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His Forever Love

Page 4

by Darling, Lucy

  I reach out of the elevator and snag her around the waist to pull her on with me. She comes easily, her body melting into mine. That’s all she gets to say before I’m kissing her. The elevator ride, like all the others this week, is far too short for my liking.

  We break apart when the doors open, and she strolls off like nothing happened. My cock is harder than it’s ever been in my life. You’d have no idea that thirty minutes ago I was standing in my shower trying to fix the problem.

  Thing is, my dick knew where I was going. I didn’t only get Willow’s phone number, I got her school schedule as well. Now I find myself meeting her on the elevator every morning to get a taste of her. She lets me have it then strolls off, leaving me behind.

  “Bring home the win, Bear.” She winks at me as she pushes out the doors to our building. I stand there and watch her until she’s out of sight. Today was different. There were no classes for her, but I told her I was getting on the elevator and that I expected to see her. There she was wearing a big smile when I stepped on, doing exactly as I’d asked, but still I was annoyed. That annoyance only grows as I follow her out and head toward my car. The more time I spend with her, the harder it is for me to be without her.

  I pull out my phone and text her. She’s been calling me Bear for the last few days. I finally break and ask her about it. That’s all I’ve been doing lately: breaking down and bending all the rules when it comes to her. I want to blame her for it, but it would be bullshit. I’m always the one seeking her out. She doesn't push me away, but she doesn't try to pull me in either. Still, I keep falling more and more for her. I can’t stay away.

  Theo: Why do you call me Bear?

  I hit send on the text and climb into my car. I drive the short distance to the university, park my car and head inside to get ready for the game tonight.

  Willow: Theodore = Teddy, but I think you’re more of a bear. You growl a lot. Do you cuddle?

  Her response has my lips twitching. No one calls me Teddy. I know it’s common for people with the name Theodore, but she went and took it even further. It’s not surprising after watching way more of her social media than I should have.

  Theo: You going to the game tonight?

  Willow: Maybe

  I grit my teeth and toss my phone onto my desk so I don’t demand that she be there. It’s better if she’s not. I need to concentrate. I need to get my head in the game; that’s where it should be. I have a responsibility to my team. I also know that everyone is watching me to see how I perform. Some said I was in over my head when I took the coaching job, and others always thought it was a move I’d make.

  The day is both long and fast. My eyes keep scanning the stands behind me, but there’s no sight of Willow and Zoey anywhere. I grab Reid and pull him over to the side. I'm sure he knows where they are. He always knows where Zoey is, and wherever she is, Willow will be too.

  “Where are the girls?” I nod to the two empty seats.

  “You want to do this now?” I know Reid has some idea about what is going on between Willow and me at this point. I mean, Zoey had busted us in the elevator. The three of them pretty much live together. “I told Willow I’d stay out of it.” He gives me a hard look. We are almost the same height. He has an inch on me, but where he’s lean so he can move fast, I'm wide and built like a tank. “For now,” he adds. I release him, not wanting to drag him into whatever the fuck this is.

  I pull out my phone to text her but notice I have a text from my mom saying she and Dad will be at the game too.

  Bear: Get here.

  I send the text to Willow before I can stop myself. Again, ordering her ass around. Why the hell do I do that? I’m such a dick, but for some reason I can’t stop myself from telling her to do shit. Then when she does it, I get so fucking hard my balls ache.

  My eyes go back to the stands, and I see my parents have already arrived. They wave at me, and my mom mouths an I’m sorry. When Tiffany leans over in front of her, waving at me, I inwardly groan. I nod my chin, once again trying not to be rude, but that girl is pushing it.

  Fucking hell. Their seats are right behind Zoey and Willow. My phone goes off, and I check it again.

  Willow: Stop growling. I’m getting snacks.

  Willow: You wearing those slacks again? They make your ass look good.

  “It’s true. The girls talk about it around campus.”

  “Knight. Mind your damn business.” I growl at Reid, making him laugh.

  “You made it my business when you pulled me aside earlier. You do sound like a bear.” He keeps on poking. “Remember you can’t hit me. I’m the star.”

  “You’re an asshole is what you are.”

  “She’s got you all twisted up.” He smirks before heading off to talk to Evan, our star receiver. I try and get my head back in game mode. It’s not until I see Willow sit her ass in the stands behind me that I find myself relaxing. But it does nothing for the growing obsession I have for her.



  Unlike the last time I was here, I actually catch Bear sneaking glances my way. “I think he keeps looking at you,” Zoey says, noticing too. This game would be near damn perfect if it wasn't for Tiffany. I’m a tad shocked she’s at a football game. I suppose I wouldn’t come to them either if it wasn't for Reid. Though they really are starting to grow on me.

  I jump to my feet with Zoey as Reid lobs a ball down the field straight into Evan’s hands. We scream as he flies down the field, missing a few hits before scoring. Zoey and I jump up and down, screaming. This game is starting off fast.

  The older couple behind us gives us high fives. All the while Tiffany stands there covering her ears. The cheering dies down, and we all take our seats. The game goes pretty much the same way the entire time. Reid continues to drive down the field easily over and over again. College football is looking as easy as high school was for Reid.

  “Wait. Are you Reid Knight’s girlfriend?” Both Zoey and I turn to look at the older blonde woman. “He’s such a sweet boy. I met him once.” I can tell Zoey is trying not to laugh at someone calling Reid a boy.

  “I am. Zoey.” She holds her hand out, introducing herself.

  “I’m Theo’s mom, Alice, and this is my husband, Jim.”

  Zoey shakes their hands. “This is my best friend, Willow,” she introduces me, all the while trying to fight a smile.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” They take my hand next. I don’t know how I missed it before. Theo looks a lot like both of them.

  “You’ve never met the Graysons?” Tiffany slips herself right into the conversation. “Willow is a Harlow,” she informs them. My last name doesn't embarrass me, but it does make me feel a little shy. A lot of people's attitudes change toward me when they realize who my parents are. Some act overly nice, and others quickly run away, thinking I’m stuck-up.

  “I’ve met your mother.”

  “Yes, she is out and about a lot.” There is nothing more my mother loves than a social event. Don’t get me wrong; the woman does a million fundraisers, but the truth of it is that she wants the spotlight on herself and not necessarily the cause.

  At least it still raises money, so there is that. If I could offer her some time in the spotlight, maybe she might throw some attention my way.

  “It’s lovely to meet you. Are you a freshman?”

  “Yep.” A freshman that keeps having random make-out sessions with your son. I’m sure that’s not something she would be thrilled about. She and Tiffany actually look pretty chummy together.

  Zoey jumps up from her seat screaming, and I realize I missed a play. Everyone is cheering again. Bear looks my way and smirks, making all my insides melt.

  “He can’t even smile. So grumpy lately,” I hear Bear’s mom say from behind me as I sit back down with everyone.

  “He’s got a lot on his plate. It’s a new job,” Jim says.

  “I know, he’s always so laid back. I’m not sure what it is. He wasn't even like this be
fore the Superbowl.” I can’t stop myself from listening to everything they say. I don’t know much about Theo, so I eat up every bit of information I can get.

  “He was really sweet on our date,” Tiffany chimes in, and now I want to turn my ears off. My phone dings in my hand.

  Zoey: But she doesn't know if he tastes sweet.

  I glance over at her, and she winks at me. I can always count on her to have my back.

  “I hope he’s not too tired after the game so we can grab some dinner,” I hear Tiffany tell Theo’s parents. Zoey grabs my hand and squeezes it. I bite my tongue and try to ignore her and continue to watch the game. But that doesn’t stop the jealousy that’s bubbling up inside of me.

  I know Bear told me nothing was going on between him and Tiffany. It doesn’t mean something hasn’t changed. Things between him and me have changed since the first time I met him.

  We don’t even have a label on what we are, though. It should be none of my business, but with him bossing me around that should give me the right to stake a claim over him.

  “We actually have plans with him to grab a bite right after. He’s been so busy that we haven’t really seen him.” It almost sounds like Theo’s mom is making an excuse. I want to turn around to look at her facial expression, but I don’t want to make it obvious.

  “That works out perfectly then. We can all go together.” I’m thankful they can’t see my face, or they’d see me rolling my eyes. My mood starts to sour as the game goes on. It doesn't stop me from listening in on them, though.

  Bear’s mom goes on about him. It’s actually really sweet and endearing. I can tell from the way she talks that he’s close to both his mom and dad. I also learn how coaching college football has always been his end goal.

  “You okay?” Zoey asks, leaning in close so only I can hear her. I nod my head yes, but she doesn't buy it. If people were to find out about Bear and me, could he get fired? I’m sure it wouldn't look great to everyone that he’s hooking up with an incoming freshman at the university he just started working at. Worry settles in my stomach at that thought.

  For the rest of the game it’s all I can think about. What if we could never go public? I’d be a tucked-away secret that he would have to see when he had the time. This has heartbreak written all over it. I would be settling for the same life I already have. It would be no different than how my parents treat me. They have to find time to fit me into their lives. I can't let myself fall into that when it comes to Theo. I shake all of those thoughts from my head. It really doesn't matter. I’m getting way ahead of myself.

  I jerk back to reality when everyone starts to scream. The game is over, and our team scored another win. The crowd starts to rush forward, and I get to my feet to rush the field with everyone else. When I get to the side, a hand comes out to help me over the wall.

  Bear helps me down before he helps Zoey down too. A second later Reid is there, grabbing her and pulling her in for a kiss. I peek over at Bear, biting the inside of my cheek because I really want to kiss him. It only reminds me of the reality of how our relationship will be.

  His eyes drop to my mouth, and I can’t stop myself from brushing myself against him. People are everywhere. His hand grabs my hip, and he squeezes.

  “Theo!” The moment is gone when Tiffany squeals his name. He drops his hand from me, and I slip away, not wanting to stay and watch Tiffany fawn all over him. It doesn’t matter if he’s into it or not. The fact that she can outwardly want and be with him is too much for me to handle right now.

  I pull out my phone to text Zoey to let her know that I’m heading home. She and Reid have gotten lost in the crowd, or more likely they’re off somewhere making out.

  Me: Going to head home. Can we hang tonight? I could use a girl’s night.

  Zoey: Everything ok?

  I want to tell her no, that I’m torn up inside about my feelings for Theo but that will have to wait for tonight.

  Me: Yeah. Talk later when you get home. Love you.

  I put my phone back in my pocket and head off the field. The crowd is rowdy with adrenaline, and I know tonight's party at the frat house will probably be lit. If today reminded me of anything, it’s that I need to mingle more on campus with people my own age. I think a party is just the thing I need to bring me out of this funk.



  “Sorry,” Mom whispers into my ear as she gives me a hug. I squeeze her a little tighter, telling her it’s fine. It’s not. The last thing I want is for Willow to think I have something going on with Tiffany.

  I’ve already had to clear that up once. Now she is going to think I’m a fucking liar. There was no missing the flash of jealousy I’d seen in her eyes before she quickly masked it and slipped into the crowd to get away from me. I don’t care for the fact that she’s jealous, but it does mean I’m getting under her skin. God knows she is under mine.

  “Do you want to meet us for dinner?” I hear Tiffany ask as I release my mom.

  “I have a press conference.”

  “Well, after,” she pushes.

  “It’s fine, sweetheart. Go do what you need to. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Mom jumps in, cutting Tiffany off. I try to fight a smirk because while she saved me from Tiffany, she used it in her favor to get me to commit to going to her house tomorrow.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow,” I tell my mom as Dad wraps an arm around her. I give Tiffany a nod before I push my way toward the locker room.

  I pull out my phone to see if I have any new messages. I don’t, but I decide to send one of my own. The thought of Willow being sad is one I don’t care for. I need to make sure I clear things up.

  Me: Where did you go?

  It shows that she read the text, but she doesn't respond to me. As irritated as I am not knowing where she is going, my cock starts to harden at her being a brat.

  I try to get through the press conference as quickly as possible. I swear I would cancel it if it weren’t important. For some reason I know she’s going to do something to piss me off. I can feel it.

  Again, as irritated as I am at the thought of that, I fight a smile. There are not many people in my life that challenge me in the way that she does. I have to admit that I enjoy every second of it.

  I send a few more texts and even call as I make my way back toward my place. When she still doesn't respond, I find myself getting off on her floor and making my way to her door.

  I knock over and over again, and no one answers. I pull out my phone and call Reid. I have no doubt he’ll know where Willow is.

  “Yo.” Reid answers the call.

  “You at the party tonight?” I get straight to the point. My irritation is growing by the second. This girl is really fucking with my head.

  “About to go down there now to meet my girl,” he responds. I ask a question I’m pretty sure I already know the answer to if Zoey is at the party.

  “Is Willow with her?”

  “Why?” He knows why. He’s going to take his shot at a little payback about the comments I made about him keeping his head in the game and not on a girl. I’ve made myself a hypocrite, further pissing myself off. I’m losing my damn mind and not acting rational. I’m always rational.

  “Answer the damn question.”

  “Yeah.” Some of the tension leaves my body. I have a location.

  “Keep those frat boys away from her.” I end the call, getting back onto the elevator to head over toward Reid’s frat house. I have no clue what I’m going to do when I get there. If I barge in and pull Willow out of there, rumors will spread like wildfire, I’m sure.

  Even though I know this, I still half jog toward the house to get to her. My mind keeps racing with thoughts of some little shits trying to touch her and nothing else. I need to keep my cool and come up with a plan. I can’t barge in there, throw her over my shoulder, and walk out. That’s exactly what my instincts are telling me to do. To say fuck everything else. My phone goes off.

  Reid: She’s
headed out. You got her?

  I glance up, looking around for her. Why did she leave already?

  Then I see her headed right toward me. I shoot a text back to Reid that I’ve got her. If I didn’t know he was so in love with Zoey, I might wanna beat his ass because of my jealousy. He’s close to her in a way that I’m not. At least not yet. I pocket my phone.

  Willow’s head is down, and she’s looking at her phone as she walks quickly in my direction. I don’t care that the university is lit up like a football field. It’s night, and she should be paying attention to where she’s going. I step right into her path to prove my point.

  “Shit.” She yelps when she runs right into me. I grab her shoulders to make sure she doesn’t fall on her ass. The small contact is enough to make me hard. My body is acting like a teenage boy with no control.

  “Sorry. I…” Her words trail off when she sees who she’s run into. Her plump lips form a perfect O shape. My mind goes to me pushing my cock past those lips.

  “I said no more frat parties.” She rolls her eyes as me. “I see your phone is working fine.” I can see she changed her clothes and is now all dressed up.

  “Do I look like I’m at a frat party?”

  “Why did you leave?”

  “My ex was there, and I didn’t want to deal with him tonight.” In one quick move I lift her, tossing her over my shoulder. She lets out a squeal of surprise. “Put me down.” She gives my ass a smack.

  “You have a fascination with my ass, I’m starting to notice.”

  “It is nice,” she says with a huff of annoyance that I’m not buying. “Don’t act like you don’t know it’s nice. It’s all over the blogs; girls have been talking about it for years since you were in the NFL.” She lets out another huff, this one louder, and I actually believe it.


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