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Spring Fling

Page 45

by Claudia Burgoa

  Even though I’d crushed on him for years and my sister dated him, this was the most time I’d ever spent with Kyle. Turned out my little eighth grade heart had been right back then. He was crush worthy, and not just because he was so very easy on the eyes.

  We stepped into the dining room, everyone attending the dinner crowding around the two large tables that had been reserved for us. I didn’t notice we were still holding hands until Mom turned and saw us, her hawk-like gaze zeroing in on where we were joined.

  Breaking away from the group, she met us halfway. “Natalie, you brought a date.”

  “Do you think we could make room for one more at the table, Mom?” I asked.

  She glanced down again at our clasped hands. Feeling awkward, I started to pull away, but Kyle gripped harder, refusing to let me go.

  “I don’t think it will be a problem,” she replied. “You’re welcome to join us, Kyle.”

  “Ma’am,” he said, dipping his head. His hair was combed tonight, a stark contrast to the way it looked all afternoon.

  “What’s this about?” Lauren hissed.

  All of us looked up to see my sister approaching. She looked sort of angelic in a flowy white dress, her long blond hair, and golden tan.

  “What are you doing, Natalie?” She spoke low, also noting the way Kyle and I held hands.

  “Kyle is staying for dinner,” I told her.

  Her lips thinned.

  “Figured it wouldn’t be a problem if the maid of honor’s wedding date came to the dinner.”

  She coughed. “You’re bringing Kyle to the wedding?”

  “You’re doing what?” Brad echoed, suddenly joining the conversation.

  I glanced around, seeing that we were gaining quite a few curious glances from the rest of our party. I couldn’t even blame them for staring. We were like a train wreck waiting to happen.

  Straightening my shoulders, I stepped closer to Kyle’s side. “Kyle is my date to the wedding. He’s staying for dinner.”

  Brad’s eyes widened. “Nat.”

  “I told you to call me Natalie,” I snapped.

  Realizing things could go badly, Mom intervened. “Let’s all go sit and have a nice meal. There’s plenty of food for an additional guest.”

  “Mom,” Lauren whined.

  “That’s enough, Lauren. I don’t think your sister is asking that much, considering…”

  It was the first time my mom had semi taken my side since they’d announced their engagement. I had to admit it felt pretty good.

  “C’mon, Nat.” Kyle beckoned, tugging me away from them. “I’m starving.”

  It was the first time he’d called me by my nickname, and I was one hundred percent positive it was because he’d heard me just tell Brad to knock it off.

  The dinner was a lot better than I expected it to be, and much of that was because Kyle was a great distraction. He was incredibly charming, not only to me, but to all the people who sat around us. I spent most of the dinner smiling and laughing, not even worrying what everyone else might think.

  Why should I? I wasn’t the one who did anything wrong.

  As the meal was winding down, I excused myself to the ladies’ room. I was touching up my lip-gloss when Lauren appeared in the mirror behind me.

  Before I caught her sleeping with my boyfriend, I would have offered her some gloss and chatted about everything from the waiter’s cute butt to Aunt Helen’s high-pitched laugh. Now when I saw her, I didn’t know what to say. It was amazing to me how twenty years of good memories and sisterly closeness could be shattered in one moment.

  “Why are you doing this to me?” she asked, folding her arms across her chest. She had the nicer rack between us. Lauren had more curves altogether. She looked like a Barbie with all that hair and perfect measurements. I, on the other hand, had dark hair cut into a chin-length bob. I didn’t offer much in the way of body, having always been slim and kind of tomboyish.

  “Doing what?” I asked, capping the gloss to toss it back into my clutch.

  “Do you think that bringing my ex to my wedding is some kind of payback?”

  “Gee, Lauren,” I drawled. “I didn’t even realize I owed you any payback.”

  “Are you kidding? I know you don’t want to be here. I know you think I stole Brad away from you, but get it straight, Natalie. You were just a girlfriend. An ex. I’m going to be Brad’s wife.”

  Her words were harsh and cold. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I took them straight to heart.

  “I’m well aware of whose wife you are going to be,” I said quietly. “So I guess that’s why I’m so surprised that you care at all who my date is.” Pushing past her, I headed toward the door.

  “I’m warning you. Don’t try and ruin my wedding, Nat. You’ll regret it.”

  I laughed. “What are you doing to do, Ren?” I said, using the nickname I used to call her. “Sleep with my boyfriend and then marry him?” Gasping lightly, I put my hand up to my mouth. “Oh, wait, you already did.”

  I didn’t hang around to wait for her reply. I didn’t care about it anyway. I left the bathroom, practically stomping across the floor in my heels. I was so upset I didn’t see the person waiting there until his hand closed around my arm.

  “We need to talk,” Brad said, his voice low.

  Yanking my arm free, I glared. “No. We really don’t.”

  “You were supposed to make time for me yesterday.”

  “I’ve given you enough of my time, Brad. If you want to talk, go find my sister.”

  The muscle in his jaw clenched, and he stepped closer, towering over me with his insane height. Rolling my eyes, I moved past, totally over all of this.

  Grabbing my arm again, his fingers clutched until my skin pinched, and I cried out, “That hurts!”

  “Outside,” he intoned, ignoring that I’d called him out for hurting me. Refusing to let go, he dragged me toward a set of large glass doors. Fighting against him, I tried to pull away, not wanting to do anything he demanded.

  In our struggle, one of my heels fell off and I stumbled.

  Brad paused long enough for me to straighten, then pulled me the rest of the way outside, totally leaving my shoe behind.

  “Hey!” I shouted the second he pulled me around to face him. “What the hell is your problem?”

  “That’s what I want to know about you!” He fumed.

  I drew back. “Excuse me?”

  “What the hell are you thinking, bringing Kyle as your date to my wedding?”

  My stance was lopsided because I had one heel on and one missing, so I ended up standing there like a flamingo. “I’m pretty sure you get no say in who I date.”

  “So you’re dating him?”

  “It’s not any of your business.”

  “The hell it isn’t!”

  My heart was beating fast. Anger and disbelief ripped through me like adrenaline as I stood there and stared at the man I used to truly love.

  Now he was just a stranger.

  “Why?” I asked, soft. “Why is it you think you get any say in my life?”

  “We dated for four years,” he argued.

  “And now you’re marrying my sister.”

  “Nat,” he said, regret in his tone.

  “You know, I’ve always wondered, so I might as well ask.” I started. I mean, it was the night before his wedding. If I didn’t ask now, I never would. “Why? Why did you cheat on me with my sister?”

  “I didn’t mean for it to happen. We just…”

  “Just…?” I pressed.

  “Fell in love.”

  I probably never should have asked, because now I would undoubtedly wonder if he ever really loved me at all. If he had, it wouldn’t have been so easy to fall for someone else. The only person on Earth that had the power to wound me.

  “This conversation is over,” I said, starting past him.

  He grabbed my arm again, pulling me back. I fell because at the moment, my legs were two different length

  Sitting on the ground, fighting tears, I pulled off my remaining shoe and pushed up. Brad tried to help me, but I shoved him back.

  “I’m trying to help you!” he yelled.

  “I don’t want your help!” I yelled back. “Stay away from me!”

  “He’s just using you,” Brad called. “Kyle is just using you to hurt Lauren.”

  I stopped walking.

  “Get real, Natalie. A guy like that wouldn’t be interested in a girl like you. He’ll take you to the wedding, revenge fuck you, and then you’ll never see him again.”


  Like really wow.

  Rotating, I lifted my chin. “What did I ever do to you?” I asked. “Huh? What did I ever do that would make you want to hurt me so bad?”

  “I’m trying to keep you from getting hurt again.”

  I threw my shoe at him. Chucked it right at his pompous-ass face. It hit him in the side of the jaw with a satisfying smack.

  Shock transformed his face. Woodenly, he reached up, touching the spot where my shoe had pelted him. “I’m getting photos made tomorrow,” he growled. “You little bitch.”

  He took one step forward, and that was as far as he got.

  Kyle appeared from behind and buried a firm fist right in his midsection. All the air rushed out of Brad, and his tall frame doubled over while a gagging sound ripped from his throat. Kyle towered over his hunched frame, not even breathing hard.

  Grabbing the back of Brad’s shirt, Kyle hauled him upright to stare into his red face. “Apologize.”

  “You hit me,” Brad wheezed out.

  “I was nice enough and avoided your face. You know, because of the pictures and all.”

  He’d heard us? Embarrassment filled me. How much?

  “Apologize now, or the next punch won’t be as generous.”

  “I’m sorry.” He panted.

  Kyle gave him a shake. “I don’t think she heard you.”

  “I’m sorry!” he said, this time much louder.

  Behind us, the door opened, and Lauren’s shriek filled the night. Weariness tumbled over me. “Brad! Oh my God, Brad! What are you doing to him, Kyle?” she demanded.

  Kyle pushed Brad away. “A lot less than he deserves.”

  “I knew you came here because you’re jealous!” she said, rushing to her fiancé’s side. Her hair floated out around her when she whipped around to face me. “See! He’s only here because of me.”

  Kyle stepped between me and my “family,” blocking my near-hysterical sister from sight. His face was a dark mask of irritation, but when his eyes found mine, they were soft. “C’mon,” he said, gently taking my hand. “Let’s go.”

  I let him lead me away. Instead of going back inside, he pulled me down a concrete path lined with tropical flowers and small lights.

  “Ow!” I cried, my bare foot stepping on a sharp rock.

  He glanced around, his stare taking in my feet. He didn’t ask what happened to my shoes. Maybe he’d seen. Maybe he didn’t care.

  Either way, he crouched in front of me, offering his back. I jumped on, laying my cheek against his back.

  “Where are we going?” I asked as he continued on.

  “Does it really matter?”

  “No,” I answered immediately. As long as it wasn’t here, I didn’t care.

  * * *

  * * *

  He carried me to the beach, stopping to put me down only when we were on the soft, forgiving sand. After kicking off his own shoes and leaving them by the access, he took my hand and we walked along the shoreline, allowing the waves to rush around our ankles while thousands of stars glimmered overhead.

  We walked a long time without saying anything. Holding his hand, hearing the waves, and disappearing into the darkness was more than enough. We traveled far enough that even the lights of the resort began to fade.

  “You really shouldn’t have come here,” Kyle said, his deep voice competing with the sound of the waves.

  “I know,” I admitted. “Part of me kinda hoped my sister wouldn’t go through with it. That she would end up choosing me.”

  “Would it have mattered, though?” he asked, full understanding in his voice.

  I thought about, then sadly shook my head. “I don’t think so. The damage was already done.”

  When he didn’t reply, I gazed up at him. “I actually hope they’ll be happy together. I hope all this is at least for that.”

  Gazing out to sea, Kyle said, “I don’t think Lauren even knows how to be happy. Brad’s in for a high-maintenance life.”

  “She must not be that bad. You dated her.”

  A huge wave crashed close by, spraying up my legs and sprinkling my arms. I shrieked, jumping onto Kyle to get out of the water.

  Laughing, he lifted me so my feet weren’t in the surf. Carrying me a few paces up onto dry sand, he put me back down.

  “I’m glad you came,” I whispered.

  “Me, too.” His eyes sparkled just like the ocean under the light of the moon.

  Brad’s taunt replayed through my brain, making my stomach twist. “Is this revenge sex?” I blurted out.

  He opened his mouth, but I put my hand against it.

  “I don’t care.” I decided. “Kiss me.”

  Grabbing my hips, he pulled me in, capturing my mouth just like he always did. Hard, deep, wild.

  My fingers delved into his hair, holding him tight against me while he ravaged me with his mad skills. Sucking my lower lip into his mouth, he tugged until my fingers lost their grip and I was putty in his arms.

  My back hit the pure-white sand, his wide shoulders blocking out the star-laden sky. I reached for the buttons on his shirt, desperately trying to bare his body. Brushing my fingers aside, he ripped it open, peeling it off in a single move. The muscles in his stomach rippled when he lowered, caging me between his elbows.

  We kissed again, my leg going around his ass to pull his lower half against mine. He moaned, thrusting against me, and I kissed over his jaw, rubbing my lips over his beard, licking and nipping all the way down his neck.

  Reaching up beneath my skirt, he cupped my sex, his warm, wide hand settling over my core as if he were claiming ownership.

  Rocking against him, my nails dragged over his back as he sucked at the side of my neck while grinding his palm against my center.

  Rising above me, Kyle slipped the skirt and panties off my body, tossing them in the sand. I sat up, undoing the button on his jeans and pulling the zipper down past his rock-hard length.

  “Shirt,” he rasped, gesturing for me to take it off while he pulled something out of his back pocket, then shucked the rest of his clothes completely.

  I forgot what I was doing. Even the immense desire pounding through me paused at the sight of him standing naked on the beach. The waves crashed behind him. The stars glittered above him. He stood there like the carving of a Greek god, his dick jutting out like an iron rod.

  My sister was fucking stupid.

  “Shirt.” He reminded me, his voice gruff and impatient. I hurried to rip it away, and when I looked back, he’d rolled on some protection.

  In a moment of clarity, I gazed down the beach, wondering if we were truly alone.

  Sand splattered me when he hit his knees between my legs. “Nat,” he said, gruff, drawing my attention.

  “Huh?” I panted, reaching out to stroke his thick cock.

  “Look at me. Look only at me.”

  His voice was hypnotic. His body made me greedy.

  He pushed me back into the sand, and I lay across it, completely naked and surrendering. Kyle closed his lips around my nipple, sucking and teasing until I shuddered. Then he moved to the other one.

  Arching up, I grabbed his ears and held on while he lavished attention on the girls, then slowly slipped down between my legs.

  “What are you doing?” I said nervously. This was something I hadn’t experienced very often. Brad wasn’t a very giving lover.

��Having my cake and eating it, too,” he rumbled, covering my swollen clit with his mouth.

  I moaned, and he sucked harder. I grabbed at the sand, trying to anchor myself as he sucked and licked and speared me with his tongue.

  It was no use. There was no anchor strong enough for a man as skilled as this.

  I called his name over and over, rocking my hips against his mouth, fucking his face shamelessly.

  Just as I was about to explode, he lifted away. Whimpering, I opened my eyes at the same moment he plunged into my body.

  I cried out, wrapped my arms around his shoulders, and buried my face in his neck. He held himself deep. I could feel his quivering cock deep inside me. He was so hard and thick my body had to stretch to take his girth.

  Finding my lips, his tongue stroked inside, kissing me with a gentleness he never had before. My heart tumbled, and my thighs fell open. My entire body succumbed to him, giving him total access.

  He started moving, making me moan. Every thrust splintered me apart in the best way.

  “Fuck,” he rasped, pushing deep, then rolling his hips against mine.

  Instinctively, I bore down, rocking against his length feverishly. Grunting, he rose, bracing his weight on his hands.

  And then he smiled.

  His movements intensified. His thrusts increased. The sound of the ocean disappeared. The sight of the night sky vanished. The entire world became nothing but him, his thrusting cock, and the edge he was driving me to.

  Both of us panting, my hands slapped his biceps and squeezed. He hit a spot inside me that had yet to be discovered, and it was a like a bomb went off. My shoulders lifted off the ground, my eyes rolled back in my head, and ecstasy like I’d never, ever felt before pulled me apart, then put me back together.

  The orgasm went on and on until I collapsed against the sand, damp and breathing heavy.

  Kyle slipped his hand beneath my ass, tilted my hips up, and paused. Feeling his eyes, I forced mine open. Though his lips didn’t move, he asked.

  I nodded.

  My body rocked with the force of his next few thrusts. His shout blew out to sea as his cock erupted inside me.

  He stayed in me even after he was finished, rocking softly, every once in a while, shuddering with the aftershocks of the earthquake we’d created between us.


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