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Crota Page 17

by Rohan M Vider

  The kobold dodged his strike effortlessly and riposted with a thrust of his own. Caught flat-footed, Kyran failed to dodge the blow. The spear struck his shield with a clang and proceeded no further.

  You have been hit by a feral kobold. No damage taken, 10 piercing damage blocked by your fire shield. Remaining shield strength: 169/179 HP.

  0 Fire damage reflected back to the attacker (5 damage resisted).

  A second kobold reached him. The other two had stopped to pick up their fallen spears and though, still trailing, were catching up fast. The second kobold moved to flank him and in sync with the first, thrust his spear at Kyran. Struck at from both sides at once, he again failed to block or dodge.

  You have been hit by a feral kobold. No damage taken, 12 piercing damage blocked by your fire shield. Remaining shield strength: 157/179 HP.

  You have been hit by a feral kobold. No damage taken, 8 piercing damage blocked by your fire shield. Remaining shield strength: 149/179 HP.

  It was apparent he would not be able to battle the two kobolds simultaneously, much less four when the other two arrived. He backpedalled, and fighting defensively only, began casting again. He tried to block and dodge the kobolds attacks, while simultaneously channelling essence but lost concentration several times and had to restart casting each time. His dodges and blocks were also lacking, and repeated spear strikes hammered into his shield.

  It was impossible. Splitting his focus was counterproductive. Kyran stopped blocking and let his fire shield absorb the incoming damage while he devoted attention to his spell.

  Your fire shield has blocked damage from 12 hits by feral kobolds. Remaining shield strength: 23/179 HP.

  It was almost destroyed before he finished casting his spell. He swept his gaze from one side of the tunnel to the other and drew a line of ice across it. His essence flew forth along the path of his gaze and rapidly cooled water particles in the air until they crystallized. Jagged ice walls sprang into existence, thudding into the tunnel floor.

  You have cast ice wall. At an effective skill level of 17.9, a wall of length 17.9m has been placed. Remaining duration: 179 seconds. Remaining wall strength: 179/179 HP.

  A feral kobold has been frozen within your ice wall and will sustain 2 freezing damage per second.

  He placed the ice wall squarely on top of one of the two kobolds attacking him, encasing him within. The ice wall ran across the width of the tunnel, blocking it off completely. The two kobolds stuck on the far side ran up to the wall and immediately started chipping away at it.

  Kyran turned his attention to the one still able to reach him. Alone now, the kobold circled him warily. Kyran, content to let him do so, retreated backwards and started casting his next spell. Sensing the casting, the kobold realised his mistake and charged forward in an effort to disrupt the spell. He was too late.

  You have cast grasping roots. At an effective skill level of 17.9, a field of radius 17.9m has been placed. Remaining duration: 179 seconds.

  Each kobold has a 35% chance to resist the spell’s effects.

  1 of 1 feral kobolds within area of effect resisted debuff.

  0 of 1 feral kobolds entangled (immobilized).

  The kobold resisted the grasping roots on the first and second steps of his charge. On the third he was caught fast. Kyran, unimpeded by the roots which parted for him, darted forward. He struck out with an overhand slash. The kobold, entangled, could not dodge. Instead it ignored the falling blow and countered with a thrust of its spear. Mid-blow, Kyran sidestepped and changing the angle of his slash, brought it crashing down on the kobold’s spear. The longsword sliced smoothly through the shaft. Not pausing, Kyran pressed his advantage. He deftly circled the kobold, who weaponless, frantically tried to turn and face him. Ruthless, Kyran grabbed the smaller kobold from behind and thrust his sword brutally through its back.

  You have dealt a vital strike (to the heart) of a feral kobold for 100 piercing damage. Remaining health: 0 / 100.

  You have killed a feral kobold (4,830 XP gained: 58,065/56,000 combat XP).

  You have obtained a total of 56,000 combat XP and are now level 8. 9 Combat skill points and 1 ability point gained.

  With adrenaline and blood rushing he turned, searching for the remaining three kobolds. One remained trapped in the ice wall, another was still pounding at it and the third was running back up the tunnel from whence it came.

  Grimly, Kyran set himself to finish the battle. He sprinted towards the remaining two kobolds. As he neared the wall, the unhindered kobold stopped its futile pounding and looked fearfully at Kyran through it. A few steps from the wall, Kyran willed his body to dissociate, and propelling it forward through space, teleported forward.

  You have cast teleport (self) and teleported 3m.

  He coalesced back into being behind the hapless kobold and without hesitation buried his sword in its back.

  You have dealt a vital strike (to the heart) of a feral kobold for 100 piercing damage.

  You have killed a feral kobold (4,830 XP gained: 62,895/72,000 combat XP).

  He glanced up the tunnel, but the fleeing kobold was beyond his reach. He turned back to the ice wall and the kobold still frozen within. He activated flaming hands and pressed them to the ice wall. Within a few seconds, his hands burnt through to the kobold, and before the dazed kobold could react he plunged his sword through its neck.

  You have dealt a vital strike (to the throat) of a feral kobold for 100 piercing damage.

  You have killed a feral kobold (4,830 XP gained: 67,725/72,000 combat XP).

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Leaving the frozen and now dead kobold trapped in the ice wall, he searched the other kobold’s body. Other than its spear, the only item it bore was a crude leather satchel strapped over its back. Kyran inspected the spear and satchel.

  Found: Crude feral kobold bone spear.

  Type: Weapon.

  Weight: 1.8 kg.

  Rank: Common.

  Damage: 10-15 Piercing or Slashing.

  Condition: Poor.

  Description: A crude bone spear. You do not have the skill (two-handed weapons) to wield this in combat.

  Found: Basic leather bag.

  Type: Item.

  Weight: 0.2 kg.

  Rank: Common.

  Description: A crude leather bag for holding stuff.

  He stashed both the spear and empty bag in his inventory and teleported back across the wall. The kobold on this side had nothing of value.

  With the battle over and the danger passed, Kyran’s bloodlust ebbed away. In the battle’s aftermath, he trembled with the emotions coursing through him. The kobolds unwarranted attack had enraged him. So betrayed had he felt, that he had been overcome with a burning desire for vengeance. His fears and doubts had fled. He had killed ruthlessly and efficiently, without pause or hesitation. He still felt violence bubbling within him, waiting to be unleashed again. Troubled, Kyran wondered at what he was becoming, and whether he was better for it. With this uneasy thought, he headed back to the lake to prepare for the retaliation that the escaped kobold would undoubtedly summon forth.

  ✽ ✽ ✽


  It is well known that the gods are forbidden by the Rules from direct interference in the Game. This is commonly assumed to mean that the gods cannot manifest on Myelad. This is incorrect. The gods can and frequently do manifest on the mortal plane.

  Such manifestations however are dangerous for the gods, since while they may be attacked with impunity, the game prevents any response on their part. For this reason, the gods usually limit their manifestations to highly secure environments such as their high temples. It is not clear why the gods fear attack on the mortal plane, or what the results of such an attack would be – there having been no recorded instance of a successful attack against a god – however it is clear that they fear such. – from Observations on the Gods and their Champions, secret text of Dagzid, Brotherhood scholar.

  Back at the cavern, Ky
ran scouted for a secure location to use as his base. A spot he could retreat to, rest, and if need be, remain hidden. His scrying yesterday had revealed a few potential options.

  The first was a tunnel which had initially appeared to be well concealed. On further investigation however, it was revealed to be quite visible when approached from above. The second and third options were ledges. Taking the lessons learnt from the shadow spider to heart, Kyran recognised that a high unreachable base would be ideal. Unfortunately, both ledges proved unsuitable. The first was not as unclimbable as it had originally appeared. The second was too small - he would likely fall off.

  The last potential spot was also the least likely to be suitable. It was a natural crevice high up on the shear lake cavern walls, unreachable by normal means. When he had scryed it earlier, it had appeared to be little more than a patch of darkness. Kyran was uncertain that it was anything more than a crack in the cavern walls. Its entrance was too small for even a kobold to scramble through, and from the outside at least, it showed no signs of expanding sufficiently to house even one small elf. However, long shot or not, it was his last viable option.

  He sat down and scryed the inside of the crevice. To his relief, his scrying revealed it to continue much deeper into the rock structure. Eventually, it widened into a small concealed cave. It was perfect. He subdued his rising excitement. There was one more test to carry out. He closed his eyes and cast the travelling spell, travel (self). It was his first attempt at this spell. Kyran began the spell in a similar manner to scrying. He projected his mind to the targeted spot, the concealed cave. Instead of revealing it, as he would attempt when scrying, he instead anchored his mind and spirit to the spot. Next, he carefully deconstructed his body at the lake shore. Then, with a controlled burst of essence, he pulled the deconstructed elements of his body to his anchor at the cave and laboriously reconstructed himself.

  You have cast travel (self) and teleported 103m (100 XP gained: 7,600/12,000 Civilian XP). Execution time: 5 minutes.

  The travelling spell was both wondrous and extremely dangerous. Superficially it was similar to the teleport (self) spell, but the mechanics were completely different. With the teleport spell his body moved through space to the targeted spot. This spell had been more elegant and demanding. It had required him to fully deconstruct and reconstruct himself. Any mishap or lapse of concentration on his part could have triggered a flawed reconstruction. The results of which could be anything from missing limbs or even death. Hence the long cast time and its unsuitability for use in combat. To cast the spell again, he would need to find temporary safety, a spot where he could remain undisturbed for at least a few minutes.

  He opened his eyes and looked around, then down upon himself. In relief he saw all appeared normal. It had been a risk attempting the spell, but one well worth the rewards. And with time and practice it would get easier - hopefully.

  The cave was bare and uninhabited. Like the main lake cavern, it was suffused with a gentle light. Here however he could trace the source of light. He stood and gingerly approached the patches of light that emanated from the walls.

  Found: Luminous Cave Moss.

  Type: Crafting ingredient.

  Weight: 0.1 kg.

  Rank: Rare.

  Special properties: Source of dim light.

  Description: Inedible form of cave moss that generates its own light. Your skill is insufficient to safely harvest luminous cave moss (journeyman rank required).

  Well, that was at least one mystery explained. It was unfortunate that he could not harvest the luminous moss, it would have made a handy portable light source. At least he would get to enjoy its benefits here in the cave.

  Secure at last, Kyran sat back down and felt the remaining tension that he was still unconsciously carrying, drain away. The battle and its outcome disturbed him deeply, more so than his previous encounters with the undead and beasts. This time, he had killed thinking beings, three of them. It felt as if he had crossed a line. Become a killer. He knew of course that he had been given little choice in the matter, yet still his actions distressed him. Where would this path take him?

  These were troubling thoughts which he did not feel ready to face just yet. Instead, he considered the kobolds. What, he wondered, had prompted them to attack him? He had been careful to show no threat, to appear harmless. Is that what had sparked their actions? Had they mistaken his unthreatening posture for weakness? Seen easy prey? He shook his head sadly, there was no way to know, and the unpalatable truth was that the reasons did not matter. Not anymore. He could not afford to let doubt assail him now, not if he wanted to survive. What mattered was that he had made another set of enemies. One that he was certain, given their aggressive nature, would retaliate, and soon.

  He pondered his tactics for the upcoming confrontation. His insight had revealed the kobolds to be resistant to magic - fire magic in particular. It was clear he could not rely on magic to inflict damage to the kobolds, for that he would have to rely on his mental and physical abilities. But for all the kobolds’ inherent spell resistances, his magic had still played a decisive role in the outcome of the battle. With it, he had effectively controlled the battlefield.

  He had levelled up during the battle with the kobolds but his magic needed no further development for now, it had proven to be more than up to the task of crowd controlling the kobolds. What he needed was more damage output. He would focus on that. He opened the mental constructs for his combat skills and abilities.

  You have 9 Combat SP and 8 AP available.

  Combat Skills (9 SP available)

  Psi Skills:

  Beast Bonding: 17.8 (7 base)

  Body Control: 2.0 (1 base)

  Light Armour: 8.4 (7 base)

  Psionics: 0

  Psi Armour: 0

  Telekinesis: 14.3 (7 base)

  Telepathy: 0

  Will Regen.: 0

  Magic Skills:

  Air Magic: 17.9 (7 base)

  Earth Magic: 17.9 (7 base)

  Essence Regen.: 0

  Fire Magic: 17.9 (7 base)

  Supportive Magic: 7.7 (3 base)

  Wands & Staffs: 0

  Mystical garments: 0

  Spellcasting: 12.8 (5 base)

  Water Magic: 17.9 (7 base)

  Racial Skills:

  Longbow: 0

  Longsword: 4 (5 base)

  He had 9 SP and 8 AP available – one from his recent levelling and 7 that he had been saving for a rainy day. Today was that day. Thus far he had not invested in telepathy, not wanting to dilute his skills too much. He had focused instead on maximising a few skills. His current circumstances however, demanded a different approach. He invested 1 SP into telepathy to unlock the skill and base ability.

  New ability learnt!

  Ability: Mind shock

  Skill: Telepathy.

  Description: This ability shocks the mind of the target, causing psi damage. At higher skill levels this ability may be directed at specific nerve centres.

  Rank: Base.

  Cost: 40 Will.

  Execution time: Instantaneous.

  Range: Up to the caster’s direct line of sight.

  Damage: Inflicts a maximum of 1 x skill of psionic damage to the target.

  Hmm, he thought. If he increased his telepathy to 8, his effective skill would be 16.3. Sixteen ranged damage per strike against the kobolds, who had low psi defence, would be devastating. Decided, he maxed out his telepathy skill level.

  Your base skill in telepathy has increased to 8 (the maximum allowable at your current level).

  The choice of abilities was more complex. With 8 combat AP available he could splurge on abilities and unlock as many as possible or… using the player ability, More Skills, he could convert some of his AP into SP to raise his neglected non-magical skills. In particular, body control and longswords appealed to him.

  New ability used!

  Ability: More Skills

  Skill: None (player ability).
  Description: This is a special ability that allows the player to convert ability points (AP) into skill points (SP) of the same category. Warning: this process is irreversible and cannot be undone once completed.

  Cost: This ability requires no energy.

  Execution time: Instantaneous.

  Effect: 1 AP yields 2 SP.

  You have used the ability, More Skills and converted 5 AP into 10 combat SP. Remaining combat SP =11 and AP=3.

  Your base skill in longsword and body control has increased to 8 (the maximum allowable at your current level).

  With that done, he perused the available abilities.

  You have 1 Combat SP and 3 AP available.

  Available Combat Abilities (3 AP available)

  Beast Bonding: Enrage Beast.

  Body Control: Boost Health, Boost Speed.

  Telekinesis: Teleport object, Hold.

  Telepathy: Confusion, Terrify, Sleep.

  Air Magic: Shocking Hands, Blur.

  Earth Magic: Earth Tremor, Poison Ward.

  Fire Magic: (None).

  Supportive Magic: Restore Health (Others), Healing Aura, Restore Mind, Detect Magic.

  Water Magic: Freezing Hands.

  Longsword: Disarm, Focused strike.

  With mind shock, he could effectively deal ranged damage to the kobolds. The trick would be to keep the kobolds at bay, and for that additional crowd control would come in handy.

  It was a toss-up between the four mind abilities - sleep, confusion, terrify and hold. All could be equally useful, depending on the exact mechanics of each. He began, by unlocking confusion.

  New ability learnt!

  Ability: Confusion

  Skill: Telepathy.

  Description: This ability causes the targets in the area of effect to become impaired with a random mental debuff. Warning: The ability cannot be used again until the debuff status on all previous targets has lapsed.


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