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Millennium Page 10

by Texe Marrs

  He goes on to say that this is not only a Soviet, but a world-wide revolution equally as far-reaching as former great social, political, and religious upheavals in France (the Great Revolution of 1789-93), Great Britain (Cromwell’s Revolution of 1649 and the “Glorious Revolution” of 1688-89) and Germany (Bismark’s “iron and blood” reform of the late 1860s).

  The shrewd Soviet overlord declares that “the whole world needs restructuring” and he points the way to a new reality, explaining that:

  We know that we in this world are, on the whole, now linked to the same destiny, that we live on the same planet... that such a reality holds for all of us... For the whole world needs restructuring! 18

  A New Way of Thinking

  According to the Soviet Communist chieftain, the “New Way of Thinking” will promote new universal values to take advantage of man’s “spiritual capital,” a kind of resource built up, he says, without the need for a personal God: “Amazing things happen, when people take responsibility for everything themselves,” he contends. What is needed, Gorbachev stresses, is the kind of revolution that alters men’s minds:

  A new way of thinking must develop... Revolutions always begin in the mind... in liberating the mind. 19

  Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has volunteered to lead the whole world into this revolution to liberate man’s mind. At the massive 27th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, he had his nation’s entire governmental apparatus boldly announce that the Soviet Union officially endorses the:

  —establishment of a new world economic order guaranteeing economic security to all countries; and the

  —extirpation (ending) of genocide, apartheid, advocacy of fascism and every other form of racial, national or religious exclusiveness; and also of discrimination against people on this basis. 20

  American New Agers and Globalists Back Gorbachev

  Gorbachev is putting wings on his New Age ideas. For one thing, he eagerly addresses Western peace delegations that visit Moscow. He sent 300 Soviet citizen delegates to a mammothly publicized New Age event held in Washington, D.C. on February 1-5, 1988. California State legislator John Vasconcellos, former U.N. diplomat Dr. Robert Muller, broadcaster Ted Turner, scientist Willis Harman, pop psychologist Gerald Jampolsky, author Gail Sheehy, and other American New Age activists hosted this event which took as its theme the work necessary to converge Soviet and U.S. interests and to “shift Soviet-American consciousness from separation and fear to unity and love.” One of the workshops was revealingly entitled, “Religion, Atheism, and Spirituality.”

  In 1987, Soviet Leader Gorbachev met with a large group of U.S. celebrities in Moscow. He outlined to them his new worldview and asked them to help him propagate the new Soviet “gospel.” “You are well-known in your own country, and your voice is needed,” he urged. Among the well-known celebrities who attended were economist John Kenneth Galbraith, scientist Carl Sagan, actor Paul Newman, singer John Denver, two former U.S. Secretaries of State, Henry Kissinger and Cyrus Vance, and former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. Regrettably, also at the gala was evangelist Billy Graham, who once upon a time bravely condemned globalism, communism, and ecumenicism, but has recently softened his views considerably.

  Reportedly, the reception was not marked by dissent. Not one of these American visitors, for example, complained to Gorbachev of the continuing Soviet persecution of Jews and fundamentalist Christians as well as the Soviet’s continued occupation of such captive nations as the Baltic Republics. Yet, all were obliged to listen to the Soviet Party Chief encourage all present to be “united in our thoughts and actions.”

  Gorbachev’s repeated call for a “Global Brain Trust” of “Nobel laureates, diplomats and churchmen” to help focus the world’s attention on peace, disarmament, and similar issues is especially revealing. This is startlingly similar to the proposals of the Lucis Trust and other New Age groups for a “World Mind” or “Council of Wise Persons” to oversee the peace process and set up a One World economic and political order.

  Gorbachev’s New Age Emissary to America

  Gorbachev has also begun to send special citizen “evangelists” steeped in New Age and occult religious doctrines to America where they meet with kindred spirits. One premier example is the U.S. visit of famed Soviet poet, Igor Mikhailusenko. New Frontier magazine reported on Mikhailusenko’s visit to various New Age communes and communities and interviewed him regarding his upcoming Soviet book, The Best of American Freedom. In the interview, Mikhailusenko parroted the official Soviet party line, but with a remarkable difference from that of just a few years ago, announcing that anything “New Age” is “in” in the U.S.S.R. 21

  Keep in mind that Mikhailsenko, the bestselling author in Russia today, was sent as an official Soviet representative. Therefore, we can possibly glean from his comments the type of propaganda now being pushed inside the Soviet Union to its own people. Here are just a few of the Russian poet’s statements to the interviewer:

  I trust in Supermind.

  The Force is God. But it’s a Cosmic God.

  I hold great respect for all religions and I even have a little bronze Buddha from the Peace Pagoda.

  I’m quite certain that the earth now goes not into an abyss, but moves to a brighter future... I have a glorious vision that by the year 2000 the world will surely reach its destination. It will be a world without weapons where all dwellers on earth, all peoples and nations, will be happy and free and will live in prosperity.

  Mikhailusenko, however, didn’t just stop at reciting these common New Age themes. He went on to discuss astral travel (he claimed out-of-body experiences), the Peace Movement, spaceship earth, and higher consciousness.

  As the views of Mikhailusenko indicate, even if Gorbachev falls, his successor will no doubt echo the new party line from the Kremlin. Indeed, when Gorbachev’s principal political opponent Boris Yeltsin recently came to America, the trip was sponsored and paid for by a California-based New Age organization.

  Planetary Transformation and The Occult Theocracy

  How can our world leaders be so blatantly unholy? Has the whole world gone insane? No, the world is not insane, at least from a Biblical perspective. It has simply entered the slimy era when Satan is given practically free reign. This is why everywhere we turn, we find prominent people in all fields endorsing the goals of the conspirators and immersing themselves in various New Age and occultic philosophies and religious practices. The awful truth is that an incredible planetary transformation has already taken place while so many of us were unaware


  Chapter 7

  When Will the Dollar Die?

  And that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Revelation 13:17)

  Today we have paper money that essentially has no value to it... a source (at the Federal Reserve) friendly to us stated confidentially there is going to be a new paper currency. It is going to be a different color... It has been studied for six years. (Congressman Ron Paul, The Coming Currency Exchange)

  The day the dollar died no one came to its funeral. Indeed, the sad but inescapable fact is that few realized that the dollar had passed away. Even today many who cherish the dollar the most are blissfully unaware of its demise. Those who are the most gullible and unquestioning are convinced that the dollar will live forever, that it is like an eternal living creature whose vibrancy and energetic bounce will be seen, felt, and heard throughout the world for eons to come. But they are wrong. The dollar is dead. We have only to await its funeral. Even now, if we listen closely enough we can hear the first stanzas of the inevitable dirge and burial music.

  No one but its assassins are quite sure of the exact moment and date the dollar died. Those in the know have come to the conclusion that the life-force of the dollar first began to ebb away slowly and inexorably sometime in January 1980. During that eventful month an amaz
ing event occurred in the world’s marketplaces. Men everywhere began to clamor for gold, the most precious metal. The world’s speculators and investors, as well as the little man and woman on the street, bid up the price of gold to an astounding high of $875 an ounce. It seemed as if the word was out. The dollar was in very desperate shape. For their own economic and financial salvation, the world had turned to the only commodity which throughout the centuries has assured safety and preservation. Gold.

  Massive government debt and conspiratorial acts by a small clan of international schemers had succeeded in destroying much of the value of the U.S. dollar. Thus, many people began to turn to gold as a hedge against economic and financial disaster. They also began to turn to other currencies and particularly to the German mark and the Japanese yen.

  Those who plotted its death saw to it that a second blow was dealt the dollar in August, 1982. Just as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was about to convene its annual meeting in Toronto, Canada, that month, Mexico, a third world nation that owed $64 billion to the United States and other central banks, shocked the financial community. Mexico declared itself unable to meet its massive debt obligations. Brazil and a host of other major borrower nations quickly followed suit.

  Michael Claudon, editor of an extensive study of the world debt crisis, subsequently wrote, “Those declarations pushed the world banking system to the brink of financial chaos... the global debt crisis was grave.” 1

  Claudon noted that the nine largest U.S. money center banks had lent some $98.6 billion of their bank capital to third world nations in the preceding decade—more than these banks had assets! Now it was time to pay the piper. Those nations were unable to pay their just debts. “Therefore,” said Claudon, “on paper, at least, these nine banks were bankrupt after the fateful declarations of August, 1982.”

  In the years since 1982 it has become even more apparent to insiders that the dollar is dead and that we are living on borrowed time. They will come soon to take our money away. They will drag off the carcass. And in its wake, issue us a worthless bunch of newer paper certificates. In fact, that is practically all the greenback is today—a worthless piece of paper with esoteric symbols printed thereon in green ink. But the “New Money,” when it is issued, will be worth even less.

  In his book, Delicate Balance: Coming Catastrophic Changes on Planet Earth, John Zajac warns:

  The financial system of the free world is on the verge of a major catastrophe. In fact, it almost collapsed in the summer of 1983 and the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) was ready to print ’new’ money in case it did. 2

  Zajac explained that the U.S. dollar is not backed by gold or silver, but only by the faith of the people that it is stable and it is acceptable in trade. If the major banks suffer catastrophic losses and are forced to close their doors, then people would quickly lose faith in the dollar and thousands of other banks would be forced to close their doors as people begin to storm the doors seeking assurances that their deposits would be made good. “All it would take,” says Zajac, “to collapse the world’s financial system is the realization that paper money is only paper:”

  After all, that is all it is. It has no intrinsic value, unlike something that can be used, manufactured, or eaten. Most wealth is not even in the form of money anymore; it is represented by a piece of paper (deposit slip) that a bank gives you symbolizing the wealth that you gave to it. Since the bank lent your money to somebody else, it cannot return it to you anymore. The person who borrowed your money from your bank bought something, and the person or company who sold it to him put the money in some other bank and received another paper deposit Slip. That bank immediately lent the money to someone else. Today in America, every paper dollar is claimed by at least six sources: the person who deposited it, the bank, the person who sold something to the borrower from the bank, this third person’s bank, the person who borrowed from the second bank, and the person who sold goods or services to the second bank’s borrower. 3

  Congressman Ron Paul once asked the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Barry Sprinkle, if a Federal Reserve Note, which is what our dollars are called nowadays, are redeemable in anything tangible such as gold or silver. Paul reported Sprinkle’s response as follows: “He chuckled and laughed and said, ‘Yes, it is convertible into another federal reserve note.’ That is his answer to a very serious question.” But, Paul reflected, “someday, enough people will wake up and realize this is not a laughing matter.” 4

  The New Money is On Its Way

  Get ready in the near future for what is being called the New Money to be issued. You see, the dollar has slid in value so sharply that it is on its last legs. Therefore the world’s largest corporations and most influential investment and financial community officials have lost faith in the dollar. I believe this has been the plot all along of the elite group of men who control the world’s future. They have brought the dollar to the very point of total collapse. Their ultimate purpose is to create a one world currency, a New Money, which will be issued to all the people of the world. This money will be sharply controlled by the few megabanks that are left after the current shake-out of banks is completed and thousands of small banks around the United States and even the world have gone bankrupt and are out of business. This New Money will be issued only to those who are willing to kow-tow to those who control it.

  Only by the grace of God has this new money not been issued up to now. Evidently, God has His own time-table as to when these last days events will occur. Thus, there has been a delay in the plans of the schemers. Again and again they have been forced to delay the implementation of the New Money.

  Congressman Ron Paul, formerly a U.S. representative from the state of Texas, became intimately involved with the new money. A member of the prestigious and powerful banking committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, Congressman Paul was able to conduct and chair congressional hearings on the New Money. Here is his testimony:

  Today we have paper money that essentially has no value to it... Over the years I have been extremely interested in monetary policy. I am on the Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee dealing with these issues. Unfortunately, I sometimes feel that the people and even the congress is left on the outside. As you know, the Federal Reserve System is a very powerful system and they control the money.

  Today we have paper money that essentially has no value to it... Over the years I have been extremely interested in monetary policy. I am on the Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee dealing with these issues. Unfortunately, I sometimes feel that the people and even the congress is left on the outside. As you know, the Federal Reserve System is a very powerful system and they control the money.

  Over the years I have had many constituents write and ask me to find out what is happening with the money and the possibility of a new currency. At the beginning I thought this was way up in the future and we were not ready for a new currency. But then in congress we heard rumors that this money was already printed and stored in the vault. But anytime somebody from the Treasury or the Federal Reserve would appear before the banking committee I would inquire about it, and it was always denied.

  I have been doing this for three or four years and never got any information until about Thanksgiving of 1983. My office placed a call to the Federal Reserve. A source friendly to US stated confidentially, you know, its true. There is going to be a new paper currency. It is going to be a different color... It has been studied for the past six years, and a committee has been set up. 5

  Congressman Ron Paul believes that certain forces have intentionally destroyed our money: “This is what is happening, I believe a change in color is definitely an attack on our personal freedoms.” 6

  The Coming Great Money Swap

  What is going to take place, apparently, is that the federal government of the United States will recall all of the money currently in use. Suddenly on a given day the government will announce over the national television networks that all the money pr
eviously in circulation, the greenbacks, are totally worthless and can no longer be used to buy goods or services. Everyone will be required to go to their nearest bank or savings and loan or other special office set up by the government in their local area and exchange their green dollars for the new dollars which will be of a totally new color.

  Some have reported that the color will be blue or pink. The New Money will also have metal strips in it so that its value and other important information can be read by the automatic teller machines (ATM) at banks and at the supermarket, department stores and elsewhere.

  Frighteningly, there is also going to be a small space left blank on the dollar. In fact, this is already the case in the currency of many other countries. Newer currency overseas in these countries has been issued in which a small blank space, a white area, has been left vacant on the currency notes. Nobody is fully revealing what this blank area is to be used for. But every nation that is issuing currency today is leaving in this blank space.

  Could it be that this space will someday be used for a special numbering system that will be used to bring together all of the world’s currencies into one? Might there be a picture of a certain individual placed in that empty space on all world currency to denote an allegiance to one world leader? The answer to these momentous questions, I believe, can be found in the Bible—in the book of Revelation, chapter 13.

  Money is Control... and Power


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