Forbidden First Times: A Contemporary Romance Collection

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Forbidden First Times: A Contemporary Romance Collection Page 54

by Sofia T Summers

  “Great. Save your appetite. We’re making dinosaur pancakes,” I informed her.

  Billie’s delighted laugh brought warmth to my heart. “I wouldn’t expect anything less,” she replied. “Do you want me to bring anything?”

  “You don’t need to, but you can if you want,” I told her with a shrug.

  “Okay, see you soon,” she said before finally hanging up.

  “We need to wait for Billie now or her pancakes will get cold,” I told Lincoln.

  “Okay, Daddy!” he replied.

  I helped him get down from the step stool and steered him toward the living room. He soon occupied himself with one of his chemistry sets that Billie had bought him. Knowing I was going to see Billie soon, I turned the stove off and walked toward the bathroom. As soon as I caught sight of myself in the mirror, I grimaced. I was a little scruffy looking and I wasn’t sure Billie would appreciate it.

  Motivated by my desire to impress her, I shaved my morning stubble away and dabbed some cologne on my neck before changing into a trendy but comfortable set of workout clothes. Once I was ready, I headed back to the kitchen and poured myself another cup of coffee while I waited.

  As soon as the buzzer rang, Lincoln was up and running toward the door. I buzzed Billie up and as soon as we opened the door, Lincoln was hurling himself at her.

  “Careful, Linc, I’ve got food here!” she cried with a chuckle.

  “Food?” Lincoln asked as he took a step back away from her.

  “Well, yeah, I thought it would be rude if I didn’t bring something,” Billie said with a grin. She looked down at Lincoln and then back up at me. “Sadly, the bakery didn’t have any pastries that were dinosaur-shaped. I had to settle for these.”

  She held the box out for me to have a look and I was surprised to see an assortment of delicious looking pastries inside. The sight of them made my stomach rumble and I remembered that I hadn’t had breakfast yet.

  “Thank you!” Lincoln cried before leaning forward and kissing Billie on the cheek.

  Her entire face flushed at the gesture and since I wanted to see that sweet expression continue, I leaned in and kissed her other cheek too. “Thanks a lot, Billie,” I whispered in her ear before drawing back with a grin. She looked surprised but she smiled at me and my heart ached at the sight.

  “These pastries really do look great, Billie,” I continued as I took the box from her. “Let’s get inside and get some food in this little monster’s tummy, shall we?” I bent down to tickle Lincoln’s stomach, much to his amusement. He ran away screaming in the direction of the kitchen, leaving Billie and I alone for a moment.

  “I was glad you called, Quentin,” Billie whispered with a shy smile.

  “Me too,” I confessed as I smiled back. “It’s really good to see you.”

  “It’s good to see you too,” Billie replied as she stepped inside.

  I took her jacket and hung it up before ushering her in the direction of the kitchen where Lincoln was waiting impatiently. “Hurry up, guys!” he shouted.

  “We’re coming, we’re coming,” I said before giving Billie an amused look.

  We spent the next twenty minutes attempting to make dinosaur pancakes that ended in utter disaster. Before we wasted all of the batter, I made a few perfect circular ones and the three of us sat down at the table to eat our pancakes, pastries and fruit. Since both Billie and I enjoyed coffee, I made up a fresh pot and poured her a cup.

  “Sugar?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “I’m already sweet enough,” she retorted with a giggle.

  I winced. “Ooh, that was a bad one,” I replied with a smile. “We need to get you some comedy lessons.”

  Billie laughed. “And who’s gonna give them to me? You?”

  With a grin, I leaned in a little and dropped my voice to a low whisper. “I have a few other lessons planned first,” I told her. “Ones where you definitely won’t be laughing.”

  Billie’s ears turned pink and she didn’t respond. I was happy that I was able to render the sassy Billie speechless for once. Before I could make good on my promise, however, Lincoln had already finished his food and was running around the kitchen making a racket.

  “Everything okay, Linc?” I asked him.

  “I’m bored,” he complained.

  “How about we go outside?” Billie suggested.

  “Yes!” Lincoln agreed.

  “All right then, Linc. Go get your jacket and shoes on,” I told him. He wasted no time hurrying toward the door where his things were kept. Billie and I finished eating in silence before grabbing our own things and heading outside with him.

  For once, the air was a little cold and I could see Billie shivering a little. I pulled her closer and wrapped my arm around her waist to keep her warm as we headed to the park around the corner. As soon as we went past the gate, Lincoln was off like a shot. He started by running circles around the entire play area before eventually settling on the slide.

  Next to me, Billie let out a sigh. “He sure does have a lot of energy, doesn’t he?” she remarked.

  “Oh, yeah. Sometimes, I struggle to keep up with him,” I told her with a chuckle. “But it’s good for me, I think. Keeps me young.”

  Billie nodded as she watched Lincoln getting closer and closer to us. “Billie, Billie! Look what I can do!” he shouted before poorly attempting to do a handstand.

  “Looking good, Linc!” she told him before turning her attention back to me. “Have you ever thought about getting him a dog?”

  Oh no, I thought, but it was already too late. At the mention of a dog, Lincoln’s head snapped up and he came running toward us. “I want a dog! I want a dog!” he shouted.

  “Yeah, he’s been asking for one pretty much since he was able to talk,” I explained with a smile.

  “Oh, sorry,” Billie said with a wince.

  “Yeah, Daddy says I’m too young to take care of a doggy!” Lincoln said with a pout on his face. “But I still really want one.”

  Billie crouched down until she was at eye-level with him. “Well, a dog is a lot of responsibility, Linc,” she told him. “They need a lot of attention and you have to feed them and bathe them and take them for walks. Maybe you can get one when you’re older?”

  “Yeah, that’s a good idea, isn’t it, Linc?” I chipped in.

  “I guess.” Lincoln pouted and kicked the dirt at his feet.

  “How about I show you pictures of my dog instead?” Billie suggested and I balked. I had no idea Billie had a dog and it reminded me once more that there were so many parts of this alluring woman’s life that I hadn’t seen yet. I really wanted to though.

  Billie had opened her phone and was showing Lincoln pictures of her dog. I was a little envious that I couldn’t see them from where I was standing, but I knew I could always ask her about them later. Instead, I watched as Lincoln’s face brightened and he gasped in surprise.

  “Why does he only have three legs?” Lincoln asked.

  “Well, Lucky was a rescue. She was hit by a car when she was a stray and she lost her leg. But now I take care of her and she’s very happy. It doesn’t stop her from doing anything at all. She still goes on walks, fetches balls, and sniffs other dog’s butts.” Billie paused as Lincoln laughed. “She’s a sweetheart.”

  “Why didn’t you bring her?” Lincoln wanted to know and I couldn’t help but laugh at his constant questions. Poor Billie, I thought, but she didn’t seem to mind at all.

  “Well, I wasn’t sure it was okay to bring her to your house. You know, some people don’t like dogs and other people are allergic to dogs,” Billie explained.

  “I guess that makes sense…” Lincoln said, clearly disappointed. “Promise you’ll bring her next time, okay?”

  Billie looked over at me. “Is there going to be a next time?” she asked me.

  “Absolutely,” I told her with confidence.

  “Then I promise, Linc.”

  Seeing the easy way Lincoln and Bil
lie interacted only set my heart aflame. I was falling deeper and deeper in love with her with every second that passed by. Now, all I had to do was find a way to make her mine for real.



  Sunday with Lincoln and Quentin had been so much fun that I’d somehow managed to stay the entire day. It hadn’t been my intention at all. In fact, I’d not asked anyone to check in on Lucky so I had to send a few quick texts to Carla to explain the situation. Luckily, she was more than happy to help me out and she gave me the freedom I needed to stay as long as I wanted. Maybe I could stay forever, I thought for a moment before scolding myself. I couldn’t let myself get carried away. First, I needed to see how things went and I definitely had to make sure that Quentin was serious about me.

  Yet somehow, breakfast had turned into an outing at the park. Then after that, we went back to Quentin’s place for lunch before Lincoln was dying for me to help him with one of his science kits. That alone took up the majority of the afternoon as the two of us got carried away playing together. I hadn’t even noticed that Quentin was quietly cooking up dinner in the other room until he called out to us both.

  “Billie, Linc! Dinner’s ready!” he’d shouted. It was so domestic it made my heart ache and I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face the entire time we ate dinner together. It wasn’t anything fancy, just grilled chicken and potatoes, but it was still the best meal I’d had in a long time.

  After gobbling down his dinner with enthusiasm, Lincoln settled down on the sofa watching cartoons before finally succumbing to his exhaustion and falling asleep. When I noticed his sleeping form, I collected a blanket from the arm of the sofa and draped it over him before turning off the television. When I turned back around, I noticed that Quentin’s eyes were on me, following me no matter where I went. His gaze was heated and he licked his lips like I was a delicious piece of cake he was starving to take a bite out of.

  There was heat in the air between us and I knew it was inevitable. Neither of us could fight it anymore. We had to give in, no matter the risks. With a lust-filled gaze, I headed back toward the kitchen where Quentin was. I didn’t take my eyes off him the entire time and once I’d passed back through the doorway, he practically pounced on me.

  Shocked, I gasped as Quentin pressed my body back against the kitchen corner and caged me against the cool surface. His gaze was predatory as he stared down at me like he was planning on devouring me whole.

  “So, we’re going to stop pretending we don’t want this, right?” he whispered seductively as his lips began to press kisses down my neck. All I could manage in response was a nod as his teeth began nibbling on my ear lobe.

  “Good because you’re mine now,” he declared with a growl before finally pressing a hard kiss to my lips. It was rough as hell, all teeth and tongue, but I loved it. It made me feel desired and more turned on than ever before. My arms wrapped tight around his neck as I let his tongue explore my mouth. He was completing dominating me, pushing me back against the counter until I was almost laying back on it.

  His hands were roaming down my body and lingering on all my curves. He squeezed my ass and lifted me a little higher until I was wrapping one leg around his waist. I could feel his rock hard cock against me now through his pants. He was radiating heat as he clung close to me and began rolling his hips against me.

  “Oh, fuck,” I moaned as his head ducked down and he began to kiss the exposed skin around my clavicle. His mouth was moving downward toward my breasts and I let out a squeal of delight. His talented mouth was giving me so much pleasure that I never wanted to stop and yet, somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew we had to.

  “Wait, Quentin, we have to stop,” I muttered as my boss continued his onslaught. His teeth were biting soft marks into my neck and collarbone.

  “I thought we agreed we were going to stop pretending we didn’t want this, Billie,” he growled before pulling back and staring at me confused. “Make up your mind.”

  “No, it’s not that,” I replied with a shake of my head. “It’s Linc. He’s asleep in the next room.”

  Quentin’s eyes widened and he nodded. “Shit, you’re right. I almost completely forgot. I just… I just want you so badly,” he admitted.

  The confession only spurred on my desire. “I want you too. Just take me to the bedroom, yeah?” I suggested with a small smile.

  My boss grinned like the cat who got the cream before grabbing me roughly around the waist. “Let’s go then, I don’t want to waste anymore time.” He practically dragged me toward the door. Unable to resist, he pushed me up against the wall and kissed me a few more times before we finally managed to stumble our way into the bedroom.

  For the very first time, the two of us spent the time to remove every single item of clothing we were wearing. Quentin practically ripped my dress as he tore it off my body and threw it to one side. He growled when he saw the sexy black underwear I had on underneath, but even those pieces of clothing didn’t receive any mercy from him. He deftly unclasped my bra all the while kissing the tops of my big breasts.

  “Quentin, oh God, it feels so good,” I moaned as he pulled my bra off and let it fall to the floor. My heavy breasts were exposed and the heat of his warm breath felt incredible against my skin. His tongue licked around the puckered skin of my nipples before finally taking one in his mouth. My head fell back in ecstasy and my eyes closed. Everything he did only turned me on even more. My heart was racing and my palms were sweating.

  “Quentin, I want to touch you,” I complained as he kneeled in front of me and began to pull my panties down my legs. Once they were on the floor and I was completely naked, Quentin stood again.

  “Touch me then,” he demanded with a smirk. It was the offer I had been waiting for and I couldn’t hold myself back.

  On instinct, I dropped to my knees in front of him. My eyes darted upward to meet his and I smiled seductively at him before finally reaching up and beginning to undo the drawstring of his sweatpants. I could feel his throbbing erection through the thick fabric and it only made me grow more and more impatient to touch him.

  It wasn’t long before I’d yanked down his sweats and I was faced with a huge bulge in his boxer shorts. My mouth watered at the sight and my eyes dilated. I couldn’t wait to taste him. Impatiently, my hands ran up and down his muscular thighs, scratching my nails a little along the soft skin there. I leaned forward and pressed a few delicate kisses against his treasure trail. There was a tantalizing ‘v’ shape of muscle at the bottom of his stomach that looked like it was directing me toward a buried treasure. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it.

  Desperate and horny, I gripped hold of the waistband on his underwear and pulled them down until his big, hard cock was revealed. It smacked against his stomach when it was finally released before settling down. The head was already bright red and glistening with pre-come. I licked my lips.

  Following my most primal instincts, I reached forward and grabbed hold of him. The shaft was so thick I couldn’t wrap my fingers all the way around it, but I gave it a quick tug before looking up at him and smiling. I was pleased to see his reaction. His eyes were closed in pleasure and he was letting out soft little sighs and moans every now and again when I stroked him.

  Eager to see what other reactions I could get out of him, I leaned in closer and pressed a kiss against the tip of his cock. Instantly, Quentin’s whole body shuddered and it was addictive to feel so powerful. I couldn’t stop myself from opening my mouth wide and pressing his cock deep inside me. It was heavy on my tongue and the taste of soap and clean skin filled my mouth.

  Above me, Quentin had begun to watch what I was doing now. His hand was on the back of my head, encouraging me to suck him down as he threaded his fingers through my hair. “Good girl, suck me like you were made for it,” he whispered to me and it made my pussy wet.

  I indulged him however. I hollowed out my cheeks and sucked his cock until the head hit the back of my throat. I had to conc
entrate on breathing through my nose because my mouth was stuffed full, but it was worth it to watch Quentin’s desire grow as I bobbed my head along his length.

  “Fuck, your mouth feels so good, Billie,” Quentin groaned as his fingers grabbed hold of my hair tight.

  Feeling mischievous, I couldn’t resist taking things a little further. I glanced up at him with my mouth full of his big dick before finally swallowing around the head of his cock and taking it a little further down my throat. Quentin’s reaction was priceless. His eyes flew open and his mouth uttered a guttural groan before finally, he yanked my head back and off his cock.

  “That was very naughty, Billie,” he commented as he tutted. “You’re a very naughty girl, aren’t you?”

  He threw off his t-shirt and finally, he was completely naked before my eyes. It was unbelievable how we had done so much together before this point, but we’d not taken this step. It felt like things were less rushed than they had been before, less frantic. We had both made the choice to see this thing through now and that was exactly what we were going to do.

  Seeming finished with teasing, Quentin grabbed me roughly by the shoulders and threw me onto the bed face first. He grabbed my hips and lifted them up before pressing kisses to my spine all the way down to my ass. When he reached my juicy buttcheeks, he grabbed them both in his palms and let out a groan.

  “I love that you have something I can grab hold of,” he muttered before finally slipping his fingers between my legs and against my pussy. “Can I fuck you like this?” he asked.

  I was face down, ass up. I had never had sex with anyone in this position before, but with Quentin, it filled me with excitement. My pussy was practically dripping wet and my heart was racing. “Y-yes,” I agreed with a nod against the bed sheets.

  That was all it took for Quentin to finally give in. He withdrew his hand from my clit before plunging his big, thick cock deep inside me from behind. It was a totally different feeling from any other time before. The angle was different and he was hitting my g-spot on almost every thrust inside. My nails were digging into the mattress beneath us as his hips slapped my ass hard and fast.


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