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Lone Wolf (The Pack Book 5)

Page 18

by Kristin Coley

  “Sorry about that, Luke,” Dru said, coming over to stand beside the guy, who was apparently named Luke, and he leaned away from her to my satisfaction. “Are you hungry?” He didn’t respond, this time out of sheer terror but it didn’t matter because Dru snapped her fingers at Dom. “You have food, big guy?”

  A slow blink was the only response she got from the big guy and I had to choke back a laugh. One of the kids accidentally poked her in the butt with the plastic sword and she very dramatically cried, “Ouch,” covering the spot with her hand as she collapsed against the bar, stating, “I’m mortally wounded.” Giggles met her theatrics and I smiled at this unexpected side of her.

  Luke eyed her cautiously, some of his fear easing, and Dom relaxed the stick in his ass, as he went to the cabinet and got a handful of beef jerky, tossing it on the bar. Dru’s eyes lit up and she grabbed two pieces, one in each hand, as she exclaimed, “I love beef jerky.”

  She turned to Luke, gesturing with one of the sticks of jerky in her hand. “You like beef jerky?” He shrugged uncertainty, but took a piece as she took a bite of hers. “So what do you know about this auction?” She asked, straight to the point and we watched the kid tense. “I’m not going to kill you,” she said confidingly. “Neither are they,” she added, waving at me and Dom. “But we do need to know. It’s kind of a big deal to us if people are selling our kind, ya know?”

  He nodded, but didn’t speak.

  “How about Chuck? What’s he know?” My eyebrows came down as she mentioned Chuck and Dom glanced at me. I shrugged, having no idea who he was.

  “He’s my stepdad,” Luke choked out. “He’s not nice. I didn’t want nothing to do with you children of the night, I swear it.”

  I winced at his description of us and Dru’s mouth pulled to the side. “We’re not exactly children of the night,” she retorted. “Just another species.”

  “I don’t care,” he said desperately. “I don’t want to be one of you. I don’t want nothing to do with any of you. I swear.”

  “You can’t be one of us,” she informed him, patting his hand and I growled, feeling the hair on the back of my neck rise. She carefully pulled her hand back as Luke whimpered. “I respect your wishes, but I do need to know what you know before I can let you go.”

  “Nothing. I swear. He didn’t tell me anything. He made me come with him. He didn’t tell me what you were or what we were doing with you.” His eyes were pleading. “I don’t want to hurt anyone. I don’t want to be a werewolf.”

  She smiled tightly, but didn’t correct him again. “Did he mention a location or any names? Someone he answered to?” She prodded and Luke shook his head, taking a bite of the jerky.

  “Talk to Chuck. He was the one who planned all this. The only guy I met was someone named Strickland. He gave us the wolf,” Luke paused, glancing at Dru. “I mean, you, so I guess you know him.” She gave him a pained smile and he ducked his head in shame. “I don’t know anything else. I swear.”

  “I believe you, Luke,” she said with a sigh. “You didn’t actually like Chuck, did you?” She questioned, her mouth making a moue of distaste.

  He shook his head, staring at the table. “He married my ma, but he beat her and she died. Then he’d beat me and make me do stuff like this.”

  “Oh, that’s good,” Dru replied, a relieved laugh escaping her and Luke’s head slowly came up as we all stared at her. “What? He’s dead. I’m happy you’re not going to be upset about his death,” she explained as Dom glanced at me and I lifted my shoulder.

  “He’s dead,” Luke repeated and Dru nodded happily.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “What…what am I supposed to do now?” Luke questioned and Dru’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t have anyone else.”

  “You’re free,” Dru told him. “You can do whatever you want.”

  He stared at her blankly and a sigh gusted from her. “You won’t though.” She glanced around and shrugged. “You can stay here I guess. If you don’t mind children of the night,” she offered as her mouth widened in a broad smile, the sight semi terrifying.

  “What? No,” Dom protested. “No, this isn’t a half-way house. You take him.”

  Dru frowned at him. “You’re not very helpful,” she told him and I ran my hand over my face to hide my grin.

  “I don’t want to stay with your kind,” Luke complained, eyeing her like she was crazy. “You eat people.”

  Dru rolled her eyes. “People don’t feed a lot. Not enough meat,” she confided and Luke looked like he was about to piss himself.

  She sounds way too matter of fact, Dom sent over our link and I scratched my eyebrow, not answering.

  “How about this? You can go stay with my Gran.” She smiled and I recognized it as dangerous, but Luke didn’t have a clue. “She hates wolves, so you’ll be safe.”

  Luke nodded slowly. “Okay.”

  “Great. She can always use a strong pair of arms.” Dru stood up, motioning for him to get up. “Let’s go.”

  “Now?” Luke questioned hesitantly and Dru glanced at him in surprise.

  “I didn’t think you wanted to stay here.”

  “I don’t.”

  “Plus we need to go get a runaway wolf shifter,” she mentioned, nodding to Dom. “You coming?”

  “Yes,” Dom muttered, trailing behind her as she headed for the door, giving me a pissed off look. “Let’s all follow the new girl.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  As we went outside, the woman who had come with the wolf shifters joined us and I saw the massive mountain of a man lean down to kiss her sweetly. “Dom and his mate, Jess,” Caleb explained. “This is their house, those are their kids.”

  “He’s your Alpha.”


  I nodded at his confirmation as others came up to us. “I don’t think we should have a huge crowd,” I mentioned as more people continued to gather around and Caleb smiled.

  “They won’t. They’re just curious about you.”

  I frowned, puzzled. “Me?”

  “You’re my mate.”

  “Okaaaay,” I drawled, unsure why it mattered. Dom was explaining the situation to Jess as Luke huddled by himself.

  “You think bringing him to your Gran is a good idea?” Caleb asked, eyeing him.

  “She’ll keep him in line,” I answered with a shrug. “Or kill him.”

  “That doesn’t bother you?”

  “He made his choices, following Chuck even if he didn’t agree with him, whatever happens next is up to him,” I answered unconcerned. “We should run, it’ll be faster.”

  Dom heard me and gestured to Luke. “He can’t run, neither can Jess.”

  “Then you drive, but we’ll run,” I replied, not really caring.

  Dom looked at Caleb and I suspected they were having a conversation I wasn’t privy to. “Annoying, isn’t it?” The woman, Jess, said as she came up next to me.

  “It is,” I replied, glaring at them. “Do they do it a lot?”

  “Define a lot.”

  “Liam will take the Jeep with Jess and Luke,” Dom reported, then motioned to me and Caleb. “We’ll run ahead, and scout the situation.”

  “Sounds good,” Caleb answered, giving me a look. I know it’s hard, but he is my Alpha, yours too if you join the Pack.

  His words silenced me as I considered the real possibility of finally having a Pack to run with, something that had seemed impossible for so long. The Jeep drove away and the guys started to strip down so I started the shift, not bothering to undress since I didn’t know how jealous Caleb might be. Bones cracked, the pain a familiar one, but this time magic raced through me, soothing the pain almost as soon as it presented itself. It was like watching a shift happen in slow motion, except it was me and for the first time, it wasn’t an agonizing ordeal.

  Dru? Caleb questioned, no doubt sensing my shock.

  It didn’t hurt, I told him, almost breathless with joy. It didn�
��t hurt.

  I noticed, he replied, his smile filling my head. I guess your magic is good for more than levitating. I felt his puzzlement though as he looked at me. I thought you were a white wolf.

  I can change my fur to match any color in my hair, I answered, dropping my head in a playful bow. Can’t you?

  No, he called as I bounded away, taking the lead from Dom, who snapped at my heels, his wolf as massive as the man. The Alpha usually leads, Caleb informed me, racing to catch up.

  Then he should be faster, I replied carelessly, the feel of earth under my paws giving me speed as instinct guided me home. Both wolves chased after me, but never managed to get closer than the tip of my tail as we ran for the border. Stay behind me, I warned as we came closer. I’ll lead you through the traps.

  My words were unnecessary though as we came to border and saw Gran standing there, Paige at her side. Gregory stood there as well, but that wasn’t what drew my attention. I shifted to human form, walking slowly to the border, a deep breath filling my lungs as I heard the sweet sound of birds chirping.

  “What happened?” I questioned, the words verbal and mental.

  Gran smiled, the sight so shocking I blinked. “You accepted the magic inside of you,” she answered as Caleb and Dom came up behind me. “Your mother’s magic.”

  “No,” I shook my head, looking to Paige. “It’s yours. The magic goes to you. Not me, I’m a mutant.”

  Gran’s mouth pinched regretfully. “You’re not a mutant, Drusilla. Or a freak. You are unique. An amazing gift.”

  “But I’m a wolf shifter. You hate shifters.”

  “I admit wolf shifters have taken much from me, but I could never hate you, Dru,” Gran replied carefully. “You are my blood. My family and whether you realize it or not, I love every part of you.”

  “But all this time, you punished me because of the wolf,” I protested as Caleb took my hand, offering a comfort I didn’t know I needed. “You would starve me, cage me, for what if not because you hated me?”

  “I wanted you to survive, Drusilla.” Gran swallowed, her voice thick. “I knew they would come for you eventually, and all I could do was make sure you were strong enough to survive whatever they would do to you.” She frowned in remorse. “My methods might not have been the best.”

  “You think?” Caleb commented, drawing her attention. “And what you did to me? You almost killed Dru.”

  Gran nodded. “I realized that after the fact. That you had established a mate bond with my granddaughter without my permission. I wondered how you were able to sustain the shifts for so long.”

  “Why though? Why hurt the shifters who came here?” I asked, waving my hand. “What difference did it make?”

  “I was trying to find a way to heal you. I knew what the shift cost you. I thought if I could separate the wolf from the witch then you would be safe. I was wrong,” Gran pronounced carefully. “But in my defense, most of the shifters who came here deserved exactly what they got. They came seeking power, your power, and would have destroyed you to get it.”

  I couldn’t argue with her, since I knew she was right. There had been more than a few Hanleys and some lone wolves who thought they could take our land and me. Paige darted forward, crossing the border without hesitation and I cried out, Stop, you’ll die.

  No, I won’t, Paige promised, her arms coming around me. You lifted the curse on this land. You accepted the magic into you and now we’re all free.

  It was me? I frowned, devastated by the revelation. “It was always me?”

  “It’s not your fault,” Gran stated, walking up to us. “You were a child when your mother died, and her death was something no child should ever have witnessed. You couldn’t process it, you rejected the magic you should have inherited. There was nothing I could but hope eventually you could accept who you were, and the magic that is half of who you are.”

  “But why didn’t it go to Paige?” I argued. “She’s a true witch.”

  “So are you,” Gran snapped. “You adored your father and he encouraged the wolf in you, but neglected the other half of you. Your existence is a beautiful blend of two incredible gifts and that is terrifying to some. You are powerful, Dru, and you should never hide that power.”

  “I thought you hated me because I was a wolf,” I murmured and Gran sighed.

  “I never hated you. How could I hate someone who reminded me so much of myself?” Gran glanced at my hand entwined with Caleb’s and bit her lip. “I only wanted you to be happy. Happy in your own skin and to not feel the need to hide who you were. I didn’t want you to make the same mistakes I made.” She looked at Caleb, her lips pursuing. “Perhaps, you chose better than I did. He’s certainly stubborn enough.”

  “Will you give us your blessing?” I asked boldly and she stared at me for a second, her mouth twisting as she gave me a short nod. “Thank you.”

  “It’s time I let the past go too,” she admitted, her gaze straying to Gregory. Paige clapped, startling us, as she glanced around, her smile brighter than the sun.

  I love a happy ending, she sighed, clasping her hands.

  “Where’s Monster?” Dom interrupted, not hearing Paige, his gaze impatient as it swept the clearing. “You better not have hurt my wife’s little brother because I do not want to hear about that shit for the next twenty years,” he added, pointing his finger and Gran’s mouth drew up.

  “You better put that finger down before I break it,” she ordered and he lowered his hand, drawing back warily. “Your brother is fine.”

  “Brother in law,” Dom corrected, glancing around. “Then where is he?”

  “I’m here,” Monster answered sheepishly, stepping from the cover of the trees. “I showed up, ready to rescue Paige from her Gran, but it wasn’t necessary.”

  Gran is going to let me come stay with you, Paige told me excitedly, almost bouncing. Monster was telling me about high school. It’s real, Dru. Not just in books.

  “I think she’s a little old for high school,” Caleb said out of the corner of his mouth and I shrugged.

  “What difference does it make? Do they kick you out if you’re too old?” I asked and he shook his head as he answered, “No, we can fudge her age if necessary.” I nodded crisply as Dom stared at us in confusion.

  Is this what you want, Paige? To come and stay in a house with me? Go to school? I wanted to make sure it was what Paige wanted and not what I wanted for her, but I wasn’t above bribery either. They have hot showers and washing machines.

  Paige’s eyes rounded as she squealed. Yes, it’s everything I want. He can hear me, Paige confided, her gaze darting to Monster. I like talking to him.

  I’m glad, I told her as Caleb suddenly smirked, his gaze going to Dom.

  “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me,” Dom burst out, pacing away from us as he ran his hands through his black hair, those yellow eyes glaring at nothing. “I’m not ready for this.” He waved his hand between Monster and Paige. “No mating until you’re both out of the damn house.” He shook his head. “Thomas is going to kill me. He leaves for two weeks and now his son is in love.” He grimaced. “With a witch.” He dropped his hands. “Just shoot me now.”

  Gran smiled as she said, “I can arrange that.”

  Author’s Note:

  Caleb’s story was a difficult one to write. It took me months longer than I thought it would and it changed a dozen times in the process, but I love Caleb and Dru together, and hope I did their story justice. There’s just something about alpha males and wolf shifters that I have always loved. Originally, I never intended to write Caleb’s story, but it kept nagging at me, an unfinished thread, a boy Alpha that needed time to grow up and redeem himself. I feel he did just that and with Dru by his side, I imagine there’s nothing they can’t accomplish. Now, Monster….he’s a whole different story.

  If you want to see what’s coming next, check out my Facebook page, Kristin Coley Author, or my website,, once there you can always
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  Happy reading,





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