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Forbidden First Times: A Contemporary Romance Collection

Page 55

by Sofia T Summers

  “Your pussy feels so good,” he moaned. “You’re so wet and warm, fuck, Billie.”

  It sounded like Quentin was already hurtling toward his orgasm and I wasn’t far off myself. I dropped a hand down between my legs and began playing with my clit as Quentin’s big cock breached me over and over again. He was fucking me so fast that my face was squashed against the bed, but it was probably for the best since it did a good job of muffling my screams.

  “I… I’m close,” I finally told him after I’d lost count of how long he’d been making love to me.

  “Me too,” he told me before finally draping his body over my back. He reached forward and grabbed hold of my hand, slotting his fingers in between my own. “Let’s come together,” he whispered in my ear and I felt like I was melting.

  After a few more long, deep thrusts, both of us spilled over the edge and came just as he’d planned. I was still practically shaking from the intensity of it as Quentin pulled out and began cleaning up. I tucked myself under the covers and Quentin soon joined me, cuddling close to me. After a long time lazily making out and caressing one another, I realized I’d forgotten about something. When I came to my senses, I pulled my panties back on and reached for my phone.

  “Sorry, I need to check on Lucky,” I told Quentin with an apologetic smile before tapping Carla’s number.

  “Why hello Miss Billie, how can I help you?” Carla answered with a laugh.

  “I just wanted to check if Lucky was okay. Thank you so much for taking care of her today. I… I’m going to be staying out, so could you check on her before bed for me too? Sorry to be a pain.”

  Carla let out a loud whoop. “Oooh, Billie! I’m glad you’re getting some. Makes one of us. Of course, I’ll take care of everything. You just relax and enjoy yourself.” She laughed again.

  Embarrassed, I muttered a quick ‘thanks’ before hanging up and dropping my face into my hands. I could feel how red my cheeks were and it was awful.

  “Don’t just stand there, baby. Come back to bed,” Quentin called from behind me. I didn’t answer for a moment and before I knew it, I felt comforting arms around my waist, dragging me back to bed. I couldn’t resist him and all of a sudden, any embarrassment I felt was buried under my overwhelming desire for Quentin.



  The next morning, I awoke with the beautiful scent of coconut in the air. When I opened my eyes, I saw thick, luscious brown hair strewn across the pillow beside me. It brought a smile to my face when I remembered what had happened last night. Billie had been the perfect companion all day. She’d played the part of a mother to Lincoln so well that I was a fool not to make that official. Then to top it all off, we had the most incredible sex. I couldn’t have been happier.

  Unable to resist, I reached out and stroked her soft brunette hair. “Good morning, sleeping beauty,” I whispered with a smile.

  Billie let out a cute noise before rolling over and facing me. “Mornin’, boss man,” she mumbled. “Sleep well?”

  “Like a baby. You?”

  “Never better.” She moved over until she was snuggled close to me and pressed her cheek against my chest. It was so terribly cute and romantic that my heart ached. It made me forget all the reasons I’d had for pushing her away before. Now, I only wanted to pull her closer.

  “Breakfast?” I asked as I kissed the top of her head. “We have work soon.”

  That seemed to bring her back to reality. “Oh, shit. Work. I don’t have any clean clothes here,” she muttered to herself.

  “I can take you home first, that’s no problem,” I reassured her as I cuddled her closer.

  “Okay then, breakfast.” She gave me one last tight hug before she slipped out of bed and began redressing in her clothes from the night before. Meanwhile, I slipped into the shower and quickly got dressed for work.

  The two of us headed toward the kitchen and I began cooking up some eggs and waffles for breakfast. “We have to wait for Linc’s nanny to get here and then we can head out,” I explained.

  “Okay,” she answered with a shrug.

  “But it’s not like it matters if you’re late. I’m sure your amazing boss will give you a pass,” I teased with a wink in her direction.

  Billie rolled her eyes. “You’re unbelievable,” she muttered.

  “I believe I remember you saying that last night,” I remarked with a smarmy grin.

  She narrowed her eyes at me and batting my chest playfully. We were too wrapped up in teasing each other that we didn’t even notice we had an audience.

  “Billie, you’re here!” Lincoln cried out with a big grin. “Daddy, Billie’s here in the morning time!”

  The two of us turned with surprised looks on our faces. It wasn’t that we’d forgotten about him, but we both hadn’t discussed how we wanted to deal with our relationship where Lincoln was concerned. Well, there’s no turning back now, I thought to myself. Might as well dive in.

  “Good morning, buddy. Yeah, Billie is going to be around a lot more often now,” I told him. “Is that all right with you, Linc?”

  There was silence for a moment as Lincoln attempted to take in the new information. Then all of a sudden, he jumped up and down for joy. “Yay! Yay! Yay!” he repeated before running at Billie at full force and hugging her around the thighs.

  “Well, at least someone’s happy about this,” Billie muttered and smiled in my direction. It made me wonder exactly who she was talking about, but now wasn’t exactly the best time to bring it up. Instead, the three of us enjoyed breakfast together as we chatted about the day ahead. Nanny Mandy showed up right on time and Billie and I headed out to start the day.

  After stopping at Billie’s house so she could shower and change, we headed straight to work. As I parked the car up in a shaded area, I leaned over the center console and kissed Billie one last time. She froze against me at first before kissing me back and smiling.

  “I’ll see you soon,” I told her with a grin.

  “I should hope so, boss man.”

  After that, we parted ways and Billie headed straight for her office while I went out into the fields to meet up with Peter. Before I could get very far, however, Peter was running toward me with a panicked look on his face.

  “Peter, what’s wrong?” I asked.

  “We’ve got a problem.”

  By the time Wednesday came around, my mood had suffered substantially. I hadn’t actually seen Billie since Monday morning due to an emergency with one of the wine silos that had taken all day to fix. After that, we were stuck in a backlog and everybody was playing catch up trying to meet our quota for the week. It was exhausting and I’d been working late every night to make sure things were getting done.

  Because of all of this, I hadn’t seen Billie at all since Monday morning and I was moping about it. It was the first day that I hadn’t needed to work through lunch, so as soon as I had a free minute, I picked up my phone and dialed Billie’s number.

  Ring, ring, ring. No answer. The phone went to voicemail and I scowled. That isn’t what I wanted, but I could hardly blame Billie if she was busy. Instead, I waited for the beep and cleared my throat.

  “Hey, Billie, it’s me,” I began. “Sorry I haven’t had a chance to check in with you the last few days, work has been crazy after the silo problem. I should be free a lot more now. Give me a ring if you want to catch up sometime? Bye.”

  I put the phone down and let out a disappointed sigh. That hadn’t been the result I’d wanted and so, instead of spending time with Billie, I decided to drown my feelings in some good food and headed down toward the restaurant. When I approached the counter to look over the available meals for the day, I glanced to the left and spotted an unexpected surprise.

  Billie was laughing with Tracy as she sat at a table against the wall. The two of them were smiling at each other over a bottle of sparkling water and two caesar salads. For a moment, I felt overwhelming jealousy that Billie was busy with someone who wasn’
t me before I let that irrational thought go. I was glad that she was settling in so well and making friends.

  I ordered the salmon risotto before crossing the restaurant and sitting at a table a few yards away from Billie’s table. It didn’t take long for the brunette beauty to spot me and as soon as she did, her face lit up in a big smile. I nodded in her direction, smiling happily, but staying where I was. The truth was that I wanted to run over and kiss her. I wanted to wrap my arms tight around her and never let her go, but neither of us had spoken about how we should deal with our relationship at work and I didn’t want to overstep.

  Once my lunch arrived, I ate it with gusto all the while my eyes flicked back to Billie. She looked so breathtaking as she laughed and chatted with her friend. I was totally mesmerized by her. When the time came to return to my office, I still couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. I felt in a daze as I climbed the stairs and crossed the floor to my office. Inside, I sat down on my chair and unlocked my computer, ready to tackle my afternoon activities, when Peter walked in.

  “Hey, buddy,” he greeted as he walked in. “I hope you don’t mind, I just wanted to stop by and let you know the engineers have completed their work on the silo so it should be working even better than before.”

  “Excellent, excellent,” I replied with a toothy grin. “Thanks so much for all your hard work on this, Peter. I really appreciate it.”

  “I’m certain I’m not the only employee you’re appreciating right now, eh?” Peter teased with a grin before walking closer and settling in a chair opposite me.

  “I have no idea what you mean,” I replied, playing dumb but unable to wipe the smile off my face.

  “So, you’re not sleeping with our accountant then?” Peter questioned with a chuckle.

  I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I hadn’t told anyone about what was going on between Billie and me and it was killing me. I wanted to shout it from the mountain tops. I wanted to tell everybody just how incredible she was and how lucky I felt to be with her, but I couldn’t. Not yet. At the very least, I could tell Peter.

  “All right, all right, you’ve caught me,” I admitted, throwing my hands in the air like I was being arrested. “I know you told me not to, but man, I’m so happy I didn’t follow your advice.” I laughed happily and leaned back in my chair like I didn’t have a care in the world.

  “She’s that good, huh?” Peter asked, leaning forward and eager to hear the gossip.

  “Good is an understatement,” I told him with vehemence. “She’s incredible. The best woman I’ve ever met. I’m pretty sure I’m more than halfway in love with her already.”

  Peter’s jaw dropped and his eyes widened. “You’re serious? But she hasn’t even been here that long…”

  I shrugged. “What can I say? Besides, my kid is already head over heels for her. I might as well hop aboard.” I couldn’t stop grinning as I spoke about it all. I’d not intended for any of this to happen, but I was done fighting it. If this was the way things were going to go then I was going to go full throttle and fuck the consequences. I just hoped Billie was going to come along for the ride too. That was where the real trouble lied.

  “Well, as long as you’re happy, I’m happy,” Peter said with a smile. “All I can say is, don’t break her heart. She’s the best hire we’ve had in a long time and I don’t want anyone screwing that up. Not even you.”

  “When have I ever let you down?” I shot back with a wink.

  “Too many times to count,” Peter teased.

  “I should fire you for that,” I warned with a smirk.

  “You won’t,” was all Peter said before heading out the door again.

  With Billie on my mind, I set myself up for the afternoon and started daydreaming about when I could see her next. Maybe I should take her on a date, I thought to myself. It was a good idea. We hadn’t been on a proper date yet and I didn’t see a reason for that trend to continue, especially not when I wanted to make her mine officially. No, I’d come up with the perfect date. I just needed time.



  A date with Quentin was an exciting prospect, there was no doubt about it, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t have some fun teasing him. I was in the lounge eating lunch with Tracy on Friday when my phone wouldn’t stop chiming over and over again. There was only one person it would be and I enjoyed the thought of him squirming as I delayed replying to his texts.

  We still hadn’t managed to catch up with one another properly since Monday. We’d only seen each other in passing and shared fleeting, heated glances at one another. I knew for a fact our date tonight was going to be explosive and I enjoyed seeing just how far I could push him before he snapped.

  Finally, I checked my messages when a third one came through.

  ‘You really don’t want to get Italian?’

  ‘Okay, how about a French place?’

  ‘Or shall we avoid dinner altogether? I can get us tickets to the theater on short notice if you prefer. Let me know.’

  A smirk quickly came to my face and I swung my phone from side to side as I thought about the most annoying way I could respond. It was interesting watching Quentin struggle to please me and it made me wonder just what other limits of his I could push.

  ‘I’m just not sure,’ I texted back. ‘It all sounds a bit blah.’

  After hitting send, I giggled to myself, imagining just how frustrated Quentin was getting with me and wondering when he would finally realize I was just teasing him. After all, I couldn’t care less where we went on our date as long as we were together. I placed my phone back on the table and turned to Tracy once more.

  “This salmon and cream cheese sandwich is delicious, Billie. You’ve just got to try it,” Tracy said as she offered me half of her sandwich.

  “I’m not a big fan of fish,” I told her with a wince. “I’m sure it’s good though.”

  Tracy shrugged. “Fine, suit yourself.”

  My phone buzzed again and I couldn’t hide my glee as I peered down at it and imagined what the message would be. Had Quentin finally figured me out or was he suggested something crazier in an attempt to satisfy me? My mind wandered as I considered the possibilities and it hadn’t gone unnoticed.

  “Just who are you texting that’s got you all turned around like this?” Tracy asked, intrigued. She leaned forward in her seat and glanced between me and my phone. “That phone has been going off every five seconds since we got here.”

  I couldn’t resist any longer. Over the few weeks I’d known her, Tracy and I had become like sisters. I’d been dying to tell her all about my affair with Quentin, but I wasn’t sure if she would gossip about it. Now, however, I knew her well enough to know she’d never do something like that to me. Tracy was kind hearted and trustworthy. I had no problem spilling the beans anymore.

  I quickly looked over my shoulders to check if anyone else was in earshot before I leaned forward with a grin. “Okay, but you can’t repeat to anyone what I’m about to tell you!”

  Tracy quirked an eyebrow before smiling and leaning in closer too. “Spill.”

  My voice was hushed as I began to speak. “I’m sort of dating the boss,” I explained.

  Tracy’s head immediately shot up and she glanced in the direction of where Quentin and Peter were sitting eating lunch on the far side of the room. She could see Quentin furiously typing on his phone and sure enough, another message came through on my phone. It was undeniable evidence.

  “Oh my God,” Tracy gushed, leaning back in and grabbing my hands tight in her own. “When did this happen? You are so lucky! He’s a total catch. I’m so happy for you.”

  I blushed and nodded in response. I knew all of that already. I still couldn’t quite believe that a frumpy, boring woman like me could have landed such a hot, sweet millionaire. It was a little unbelievable in all honesty and it rumbled the foundations of faith within me that our relationship would work out. After all, surely Quentin could do better, right?

nbsp; It looked like Tracy could read my mind because she quickly squeezed my hand. “You’re a catch too, Billie. He’s lucky to have landed you,” she added with a smile.

  “I hope he thinks so too,” I replied with an uneasy smile. I tried my best to push my insecurities to one side, but it was difficult after they’d been ingrained in me for so many years. I’d always been the outcast at school and college. I was the overweight girl who was fun enough to be friends with but never to date.

  What exactly did Quentin see in me?

  The question weighed heavily on my mind all throughout lunch and when I finally reached my office to begin work once more, I was no longer in the mood to play my little game with him any longer. He’d sent me another text and this time, he’d suggested we go out for a picnic. It kind of made me glad that I’d vetoed all his earlier suggestions since this one actually seemed pretty perfect.

  ‘That’s perfect,’ I text him alongside a thumbs up and a heart emoji. I couldn’t stop the small smile on my face that had formed at the idea. I was already picturing in my head an outfit at home that would be perfect for a picnic at sunset. Perhaps, I could even bring Lucky? I thought to myself before my daydream was interrupted by the buzz of my phone.

  ‘Be ready at 6’ was all he sent back and my body was already tingling in anticipation of our meeting to come. It had been five long days since we’d had anything resembling alone time and I was ready to end that streak as soon as possible. It had been far too long since I’d touched him. I longed to feel his lips against my own. Even just thinking about it was getting me all hot and bothered.

  “Calm down, Billie,” I told myself before taking a deep breath. “You’ve still got the rest of the work day to finish up. You’re a professional. You can do this.”


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