Book Read Free

Spring Fling

Page 54

by Claudia Burgoa

  “Look forward to plenty more of that this evening. Get ready for all the crude and naughty fun.” She pumps her arm a few times. “Debauchery ahead, all aboard.”

  A tiny thrill shoots through me. “You know what? Maybe I’m ready to let my hair down.”

  She taps her point-toed shoe taps on the tile floor. “Maybe? I don’t like the uncertainty.”

  “Ugh, hooking up willy-nilly isn’t my thing.”

  “But if the right guy comes along…” Her suggestion tapers off and she wiggles her brows.

  I scrunch my face. “You’re putting a romantic spin on this.”

  She laughs. “Whatever makes you feel better.”

  “Okay, okay. I won’t turn the idea down if the dude is super-fine.”

  “That’s the spirit!” Sutton tugs on some of my dark tresses. “I love what this tropical humidity is doing to your waves.”

  I glance in the mirror. “It looks like I got a perm.”

  “Keep rubbing it in.” My friend fluffs her stick-straight strands. “I’m lucky to get a little added volume.”

  “Grass is always greener.”

  “You’re such a farm girl,” she giggles.

  “Takes one to know one.” That statement always reminds me of home, rolling meadows and hayfields. Plus, my mom says it all the time.

  “Enough shoptalk.” Sutton shoves an overflowing shot glass into my hand.

  I give it a cursory sniff. “What’s this?”

  “Does it matter?”

  I take a tiny sip and wrinkle my nose. “Guess not.”

  She tilts her head. “I’ll hold your kinky hair back in the morning.”

  “I can always count on you.”

  “To a night we’ll never forget,” she starts.

  “Or ever remember,” I finish.

  We clink glasses and tip the shots back. I cough as liquid fire blazes down my throat. The sweet-sour tang packs a punch straight to the gut.

  “Christ, was that tequila?” I cough again.

  “What else? We’re in Mexico.”

  “Your logic is weak at best.”

  “Whatever helps you loosen that whistle.”

  I’m already feeling tingly after one shot. “Well on the way, Sutt.”

  She raises her brows at me. “Know what else will help? A nice dicking.”

  I choke on an inhale. “Subtle.”

  “This place is crawling with hot guys. Every inch of that beach was covered with rippling abs and bulging biceps. It’s like a music video around here. Hot damn.”

  My thoughts wander to the sexy stranger playing volleyball. He definitely caught my eye a time or two. It was far more than his fire-red swim trunks. He was tall and brawny, with muscles lining his torso. His blond hair was the color of wet sand, with added strands of gold that shined in the sun. That man was so damn fine. I’m still kicking myself for staying away. How difficult would it have been to stroll over and say hello? I was waiting for his game to wrap up, but that never happened. Guess it wasn’t meant to be.

  I blink the memory away and look at my friend. “You called it. This place is a man meat buffet or whatever.”

  She squints at me. “Uh-huh, that’s what I was saying.”

  I fiddle with the hem of my skirt. “I thought you weren’t looking to meet anyone?”

  “I wasn’t. But the idea is growing on me. I mean, a girl can only hold out so long.”

  “Not sure why you’re avoiding men in the first place.”

  She waves me off. “And we’re still not discussing it. Another shot?”

  I hold up my palms. “No, no. Let’s just drink when we go out.”

  “Party pooper. But fine, we have to leave now anyway. The boat takes off in thirty minutes.”

  I lift a brow. “You weren’t kidding, were you? We’re really going on a booze cruise?”

  “Why the hell not? It comes with our hotel package.”

  “What if we miss the return ride?”

  “We sleep on the beach.”

  “Sutton, I’m serious.”

  “So am I. And let's be honest. There’s gonna be loads of security to round up the drunk stragglers. Can you imagine the lawsuit if they left a random woman to fend for herself on a deserted island?”

  I tap my chin. “Isn’t it right off the coast? I could probably swim back if all else failed.”

  Sutton’s eyes widen to comical proportions. “No way. We’ll stick together with the buddy system. Should I buy a child leash at the gift shop?”

  I snort. “Very funny.”

  “You can use it to corral an eligible bachelor, like a lasso.” She makes the circular motion above her head.

  A loud giggle escapes me. Either the alcohol is really getting to me, or my friend is being a loon. I settle on the latter.

  “Sutt, oh my gosh, stop. My stomach hurts from laughing. You’re being ridiculous.” I take a few deep breaths and gather my wits. “What are you gonna do while I’m off getting a good… dicking?” I can hardly say the word without cracking up again.

  She bats her lashes. “I can find a few unsuspecting fellows to entertain me.”

  “If this shit goes sideways, you’re the one to blame.”

  “Hae, I’ll take that burden. I’m hoping you end up twisted around a guy like a pretzel before the night is over.”

  “Actually… you and me both.” I feel my lips pull down at the realization.

  “Good! We’re finally on the same page.”

  I motion toward the door. “Yep, I’m ready to shake some tailfeather.”

  An hour later, that’s exactly what we’re doing. My hips are swinging to the fast beat, and I get lost in the movements. An easy smile stretches across my face. This is the good life. All the best dance songs have been blasting through the speakers as the drinks keep flowing. Sutton is a stellar partner, but there’s a longing for someone harder.

  I’ve been searching for a guy to sweep me off my numb feet, but no luck so far. Every man that approaches smells like a brewery and can barely stand. I’m all about indulging while on vacation, but these dudes are sloppy as fuck. No one has tickled my fancy, as Sutton so eloquently puts it.

  After another sip of beer, I continue my prowl. I’m not tossing in the towel. At least, not yet. The strobe lights and fog machines make visibility poor at best. All I see are gyrating bodies bumping and grinding into one another. Sutton shimmies and shakes beside me, gaining the attention of several onlookers. I smile and follow suit. The night is very young.

  Seemingly out of nowhere, a pair of strong arms loop around my waist. “Want some company?”

  * * *


  * * *

  Even after dark, the humidity lingers and makes my skin sticky. This island is fucking packed. They must be ferrying people to and fro all night. Everyone looks to be our age, escaping the college life for a week. Excitement screams through the air and it’s impossible to ignore. From what little I can see, there’s more almost naked bodies humping against one another. And they’re taking advantage of the all-inclusive bar.

  Ethan and Josh hoot beside me as we push deeper into the crowd. “This booze cruise is the shit,” Josh yells over the music.

  “Everyone is getting fucked up,” Ethan says.

  I pump a fist in the air. “Us included.”

  A quick scan through the throng of people comes up empty as I look for a certain someone. Not that I was really expecting to find her. Green bikini girl was long gone after our intense match was done earlier. I’ll admit to being slightly disappointed, but it’s not a huge loss. She’s just a random girl, right? This city appears to be swarming with chicks looking to score. I’ll find someone else to pique my interest.

  Just as that thought settles, my focus snags on sinful curves and toned legs. Her skirt is so fucking short, I get a nice glimpse of ass cheeks as she twirls around. The quick beat has her hips swinging. Dark curls bounce along her back when she shakes her head. I want to bury my fingers i
n all that long hair. This chick has fuck-me rhythm and I have a front row seat.

  She bends and dips, exposing more skin. I’m half-hard from watching her little performance. Maybe it’s all the beer in my system that has everything else fading away. This woman is dancing just for me.I shuffle closer, getting dragged further into her orbit. When she turns toward me and I finally see her face, my muscles lock up.

  Hot fucking damn. It’s her. My mystery beach babe.

  I give a quick fist pump. Fucking score, Foss.

  She’s busy dropping low and touching her toes when I swoop in from behind. I wrap my arms around her waist and ask, “Want some company?”

  Her body goes stiff in my hold, and I immediately let go. She whips around to face me, a gasp escaping her when she gets a good look. “It’s you.”

  I , blink slowly at her reaction while my sluggish brain plays catch-up. “Do we know each other?” I squint and study her features, trying to figure out the probability.

  She shakes her head. “No. Not yet, at least. I saw you playing volleyball this afternoon.”

  I snap my neck back for the second time in less than a minute. What are the fucking odds? “No way,” I mumble.

  “Is that weird or something? You guys were kinda putting on a show.”

  “Nah, not at all. It’s just one hell of a coincidence. Your neon green bikini caught my eye earlier. I actually planned to come over, but you were gone when the game ended.” I bite my tongue so more truth doesn’t come spilling out. No reason to chase her off before anything can get started.

  She grins, the expression open and honest. “Looks like we were meant to cross paths, then.”

  Any lingering disappointment lifts off my chest and I smile. “Seems that way.”

  She sticks out her hand. “I’m Harlyn.”

  “Foster.” I slide my palm into hers, the connection a silky caress that has me leaner closer. “It’s a real pleasure to meet you.”

  Harlyn shivers against me. “Likewise.”

  Someone bumps into me, and I twist to the side with a glare. My blood cools when I see Ethan. “Hey, man. What’s up?”

  He gives Harlyn a slow once-over. “You fucked off without a word, but now I see why.” She dips her chin and giggles. He winks at her and says, “If this guy is bothering you, let me know. I’ll get rid of him.”

  “As if you’re any better.” I smirk.

  He clutches his chest. “You wound me.”

  I shove his shoulder. “Get outta here, cockblocker.”

  Ethan chuckle and backs away. “Just wanted to make sure you’re still alive, bro. Catch you on the return ride.” He nods to Harlyn. “But probably not.”

  I wag my brows. “I’m betting on not.”

  “Play on player,” he calls with a wave.

  Harlyn is attempting to stifle a laugh when I face her again. “What’s so funny?”

  She points between me and Ethan’s retreating form. “You’re hilarious. Typical boys.”

  I tug on her skirt pocket. “Is that a bad thing?”

  “Not at all.” Her soft smile makes my dick twitch. We’re definitely heading in the right direction.

  “Who’re you here with?”

  She points over her shoulder at a short blonde who’s grinding on some dude. “My roommate.”

  “Ah, nice.” She looks good and occupied, which works well for me.

  Harlyn tips a bottle to her lips, guzzling what’s left. “Wanna dance?” She sways her hips to the booming bass. A kaleidoscope of rainbow lights flash across her features, highlighting her beauty. I swallow roughly and adjust my hardening cock. There’s no point being subtle about it. Hopefully she’s not the type to be offended by an erection prodding into her.

  I pull her into me, our lower halves bumping together. Harlyn gasps and bites her lip. When she rocks into me, that’s the permission I need to grind closer. Rubbing against her glorious body is a slice of nirvana, but I’d prefer far less clothes in the way.

  Harlyn’s nails scratch along my scruffy jaw. “You’re so hot.”

  Maybe she’s always bold. Or it could be liquid courage spurring her on. Either way, I fucking appreciate how forward she is. I’m more than ready to move things along. I groan and lean into her touch. She smells like pineapple and paradise.

  “And you’re the sexiest girl on this beach.”

  She bats her long lashes. “I like that line.”

  I drag my gaze down her mouthwatering figure and pause on her distressed tee. The rips and cuts are optimally placed for easy access. But the bold text has my focus for the moment. I’d be a fool to not use this as an advantage.

  I point at the lettering. “Are you?”

  Harlyn’s forehead crinkles. “Huh?”

  “Here for cowboys and beer,” I prompt.

  She glances at the words. “Oh! Uh, I guess?” Harlyn looks up at me through her long lashes. “I mean, yeah, of course. Who isn’t?”

  “You a country girl?”

  She quirks a brow. “Sure am, born and raised in the farmlands. My best friend owns a huge ranch. Well, her family does.”

  I grip her hip. “Not too interested in her, cowgirl. But tell me more about your riding experience.”

  “Are we talking about horses?”

  “Sure, let’s start with that.”

  Her giggle is a husky rasp that wraps around my dick. “I love racing down the trail, hard and fast. Feeling the wind whipping through my hair. Becoming one with the animal beneath me. You know?”

  Fuck, what a visual. I drag a palm down my face. This was a terrible topic of conversation. I yank at the collar of my shirt as the temperature skyrockets. “Damn, darlin’. You’re painting quite a picture.”

  “Too bad there’s no horses around for me to demonstrate.” She rubs her leg against mine. “But maybe we can improvise.”

  “Oh yeah? I happen to know my way around a horse,” I manage to choke out. Where’s a beer when I need one?

  “Just when I thought you couldn’t get much hotter.” Harlyn’s eyes sparkle with new interest, and I’ve got this deal sealed up tight.

  The zipper on my shorts is about to bust open. My dick is hard enough to hammer nails. I take a step back and drag in a huge breath. “Wanna go somewhere more private to talk?”

  “Is that code for fuck?”

  I shoot her my cockiest smirk. “Am I that transparent?”

  She returns my grin. “Nope. It’s just what I’m expecting.”

  Well, fuck me. Not sure this chick could get much better. I glance over my shoulder, catching sight of a shadowed path leading toward a windowless structure. I tug on her hand and guide us in that direction. “Do you trust me, cowgirl?”

  * * *


  * * *

  Am I really going to do this?

  Yes. Hell yes.

  The weight of Foss’s fingers linking through mine anchors me, giving this moment a crystal-clear quality. Maybe I’m fooling myself. Or maybe I’m just being a fool. Whatever. I’m only going to be young once.

  Acting with this type of reckless abandon is not in my wheelhouse. But it’s because of him. He could probably talk me into anything. I’m more than ready for this, if my damp panties are any indication. I feel heat rise to my cheeks and blink slowly. This sexually adventurous side of me has been dormant. Out of nowhere, there’s a vivacious vixen clawing to escape.



  Most importantly, very willing.

  Foss tugs me down a dark corridor ending who knows where. My guess would be the bathrooms. Not that I’m scared or anything. This place is crawling with people. If we happen to find a semi-private area, I’ll be shocked. So, I willingly follow him further into the offshore building. This is exactly what I need. I’m releasing my inhibitions, leaving doubt and insecurity on the dance floor.

  He glances at me, his teeth flashing in the dim lighting when he smiles. “You’re so fucking sexy.”

I giggle and the sound echoes off the concrete. “Not so bad yourself.”

  Foss stops and hauls me against his chest. He shuffles forward until my ass hits the wall. Even in heels, my head only meets his chin. His towering size makes me appear dainty and petite. I never thought I’d enjoy being short and small. But with Foss? It’s another turn on.

  “I’m gonna make you feel so good, Harlyn.” His hot exhale puffs against my cheek.

  I squirm in his hold, nudging our hips closer together. “Please do,” I murmur.

  Foss brushes his lips softly against mine, a delicate tease that I don’t need. Any protest dies when he claims my mouth like I belong to him. Maybe I do in this moment. He slides his tongue along my bottom lip and I grant him access with a moan. I press closer, wanting this heat to spread wider. His hand cups my center and I’m positive he feels the flames radiating off me in lust-fueled waves. He nudges my panties to the side, sliding through my wetness.

  “Damn, cowgirl. You’re soaked.”

  “That’s your doing,” I murmur. Who is this girl spouting off seductive lines? I like her.

  “Mmmm,” he growls against my neck. “And we’re just getting started.” His voice is pure sex and I want to wrap my entire body in the gritty timbre.

  “More,” I beg when he nears my clit. But he pulls his fingers away.

  “When you come, it’s gonna be all over my dick,” Foss explains.

  My belly swoops and a slice of reality filters in. “I’ve never done this before.”

  Foss rips his hands off me like my words are contagious. “You’re a virgin?” His blue eyes are blown wide open. He gulps audibly and I laugh.

  “Are you serious?” I shove his shoulder. “I’ve never had spontaneous sex with a virtual stranger. It’s kinda… naughty.”

  He returns to his former position, shoving me against the cool brick. Every hard inch of him is pressing into me. He smells like fresh air and ocean breeze, a tropical escape just for me. His fingers spear into my hair and angle our mouths together. “I’m gonna make you feel so fucking good, darlin’.”

  I clutch his shirt and drag him closer. “I’m counting on it.”


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