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Dominating Lesbians Box Set

Page 9

by Tara Cummings

  “You will lie there until your time is up. You won't shower. You will go home with a dirty pussy and you will like it. When you wash your dirty snatch at home you will think about what a dirty girl you have been.” Lori pointed down at her with a sharp finger, mimicking a mother punishing a naughty girl.

  Ms. Baker nodded, the ball gag still in place. Lori turned away from her, taking each of the steps slowly, knowing that Ms. Baker was watching her every move, knowing that she now was her boss’s mistress. Lori walked away from her towards room number seven, not giving Ms. Baker the satisfaction of looking back towards her.

  When she got in to room, she closed the door behind her and leaned against it. She took a deep breath and leaned her hands against her leather covered knees, she couldn't believe that she had just played the role of her boss’s dominatrix. The same woman who would be ordering her to make her job easier tomorrow had just been her slave. Not only that, but she was paying her more to treat her like shit than to work a shitty job taking care of her responsibilities.

  Lori stepped out of the room and in to the hallway, her street clothes feeling foreign, as though she were stepping back in to her old skin. The hallway was empty but at the end of it she could see the young woman who had welcomed her in, sitting at the reception. Lori hesitated, by now she must know that Lori was not Maria. She smiled.

  “She leave you good tip, you make new friend.” She winked at Lori. If she did know that Lori wasn't Maria she wasn't letting on. She handed her a white envelope. Lori took it and slid it in to her purse.

  “Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow.” She smiled back and pushed the heavy door open, stepping in to the dark alley.

  Whatever would actually happen tomorrow, Lori knew things would be different around the office.

  The Interview

  Cali had never expected to do anything but inherit a position in the family business. She wasn't entirely sure whether she would end up as the actual ‘Smith’ behind ‘Smith and Sons Accounting’, but she was quite certain that she would be an important feature somewhere in the company. Needless to say however, it came as quite a shock when the family business claimed bankruptcy and Cali was forced to actually contemplate a career path during her college years.

  It wasn't that she had never wanted to be anything else, or that she never had dreams of becoming anything other than a follower in the family footsteps. She never seen it as an option.

  “Cali, look…I have a contact I think could really help you out. I know it's not easy coming out of school and without dad’s business waiting for you like it was for me…well, it's going to be harder for you. So…look, I want you to meet up with Ms. Marks. She’s a good gal and if she has a place for you in the company then you’ll be set.” Her brother said.

  Cali stared at him blankly.

  “It's a good firm Cali. Please just meet her? I’ll email you the info she sent me, just go, meet up with her, if you don't like her or it doesn't sound right for you then fine, but please give it a shot.”

  "Fine, I'll go.”

  Cali was nervous about going to any type of interview, she had never planned for interviews, she had planned for family, for working alongside her brothers, yet now here she found herself faced with having to…sell herself.

  The email her brother sent directed her to the Marks & Co. Building downtown. It was the tallest building downtown and, while everyone recognized the building for the size, no one recognized it for the company’s purpose. If you were to ask anyone in Chicago what it was that Marks & Co. did, very few could actually tell you. This lack of information was of very little assistance when it came to dressing for the interview so she settled on the more traditional dress.

  When she walked in to the lobby of Marks & Co. the reception area gleamed with black tile and the tinted black windows reflected the large potted plants that decorated each pillar. There were perfectly white quilted armchairs scattered throughout the large multistory room which stood empty with the exception of one woman behind a reception desk. She sat tall behind her desk, her long blond hair pulled back neatly in to a tight bun. She looked up briefly from her computer screen and smiled at Cali.

  “Welcome to Marks & Co. How may I help you?” Cali walked towards the desk, her pencil skirt keeping her strides short.

  “I have a meeting with Ms. Marks at two o’clock.” The woman typed something in to her computer and clicked through the screen.

  “May I have your name please?” She looked back up, her Barbie blue eyes not blinking.

  “Cali Smith.” She looked back down and nodded before typing something in to her computer and pressing a button on her desk.

  “The elevator is straight back, take it to the thirty fourth floor. When the doors open you will see another reception desk secretary, tell her your name, she is expecting you.”

  Cali tried to remember each step of these instructions but focused mostly on the floor number for fear of ending up on the wrong one.

  The elevator was walled in the same black tile and the floor was a streaked grey marble. Elevator music piped in quietly from the ceiling and after the doors closed the car itself moved so smoothly that she didn’t feel as though she were moving at all. Within seconds the door opened again. Just as Cali was about to step out a beautiful woman in a pressed grey suit stepped in to the elevator with a smile.

  “Going up?” Cali looked out of the elevator doors for a clue as to what floor she was on.

  “Umm, I'm not sure? I'm heading to the thirty fourth floor, I'm not sure which one we are on now to be honest.”

  The woman laughed.

  “Yes, you're going up, the thirty fourth is the top floor for business use.”

  “Oh.” Cali nodded feeling as though she should have known this already despite the fact that this was her first time inside the building. The doors closed and she watched as the woman stood back against the wall without pressing a button.

  “Are you going to the thirty fourth floor too?” Cali eyed her wondering if she could possibly be the Ms. Marks she was supposed to be meeting.

  “Yes,” the woman smiled a reassuring smile with a nod, a curl of dark hair danced next to her blue eyes. “I have a little business to take care of before I take off for the afternoon.” Cali nodded briefly afraid to say much else just in case it was Ms. Marks.

  “How about you?” The woman lifted her gaze. Her eyes were bright, the kind of crystal blue that made a person stare at them.

  “I…” Cali’s mouth felt dry as she spoke, “have an interview.” She watched as the corners of the woman’s mouth turned up in to a smirk.

  “With Ms. Marks?”

  Cali tried her best to determine if the woman was smiling because she was Ms. Marks or because she knew Ms. Marks. She nodded wordlessly.

  “Ahh, well in that case…” The woman reached in to her pocket and pulled out a plastic card which she swiped through a slot on the elevator panel before touching the topmost button. “Nice to meet you Cali. I've known your brother since our college years, when he said you were on the hunt for a position, well I know your family and I trust you like my own. You have a place in my company if you want one.”

  Well, Cali thought, that answered that question.

  “If you don't mind we’ll do this a little less formally and head up to my place, I missed lunch and I'm starving.” Ms. Marks let out a bright laugh, flashing a perfect smile.

  Cali smiled, relieved at how easy going she was. She couldn’t help but study Ms. Marks up and down. She was probably thirty-four—or thirty-five, completely gorgeous and obviously crazy successful. She made Cali nervous, as if she were her big sister that she looked up to and didn’t want to disappoint.

  “Sure, whatever works for you.” Cali looked her over, her perfectly fitted suit, her immaculately done black hair, her piercing blue eyes and that gorgeous white smile. “So what is it that you are looking for, if I could be so blunt?” Cali asked.

  Ms. Marks chuckled.

; “I like that, right to the point. I tell you want, let's get upstairs and fix something to eat and then we can talk.”

  Cali nodded. The elevator smoothly sailed straight past its original destination and straight up to the penthouse. A muffled ping sounded as the doors opened.

  Ms. Marks stepped out in to the hallway that stretched out ahead. Cali noted the shining marble floor under her feet and the black tiled walls that continued the building’s theme from the downstairs lobby. Slipping out of the elevator doors just as they began to close, Cali stepped next to Ms. Marks, taking in a deep breath of her perfume.

  “Are you hungry?” She reached in to her inside jacket pocket and pulled out another card to swipe through the door ahead.

  “Not too much, thank you though…”

  She slid the card and the door clicked open.

  “Well, you have to eat something, you can't leave a gal to eat alone.” She sounded as though she was part begging and part offering, but Cali knew that she would have to give in.

  “Ok, but something light please? I'm not too hungry.” She held the door open for Cali and ushered her inside the foyer of a two story hallway.

  “A little fruit salad?”

  Cali nodded, her dark brown hair falling in to her face.

  “Yes, please, that would be perfect.” She swept her hair behind her ear.

  “Great, have a seat.” Ms. Marks familiarity was strange but it made Cali feel much more at ease with her new boss even if she didn't technically have to go through an interview process.

  She hopped up on to a bar stool at the countertop and watched Ms. Marks open up the fridge. As she stood reaching inside the biggest refrigerator Cali had ever seen, she couldn't help but watch her ass as she bent down. Perfect and toned through her pantsuit. Cali swallowed nervously. It was rare that she actually found another woman attractive. She had experimented with a few friends in college, but would have never considered herself even bi.

  When she turned back around she placed a large bowl of freshly cut fruit in front of Cali and a sandwich out for herself.

  “Sure you don't want anything else? There's more than enough food if you're hungry.” Cali nodded.

  “I'm sure, thank you.” Ms. Marks pulled a fork from a drawer and handed it to Cali before peeling plastic wrap from the bowl of the fruit. Cali watched as she uncovered her sandwich. After taking a generous bite, Ms. Marks turned her attention to her. She gestured to the bowl of fruit with her sandwich and Cali speared a strawberry with her fork.

  “Okay, so I have a few positions that I'm looking to fill.” Cali tried to ignore the fact that Ms. Marks still had some food in her mouth while she was talking. She swallowed. Clearly when she’s hungry she gets what she wants. A hunger that probably carries over to fierce business practices.

  “Really, it depends on your qualifications…but I don't foresee that being an issue.” She turned back to the refrigerator and grabbed a couple bottles of water, handing one to Cali.

  “I'm quite confident that you could fit all positions that I have available, Cali, it just depends on…” she took a gulp of cold water and then looked at her with a slight smirk, “your preference.” The evasiveness of Ms. Marks’s answers was beginning to confuse Cali and she was almost to the point of just outright asking what it was that her company did.

  “My preference?” Cali slid the strawberry between her lips and bit down in to the sweet fruit. As the juice dripped down her chin, Ms. Marks’s eyes dropped down to watch her lips. Her tongue flicked out over her bottom lip and slowly wet it.

  “Each position in my company is very specially crafted, Cali. I like to make sure that all of my employees are happy with their job.” She tore her eyes from Cali’s lips and lingered for a moment on her eyes as she sought answers.

  “Oh.” Cali looked confused.

  “Oh? You sound disappointed?”

  “No…not disappointed. I'm sorry, I'm just a little bit confused. Jobs don't usually fall out of nowhere and now that one has, well…” She looked down in to the bowl of fruit, a blush rising in her cheeks, “I'm not sure I actually understand what the job is?” Ms. Marks laughed and walked around the breakfast bar behind her.

  “Ahhh, I'm sorry. I can be…” She pressed her mouth against Cali’s ear, smelling her hair, her breath coming softly against her skin, “a little cryptic at times.”

  Cali could feel her pulse beginning to race as Ms. Marks reached over and brushed her hair behind her ear. She was certain that her face was blushing bright red by now, but if it was Ms. Marks hadn't said a thing about it…yet.

  With her other hand she reached around Cali’s body, and picked up a grape. Slowly she lifted it to Cali’s lips, touching it to her mouth, teasing her, asking her to open her lips and when she did she slipped the grape inside, the very tips of her fingers touching Cali’s lips.

  Cali’s heart raced faster now than ever before, blood rushed to her cheeks, her pulse thundered in her ears. Ms. Marks let her fingers linger for a moment more before bringing them back to rest on Cali’s bottom lip. Tracing her lip with her fingertip, she let her breath come faster against her ear and Cali could feel her body giving way, melting against her.

  “Tell me Cali…” Her voice came in a much more assertive tone now, her mouth pressed up hard against her ear, “can you follow instructions?” Her whisper was loud and sharp from being so close. Her fingers fell from her lip, traced down to her chin, down her neckline to her chest. Cali nodded slightly.


  “Then I'd say that you have just found yourself a very well-paying job.” She slipped her hand inside Cali’s top, sliding her fingers in to her bra and cupping her breast. As she squeezed her nipple Cali felt her pussy begin to ache with a longing she had never felt before. Her head spun as she tried to make sense of it all. Just a moment ago she was trying to act completely professional and get a job.

  “That is…if you want it.” She slid Cali’s breast from her bra, sliding it out of the neck of her top and leaning over Cali’s shoulder to take her in her mouth. With the first touch of her tongue on her chest, Cali knew that she was hers, that she would do anything for this woman.

  Ms. Marks circled her tongue around her pale pink nipple as Cali leaned her head back. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined that a job interview would exist where a woman as lovely and wealthy as Ms. Marks would suck her tits.

  “Now…” She spoke with confidence, hot breath on Cali’s breast before closing her teeth against her sensitive nipple, “I'd say it’s about time for a real interview, wouldn't you?”

  She let Cali’s budding nipple slip from her pursed lips and spun her stool around to face her. Cali was breathless, her breast still peeking from the neckline of her top. She still had no idea just what this job or interview would entail but she couldn't stop it now. Things had gone too far.

  “Mmhmm.” Cali looked up in to Ms. Marks’s piercing eyes, her pussy now dripping. She slid her hand up Cali’s inner leg, higher up her thigh until her fingers brushed against her satin panties.

  “Then we should get started.” She reached with her fingers, grazing Cali’s pussy lips between her thumb and fingers, teasing her, testing her to see just how wet she was. She felt the dampness of Cali’s underwear, the smoothness of her satin panties and she gave her a smile, an evil smile, a smile full of pussy teasing intentions.

  “Please.” It was the only word that Cali could find as her breath came faster, she tried to part her legs – spreading them just as far as her tight pencil skirt would allow. Ms. Marks pulled her hand away and pressed her mouth against Cali’s, her lips devouring hers before she pulled back and lifted her from the stool.

  In one smooth motion, she pulled Cali from the stool and led her down the hallway by hand. Cali went willingly as she walked them down the hallway from the kitchen to the rest of the house, her hand outstretched in front of her like a small child being led by her mother.

  Cali watched as they passed st
ale white walls and doors that opened to numerous generically decorated rooms: a library, a guest room, an office, a closed door. They turned down another small hallway and walked up a small set of steps and paused.

  Cali watched as she grabbed something in her pocket again and heard her swipe another card before a lock clicked open. She put the card back before stepping up in to the room. Cali followed her inside. She turned around and gave Cali a mischievous smirk before closing the door behind her.

  Cali watched as the light from the hallway receded into a small bright strip before the door clicked shut. The room around them grew darker. Ms. Marks led her to the center of the room and motioned for her to lay on a large wooden table.

  “You stay here.” She turned around and clicked on a small lamp in the corner of the room before turning back to Cali and clamping two thick metal cuffs around her wrists.

  Cali’s eyes blinked rapidly as she tried to adjust to the dim lighting. She didn't fight against the cuffs, she didn't want to fight against them. She kept her eyes on Ms. Marks as she walked around her, tightening the cuffs until she almost couldn't take it anymore. Once she was secured tightly to the table she walked around to Cali’s ankles and reached to the waistband of her skirt slowly tugging the zipper down.


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