Intern: A Steamy Office Romance

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Intern: A Steamy Office Romance Page 2

by Harlow Layne

  Breaking my lips from hers, I confess. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Saturday night.”

  She pants heavily in my ear. “Me either.”

  I press her deeper into the wall and grate out. “I need you.”

  “Do you now?” she asks, with a wicked gleam in her eyes.

  “Yes,” I answer only for the elevator to ding. Fuck, we have a visitor.

  Faster than lightening we pull apart and separate to opposite sides of the elevator a moment before two of the biggest gossips in the company get on the elevator.

  Sadie peeks over at me with wide eyes. It takes everything within me to not laugh at her expression. We were almost caught. I only hope that doesn’t encourage her to keep avoiding me at work.

  When the doors open I stand back, waiting for the other passengers to get off before I pull her flush against me. “Please, don’t avoid me.”

  Drawing away, Sadie bites her bottom lip. She feels guilty. I knew it! I wasn’t imagining never seeing her alone or barely around the office.

  She takes a step outside the elevator keeping her head down. “I can’t lose my job.”

  “You won’t lose your job. We’ll be discreet,” I call as the doors slowly slide close.

  I’m not sure if I convince her or not, but I have to respect her wishes. Sadie is the only woman vice president in the company, and I can’t be responsible for her losing her job. The next time we’re alone, I’ll have to ask her what the policy is for fraternization. I have a feeling from her reaction, it is highly frowned upon.

  I need her to give me a chance, and I know just the person to talk to, to find out all the information I need.



  I never noticed how little time I had to myself at work, but now the intern is on my mind twenty-four seven, and I want to get some alone time with him. I’m sure he thinks I’m avoiding him again, and in reality, I haven’t seen him but once in the past two weeks. A lot of that has to do with the fact that I’ve been holed up in my office trying to decide which sales pitch has the best chance of gaining us a client Mathers has been trying to land for the past two years. Each time we pitch to them, they politely decline and go with our competitor. I need to make the right decision, or I’m afraid my job will be on the line. There are three vice presidents of sales, and I’m the only female with a slew of men vying for my job; they would love to make it an all-boys club.

  “Mrs. Frost, I’m sorry to bother you, but there’s a package for you,” Amanda calls through the intercom.

  “Very well, Amanda. Bring it in,” I snap. Did she really need to bother me only to tell me there was a package for me? Earlier I’d told her not to interrupt me unless it was important. Surely she didn’t think a package warranted an intrusion of my time.

  From behind my laptop, I watch as Amanda tip-toes her way into the room with a decent size box in her hands, looking sheepish. It seems she now remembers how I’m not to be bothered.

  The past two weeks, I’ve been… I guess harsher is the word. One night of amazing sex, and now I’m sexually frustrated. I need Tyson’s huge cock inside of me and have thought more than once to call the agency and hire him again.

  “I-I was told the delivery was important, otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered you, Mrs. Frost. Is there anything I can get for you while I’m here?”

  “More hours in the day?”

  “You’ve been working too many long hours these past few weeks,” she smiles at me fondly.

  Amanda is a great assistant, and I want to kick myself for snapping at her and being a general bitch to her the past couple of weeks.

  Pulling out my purse, I grab a twenty out and hand it to her. “Why don’t you run down to Starbucks and get us both a drink and one of their delicious cake pops or something like that?”

  Her mouth forms an ‘O’. “You don’t have to do that. I can buy my own.”

  “I know you can, but I want to. I’m sorry for snapping. I’m so stressed out about getting this account; it’s taking up every hour that I’m awake, and I took it out on you.”

  “I understand, and don’t worry about it. Maybe whatever’s in that box will help you out. Any idea what’s inside?” she asks, eying the box.

  “No idea,” I shake my head as I try to remember if I’m supposed to receive any packages, but I’m positive I hadn’t ordered anything in the past month or two.

  Waiting until Amanda is out of my office and the door is firmly shut, I grab for my scissors excitedly like a kid in a candy store. I love opening unexpected things. I open the box to find it filled with red tissue paper and the amazing scent of chocolate.

  Digging in, I find a baker’s box filled with brownies. My favorite. Underneath the box is a card with my name written in messy script.

  I don’t want to get my hopes up, but I want my package to be from Tyson. I need him to think about me as much as I have him since our rendezvous in the elevator. Slipping my finger underneath the flap, I pull out a thick cream sheet of stationary that is folded over.


  It’s been almost two weeks since I last saw you, and I hate to believe that you’re avoiding me again. I know you’ve been working on a big project, so I’ll chalk up your absence in the halls due to that. For now. As for me, I can’t stop thinking about you every second of the day. The way you felt when I was deep inside you. I need you, again. I’ve booked our room for this Saturday night. Same time, same place. I hope to see you there.


  How did Tyson know that brownies are my favorite? Is it a coincidence? The real question is whether or not I’ll show up on Saturday. Who am I kidding? Of course, I’ll to show up. In fact, I would be finding time during the week to shop for some new lingerie.

  As I go back to work nibbling on a brownie, I try not to dwell on the fact that his job is to sleep with women, and that there’s a fourteen-year age difference.

  I could do this.

  We’re only having fun.



  Lounging back against the headboard with my ankles crossed, I look out the window to the city lights twinkling in the dark.

  I’m early.

  Sadie isn’t late.

  I have to believe she’ll be here.

  It was the longest week of my life and that’s saying something, all things considered. Saturday couldn’t come fast enough, and now that it’s finally here, I’m still waiting.

  It’s been almost a month since that fateful night when Sadie opened the door as my client, looking nervous. I’ve been attracted to her from the moment I saw her, even when I noticed her wedding ring. Obviously, I hadn’t acted on my attraction until she hired me.

  Her husband is an idiot for letting her go, but I won’t make the same mistake he did.

  Sadie is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. Her hair is long and brown, a shade or two darker than my own with a slight wave to it, but it’s her whiskey colored eyes that first caught my attention.

  Every time I close my eyes, I see those whiskey eyes sparkling down at me as she rode me. Making me have an erection on a near permanent basis.

  The only thing that had caused my dick to go flaccid was when I got the call that I’d been hired for another job. In all honesty most of the women who hired me didn’t want sex. They wanted a man to listen to their problems, to escort them to work functions, or to make an ex-boyfriend or husband jealous. The job I was hired for was not for a nice and innocent date. No, Caroline wanted it nasty. She was my least favorite client, but she paid double for what she wanted. Before now I’d never turned her down.

  I knew then that I had to quit.

  After the agency’s phone call about my upcoming job, I took a hard look at my finances. In a little over a month, I would find out if Mathers would take me for the position I was interning for. Unless I royally fucked up, I’d get the job. It wasn’t glamorous, but it was a start with a great chance of advancing within the first six
months, plus they had amazing benefits. It would be enough for me to get by. I’m a simple man who only wants to pay off his debt. Getting sick my senior year of college, and having to take an entire semester off while I focused on getting healthy, had derailed my career plans and my life. With only six more payments, my medical bills would finally be paid off, and I could breathe easier at night.

  There is no way for me to be with Sadie and continue as an escort. There’s always a chance someone will hire me for my body and not my company for the night. Since Sadie had hired me for that very reason, I had a feeling it would be hard to persuade her otherwise, and I needed all the luck I could get to convince her to give us a shot.

  Looking down at my watch, my stomach drops when I notice the time. Sadie is ten minutes late. I hang my head and close my eyes feeling like a fool.

  What had I been thinking?

  There’s no doubt in my mind that she’s attracted to me. I see the way she looks at me when she doesn’t think I’m looking. Maybe she sees the way I look at her and isn’t ready for more than a physical relationship. She did just get out of a marriage, so I can understand not wanting anything more. I’ll be whatever she needs until I can prove to her that I’m what she wants.

  Another five minutes ticks by.

  She isn’t coming.

  Standing, I gather up the box of condoms I’d purchased for the night and my keys, ready to head out the door when I hear the locking mechanism on the door click. Without thought, I move to the door in two quick strides, surprising Sadie as she slips inside looking more than a little frazzled.

  She still looks beautiful.

  One hand fists in her hair as I press her against the wall, while the other cups her breasts and trails down underneath her skirt until I feel the heat of her pussy. Ripping her panties away, I plunge a finger deep into her core and watch as Sadie melts into me.

  “I’m sorry I was late,” she apologizes breathlessly.

  “You’re here now and that’s all that matters,” I reply before my mouth meets hers and my tongue slides inside.


  She fumbles to undo my jeans. Her hands frantic as she tries to pull them down while I finger fuck her against the wall.

  “Tyson, please,” she pants against my neck. The feel of her hot breath on my skin makes me harder. “I want to feel your cock inside me.”

  Thrusting a second finger into her drenched pussy, I work her faster and harder. “You’ve got me all night. There’s no rush. First, I want you to come on my fingers and show me how much you’ve missed me.”

  “I have,” she moans as her pussy clenches around my fingers showing me how much. “I’ve missed this so much.”

  Crashing my lips to hers, I plunge my tongue in; sweeping through, dancing alongside hers. She thrusts against my hand as she rakes her nails down my back; I growl. I like this side of Sadie. I kiss and suck down her exquisite neck, stretching her sweet pussy in preparation.

  In no time, Sadie clenches around me, her entire body trembling in my arms. Slowing my pace, I continue to draw out her pleasure as I walk us to the bed where I lay her down and promptly crawl on top of her, rubbing the seam of my pants against her core.

  When she finally opens her eyes, Sadie smiles up at me with a blissful look on her beautiful face. “Why are you still dressed?” she asks happily.

  Instead of answering, I stand and strip myself of my jeans and t-shirt. Joining her back on the bed, I kneel, sliding a condom on, and lift her up until her ass rests on my thighs.

  Bringing her chest to mine, I hold her to me with one arm. My other hand fists in her hair forcing her neck to arch as I kiss and nip my way up to meet her lips.

  “Next time I’ll be gentle. I promise,” I rasp out before slamming her down on my shaft. For every thrust up, Sadie slams down on me. We work perfectly together and in no time, I start to feel her flutter around me making me pound harder into her sweet pussy.

  I buck one last time as her core pulses around me in waves. Groaning into her neck, I shift Sadie off me and lay her down. I stretch out beside her, still breathing heavy, and fling one arm around the curve of her waist.

  “God, you’re extraordinary when you come.”

  Blinking her eyes open, they glow in the dimly lit room. “If my brain was functional right now, I’d write a poem about how breathtaking you are while you fuck me.”

  “A poem, really?” An eyebrow arches as I trail the tip of my finger down her arm to the palm of her hand.

  Sadie surprises me when she laces our fingers together and brings our hands to her mouth placing a gentle kiss to the back of my hand. I don’t fight the smile from her affection. Maybe convincing her won’t be as difficult as I imagined.

  “You’re inspiring,” she replies, snuggling up to my side.

  “You inspire me. What can I say?”

  “I prefer actions over words,” she purrs against my shoulder.

  I’ll give her action.

  “Ready again?” Running my hand down her back, I continue until I’m only inches away from dipping into her pussy. I stop when I feel her body tense slightly.

  Pulling back until we lock eyes, Sadie sighs. “Truthfully? No.”

  “Sadie, I’d never make you do something you didn’t want to do. Say the word and I’ll stop. I’ll always stop.”

  “Oh, no,” her eyes widen. “I wasn’t…” She’s frustrated as she sits up, looking down at me and taking my hand in hers. “I would never think that of you.” Her eyes flicker away and when she looks at me again, her cheeks are stained pink. She speaks so softly I’m lucky to hear her words. “I’m a little sore.”


  Resting my hand on the back of her neck, I pull her down to meet my lips in a soft kiss. “You should have told me I was being too rough on you.”

  “Really, Tyson at the time it only felt good,” she smiles in a way that I know she’s telling the truth.

  I was hoping with getting the hotel room for the night, I’d also get Sadie for the night. She must see something on my expression; her face softens. “If you want, we can go to my house and soak in my tub.” She twirls her hair with her finger. “Maybe afterward we can…”

  Interrupting her with a kiss to her delectably full and soft lips, I speak each word with a brush of my lips to hers. “We can do whatever you need. If you’re too sore, you’re too sore.” I shrug. “We can always watch a movie or something.”

  Sadie looks thoughtfully at me for a moment, contemplating something she doesn’t bother to share. When she answers me it’s with a simple nod of her head before she slides off the bed and starts to get dressed.

  Silently I watch her slip back into her clothing as she moves gracefully around the room. She’s gorgeous as always with her long, brown hair trailing down her back, her long lean body tan from the summer sun. After getting caught looking at her a little too long, I dress quickly, more excited than I’d like to admit to see where Sadie lives.

  If she knew how badly I’ve wanted her and for how long, I’m sure she’d run for the hills. I need to keep reminding myself to maintain my cool until Sadie has enough time to get used to the idea of us.

  “Is that okay with you?”

  “Hmm?” I ask back.

  “I’m going to order an Uber to pick us up.”

  “Oh,” I slip my shoe on. “I drove so I can drive.”

  She slips her phone back into her purse. “Sure, I’m ready whenever you are.”

  The air around us has changed. Everything now seems awkward. Had I let her see too much too soon?

  We’re both silent as we take the elevator and make our way to the parking garage. I need to do something to rid of us of the tension that surrounds us.

  The moment we’re seated inside my SUV, I turn to her. “If you don’t want to do this you can always back out.” Not what I wanted to say, but it’s out there. If she wants to go home alone then I’ll have to let her.

  “Why?” she asks, inspecting the inter

  “Something happened back there in the hotel room. What it is I’m not sure, but we’re off.”

  Letting out a deep breath, Sadie fidgets in her seat. “I’m sorry.”

  Fuck! She’s going to end the night right here.

  “Just drive and I’ll try to explain on the way,” she buckles her seatbelt and looks straight ahead.



  The look in his eyes nearly kills me. He looks like I killed his puppy. How this man, who could have any woman he wanted was interested in me, I would never know. He has everything going for him. He’s beyond good looking. Every woman who sees him can’t help but stop and stare to then fantasize about him until the end of their days. It’s not only his looks that make everyone gravitate to him, but also how sweet and caring he is. A calming essence about him.

  Tonight, I saw in his eyes that this wasn’t a fling to him. He didn’t only want sex and that scared me.

  There are so many reasons for me not to get involved with Tyson Jacobs. First, I’m sure I’m ready for more, even after being alone for over a year. Second is the age difference. What would others think when or if they found out about us? Third, we work together. And fourth, what would happen to my heart when Tyson decides he’s tired of me, or when a younger, prettier girl comes around that’s interested and catches his eye? Let’s not forget that he’s also an escort. How can I be with a man when he’s with other women? Simple. I can’t.

  With all the reasons not to start anything more with Tyson, there’s a very good reason for me to see where this could go. For the first time in forever, I feel alive. I feel wanted and desirable. Something that had been missing in my marriage without me knowing it.

  My only problem is opening up to this gorgeous man who has heartbreak written all over him. Do I put myself out there or keep to myself and my fears?


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