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Understanding Context

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by Andrew Hinton

  teaching conventions of, What Writing Does

  Graph Search, Facebook, The Ontology of Self

  graphic arts, composition in, Composition in Other Disciplines

  graphical information, The Role of Metaphor

  graphical parking sign, Visual Information

  Greenfield, Adam, Everyware, Ambient Agents

  groups, using term, Labels and Ontology, Rules and Choreography, The Tales Organizations Tell

  Guilbert, Juliette, on using Rooms, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces


  Hall, Edward T.

  high and low context model, “Proxemics” as a Structural Model

  on proxemics, “Proxemics” as a Structural Model

  Hamlet on the Holodeck (Murray), Contemplating “Cyberspace”

  haptic interfaces, Semantic Function

  HCI (Human-Computer Interaction), A Mainstream View of Cognition, Making Things Make Sense, launching of, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces

  Heidegger, Martin, Umwelts, Objects

  Here Comes Everybody (Shirky), Social Architectures

  hierarchies vs. nesting, The Principle of Nesting

  hierarchy of categories, learning, Digital Environments and Nesting

  Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory, What is Memory?

  Hinton, Erin, Digital Learning and Agency

  Hinton, Madeline, Structure of Speech, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces

  Holtzblatt, Karen

  Contextual Design, Blueprints, Floor Plans, Bubbles, and Blobs

  contextual design development, Observing Context

  Home Depot, giving semantic structure to overlap of online and in-store shopping, Inhabiting Two Worlds at Once

  How to Make Sense of Any Mess (Covert), The Organization as Medium, Blueprints, Floor Plans, Bubbles, and Blobs

  hubs, websites using, Structures for Tacit Satisficing

  Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), A Mainstream View of Cognition, Making Things Make Sense


  as symbol-laden, Semantic Function

  culture, meaning and product, Meaning, Culture, and “Product”

  emergence of cognition, Digital Learning and Agency


  built, What Humans Make

  cognitively-active vs. cognitively-passive way-finders, The Built Environment

  social, The Built Environment

  experience of information environments, Contemplating “Cyberspace”

  interfaces and

  about, Digital Interaction

  approaching physical affordances, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  design of interactions, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  modes and meaning, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  range of information, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  simulation interaction on, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  language and, Coda

  making sense through stories, Narratives and Situations

  memory of, Digital Learning and Agency

  hyperlinks, establishing relationships using, Relationships and Taxonomy


  iCloud service (Apple), Labels and Ontology


  as graphical information, Visual Information

  as signifier, Signs: Icons, Indexes, and Symbols

  ideas vs. information, in affordances, Affordances are value-neutral

  identity, constructed, “Proxemics” as a Structural Model

  The Image of the City (Lynch), What Humans Make

  If This Then That (IFTTT), cloud-based service, Everyday Digital Agents, Rules and Choreography

  implicit vs. explicit memory, environment and, Learning and Remembering are Entangled with Environment

  In Organising Knowledge (Lambe), Relationships and Taxonomy

  indexes, as signifier, Indexes

  information, Modes of Information

  (see also physical information)

  cognition acting upon, Directly Perceived versus Indirectly Meaningful

  digital (see digital information)

  ecological psychology definition of, Information of a Different Sort

  foraging for, Variant Modes and Digital Places

  language creating meaningful, Directly Perceived versus Indirectly Meaningful

  pace layers of, Starting from the Bottom

  proliferation of, writing and, What Writing Does

  recoining word, Shannon’s Logic

  storage and retrieval of, What Writing Does

  transmission of, writing and, What Writing Does

  use of word, A New, Working Definition of Context

  Information Anxiety (Wurman), Modes of Information, Architecture + Information

  Information Architects (Wurman), Architecture + Information

  Information Architecture for the World Wide Web (Morville and Rosenfeld), Architecture + Information

  information architectures

  about, Information Architectures for Places and People, Coda

  accommodating meaning people give to actions, Rules and Choreography

  consistency of, Something to Walk On

  context and, About Definitions


  as place, Information as Architecture

  meatspace vs., Identity

  porous nature of cyberplaces, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces

  definitions about, Expansive IA

  labels in, Labels and Ontology

  looking at methods, Models and Making


  as instrument of power, Vancouver

  language creating places and, What Makes Places

  making places and, What Makes Places

  organizational, Vancouver

  procedural generation in, Augmented and Blended Places

  territory and, Mapping and Placemaking

  materials of, The Materials of Semantic Function


  augmented and blended places (see augmented and blended places)

  in organizational maps, Vancouver

  language creating, What Makes Places

  making, What Makes Places

  mapping and, Mapping and Placemaking

  usages and versions of the phrase, Contemplating “Cyberspace”

  websites, Relationships and Taxonomy

  works on, Contemplating “Cyberspace”, Architecture + Information

  information environments, definition of, About Definitions

  information foraging theory, Foraging for Information

  information landscape, navigating, The Map That Makes Itself

  information model

  Digital mode in, Modes of Information

  modes of, Modes of Information

  pace layers of information vs., Starting from the Bottom

  Physical mode in, Modes of Information

  Semantic mode in, Modes of Information

  information pickup, Action and the Perceptual System

  information technology, as Digital mode in information model, Modes of Information

  intentions and intersections, People Make Sense Through Stories

  interaction, simulated on digital devices

  about, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  approaching physical affordances, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  design of, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  range of information, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  interfaces, humans and

  about, Digital Interaction

  approaching physical affordances, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  design of interactions, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  modes and meaning, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  range of information, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

  simulation interaction on, Semantic Function of Simulated Objects

bsp; internal consistency, external and, Something to Walk On

  Internet of Things, The Porous Nature of Cyberplaces

  intersections and intentions, People Make Sense Through Stories

  Intertwingled (Morville), Expansive IA


  about, The Elements of the Environment

  affordances and, Compound Invariants

  compound, Examples of Invariants, Physical and Semantic Confusion

  digital, Compound Invariants

  examples of, Invariants

  variants as contrast to, Examples of Invariants

  iPhone, Case Study: Facebook Beacon

  (see also smartphones)

  Albums structure, The Role of Metaphor

  as modal device, Modes and Meaning

  teenage girls without, Identity


  Jacobs, Jane, Mapping and Placemaking

  James, William, A Growing Challenge, Information of a Different Sort

  Jastrow, J., The mind’s eye (Popular Science Monthly), Ducks, Rabbits, and Calendars

  Johnson, Mark, Metaphors We Live By, Structure of Speech

  Journey Maps, A Fresh Look at Our Methods, Perspectives and Journeys


  Kahn, Louis

  on architectural plans as society of rooms, Composition in Other Disciplines

  on exchanging thoughts, Making Things Make Sense

  Kahneman, Daniel, Thinking Fast and Slow, Attention, Control, and Learning

  Kay, Alan, Environments, Elements, and Information

  keyboard, as human interface, Digital Interaction

  Kitchin, Rob

  Code/Space, The Role of the Web

  on places as robots, Ambient Agents

  on software embedded in material objects, The Role of the Web

  on software properties, Digital Learning and Agency

  Klyn, Dan

  on choreography, Rules and Choreography

  on ontology, Labels and Ontology

  Ontology, Taxonomy, and Choreography model, Elements

  knowledge in head vs. knowledge in world, Environment, and Explicit versus Implicit Memory

  Kohls website, using term account, Labels and Ontology

  Korzybski, Alfred, on maps and territory, Mapping and Placemaking

  Kuleshov, Lev, films of, Qualities of Composition


  labeling function, of language, Tools for Understanding, What Writing Does


  about, Elements

  as signifiers, Relationships and Taxonomy

  in information architecture materials model, The Materials of Semantic Function

  in information architectures, Labels and Ontology

  in semantic interfaces, Labels and Ontology

  modifying environment with, What Makes Places

  ontology and, Labels and Ontology

  Ladner, Sam, on collision of fronts, Collisions and Fronts

  Lakoff, George, Metaphors We Live By, Structure of Speech

  LambdaMOO (MUDs), as virtual place, Of Dungeons and Quakes

  Lambe, Patrick, In Organising Knowledge, Relationships and Taxonomy


  about, Language as Environment, How Language Works

  adding to confusion, Physical and Semantic Confusion

  architecture and, Semantic Architecture

  as environment

  body action and, Language as Infrastructure

  creating infrastructure, Semantic Function

  role of metaphor, Structure of Speech

  semantic architecture, Tools for Understanding

  semantic function, Semantic Function

  structure of speech, Language and the Body

  visual information, The Role of Metaphor

  as infrastructure, Semantic Function

  as Semantic mode in information model, Modes of Information

  contextual, Signification Conflation

  conversation and, The Social Map

  creating meaningful information, Directly Perceived versus Indirectly Meaningful

  disconnecting from physical environment, Physical and Semantic Confusion


  punctuation, The Structure of Writing

  rules of, Structure of Speech

  teaching conventions of, What Writing Does

  humans wrapped up in, Coda

  labeling function of, Tools for Understanding, What Writing Does

  levels of linguistic structure, How Language Works

  oral, The Origins of Writing, What Writing Does

  physical nature of, Language as Infrastructure

  places and, What Makes Places

  reciprocal affordances and, Tools for Understanding

  reification in, The Superpowers of Symbols

  role of metaphor, Structure of Speech

  sensemaking and, Making Things Make Sense

  signification conflation in, The Superpowers of Symbols


  modes of, Looking at Language

  signs and, The Superpowers of Symbols


  about, Looking at Language

  icons and, Signs: Icons, Indexes, and Symbols

  indexes and, Indexes

  signifiers and, The Superpowers of Symbols

  symbols and, Indexes

  subvocalization, Language as Infrastructure

  symbols in, Symbols

  taxonomies and, Relationships and Taxonomy

  writing vs. spoken word for computers, Digital Learning and Agency

  Lanier, Jaron, You Are Not a Gadget, The Ontology of Self

  laptop, OLPC “XO”, societies adaptation to, Meaning, Culture, and “Product”

  Laurel, Brenda (Computers as Theatre), Contemplating “Cyberspace”

  layout, Layout


  computers having embodied, Digital Learning and Agency

  environment and, Learning and Remembering versus Memory

  explicit vs. implicit memory and, Learning and Remembering are Entangled with Environment

  hierarchy of categories, Digital Environments and Nesting

  memory vs. remembering and, Learning and Remembering versus Memory

  motivation and, What Does All This Mean for Design?

  learning environment, memory and, Environmental Control

  Lewin, Kurt, A Spectrum of Conscious Attention

  Lewin’s Equation, A Spectrum of Conscious Attention

  LG Corp, collecting private viewing-habits data, Ambient Agents

  Life on the Screen (Turkle), Contemplating “Cyberspace”, “Proxemics” as a Structural Model


  defining categories for relationships on, “Proxemics” as a Structural Model

  mechanisms for knowing who views profiles, Networked Publics

  links, purpose in information architecture of, The Materials of Semantic Function

  lists, What Writing Does

  logic, writing and creation of, What Writing Does


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