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His Forever Love

Page 9

by Darling, Lucy

  “I want you naked with only that ring on your finger,” I tell her when we get to our room. I slide the key in. As soon as the door closes, I’m on her. This time is different from all the other times, though. Seeing her with that ring on her finger makes me ache for her more than I usually do, and I didn’t think that was even possible.

  “Bear, I have to tell you something,” she gets out between kisses.

  “Tell me.” I kiss her neck.

  “I can’t think when you do that.” She tilts her head to the side. I lift my head to meet her gaze.

  I carry her over to the sofa, sitting down with her in my lap. I tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear.

  “You can tell me anything, Willow. You’re going to be my wife. No secrets. We stick with each other.” She nods in agreement. “Is this about the bullshit text you sent me?”

  “Tiffany is trying to blackmail me.” My grip on her hips tightens. “She has pictures of us.”

  “It really doesn't matter at this point. Everyone knows.”

  “I still can’t believe you did that.” Her face lights up with a smile.

  “I want everyone to know you’re mine and I don’t share.” She lets out a small laugh.

  “She tried to get money from me too.”

  I close my eyes, hating that she has to deal with this bullshit. “That woman needs help.”

  “There is more I need to tell you.” She licks her lips. My cock jerks under her. The heat of her pussy is pressed against it. “I’m pregnant,” she blurts out. I kiss her.

  “How did I get so lucky?” Before she can answer, I’m kissing her again. “Wait. Have you eaten dinner? Do you need something to drink?” I lift her off my lap.

  “I’m fine,” she tries to tell me. I grab the room service menu and call down an order. I make my way back to her. I drop down to my knees in front of her, my hand going to her stomach.

  “How do you feel about this? What about school? What about all of the things you’ve worked so hard to accomplish on your own? Your future?” Even though I am over the moon, worry settles inside of me. The thought of her resenting me one day creeps back in.

  “Hey! I’m excited. I want a family of my own. And I can still do all of those things, but my future is with you.” She places her hand over mine on her stomach.

  “I never really gave too much thought to having kids. Then when you came along, it was all I could think about. I knew what I was doing each time I came inside of you.”

  The pink blush blossoms on her cheeks. “We’re crazy. You don’t think we’re moving too fast?”

  I bark out a laugh. “Baby, you pretty much live with me. I haven’t let you out of my bed since this started. You’re my forever. We don’t have to play by others' rules. We have our own.”

  “I really do love you so much. You have no idea how much you’ve filled my heart. You make me feel wanted.”

  “I promise you, you’re more than wanted.” I kiss her. I start to pull at her clothes when a knock sounds at the door. “That was fast. You eat and then I’ll eat you.”

  She laughs like I’m joking.

  I open the door to see Tiffany standing there. For the first time she’s not all dolled up like a Stepford wife.

  “You’re abandoning your unborn child!” she screeches.

  “Tiffany.” I try and keep my voice calm. “I’m not the father of your baby.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  I look over my shoulder to see Willow getting close. “Go sit back down. I’ve got this.” I tell her.

  She lets out a loud gasp, her eyes going wide. When I look back to Tiffany, she has a gun pointed right at me.

  Her hand shakes as she takes the pointed gun off me, going to Willow. I jump in front of her. Fear like I’ve never felt pumps through me. I’d die protecting Willow and our baby. I won’t let anyone hurt my family.

  “This is all her fault! What’s so great about her? We could be so good together. She’s just a little girl who knows nothing about life. How could she ever make you happy?”

  “Why don’t you put the gun down and we can talk this out.”

  “No! If I can’t have you no one else can. She can suffer and know what it feels like to not have you.”

  She lets out a scream as Reid grabs her from behind, lifting her off her feet. The gun goes off. I reach out and snag it from her.

  “Willow!” I bellow as I turn to go find her. I’m not sure where the bullet hit.

  “I’m okay.” She peeks her head out.

  “Fuck.” I rush over to her, pulling her into me, needing reassurance she’s okay. Reid has Tiffany on the ground, not letting her go anywhere. “You sure you’re okay?” I start to check her over, finally starting to relax once I’ve looked over every inch, and I know she’s safe.

  “Yes.” She rests her head on my chest. We stay like that until the cops get here. Tiffany sobs, but I can’t bring myself to feel sorry for her. She could have ruined my life. It’s unforgivable.

  Willow clings to me like a lifeline. She trusts that I can handle this and anything else that gets thrown our way. Her trust feels almost as good as when she told me she loves me.

  Somehow I know that whatever the fallout from all of this is, it will be worth it. I’d pay any price if it meant that I get to give Willow the happily ever after she deserves.



  “Out of my way!” I hear someone snap.

  I open my eyes. It takes me a moment to realize where I am. I sit up on the sofa. I must have passed out. After the cops came and took Tiffany away, we spent the next few hours telling them over and over again what happened. It was exhausting but also traumatic to keep reliving the moment I almost lost everything that is important to me.

  Bear snapped when they tried to get me to recount it for the fourth time. We’d packed up our stuff and left, Reid and Zoey coming with us. I don’t even remember getting home. The last thing I recall is passing out on the plane.

  “She’s resting. I told you I'd call when she wakes up.”

  “Theodore Grayson! If you don’t move out of my way and let me check on her, I’ll have your dad physically move you.”

  “I’m awake,” I call out, standing. A moment later Alice is barreling into the room. She wraps her arms around me in a tight hold.

  “You okay, sweetheart?” She cups my face with her hands. Her eyes are red. She’s been crying.

  “I’m fine. Really. More startled than anything.”

  “I’m so sorry I brought that woman into your lives.” Alice bursts into tears. I pull her in for another hug.

  “It’s over with now. There was no way you could have known that she was mentally unstable. Hopefully they can get her the help she needs.”

  “You really are such a sweetheart.” She kisses my cheek.

  “Something to drink?” Bear asks.

  “Hot chocolate?” I suggest.

  “That sounds wonderful.” Alice takes my hand, leading me towards the kitchen. I don’t think she wants to let me go. My eyes start to burn now. She is acting like a mom should act.

  “Don’t worry about me or anything, Mom. I’m perfectly fine,” Bear teases her. Alice rolls her eyes at him.

  “Are you going to show me?” Before I can ask her what she wants me to show her, she goes for my hand, looking at the ring. “A perfect fit, I see.”

  “Thank you for this. It means a lot to me that you trust me with a piece of your family's history.”

  “Our history, sweetheart. It’s now yours too.” A warmth fills me at her words. At the thought of being a part of their family. It’s the same feeling I get when I’m around Zoey and her mom, Quinn. One of being loved unconditionally. Tears of happiness begin to leak from my eyes—or it could be these pregnancy hormones.

  “Don’t cry, sweet girl,” she says as she wraps me in another hug.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t normally cry this much. I’m blaming it on the pregnancy hormones.” Alice gasps,
jerking back to look at me. She’s about to burst with excitement.

  “What did you say?”

  Crap. I think I have pregnancy brain too. Bear and I haven’t talked about when we’d tell people.

  “We only found out yesterday.” I glance over to Bear, hoping I didn't reveal a surprise he had planned. It should have been him that told them. When his eyes meet mine, all I see is warmth. He’s got a giant smile on his face. I love seeing him this happy, and knowing that I’m a big part of the reason that he is.

  “We need to start planning for this. I need paper and a pen.” Alice jumps up from the chair. Jim chuckles at his wife.

  “I’m glad you’re okay, sweetheart.” He drops a kiss on the top of my head. Alice is back within seconds.

  “Mom. We don’t need to do this today. She needs to relax.”

  “No. I want to do this. I want us to get married soon too.” I’m excited. Not only to be married to Bear and have his last name but because I know Alice will treat me like her own daughter and be at my side to plan the wedding, filling the role my own mother should be taking but I know she won’t. But I’ll worry about dealing with my parents another day. We’ve had enough stress these last few days, and I want to enjoy my new family.

  “Not too soon. We have to plan.”

  “A month.” Bear jumps in.

  “A month!” Alice protests. “That’s not enough time!”

  “If it was up to me, I’d drag her to the courthouse today, but I want my Willow to have the wedding she’s always wanted.”

  I start to cry again.

  “You’re killing me.” Bear picks me up in his arms.

  “I’m just so happy. You not only gave me you but your family too.”

  “I’m the lucky one, babe. I’ve got you. There is nothing more in this world I could ask for.” I sniff. “Did you just wipe your nose on my shirt?”

  “Maybe.” I hear Alice and Jim laugh.

  “Food is here,” Alice says.

  “I’ll go down and get it,” Jim volunteers. My stomach growls, thinking about food.

  “You’re hungry.”

  “We never got our food last night.” Bear’s jaw ticks.

  “I’m okay.” I put my hands on his chest. He drops his forehead to mine.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “You two are so cute together. I was starting to think Theo wasn't into girls or boys. Just football.” I snort a laugh. I kind of love that there is no string of girls in my Bear’s past. That his only love has been football and his family. Now it’s me.

  “Can I invite Reid and Zoey over for dinner too?”

  “Babe, this is your house. You don’t have to ask to have people over.” He pulls his phone out, and I watch him text Reid.

  “That’s actually perfect. I’m sure Zoey will want to help plan the wedding.” Alice beams at me. My insides melt at how excited she is to have me in her family.

  Jim comes back with boxes of pizza. Reid and Zoey show up a few moments later. I grab plates for everyone, carrying them into the dining room. Bear wraps his arm around me, pulling me into his lap. I can feel the blush in my cheeks, but I don’t try to move. I’ll happily eat my pizza while sitting in his lap.

  I look around the table at everyone laughing and enjoying themselves. Bear brushes my hair off my shoulder to kiss my neck. I lean more into him. His hand wraps around me to rest on my stomach in a possessive hold.

  Our baby is going to grow up with so much love. I smile at Zoey and Alice as they bounce around ideas for the wedding. This is my family. And I love all of them.

  “I love you,” Bear says against my neck, placing another kiss there. I lick my lip as his other hand cups my sex under the table.

  “I love you too.” I elbow him.

  It only makes him chuckle. “Don’t hurt yourself.”

  “You’re going to get it,” I warn.

  “Good because I want it. I’ll take anything you’ll give me.” His hand comes to my chin to turn my head. He drops a kiss on my mouth.

  He’s my forever love.


  Many Years later

  “When the pancake batter starts to bubble, you want to flip it,” I tell my oldest son Peyton.

  “I know.” He picks up the spatula. Not only does he flip it, but he shoots it up a good three feet, and it lands back in the pan perfectly. He did not get that from his mom or me. “Nana taught me.” Of course she did.

  “Don’t burn mine,” Oliver says, not looking up from his iPad.

  “You’ll get what I give you.” I turn to grab some plates and hide my laugh. These are the times I love the most. These small moments when we make memories together doing the simplest of tasks.

  I get them set up at the breakfast bar and then make a plate for my wife. She tossed and turned most of the night. I’m glad she’s getting to sleep in. She needs it.

  Willow got pretty big each time she got pregnant with the boys. They both came out weighing almost ten pounds. They’re built big like I am.

  “You guys good?”

  “Yep,” they both say at the same time. I grab some orange juice and put it on the tray. I also put some Reese’s cups too. The woman is obsessed with peanut butter. It’s always something new with each pregnancy.

  This pregnancy is a little different. She’s carrying two of our sons at once. I don’t know how her little body does it, but nothing slows Willow down.

  I push the door open to our bedroom. Our cat, Jinx, jumps off the bed, making his exit. He’s headed straight to the boys, knowing he can sucker them out of some bacon.

  I set the tray down at the end of the bed on the bench. “Do I smell bacon?” Willow’s eyes spring open, making me laugh. There is never a dull moment with her.

  I’m just fucking happy that football is over, and I have three months to be here at her side. Twins are going to be a lot to handle.

  Surprisingly, it wasn’t much of a scandal when everyone found out we were together. I’m sure winning the National Championship helped with that. It had been almost three decades since they’d won one. I’ve gone on to snag them another five.

  I’ve been offered so many jobs over the years, even in the NFL, but I turned them all down. We didn’t want to move. Everyone is here, and I know how much this family we’ve built means to my Willow.

  All of us built our homes close together. Even Zoey’s mom and Reid’s dad moved out here. We really are this makeshift family. I truly love it. All these kids are spoiled with attention, and there are always hands to help out.

  “We made breakfast.” She sits up. Her eyes travel down my body. She licks her lips. I know that look in her eyes. She’s hungry, but it isn’t only for food.

  “You need to come?” I ask her, leaving the tray at the foot of the bed. I walk around until I reach her. I don’t know what it is about her pregnancy, but her sex drive is through the roof. I’m more than happy to give my wife what she needs. Anytime. Anywhere.

  I pull the blanket off her. The only thing she has on is one of my white shirts. Her belly makes it fit tight. I can see her nipples are already hard and begging for my attention.

  “Spread those thighs for me, wife.”

  She does as I demand.

  “Shirt off.” She makes a demand of her own. Her eyes drop down to my cock. It’s been over a week since I’ve been inside of her. She’s huffy about it, but it was the doctor’s order.

  But he never said anything about my mouth. I drop down onto the bed and bury my face in her pussy. She grabs a handful of my hair when the first orgasm hits her.

  “It’s too much.” She whimpers but doesn’t let go of me. Her legs shake as I take her into another orgasm. She releases her hold on me. Her whole body relaxes.

  She makes me feel like a king when I satisfy her. She takes a deep breath, opening her eyes. I never understood when people said pregnant women glow. I get it now.

  I kiss the inside of each of her thighs
before I slip off the bed to get her food.

  “One more week.” She rubs her stomach. “You couldn’t give me one girl? You know this is our last round of babies.”

  We thought four kids was the perfect number. Neither of us grew up with brothers or sisters. We wanted our kids to have that.

  “I wish we’d gotten a baby girl that looks just like you.” I kiss her. I hate that I couldn’t give that to her.

  “You can’t control everything,” she teases me. “Help me up. I need the bathroom.” I offer her my hand so she can slip off the side of the bed.

  “Bear,” Willow gasps. She looks down at herself.

  “Shit.” I grab my phone and text my mom to get over here to watch the boys. I think she is waddling over to her closet, but she stops at the end of the bed.

  “I need pants.” She picks up a piece of bacon and eats it. I grab everything we need and call the doctor before we head out.

  “Keep us updated. We’ll bring the boys up to meet their brothers later.” Mom gives Willow a kiss on each cheek. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Mom.”

  Mom really has slipped into the role of being there for her. Willow’s parents too have stepped up over the years, realizing that throwing money at their daughter wasn’t how you showed your love. I went over to their house years ago and set them straight. I could see the regret in their eyes. They do love her.

  I usher her out to the car. She calls Zoey on the way letting her know she’s in labor.

  “Ahh!” Willow drops the phone as a contraction hits her. I grab her hand so she can squeeze me. She lets out a deep breath as the contraction fades away. “Oops.” She picks the phone back up to talk to Zoey. “I dropped you. Are you okay?” She giggles at her own joke. I shake my head, pulling into the hospital. Those two never change.

  We get checked in quickly as her contractions grow closer together. Zoey barely makes it inside before Willow is pushing. We each hold her hands. She’s so damn strong.

  Cries fill the room. “We’ve got a boy,” the doctor says.

  “Let me see him.” I let go of Willow's hand to take our baby boy into my arms to show her. “He's perfect.”


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