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Lord Sorcerer: Singularity Online: Book 3

Page 64

by Kyle Johnson

  As Aranos puzzled that last question, a thought popped into his head. Veronica had told him that his Charisma Stat defined how he interacted with the world; to him, that sounded like it should have powered his spatial mana. What if Charisma isn’t tied to any one aspect…because it’s tied to all of them? What if that’s how they’re all really tied together? I mean, everything about me affects my Charisma – how smart I am, my intuition, my health, whether I’m clumsy or not – so it makes sense that it should be kind of a sum total of me.

  He dove into the jumble of energies, following them deeper into himself, seeking where they originated within him. At each point of connection, there was a wellspring of power that represented the Stat that powered it. Some of those pools were larger and deeper, such as the massive founts of energy his Wisdom and Intelligence granted him, but each was connectedly directly to the appropriate mana type. Still, there almost had to be a connection between them – he’d shifted vital mana into soul mana, already, and that meant that there was a link between them…

  There. It was faint, indistinct, but there was a line of power leading away from his vital pool and going deeper within him. He followed it with mounting excitement until he found himself facing a sixth pool of energy, one that glowed with every facet at once. This was his Charisma, the sum total of himself, the place where everything that was him interacted with everything else in Ka. Lines of power radiated from it in all directions, faint but clear in his sight, and Aranos stared at the wellspring of power with a spreading grin. What if I empowered everything? What if I could dump all this power into all those streams at once? That would be a nice Evolution!

  He touched the thin streams of power radiating out from his Charisma pool; they were the problem, he realized. They were simply too small to accommodate the kind of flows he wanted; they needed to be larger, wider. He turned his focus onto that pool of power, pressing it, gently pushing the energy within. The webs of power around him glowed a bit brighter as energy slowly leached away, filling the thin lines to overflowing, and he gradually increased the pressure. The pool dimmed as power fled it, but before it could empty, Aranos reversed the process.

  This time, rather than pushing, he pulled, drawing energy back into the pool. Power flowed a bit more easily as the channels were forcibly widened, and the pool refilled more quickly than it had emptied. Aranos repeated the process, each time increasing the pressure, the channels linking his Charisma to his mana steadily widening as the power flowed more easily and with greater volume each time.

  He ceased his efforts at last, his mind exhausted from the strain. The thin, wispy channels were gone; now, wide streams of power flowed back and forth from his brightly glowing pool. The energy rushed out into his body, filling it, pervading every cell as each mana type roared through him. Aranos bit his lip as the electric tingle of power became uncomfortable, then painful. Fire raced through his body as energy surged inside him, searing him from the inside out.

  Aranos choked back a scream as pain flared into agony. It was as if molten metal coursed through his veins; radiant, white flames tore through him, burning and scorching his mortal flesh. His mana raged, unchecked, and power filled his thoughts. There was nothing but white, burning, torment; everything else vanished from his mind. Aranos didn’t know how long he could take this, and he found himself silently begging for respawn.

  Deep within his mind, a tiny spark of defiance burst to life. He was master, here, not this power; he would be the master, not the mastered. His power answered to his will, nothing more, and it would answer now. The spark swelled into an icy flame that cooled his thoughts, pushing back the fog of agony. This is my power, he growled silently, steeling his will. Mine. Mine! The fluxes of energy roared around him, but he reached out and grasped them, ignoring their fire, clamping them down with his will. Mine!

  The energy surged once more, slamming itself against the new barrier of will that rose in his mind, but Aranos endured. More than that; he thrived. He welcomed the onslaught, drew on its power, making it part of him. As the torrents of pain raged through him, he embraced them, gathering them into his being. The power was him, and he was the power. This was all that he was: every dream, every fear, every joy, every evil. All of that and more swelled within him, rising in a tide of energy that surged, crested – and finally broke, swirling back down into his core, where it stabilized as the river of mingled power he’d fashioned before. This river was stronger, though, if less defined; the aspects mingled freely, but he could draw them as he wished, pulling power through the wellspring of Charisma that rested at his center.

  As the power ebbed and faded, Aranos allowed the image of his mindscape to fade back into view. While it was comforting, it felt shallow, now; he had seen the reality beneath it, and he could sense how frail and thin the veneer was that sheltered his mind from those deeper powers. The mindscape had changed another way; his hourglasses were gone, replaced by a column of energy that rippled and swirled from earth to sky. He touched that river of power and realized that the hourglasses weren’t gone; they’d been subsumed by this new, more powerful construct. His Primary mana still spun and rotated at the center of the column, but the perfectly fashioned hourglasses weren’t necessary anymore. He understood his mana more deeply, knew it more intimately, and he could separate it with a simple effort of will.

  With just such an effort, he rose from his mindscape, opening his eyes and gazing on a scene of destruction.

  Chapter 16

  “Jeff, you okay?” Phil appeared in Aranos’ vision, the Spellsword’s face a mask of concern. “What the heck happened, man?”

  “Is it not obvious?” Geltheriel’s voice spoke from far to his side, and Aranos glanced around to see that everyone was awake and clustered around the edges of the room. “My Oathbinder has experienced an Evolution, but as is his wont, he chose to do so in the most spectacular and dangerous way possible.”

  “Wait, dangerous?” Aranos repeated dumbly. He was having trouble focusing; his thoughts were racing in every direction, and his brain felt numb. He forced himself to focus and turned his gaze to the room, which looked like it had survived a dragon attack – if just barely. The stone around him was scorched, his tent was a pile of ashes, and the nearest ones were blackened. Saphielle and Geltheriel both bore signs of healing burns. “What the heck happened?”

  “You did, mate,” Longfellow chuckled. As the others looked at him, he shrugged. “What? It’s the truth. You burst into flames in the middle of the night, burned Saphielle and your tent, woke everyone else up with your bloody screaming, and then just – stopped, and now, you’re all shiny. Scary as hell, I don’t mind saying.”

  “Shiny?” Aranos echoed, knowing that he sounded dumb and hating it. Clamping his mouth shut, he looked down at himself and saw that the Archer was correct. He was shiny. His pale, green-tinted skin looked like polished, emerald jade, now. His fingernails gleamed golden, and the lock of hair he scooped up was the brilliant hue of a ruby instead of its previous brick orange. “Anyone got a mirror?”

  Meridian wordlessly handed him a hand mirror, and he looked at himself with a sigh. His eyes glowed a sapphire blue, lacking pupils, and his eyebrows and lashes were the same color as his hair while his lips were the bright gold of his nails. His eyes were slightly larger than they’d been before and rounder, while the point of his ears had, if anything, sharpened into even higher points that jutted above the top of his head. His face had become longer, his features a bit more pronounced and, well, regal in appearance. “Well, damn. I am shiny.”

  Phil laughed, breaking the tension. “That you are, buddy. So, mind telling us what happened?”

  “His Avowed has told you, Spellsword,” Saphielle said irritably, her face betraying her annoyance. “He somehow went through an incredibly dramatic Evolution. I am certain that even he does not know the results, as he has not had time to check his notifications. Let us all return to our rests, and we will discover more in the morning.”

>   Aranos glanced at the pile of ashes where his tent had been. “That’s gonna be tough…”

  “I have a tent,” Saphielle said brusquely. “However, as I know that you usually need but a limited amount of rest each night, we will all rest more securely if you are keeping watch.” Aranos nodded, and the woman began setting up her tent while the rest of the party started moving back toward their tents, giving Aranos curious glances but not saying a word.

  “Is she mad at me?” Aranos asked Geltheriel, watching Saphielle as she labored with her tent. “I didn’t mean to…”

  “She is embarrassed, Oathbinder,” Geltheriel said gently. “When your Evolution triggered, the flames scorched her first, then the blanket you were under, then your tent. If you were to consider how she was sleeping….”

  Aranos understood instantly. “Oh, damn. And she was probably too shocked to get her armor on before everyone came rushing out to see what happened. That sucks.” He glanced at Geltheriel. “Think I should talk to her?”

  “That is your decision, of course. She is eminently practical, but were it me, I might assist her in her efforts without speaking of this. She will likely benefit from the privacy her own space accords her but would not appreciate being reminded of that moment.”

  Aranos nodded and walked over to Saphielle, grabbing a rope and pulling it tight, helping the tent to rise up from the floor. The Avenger glanced at him suspiciously, but he stayed silent and kept at his task, and a moment later, she flashed him a grateful smile. In no time, the tent stood securely, and Saphielle walked over to him, kissing him gently on the lips.

  “My tent is yours, always,” she murmured. “And yet, I do believe that the others would prefer you be awake and alert.”

  “You’re probably right,” he grimaced. “Besides, I’ve got stuff to do, notifications to process – you get the idea.”

  “Then enjoy your night, my love,” the woman murmured as she slipped into her tent, leaving the Sorcerer staring after her. Love? Aranos thought about that for a moment. He liked Saphielle, admired and respected her. Did he love her? He didn’t know, and that troubled him. He didn’t want to lead her on…

  He sighed and settled to the floor, first reaching out to check on Silma. The fenrin simply responded that she was busy and suggested he bother someone else with his mental screaming. Aranos chuckled; apparently, his Companion had felt his transformation through their bond and had been deeply disturbed by it. With a deep breath, Aranos pulled up his notifications, reading them carefully:

  Enhanced Aspect Discovered!

  Aspect: Mind

  Mind mana is the power of the mind. It can be used to read the thoughts of others, project your thoughts to them, or even alter their thoughts and memories.

  Associated Stat: Int

  Requirements: Int 50+, Lore (Any race) or Sense Intent Adept 1

  Using Mind Mana: Mind mana is orderly and emotionless and is easiest to use when the caster has a calm mind. If a caster attempts to cast a Spell using mind mana when they are experiencing an extreme emotional state – fear, passion, anger, etc. – they must make an Opposed Check of their [(Int-10) + Mana Control Skill] versus the Spell’s [SP cost /2] rounded up. Failure means the caster takes 1 point of Int drain for every 20 SP of mind mana they are using.

  Stat Damage: A caster can safely use only a limited amount of mind mana without damage. You can use SP of mind mana equal to or less than double your Int Stat per hour. Exceeding this limit drains your Int Stat: you lose 1 point of Int per 1% of your max SP of additional mind mana you use. This damage heals at a rate of 10% per hour of rest or meditation.

  Mind Mana and Barriers: Most physical barriers, including armor and magical shielding, will not protect against mind mana and offer no defense against it unless specifically designed to resist this aspect. Magic resistance does affect mind mana normally, and Skills such as Mental Resistance, Charm Resistance, or Fortitude are effective against mind mana attacks, although these have their effectiveness reduced by 50%.

  Mind Mana and Sentient Creatures: Mind mana can be used to affect the minds of sentient creatures but not to actively control them. Thoughts can be read, emotions and thoughts can be projected, and a powerful caster can implant or alter memories, but mind mana cannot force a sapient creature to behave against their nature or best interests. Sentient creatures – those that are aware of their surroundings but not self-aware – are easier to control with mind mana, as they tend to respond instinctively to emotions and stimuli without being able to resist.

  +450 XP

  Enhanced Aspect Discovered!

  Aspect: Spatial

  Spatial mana deals with the fundamental forces and concepts of the world. It is the power of gravity, of magnetism, and of force.

  Associated Stats: Dex, Agil

  Requirements: Dex or Agil 50+, Lore (Arcane), Enchanting, or Runecrafting Adept 1

  Using Spatial Mana: Spatial mana is, in many ways, the most unpredictable aspect of mana. As its effects often draw upon the world around the caster, it often gives results that vary from one casting to the next and can occasionally have unexpected side effects. A caster using spatial mana must make an Opposed Check: [the highest of the caster’s Arcane Lore, Enchanting, and Runecrafting Skill + the higher of Dex or Agil] versus the Spell’s [SP cost /2]. Failure means the Spell has some variation or side effect based on local conditions. If the Check is failed by more than 50% of the caster’s Check score, the Spell also has a random effect that is in line with the Spell’s intent. If the Check is failed by 100% or more of the caster’s Check score, the caster suffers Agil and Dex drain equal to the Spell’s SP cost / 50 (minimum of 1 point).

  Stat Damage: A caster can safely use only a limited amount of spatial mana without damage. You can use SP of spatial mana equal to or less than your Agil and Dex Stats combined per hour. Exceeding this limit drains these Stats: you lose 1 point from the higher of these two Stats per 1% of your max SP of additional spatial mana you use. This damage heals at a rate of 10% per hour of rest or meditation.

  Spatial and Elemental Mana: Spatial mana can be used to power any Spell that uses only Elemental or Composite Elemental mana. In this case, 1 point of spatial mana can replace 10 SP of Primary mana and increases the Spell’s effectiveness by 5%. This is cumulative: 20 SP of spatial mana can be used in place of 200 SP of primary mana and will boost the Spell by 100%.

  +450 XP

  Skill Evolved: Skill Instinctive Meditation has become Deeper Meditation

  New Rank: Expert 5

  Increases SP regeneration rate by 20% + 3% per Skill level when resting, double that when actively meditating.

  Spell creation may be done in the mindscape at +100% + 3% per Skill level creation speed by sacrificing all SP regeneration during that time.

  All crafted Spells gain 3% per Skill level effectiveness.

  All Enhanced mana SP limits are increased by 25%

  Wis +1

  Racial Evolution!

  Due to your special actions, your race has Evolved into a higher form! All benefits from your previous race are lost, and you gain the benefits of your new race, instead.

  Ascendant Race Unlocked!

  You have transcended the normal limitations of mortal races and have unlocked an Ascendant race!

  New Race: High Arcane

  Abilities: Str, Dex, Agil, End +3; Int, Wis, Per +5; Cha +6

  High arcanes are a race from beyond Ka, originating in the fay realm of Faerie. They are composed of magical energy given solid form and have huge bonuses to spellcasting, as well as the power to control and manipulate their bodies in ways that mortals cannot usually replicate.


  +10 SP per Class level (retroactive).

  SP Regen increased by 25%

  All arcane Skills are automatically considered Trained.

  Cha +1 per Class level (retroactive)

  Arcane Adaptation: The bodies of high arcanes are heavily adapted for channeling and casting mana.
As such, any Stat requirements for casting Spells or using aspects are reduced by one-third (rounded up).

  True Charisma – High arcanes gain a bonus to all Skills equal to their Cha Stat / 20 (rounded down). They can also empower any Stat by transferring points from their Cha to the chosen Stat in a 1:1 ratio. For example, a high arcane can boost their Str Stat by 20, reducing their Cha by the same amount. Multiple Stats can be empowered at once this way, so long as the high arcane possesses sufficient Charisma.

  Malleable Mana – A high arcane can shift their internal energies and mana from one type to another freely. This allows an arcane to transfer SP, LP, and Stamina; shift one Primary mana type into another; or transmute one Enhanced mana type to another. Enhanced and Primary mana can be exchanged at a rate of 1 SP of Enhanced mana per 15 SP of Primary mana.

  Enhanced Regeneration – A high arcane’s SP, LP, and Stamina Regen are all equal to the highest rate of these three. For example, if a high arcane regenerates 5 SP per second, 3 LP, and 2 Stamina, all three rates are set to 5 per second.

  Resilient Bodies – High arcanes receive only half the normal benefits from Stat training and cannot train any Stat over 100. They still gain normal Stat bonuses from their Class levels, Skills, and Abilities, however.

  Quest Completed: Race to Get Ahead

  Objective: Discover enough Evolved Abilities, Perks, and Traits to advance to an Evolved race

  Difficulty: A

  Reward: 25,000 XP, Race change, Ascendant Race


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