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by Texe Marrs

  This trilateral division is almost exactly what one of The Order’s leading front organizations, the Trilateral Commission, is proposing with only a minor exception. In a revealing interview in the Christian Science Monitor, Dr. C. Fred Bergsten, a prominent member of the Trilateral Commission, talked about the plan for a “multi-polar global economy.” Dr. Bergsten said that in the corning World Order there will be “management by committee.” That committee, he explained, would be made up of experts from North America, Western Europe, and Japan.

  Bergsten also talked about the coordination of such financial entities as the World Bank, The International Monetary Fund, and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. And he stated that the U.S.S.R. would be welcomed into the new World Order. 17 We can expect that the Trilateral Commission will more and more discuss the future role of the Soviet Union in this trilateral arrangement. The goal is to merge the U.S.A and Russia into one economic and social entity.

  Europe and Japan to be Exalted

  Now the amazing thing is that The Order wishes to exalt Japan, as leader of Asia, and Germany—Germany being the managing partner of the coming United States of Europe now planned tentatively for 1992. These are the same two world powers that plunged the world into bloodshed and death in the flames of World War II.

  It was the religion of demonic-led emperor worship and ancestral spirit communication in Japan which inspired that oriental power to attempt to dominate Asia and caused Tokyo’s Navy to destroy the American naval forces at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. At the same time, Adolf Hitler had put together his storm troopers and his Gestapo, and his generals were leading the German forces in a deadly march across Western Europe and North Africa and into the frozen steppes of Russia.

  Since World War II, of course, both Japan and Germany have behaved. Indeed, while the U.S. and Russia bankrupted their economies in an expensive, frenetic, incredible arms race, Japan and Germany calmly used their industrial resources and money to become premier economic powers. If The Order has its way, they will become the two greatest economic powerhouses on earth by the year 2000.

  Hitler conceived of Germany and Japan as spiritual soul-mates, members of the exalted Aryan and Atlantian races respectively. This bizarre idea originated from Hitler’s study of the secret doctrine, babblings and writings from the twisted imagination of Helena Blavatsky, who founded the Theosophy cult in the late 19th century. More on Hitler’s madness and his ideas of a superior race later.

  America and Russia Are Mongrel Nations

  In the view of The Order, both the U.S.A and Russia are for the most part mongrel nations. Each are federations of a diverse number of peoples. They are not of pure blood. This concept of racial purity was not new to Hitler and today it is held not only by some members of the royalty and secret societies in Europe, but also by many of the upper class in Japan.

  This heinous racial doctrine still prevailing among the elite in Japan came to light and shocked many of the readers of the Wall Street Journal when in that newspaper read by America’s financial elite, Toshio Soejima, head of Japan’s largest telecommunications firm—indeed the world’s largest—Nippon T & T Corporation, was quoted as saying:

  The Japanese are a people that can manufacture a product of uniformity and superior quality because the Japanese are a race of completely pure blood, not a mongrelized race as in the United States. 18

  This blatantly prejudiced comment from one of Japan’s leading industrialists astonished Western observers. Subsequently, Kenchi Takemura, one of Japan’s most famous television news reporters, admitted that this attitude is prevalent among some in his country. “The Japanese do not consider others human beings. We tend to be insensitive to things not Japanese.” 19

  The United States and the Soviet Union, according to The Order, are made up of a number of nationalities, most of which have intermarried and intermixed. Thus, Hitler maintained that after he had defeated Russia in World War II, he would reduce that nation to a serf state. After killing off most of the Russian citizens, history records that Hitler’s plan was to take the Russians who remained and use them as slave laborers good only to provide agricultural products for the German Reich.

  This is also the plan of The Order in regards to the United States of America. In their minds we are good farmers and soldiers but inferior in most other respects. In fact, The Order realizes that America has one of the greatest agricultural production rates in the world today. In the radiant New Age, therefore, we will become the bread basket.

  To a lesser extent, Russia will be. Of course at present, Russia cannot provide enough food even for itself, but all of this will be taken care of, according to the guidelines of The Plan, as Soon as the One World Order gains complete authoritarian control. Then there will be a purification and cleansing action so that the population of Russia will be reduced significantly. For the most part, only those who work the land will survive this purification process.

  In America, the same is true. After the misfits are done away with, then there will not be so many mouths to feed and resources can be distributed to those “more” deserving.

  Americans and Russians to Become World Policemen

  Another role for U.S.A/Russia will be as world policemen. Since the “mongrel races” in these countries are brutes who are quite good at exercising military power—witness the fact that both the United States and the Soviet Union have long been famed for their military prowess—it is planned that in the future One World Order, we will become the world policemen for The Order. The U.S.A and Russia will give their youth as blood sacrifices to enforce global peace and put down rebellions to keep the Lords of Money in office.

  A model action was the United States buildup in the Persian Gulf after Saddam Hussein invaded and conquered tiny Kuwait. Here we see the pattern for the future: The United States (and also Russia as need be) sending in mercenary forces while the strongest economic powers on planet earth, Japan and Germany, as well as other associated nations in Europe and Asia, for the most part sit idly by.

  The military buildup in the Middle East cost America approximately $1.2 billion per month. In addition, it was the U.S. servicemen and women whose lives were on the line, not the Japanese and the Europeans. When war comes, and it will come in order to enforce the New Order, it will be the serf states of the U.S.A and Russia, owned as they are by the Japanese and European juggernauts, who pay the bitter price.

  It is interesting to note that in George Orwell’s 1984, there is also a trilateral division of world powers, and war was a major preoccupation of these powers. Could it be that George Orwell knew, even in 1948 at the time his monumental and frightening book was first published, that The Order was alive and well? Did Orwell know of their plans?

  It should also be noted that if Israel does not behave, or perhaps even if it does, at some future juncture the United States and Russia will be ordered by the elite to put down the Jewish state. This could very well fulfill Bible prophecy. We read in Ezekiel 38 and 39 that in the last days the great nation to the utter north of the nation of Israel (Russia, as can easily be seen on any map) will invade Israel along with a number of other nations (including Gomer, or Germany) that are named. The Order’s use of the U.S.A/Russia trilateral group of nations could prove very prophetic.

  Social and Spiritual Transformation in the U.S.A. and Russia

  A major emphasis of the Order and its many front organizations—especially those that are church-related-has been to radically alter the spiritual and moral belief systems of both the United States and the Soviet Union. The growth of the New Age Movement and the increasing immorality in all walks of American life are indicators of just how successful this effort has been. The ultimate objective is an entirely new spirituality.

  In the Soviet Union emphasis has been on reestablishing spirituality as the era of atheism ends. The newfound spirituality will be based on occultism, old Russian and ethnic paganism, and New Age innovations. While traditional, Biblical Christ
ianity is now also gaining adherents in Russia, the masters of that country will be doing their best to channel spiritual interests toward a more preferred type of apostate, pagan “Christianity.” The Order fully realizes that a form of New Age/pagan spirituality is more perfectly compatible with its aims.

  The Fourth Reich Of The Super-rich

  According to one of its chief goals, The Order intends to create a United States of Europe. At the helm of this powerful confederation of nations will be a unified Germany. The United States of Europe win become the seat of world government and it win be from its capitol that the supreme World Leader will reign.

  In the following chapter we will examine the role of the coming World Leader and discover the ingenious methods and strategies he plans to use to achieve the six major goals of the conspiracy.

  Chapter 5

  A World Leader for the New Millennium

  Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. (II Thessalonians 2:3-4)

  Send us a man, whether he be God or the devil, and we will receive him. (Henri Spaak, Secretary-General of NATO)

  Goal number 3 of the Plan is the crowning of their own chosen one to be the supreme World Leader. This will fulfill Revelation 13 which describes a beast that rises out of the sea. This beast, known by Christians as the Antichrist and designated with the number 666, will be widely admired as a great statesman and diplomat. He will rule with the advice and consent of The Order.

  Today, in leadership positions around the world, there are already men appointed by The Order not because of merit, but simply due to heritage. Their father and grandfathers before them received favored son treatment. These are the blue bloods, the multi-generational race of supposed supermen.

  It will be the task of the World Leader to see to the extermination of the inferior races. It will also be the task of the World Leader to see to it that the world’s money supply is securely under the watchful eye of The Order. The World Leader will therefore be a man of consummate financial skills. He will be a wizard of the financial marketplace and will know how to consolidate banking operations around the world and centralize their management. Central financial planning is a key element in order to fulfill the plans of The Order.

  Money to be Major Concern of World Leader

  In her book Externalization of the Hierarchy, the high priestess of the New Order, the late Alice Bailey, explains that the acquisition, possession, and management of money will be the major concern of the coming World Leader:

  When the adjuster of finances (as an advanced disciple from this Ashram is called in the Hierarchy) appears, he will find conditions greatly changed from those now prevalent and this to the following extent: #1. The principle of barter and exchange (to the benefit of all concerned) will control. #2. National currencies will have been largely superceded, not only by a system of barter but by a universal monetary exchange... 1

  This system of barter exchange is confirmed as essential by Vera Stanley Alder. She carefully prescribes a system to be set up whereby there will be a Council For Economics that reports to the President of Earth, also known simply as the World Leader. According to Alder, “he principles of world government... should insist on the right of every man to the necessities of life, the best available chances of education, and the possibility of cultivating his own piece of land.” 2 She says that the Council For Economics would see to the just redistribution of resources so that all will be shared in common.

  This is, of course, a bunch of socialistic nonsense, but socialism is exactly what is prescribed by The Order. As we continue to read of Alder’s blueprint for the money system we see her dictum that “money will come to be considered as crystallized power or spiritual energy.” She adds: “Therefore, its manipulation will become a solemn responsibility, closely under the guidance of the spiritual council.” 3

  Alder also describes the coming cashless society:

  Economics will be founded on a quite different basis from that of the present capitalistic system. A system of exchange between peoples of goods and services will, when intelligently developed, gradually cancel out the need for buying and selling with money. 4

  All Food, Gold, and Silver to be Owned by State

  If Alder’s detailed blueprint is carried out by The Order, food will be closely controlled by a World Food Authority, and gold, silver, and other precious metals would be seized from individual owners. A universal currency would also be issued and a new marking and identification system used for purchases made:

  Agricultural surpluses will be passed through a “central Surplus Pool,” controlled by the Council For Economics. There would be no need for a paper currency, nor even for the retention of gold, silver, and other precious metals by individuals or countries. Money as such would revert to its original token value. As the bulk of commerce would be carried on by the means of exchange, and individual needs would be supplied on a ration card system, the need for the handling of money would dwindle.

  There will of course be a universal currency the world over. There would be a central bank which decided the value or price cheaply in terms of labor and quality of all goods produced. This value would probably be described in terms of letters and numbers, the letters representing the quality of work in material and the numbers representing the hours of work entailed. 5

  The system described by Alder to be instituted by the coming World Leader and his associates will fulfill to the very letter Revelation 13:17: “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

  The proposed system will give a value for each purchase “in terms of letters and numbers.” This is chilling, as is the intention to institute a ration card system. If this system is ever adopted, the reign of the coming “President of Earth” will be hellish indeed.

  It is equally scary to read Alder’s dark comments in her chapter “From Self-Mastery to World Service.” She proclaims that the supreme goal of the coming World Order will be to achieve the “oneness and the interdependence of humanity,” with its motto being The greatest good for the greatest number. 6

  In other words, individual rights will be stamped out as the elite decides what is in the best interest of all humanity. Alder’s sly use of the phrase, “The greatest good for the greatest number,” is the same slogan and motto used by the Lucis Trust, the Tara Center, World Goodwill, and many other front organizations set up by The Order.

  The Imperialistic Conquest of The United States And Soviet Russia

  To create a trilateral world of three power centers, Japan, Europe, and U.S.A/Russia, it is necessary that the World Leader whittle the U.S.A and Russia down to size. Until the decade of the 70s, the United States was the greatest economic powerhouse in the world. Its balance of trade showed surpluses, the dollar was strong, and this nation occupied a position of preeminence in the world. No longer is this true. There have been subversive forces at work in the United States and abroad first to equalize the United States’ economy in comparison with Germany, Japan and others overseas, and then finally to force America to sink ever downward to become a second-rate economic power.

  The same is true of Soviet Russia, although in that country The Order got a lot of help from the rulers in the Kremlin with their ill-conceived policies of socialism and collectivism and their arrogant goal of world domination and military supremacy.

  The Order’s decision that Europe, led by Germany, and Japan are to be the two key financial leaders in the New International Economic Order and that U.S.A/Russia will playa subordinate role as world food producer and policeman has produced striking economic results over the past few decades. The long term policy of the megabanks controlled by The Order has been to slowly strangle and
throttle America economically. Though it has taken many years to accomplish, this project has been eminently successful.

  We are finally seeing the final stages of what I call the “Great Sell-off and Looting of America.” Germany, Britain and other nations in the European community, and Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and others in Asia, have bought controlling interest in American corporations. They also now own much of the prime real estate in major cities and markets throughout the continental United States.

  Why are our leaders allowing this economic catastrophe to occur? Why do they let us be strangled? We can see in their public statements that the spokespersons for such groups as the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta have no true loyalty and patriotism to their native nation, the U.S.A Instead, infiltrating at all levels of government and industry, they have used their money and positions to destroy the American economy and to transfer American wealth to foreigners, especially to their colleagues in Germany and Japan.

  Moreover, the American genius for invention and originality has been abused by such nations as Japan. After Americans come up with original ideas for everything from lasers to computers and for all types of electronic devices and instruments—from television sets and electric toasters to microwave ovens and new communication networks-the imitators in Japan go to work with their copycat models.


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