, the closer I got to coming.

  “I’m close,” I told her with a groan.

  “Good,” she replied instantly. “Come for me, Quentin. Imagine coming all over my beautiful tits.”

  The image was enough to topple me over the edge. I was coming hard into my palm before I even realized what had hit me. My back relaxed against the wall behind me and I groaned. “Oh, God, Billie. That was incredible.”

  She giggled. “I know.”

  After a few moments, I finally caught my breath. “Now, Billie, I want you to go back into the meeting. I want to go back there and see you across the room and know what we’ve just been up to back here. Can you do that for me?”

  “Yes, Quentin,” she told me.

  “Good. I’ll see you soon, Billie.”

  “See you soon, boss.”

  The call ended and I quickly cleaned myself up before practically racing back to the staff room. When I arrived, I was still flushed and panting both from the run and my incredible orgasm. My eyes searched the room for the one person I was desperate to see. It only took me a few seconds to spot her and as soon as I did, I was speechless.

  Billie was a vision. More than ever before, I wanted to make her mine. She was still wearing her sweet pajamas, but now, she had pink-tinted cheeks and an air of satisfaction that I knew I’d been the cause of. I wanted more than anything to be able to shout from the rooftops about just how gorgeous and wonderful she was. But I couldn’t.

  Still, I grinned when I saw her. It didn’t matter what obstacles were still in our way right now. I knew she was mine, whether or not either of us wanted it. We were drawn to each other and it was inescapable now. We were either going to be very happy or cause our own undoing and I couldn’t wait to find out which it was gonna be.



  Friday had been one of the best days of my life. Even though Quentin and I hadn’t been able to make love together, we still both had incredible sex over the phone. My climax had been so good that I was practically radiating happiness for the rest of the day. Even Tracy had noticed, but of course, I hadn’t told her a thing. I couldn’t.

  However, when Saturday morning dawned, I started to panic again. The afterglow of our time together had faded and reality was beginning to set in. I was reminded once more that our relationship was doomed and that I was only setting myself up for disappointment in the long run.

  As I lounged in bed and ran my fingers through Lucky’s messy fur, I made a note to myself to groom her later. For now, however, I had bigger fish to fry. The one thing on my mind was what exactly I was going to do about Quentin. I wanted him more than I’d ever wanted anything in my life, but my entire life I’d been told how bad of an idea it was. It really felt like I needed someone to knock some sense into me and there was only one person qualified to do that.

  “Sorry to call you so early, Mom, but it’s kind of important,” I said as soon as she answered the phone.

  “It’s okay honey. You can talk to me about anything, you know that.” Hearing her reassurance made me smile for the first time that morning. I wondered if this call might go better than the last one.

  “Thank you,” I whispered happily. “I… Yesterday, I did something pretty bad.”

  My mom sighed. “You better not still be getting yourself involved with that boss of yours again.”

  I closed my eyes and buried my head into my pillow. “Mom, I’m sorry,” I began. “I tried so hard to--”

  She scoffed and I stopped mid-sentence. I really didn’t want to listen to what she had to say, but I guess I really did ask for it. “I really thought that I’d taught you better, Billie. You didn’t grow up to end up as somebody’s mistress.”

  “I’m not his mistress,” I protested. “He’s divorced.”

  “Oh, well, that bodes well, doesn’t it?” she pointed out unkindly. “You’re almost thirty, Billie. It’s about time you started thinking about the big picture. You can’t just do whatever you want anymore. You’re not a teenager. The clock is ticking.”

  “I know, Mom, but… he makes me happy.”

  Despite my protests, Mom wasn’t convinced. “He might make you happy now, Billie, but what about in a year? Two years? Will he stick around?” she questioned. “You’re better off stopping this before you get stuck! Aren’t there any other guys you’re interested in? Any guys that aren’t your boss, of course.”

  I was stumped. I wasn’t really sure what to say. “I… I guess there probably are,” I finally said, feeling unsure. I wasn’t sure what else to say. I knew my mom was probably right, but that didn’t mean I liked hearing it.

  “Then find someone more suitable and forget about your boss, all right?” Mom

  “Yeah, okay,” I said, knowing it was a lie.

  “Good girl. I’ll catch up with you later, okay? I’ve got to go get some groceries.”

  “Okay, Mom. See you later.”


  With a groan, I slammed my phone down next to me on the bed and let out a sigh. “I don’t know why I bother,” I complained to myself. I knew exactly what my mom was going to say and yet, I still wanted to confide in her. I wanted her to tell me everything was going to be okay and help me. I understood why, but it hurt not to have my mom’s support. It meant that there was another obstacle in the way. Even if Quentin and I somehow managed to be together, my mom would never approve.

  As the sun rose and began to spill through the curtains, it illuminated my face and Lucky began to bark. She wanted to go for her morning walk and as much as I just wanted to bury my head in the sand, I knew I had responsibilities I needed to take care of.

  “Come on, girl. I’ll take you for a quick one,” I said to Lucky with a smile. Instantly, she was on her three feet and began bounding toward the door where the lead was hung up. I made quick work of changing into some more acceptable clothes before tying my hair back in a ponytail and then following her. Once I secured the leash, Lucky jumped up at the door and began wagging her tail rapidly.

  At least someone’s happy this morning, I marveled before finally stepping outside and heading for a walk around the block. The crisp, warm air helped me feel refreshed and the sun shone brightly on the trees and shrubbery that we passed. I was content in that moment, even if somewhere deep down I was still confused and hurting.

  Eventually, we reached the grocery store. I tied Lucky up outside with a bowl of water and a couple of treats before heading inside to quickly grab some vegetables for dinner. I hurried down the fresh aisle with my mind solely focused on finding eggplant when all of a sudden, someone tapped my shoulder.

  “Billie!” a familiar voice called. “Fancy seeing you here.”

  I turned and grinned as I recognized Carla behind me. She had a full shopping basket and was heading for the check out. “Hey, Carla! It’s funny, I’ve never seen you here before. I thought you shopped elsewhere,” I said.

  She shook her head. “No, I love this place! What are you getting?”

  “I was thinking of making some ratatouille,” I explained.

  Carla shook her head and giggled. “No way. You’re not eating that rabbit food today. It’s meant to be the hottest day of the year so far! Let’s get some meat on the grill. Are you interested?” She gave me a smirk and a little wink.

  I rolled my eyes. “How could I resist?” I teased. “Okay then, let’s grab some chicken and some burgers and head out.”

  “Don’t forget wine!” Carla cried.

  We hurried back around the store and paid for our items before finally emerging once more. Lucky was patiently waiting for me and as soon as she spotted me, her tail began wagging furiously. I smiled, leaned down, and released her leash before walking back toward my home with Carla.

  Once we got back, Carla invited me inside and I brought Lucky too. We started putting away our groceries when my phone buzzed. Confused, I lifted it up and checked the screen. It was a text from my mom!

  ‘Remember to stay away from that man, Billie’ it read.

  I sighed. The reminder of everything that happened between Quentin and I was something I’d been trying to avoid. I knew I needed to confront the problem, but it wasn’t as simple as my mom was saying. I couldn’t just stay away from him. It was impossible.

  Unbeknownst to me, Carla had stopped packing her groceries away and instead, she was watching me closely. “Okay, Billie, spill,” she demanded.

  I looked up at her with a puzzled expression on my face. “What do you mean?”

  “You know exactly what I mean,” she argued. “You’ve had a sad look on your face ever since I saw you. Don’t try to hide it. You can talk to me.” Carla reached out and patted my hand with her own. She gave me a reassuring smile and waited patiently for me to answer.

  It was impossible to hold back. I was being pulled apart inside by my own indecision and I needed someone’s opinion who wasn’t my mom. “Okay, but you have to listen to the whole story,” I told her.

  The blonde grinned. “Of course, darling. Take your time.” She directed me toward the bar stools in her kitchen/diner and we both sat down. Carla poured me a glass of orange juice and passed it over.

  Feeling desperate, I finally blurted everything out. “I’ve been sleeping with my boss,” I confessed.

  Carla’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped open. “You vixen!” she practically screeched as her face transformed into a big grin. “You mean that hot guy we saw on the tour?”

  I nodded. “That’s the one.”

  “Well, honey, that’s great. He’s handsome! And he’s got a job. What are you worried about, chick?” she asked as she leaned in closer.

  “It’s my mom,” I began before taking a deep breath. “This is the part you have to listen to. It’s my story. My dad... I never met him. He was my mom’s boss at her old job in Texas and they had an affair. When he found out she was pregnant, however, he didn’t want anything to do with me. All my life, my mom always warned me about getting involved with people at work. She had to uproot her whole life and move to a different state to avoid the gossip. I… I don’t want that. I like it here.”

  Carla was nodding along. “I get it. That is an awful story. I’m sorry about your dad.”

  I shook my head. “I’ve not been upset about him in a long time,” I admitted. “It’s not that… It’s... “ I broke off as a sob escaped my mouth. “It’s him. Quentin is fun and sexy and sweet. He’s perfect for me and no matter how much I’ve tried to stay away from him, he always seems to reel me back in. It feels… It feels like fate.”

  “That’s good, sweetie,” Carla said before rubbing my back comfortingly.

  “It is, but… But my mom… She’ll never understand. She’s so against it because of her bad experience and every time I spoke to her about Quentin, she got so upset…” I trailed off as more tears fell. “I… I don’t know what to do.”

  Carla reached out and turned my cheek so I was facing her. She smiled at me kindly. “Billie, forget your mom and forget your history. Tell me, right here and now, how do you feel about him?”

  The question stumped me for a moment and I took a deep breath as I attempted to put my feelings into words. “It feels like… like he completes me. Like he’s happiness,” I finally explained.

  Carla’s smile grew wider. She reached out and squeezed my hand. “Then you have your answer, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I guess I have.”



  A typical Sunday morning for me involved serving whatever breakfast Lincoln had decided he wanted. The whims of a five-year-old are often hard to predict and so, we ended up having a lot of creative Sunday breakfasts together. Today, however, Lincoln was kind to me.

  “Pancakes!” he declared excitedly as he danced around the kitchen. “I want Daddy to make me pancakes!”

  “You got it, buddy,” I replied cheerily as I began rifling through the cupboards to collect the ingredients I needed. “Do you want to help me out?”

  Lincoln’s eyes grew wide. “Really, Daddy?”

  “You can’t use the stove, but you can help me mix the ingredients. How does that sound?”

  “Yay!” Lincoln cried before racing toward me. I pulled the step ladder out from the closet for him to stand on so he could reach the counter. It was one of his favorite things to do since he often saw me cooking dinner and he loved to take part.

  “All right then, buddy. What shall we do? Circles or squares?” I asked with a smile.

  “Um… Dinosaurs!” Lincoln replied with gusto.

  His enthusiasm was contagious and I couldn’t bear to tell him no. “I’ll try my best, buddy,” I told him with a chuckle. Together, we mixed up the ing
redients in a big plastic bowl. I let Lincoln do most of the mixing with his little hands, laughing as he knocked the flour everywhere - including on his own face.

  Just as I was pouring the first of the mix into a pan and trying to figure out which dinosaur shape would be the easiest to attempt, Lincoln chose that moment to give me a shock. “Daddy, can Billie come over for breakfast?” he asked in that sweet, innocent voice of his. “I want Billie to try my dinosaur pancakes!”

  At first, I prepared to tell him no, but then, I took a deep breath and thought it over. After what had happened on Friday, I knew I was done fighting the feelings inside me. I was done pretending I didn’t want her. I was done trying to keep myself away from her. So, if Lincoln wanted me to invite her, that was just fine.

  “Okay, I’ll call her now for you,” I told him with a smile.

  His face lit up. “Really, Daddy? Yay! Billie’s coming! Billie’s coming!” He jumped up and down in excitement so fast that he almost toppled off of the top of the step ladder. I reached out in a panic to steady him.

  “Easy there. Don’t hurt yourself,” I warned before finally turning and retrieving my cell phone. It was easy to find her number and when I clicked it, my mind was flooded with memories of our steamy phone call on Friday. I had to admit that the picture she’d sent me of her half-naked body had fueled a few late night masturbation sessions that I wasn’t overly proud of. My face heated, but I wasn’t backing out. I was in too deep already.

  “Quentin? Is everything okay?” Billie said when she answered after a few rings.

  “Everything’s fine,” I told her quickly. “Linc wanted me to call you and invite you for breakfast this morning.”

  “Oh,” she replied, sounding surprised. “And is it just Linc that wants me to come over?”

  I couldn’t help but grin. Billie always had a way of teasing me that I really enjoyed. “Why don’t you come over and find out?” I shot back.

  “I’d love to,” she finally said. “I’ll be over in twenty, okay?”


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