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Millennium Page 8

by Texe Marrs

  To their credit, their scientists have often improved upon the basic American models. But research and development costs are staggering, and often, after American entrepreneurs have spent millions or even billions to invent and produce certain products, the Japanese make slight improvements and then move rapidly to take over the world market. In effect, they have stolen the American patents. In this way, America has become more and more impoverished as its goods are rejected in the world marketplace.

  Bureaucrats Aid the Economic Takeover of America

  To assist the coming World Leader, The Order has also been able to install political leaders at the top echelons of America’s government, especially in what is called the fourth branch of government, the bureaucracy. It is the bureaucrats at the Department of State, Department of Commerce, Department of Treasury, the Justice Department, and the numerous agencies that regulate international trade that are crammed full of CFR, TLC, and Lucis Trust members who use their influence to build up such nations as Germany and Japan while diminishing the success of American trade efforts.

  The Coming Great Economic Depression

  All the evidence indicates that without a doubt the manipulators have in the wings a Great Depression for America (and Canada). It will be an economic downswing so severe that it will startle the citizens of this nation and drive America directly into the arms of the waiting members of the One World Order.

  When financial crisis and panic grips Americans, when unemployment flies up to 20 percent or more and a 1990s repeat of the 1929 stock market crash is blasted all over the news networks, The Order believes the American public will cry out for its leadership to do something. Anything. Then those leaders of The Order who have carefully and gradually over the years wormed their way into top positions of leadership in the American government will simply sign over to the European Community and the Japanese deed and title to all the treasure houses of this once great continent.

  Soviet Bear Declawed

  The Soviet Bear has also been declawed by The Order. Stalin complained about being encircled. Although the monstrous policies of Stalin and his butchering of at least 25 million of his own people certainly cause us to falter in our sympathy, we know for a fact that Russia was indeed encircled economically. In fact, it was George Kennan, a member of the CFR, who in the 1950’s fine-tuned a policy which the West called the “Containment” of Russia.

  This Containment over the ensuing decades finally has resulted in the almost total economic and financial collapse of the communist titan. Of course, the idiocy of the communists and their dogged refusal to let go of their unrealistic goal of world domination was a great boost to the cause of The Order. Judgment seems to have finally arrived for the leaders of this godless, atheistic nation-state.

  Today, President Gorbachev regularly visits the capitals of Bonn, London, Rome, Paris, and Washington, D.C., begging to join the coming United States of Europe. He is saying almost on bended knees, “Please let us join the Common European Home. Please let us enter the door to prosperity.” So far, The Order has turned Gorbachev down cold, although there have been some crumbs shoved his way. In exchange for Gorbachev’s bringing Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union into the sphere of influence of The Order, and in exchange for his softening of the role of world communism, The Order has agreed to increase trade between the Soviet bloc, the European Community, the United States, and others and has promised to help the Soviet Union out by providing high tech equipment and new, improved industrial machinery.

  For example, according to news accounts, in exchange for Russia allowing Germany to reunite, Chancellor Helmut Kohl of West Germany guaranteed to provide the Kremlin grants and loans of up to $15 billion. This is a shot in the arm for the Russian economy which is now in a most desperate strait. Gorbachev has also been guaranteed favored trading status by The Order and he has been told that the ruble will be integrated into the coming world currency system.

  As long as Russia behaves itself and Gorbachev or his successors do what The Order tells them to do, the Soviets will continue to be thrown crumbs off the table. For now, the Russians have no choice but to accede to the demands of The. Order. The masters of the Kremlin realize full well that their people are in a surly state of rebellion and mutiny because of the great shortages of consumer goods and the pitiful state of the Russian economy.

  The Arms Race Has Hurt America’s Economy

  It should be noted, too, that The Order has been thrilled at the great arms race and its devastating effect over the years on both the U.S.A and Russia. While Germany and Japan sat back in the lap of luxury and devoted their financial resources to building at breakneck speed a tremendously strong civilian industrial empire, the United States and Russia threw hundreds of billions of dollars down the drain, developing, producing and putting on-line expensive tactical and strategic weapon systems.

  Now, given the post-Cold War situation, conventional forces are primarily what is needed to serve as a world police force. Strategic weaponry, in particular ICBM’s, cruise missiles, Star Wars platforms, nuclear missile carrying submarines, and other high cost systems, are proving to be albatrosses. The use of conventional military power is most needed in the small brush fire conflicts most likely to occur around the world. Therefore, these expensive systems now in the possession of the United States and the Soviet Union may well become relics of a faded and now bygone era. Increasingly, the eagle and the bear are becoming antiquated, pitiful warriors, in a new world in which economic forces dictate which nations have the most power.

  The Economic Cold War is Over—They Won!

  In essence, what the masters of Germany and Japan were unable to do in World War n by bullets and bombs, they have been able to accomplish since that time with their marks and yen. After decades of assault their imperialistic conquest of the United States and the Soviet Union is almost complete. Perhaps it is significant to remember that at the end of World War II, Japan’s god-man emperor, Hirohito, refused to use the term surrender. The Empire of the Rising Sun, said the emperor, had merely decided to “stop fighting.” 7

  The reported last words of Hitler also jar the mind. Aware of the magnitude of his overwhelming defeat by the allied powers, and having decided to kill himself and have his mate, Eva Braun, commit suicide, rather than be taken captive by the Americans and the Russians, a dejected but still defiant Hitler declared:

  It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right. 8

  Will the demon spirit that possessed Hitler also possess the coming World Leader of the Fourth Reich of the super-rich? Bible prophecy indicates that Satan himself may indwell this vile person (see II Thessalonians 2). He will be a much greater personality than Hitler!

  Amazingly, some years ago, in 1957, Henri Spaak, then Secretary-General of NATO in Europe, told an audience, “We are tired of Committees. Send us a man whether he be God or the devil and we will receive him.”

  The Rise of the False Prophet

  While five of the six goals of The Order are concerned with accomplishing political and economic objectives, the sixth, equally important, involves spiritual objectives. It is the intent of The Order that there be two men at the helm of global leadership. One man, the World Leader, will guide the destinies of the nations, controlling the political order and the economic structures of the nation-state system within its trilateral groupings.

  The second man at the top, subservient to the World Leader but powerful in his own right, will be the Spiritual Overseer of all the world’s people. He will be the one who causes the world’s religions and faith groupings to focus their eyes on and throw their full support and endorsement behind the World Leader and The Plan of The Order. Bible prophecy describes this man as the “False Prophet” (Revelation 19:20).

  Now, although the elitist members of The Order secretly practice a religion based on Luciferian doctrines, for practical reasons and expediency they encourage a reli
gious philosophy based on the universal concept of “God as you understand him.” The New World Religion and its spiritual helmsman will not support anyone religious system or set of dogma. Instead, all religions, all beliefs, all religious practices are to be adjudged of equal worth and value. Whatsoever god or gods men and women choose to serve is of no consequence, as long as they do serve a deity of sorts.

  Another cardinal rule is that whatever religion or faith to which a person ascribes, the individual must go along with a doctrine of tolerance and unconditional acceptance of all other faith systems. In the bright new future, it will be acceptable to believe in anyone and anything as long as one does not advocate exclusivity.

  The infamous British satanist, Aleister Crowley, still widely regarded as a great spiritual presence by the men of The Order, set forth in his writings the one great commandment of The Order. Still accepted today as the greatest of all commandments by New Agers, witches, and, occultists, it is simply this: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” This is, Crowley taught, the “Word” of the New Age. 9

  The Supreme Law of the Masons

  Freemasonry, the fraternity shared by those in The Order, accepts this unholy commandment. In his revealing treatise, Emergence of The Mystical, Henry C. Clausen, 33rd degree, and formerly Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (the Mother Supreme Council of the World for Freemasons), offered this wisdom to Masons throughout the planet:

  Each man is his own absolute law giver, the dispenser of glory or gloom to himself; the decreer of his life, his reward, his punishment. 10

  This law of the Masons and The Order directly conflicts with the Word of God. In Proverbs 28:26 we read: “He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool...”

  We see, then, that the universal religion advocated by The Order and required of all of its subjects will be the humanistic, self-centered philosophy of the New Age movement. In fact, this will be a New Age World Religion, a uniting of all world religions into one. Protestant, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist, African tribal worship, native American Indian—it does not matter in the New Age. All are one.

  Believers in A Personal God Not Welcome

  However, there are at least three groups which will not be allowed to exist in this coming world religious system: fundamentalist Christians, orthodox Jews, and fundamentalist Moslems. Each of these groups refuses to yield and merge its body of beliefs with the other world religions. Each claims itself to be exclusive. Moreover, the fundamentalist Christians and Moslems and the orthodox Jews commonly believe in a personal God, whereas The Order, in its propaganda for the masses, claims that there is no personal God, only a god of energy forces, a nebulous and impersonal divine intelligence. Thus, true Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are incompatible with the goals of The Order.

  So we can expect hard times for those who practice such religions and especially for Christians. Christians are continually a thorn in the side of The Order because of the intervention of the Holy Spirit on their behalf.

  A world religion sponsored by The Order will also affirm belief that the nebulous god of forces may come in any shape or fashion. It can be a he or a she. Indeed, goddess worship will be the principle form of veneration of deity in the new world religion. The pagan gods and goddesses of India, the orient, and ancient Babylon, Rome, Greece, and the Celts will increasingly find favor in the coming new world.

  Will The Vatican Become World Religion Headquarters?

  Though many Catholics will no doubt become very alarmed over the prospect, it is clearly factual that The Order desires that the Vatican be the fount and the headquarters of the New World Religion and intends that the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church become the Supreme Pontiff of the whole world. The pope is to become the earth’s King/Priest. He is to marshal the spiritual resources of the planet. He will also proclaim that all religions are one and that “God” has given divine authority, absolute rights, and responsibility to the World Leader.

  Already the Pope is viewed as the world’s greatest spiritual leader, by mainline Protestant denominations and other world religions. Quickly, all are coming together while the few true Christians who refuse to join this false unity movement are increasingly being portrayed as hardline separatists worthy of scorn and abuse.

  It is expected that the pope will instill in peoples a keen desire to worship the goddess as the Queen of Heaven. Word will be put out to the faithful of all religions that Mary is an archetype of all the goddesses of the past, from Isis in Egypt, Ishtar in Babylon and Ashtoreth in ancient Israel, to Venus in Rome and Athena and Diana in Greece. “Mary” and the other goddesses will all be seen to be one and the same. It will also be promulgated that it does not matter which goddess you pray to or petition since all their spiritual energies emanate from the same source. All are to be viewed as intercessors between man and “God.”

  The pope will also espouse the philosophy that the Great Spiritual Sun is sending to earth many rays of light and this is why there are many world religions. Each man and woman, so the claim will go, may follow the light of his or her own choosing. All men will be seen as brothers and as members of the global community. The belief that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, the Life will be declared obsolete, bigoted and narrow-minded, and unloving.

  When the bleak day arrives that all of the above come into being, you will know for sure that the return of our Lord is imminent. Then, the Supreme Pontiff, the Antichrist World Leader, and the other members of The Order will know that the game is over. Finished. I pray that day will come soon.

  Chapter 6

  Occult Theocracy

  And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their strength and power unto the beast. (Revelation 17:12-13)

  In the nuclear age, humanity must evolve a new mode of political thought, a new concept of the world... a new way of thinking... Revolutions always begin in the mind... (Mikhail Gorbachev, President, U.S.S.R., Perestroika)

  There is a certain man who once each year, to celebrate the spring equinox, goes up to the top of a “sacred” mountain in France. There, he sits in the lotus position so familiar to the Hindu and Yoga teachers and beats a staccato rhythm on primitive sticks. His goal is to communicate with the spirits of the earth.

  Now, given the fact that shamans and witchdoctors are commonplace in today’s New Age-infested world, this event would not ordinarily arouse our curiosity. However, in this instance, we should definitely sit up and take notice. The man just described as attempting to communicate with the spirit world is a most important individual: his name is Francois Mitterand, and he is currently the president of France, a nation which possesses enough nuclear-tipped missiles to destroy much of our globe! 1

  Perhaps it should come as no surprise that President Francois Mitterand recently stated that he is not afraid of a reunified Germany, that he in fact thinks a strong Germany is good for Europe. Could it be that the same demonic and conspiratorial forces which are shaping Germany and the coming United States of Europe into the “New Rome” are also influencing Monsieur Mitterand?

  Shocking as it may seem, there is an occult explosion among today’s world leaders. Americans may have been surprised at the revelation by his Chief of Staff Donald Regan that astrologist Joan Quigley guided the minute affairs of state during the eight-year presidency of Ronald Reagan. But this was and is only the tip of the iceberg. Many other revelations and secrets about American and other world leaders lie beneath the surface, awaiting disclosure by courageous men and women in the know.

  The Occult Theocracy That Runs the World

  The elite in Germany, Great Britain, the U.S.A, France, and elsewhere who run the political and economic affairs of our world are most often not Christians as we might suppose. The evidence clearly establishes that these men-and the leaders of the secret societies and order
s whom they represent—are occultists whose spiritual loyalty is pledged to pagan deities or simply to “The Force.”

  The Mystical Prince and the Great Global Land Grab

  A prime example of the new type of occult political leader is the dashing Prince Charles, heir to the British throne. It is well-documented that the Prince is a believer in the powers of occult symbols; he advocates New Age “holistic” health care, and has dabbled with spirit channeling, astrology, divination by pendulum, the I Ching, and occult visualization. 2

  The Prince, who is already—even before coronation as reigning Monarch—taking an active part in government and society, is also tied in with the conspiratorial Trilateral Commission. Last year Prince Charles addressed members of the Trilateral Commission in London and promoted his and Prince Philip’s grandiose plan for a World Conservation Bank! 3

  This plan, whose architects include banker David Rockefeller, U.S. Secretary of State James Baker, Baron de Edmund Rochschild, and other Trilateral and CFR members, would require the U.S. megabanks to “forgive” the multibillion dollar debts owed them by such Third World countries as Brazil and Mexico. In exchange, those countries would sign over legal deeds for millions of acres of undeveloped land to the internationalists. They in turn have set up a fraudulent institution called the World Conservation Bank to hold the title to these valuable lands. 4

  It is anticipated that once the Third World nations have coughed up their land, under threat of being forced into bankruptcy by the big boys if they refuse, then such industrial nations as the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and others will be told that they, too, must sign over their wilderness properties. But not to worry. Prince Charles, the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and the other Lords of Money will take good care of the one-third of the world’s resources that are to be handed them on a silver platter.


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