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Crota Page 18

by Rohan M Vider

  Rank: Novice.

  Cost: 40 Will.

  Execution time: 5 seconds.

  Area of effect: Radius of 1m x skill around target.

  Range: Up to the caster’s direct line of sight.

  Duration: 10 seconds x skill.

  Debuff: Causes hostile creatures in the area of effect to become dazed, stunned, enraged, unconscious, charmed or terrified. May be resisted.

  Excellent, thought Kyran, it would do nicely. Briefly, he debated unlocking another ability, but eventually decided that with the confusion ability, he had sufficient crowd control. He did however need to improve the efficiency of his psi energy usage, so instead he converted his remaining AP into SP and raised his psionic skill.

  You have used the ability, More Skills and converted 2 AP into 4 combat SP. Remaining combat SP =5 and AP=0.

  Psionics: This skill reduces the cost of all psi abilities (by 2% x skill level).

  Your base skill in psionics has increased from 0 to 5 (with an effective skill level of 10.2). At an effective skill level of 10.2, all psionic ability costs are decreased by 20%.

  Kyran opened his profile and reviewed the changes to his character.

  Profile (Condensed)

  Name: Kyran Seversan

  Race: Elf

  Combat Level: 8 (67,725/72,000),

  Civilian Level: 3 (7,600/12,000 XP).

  Health: 80 / 80

  Stamina: 400/500

  Will: 920/1020

  Essence: 1020/1200


  Physical: 10.6 (slash).

  Mental: 16.3 (psi).

  Spell: 17.9 (fire).


  Physical Defence: 9.7

  Psi Defence: 8.0

  Spell Defence: 8.0

  Combat Skills

  Beast Bonding: 17.8 (7 base)

  Body Control: 16.3 (8 base)

  Light Armour: 8.4 (7 base)

  Psionics: 10.2 (5 base)

  Psi Armour: 0

  Telekinesis: 14.3 (7 base)

  Telepathy: 16.3 (8 base)

  Will Regen.: 0

  Air Magic: 17.9 (7 base)

  Earth Magic: 17.9 (7 base)

  Essence Regen.: 0

  Fire Magic: 17.9 (7 base)

  Supportive Magic: 7.7 (3 base)

  Wands & Staffs: 0

  Mystical garments: 0

  Spellcasting: 12.8 (5 base)

  Water Magic: 17.9 (7 base)

  Longbow (Racial): 0

  Longsword (Racial): 6.4 (8 base)

  Civilian Skills

  Commander: 1.4 (2 base)

  Feudal Lord: 0

  Governor: 0

  Mage Lord: 2.4 (1 base)

  Scrying: 2.2 (3 base)

  Travelling: 2.2 (3 base)

  Nature Lore (Racial): 3.6 (3 base)

  Vassals & Minions

  Maximum allowed: 5 (8 base)

  Current: None.

  Combat Abilities


  Beast Bond I, Extend Bond, Confusion.

  Truesight, Fire Dart, Slippery Ice, Grasping Roots, Fire Shield, Ice Wall.


  Calm beast, Mind over matter, Teleport (self), Mind shock.

  Blend, Barkskin, Flaming Hands, Restore Health (Self), Water Armour.

  Civilian Abilities


  Travel (self), Basic Scrying, Gather Plants.


  Inspiring, Channel Essence, Show Hostiles (map), Show Portals (map), Show Plants (map).

  Equipped Items

  Full set of Chitin armour (20 base armour).

  Basic longsword (6-10 base slash damage).

  That done, Kyran left the cave to begin his preparations for the kobold retaliation.


  Portals are arcane constructs that enable instantaneous travel between two distant locations. Portals can be constructed as part of a network, in which case each portal is identified with a unique address. Alternatively, portals may be constructed as a closed system. They may be locked or disabled by the portal master at any time.

  The construction of a portal is a laborious exercise, requiring many years and valuable materials to construct. To remain operable, a portal requires a significant and constant supply of essence. For this reason, there have only been twelve portals ever created on Myelad, one for each essence well – Excerpt from Modern Marvels of Essence Technology, by Sorceress Lillian Aimes.

  Kyran was bored. He began to believe he had been wrong. That the kobolds would not retaliate. He was concealed behind an outcropping of boulders about fifty metres from the tunnel entrance. His lookout position was slightly elevated and provided him with direct line of sight to the tunnel. The ground between was flat and devoid of any cover. A perfect spot for an ambush.

  He had been waiting for hours. He had turned his plans for the upcoming battle over in his mind countless times already. However, without new data, there was only so much he could revise and analyse. He was on the verge of abandoning his vigil when his player’s map pinged.

  A flood of dots filed down the tunnel. This time they were red. More dots appeared, then more… and more. With trepidation, he counted twenty-four. That was far more kobolds than he expected – if this was indeed kobolds. It did not bode well. Feverishly he tossed about madcap schemes and ran frantic calculations through his mind. Could he handle twenty-four kobolds? Yes. No. Maybe. Dammit, thought Kyran, there is too many of them. Too many to be certain of the outcome. Engaging would be a risk. But what other options were there? Flee into the kobold tunnel – and risk running into more kobolds? Or hide in the cavern – but how long could he do so? He was one against many, and eventually simple numbers would tell or his vigilance would fail, and he would be found out. No. Best to act now, while he retained the advantage of surprise. He took a deep, calming breath and cast his buffs.

  You have activated mind over matter. At an effective skill of 16.3 it has increased all body attributes by 16.

  You have cast barkskin. At an effective skill of 17.9 you have gained +8 natural armour.

  You have cast fire shield. At an effective skill of 17.9, it will block 179 non-fire damage or 358 fire damage.

  Prepared, he waited for the hostiles to enter the cavern.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Profile (Summary)

  Name: Kyran Seversan

  Race: Elf

  Level: 8 / 3

  Health: 104 / 104 (base 80)

  Attack (Physical/ Psi/ Spell): 10.9 (slash) / 16.3 / 17.9 (fire)

  Defences (Physical/ Psi/ Spell): 11.0 (base 9.7) / 8 / 8

  Shield strength: 179 / 179 (fire shield)

  Stamina: 400/500

  Will: 920/1020

  Essence: 920/1200

  Active Effects:

  Mind over Matter (+16.0 to each body attribute),

  Barkskin (+8 Natural Armour), 179 seconds remaining.

  Fire shield (179 damage blocked), 179 seconds remaining.

  Blend (invisible), 2 hours remaining.

  Truesight (17.9m), 2.3 hours remaining.

  Tense with pre-battle nerves, he gripped his longsword in sweaty palms and waited. After endless seconds the enemy appeared. Unhurriedly, a kobold party entered the cavern. They kept no formation, but moved in an unruly crowd. Like the previous kobolds he had encountered, most were armed with bone tipped spears and wore threadbare clothing. Carefree, the kobolds chattered to each other in their guttural, unintelligible language. There were no scouts. No lookouts. None scanned about them, wary of attack. Dumbfounded, Kyran stared in amazement at the spectacle. He almost doubted that this was a war party out for vengeance. But no, by their numbers, composition and weapons they could be nothing else. They ambled on a direct path to the lake. Good, he thought. They were overconfident. It would improve the odds immeasurably.

  At the head of the kobold war party were two elaborately outfitted individuals. They at least appeared to take the business of war more seriously and warranted further atten
tion. He studied them carefully. Each was dressed in a gaudy feathered headdress and tattered cloak; and carried a gnarly wooden staff. Unlike the other kobolds, they were tight lipped and focused. Here was the real threat. He would have to eliminate them first. He cast insight on them.

  Creature: Feral Kobold Shaman (War Party Leader)

  Type: Semi-Sentient (Savage)


  Level: 15

  Health: 120 / 120

  Attack: 16-20 (earth)

  Defences (Physical/ Psi/ Spell): 15 / 15 / 23

  Special Effects:

  Resistance to Fire (-50% fire damage).


  Shamans are influential individuals in the feral kobold tribes and typically specialise in healing and earth magics. They are usually found in leadership positions within a tribe.

  Creature: Feral Kobold Shaman

  Type: Semi-Sentient (Savage)


  Level: 12

  Health: 110 / 110

  Attack: 12-16 (earth)

  Defences (Physical/ Psi/ Spell): 12 / 15 / 20

  Special Effects:

  Resistance to Fire (-50% fire damage).


  Shamans are influential individuals in the feral kobold tribes and typically specialise in healing and earth magics. They are usually found in leadership positions within a tribe.

  Two magic users, damn. Another surprise that he had not anticipated. Should he reconsider? No, he would forge ahead with his attack, but would adjust his plans slightly. If he removed the shamans early, the odds should still favour him.

  Casting doubt aside, he launched his opening salvo, targeting the shamans and surrounding kobolds.

  You have cast confusion. At an effective skill of 16.3, the field of effect applies to all hostiles in a radius of 16.3m around the target.

  Each kobold has a 18% chance and each kobold shaman a 43% chance to resist the spell’s effects.

  5 of 15 Feral kobolds within area of effect resisted debuff.

  1 of 2 Kobold shamans resisted within area of effect resisted debuff.

  10 of 15 Feral kobolds confused (4 dazed, 1 stunned, 1 enraged, 2 unconscious, 2 charmed, 0 terrified).

  Feral kobold shaman (war party leader) confused (terrified).

  Remaining duration 163 seconds.

  The kobold party devolved into chaos. Some of the kobolds fell down unconscious, others stood dazed or stunned. The enraged and charmed attacked their fellows. The unaffected ones looked on, bewildered.

  Kyran sprang into action. He teleported behind the unafflicted shaman. Before the shaman registered his presence, he struck him down with a lethal blow from behind, plunging his sword unerringly through the shaman’s neck.

  You have dealt a vital strike (to the throat) of a kobold shaman for 110 piercing damage.

  You have killed a kobold shaman (13,230 XP gained: 80,955/72,000 combat XP).

  You have obtained a total of 72,000 combat XP and are now level 9. 9 Combat skill points and 2 ability points gained.

  He searched for the other, but the terrified shaman was gone. Kyran caught a glimpse of his bobbing head before it disappeared within the crowd. He had no choice, but to let him go. He turned his attention to the nearby kobold warriors. The nearest two were dazed. The rest milled about in confusion and appeared still unaware of his presence amidst them. Not squandering the remaining element of surprise, he casted grasping roots over the area.

  You have cast grasping roots. At an effective skill level of 17.9, a field of radius 17.9m has been placed. Remaining duration: 179 seconds.

  Each kobold has a 35% chance to resist the spell’s effects.

  10 of 16 feral kobolds within area of effect resisted debuff.

  6 of 16 feral kobolds entangled (immobilized).

  You have taken hostile action and are no longer invisible.

  Most of the kobolds resisted the initial effect of the spell. Kyran was not troubled by this. Its effects would be reapplied once they tried to move across it. He turned to the nearest kobold warrior.

  Feral kobold (dazed). Remaining health: 100/100.

  Dazed opponents have drastically reduced awareness of their surroundings. Direct hostile action against them will remove the dazed effect.

  Not wasting the opportunity, Kyran thrust his sword forward, instantly killing the dazed kobold.

  You have killed a feral kobold (4,830 XP gained: 85,785/200,000 combat XP).

  Moving on, he turned to the kobold on his right and slashed downwards. An errant jerk from the kobold fouled his strike. His killing blow turned into a glancing one, and drew a line of red down the kobold’s torso. The kobold shrieked. The dazed effect dissipated and his eyes snapped into focus. In rage, the kobold thrust his spear at Kyran who was caught flat-footed by the its sudden recovery. He failed to parry the blow.

  You have been hit by a feral kobold. No damage taken, 10 piercing damage blocked by your fire shield. Remaining shield strength: 169/179 HP.

  He retreated backwards as his shield absorbed the damage. The kobold advanced, not giving Kyran an opportunity to recover. Forced on the defensive, Kyran frantically parried.

  The kobolds shriek had not gone unnoticed. It attracted the attention of the unafflicted kobolds. Whooping in fury, they charged Kyran, but accomplished little more than ensnaring themselves in the grasping roots. Spotting the approaching mass, Kyran abandoned his exchange with the injured kobold. He turned and fled. The kobold gave chase. On the run, Kyran teleported forward.

  You have cast teleport (self) and teleported 22m.

  Momentarily out of melee range, he about faced and cast mind shock. He summoned his will and flung a psi bolt at the pursing kobold. In an electric surge, the roiling ball of psi raced forward.

  Your mind shock has hit a feral kobold for 10 psi damage. Remaining health: 68/100 HP.

  The psi bolt ripped through its target’s unshielded mind. The kobold stumbled, clutching feebly at his head. Unrelenting, Kyran kept up his psi attacks.

  Your mind shock has hit a feral kobold for 16 psi damage. Remaining health: 52/100 HP.

  Your mind shock has hit a feral kobold for 15 psi damage. Remaining health: 37/100 HP.

  Your mind shock has hit a feral kobold for 12 psi damage. Remaining health: 25/100 HP.

  Your mind shock has hit a feral kobold for 10 psi damage. Remaining health: 15/100 HP.

  Your mind shock has hit a feral kobold for 16 psi damage. Remaining health: 0/100 HP.

  You have killed a feral kobold (4,830 XP gained: 90,615/200,000 combat XP).

  The kobold quickly succumbed, felled by the storm of psi bolts. In the momentary lull, Kyran assessed the battle. Only three of the twenty-four kobolds were dead. In the root field, ten kobolds struggled towards him. Beyond it, a small battle raged as the charmed and enraged kobolds fought their companions. There was no sign of the other kobold shaman. He checked his battle log; the confusion spell would remain active for another 100 seconds.

  He needed to stay out of melee range, else he would be overwhelmed by numbers alone. He continued his retreat and increased his distance from the pursuing kobolds. To further hamper their efforts, he cast slippery ice between the root field and himself.

  He took up position at the edge of the ice field and unleashed a deadly barrage of psi bolts upon the kobold warriors. Under the assault of the psionic bombardment, the kobolds plight was made worse as they stumbled and slipped through the hostile root and ice fields.

  You have cast 12 mind shocks and dealt a total of 170 psi damage. Cost: 384 Will.

  You have killed 2 feral kobolds (9,660 XP gained: 100,275/200,000 combat XP).

  Two more kobolds perished before the pursuing warband even covered half the distance of the ice field, but his reserve of will was nearly depleted. Concerned, he called up his status for review.

  Essence: 840/1200

  Will: 80/1020

  Stamina: 360/580

  His battle plan
was in danger of crumbling. He had failed to account for the hefty energy cost of the psi bolts. The psionic skill had not reduced the cost nearly enough. Undaunted yet, he changed tact and cast ice wall on the eight kobolds scrambling through the ice field.

  You have cast ice wall. At an effective skill level of 17.9, a wall of length 17.9m has been placed. Remaining duration: 179 seconds. Remaining wall strength: 179/179 HP.

  4 feral kobolds have been frozen within your ice wall and will each sustain 2 freezing damage per second.

  The remaining four kobolds ignored their companions’ plight and struggled onwards to Kyran. 60 seconds remained on the confusion spell. He would have to finish these four quickly, before the other kobolds regained their senses. Unfortunately, he could not take the attack to them on the ice field, he would be in as much danger of slipping as the kobolds. Unlike the root field, the ice field affected all creatures upon its surface and not just hostiles. Instead, at the edge of the ice field, he drew his sword and waited.

  The first kobold stumbled out of the ice field, with his fellows close behind. Kyran chopped downwards, not allowing the warrior to regain his balance. Seeing the descending blade, the kobold turned his fall into a tumble and rolled forwards, slipping under Kyran’s blow. Kyran followed. He slashed downwards again, this time in a mighty two-handed blow. Still on his knees, in the midst of regaining his feet, the kobold tried to ward off the blow with his spear.

  Kyran’s blade sang effortless through the spear, and with little trouble, continued into the kobold, splitting him open from sternum to rib cage. The kobold collapsed, lifeless.

  You have killed a feral kobold with a vital strike (4,830 XP gained: 105,105/200,000 combat XP).

  Blinking furiously to clear his blood-spattered eyes, Kyran turned. Only to find himself in the path of three spear thrusts. Reflexively, he thrust out his sword, and barely managed to turn the first spear. The other two continued unopposed – until they bounced off his fire shield.


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