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Millennium Page 11

by Texe Marrs

  It goes without saying that whoever controls the money controls the country. Congressman Ron Paul himself noted this fact when he said, “if you control the money, you actually control every transaction that exists in this country.” 7 That is why this is such an important issue. If you control the money, you can do practically anything you want with the people.

  Yes, there is power in money. The power of money can be very oppressive. A few years ago, the influential Washington Post newspaper printed an article entitled The Coloring of Greenbacks, which discussed the possibility of the New Money being issued and the old recalled. Interestingly enough, the article began with a very cryptic phrase, “Oh money, we love you, we hate you, and we are ever conscious of your power.” 8

  For hundreds of years, kings, emperors, popes, military dictators, and assorted madmen have established control over the most minute details of everyday human lives by controlling the issue and use of money. Money is control.

  Satan certainly understands this key principle. It was in 1748 that Emmanuel Swedenbourg, a Swedish mystic today revered by many in New Age and Illuminati circles wrote:

  I spoke with spirits concerning the possession of money... Certain spirits are of such a character derived from the light of the body (when their spirits were in human flesh) that they wish to possess money, for money’s sake, not for any other use, than to be delighted with money... They have said that they have desired it on account of delight at the sight of money, silver, and gold. 9

  When Will the New Money be Issued?

  As Congressman Paul noted, it is extremely difficult to get to the truth about when and how the New Money will be issued. In mid-1987 I began to communicate with the Department of the Treasury in Washington, D.C., to see if I could get to the bottom of the New Money situation. After encountering some delays and rather cloudy answers on the part of treasury officials, finally, on June 16, 1987 I received a letter from the Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington, D.C., confirming that there were indeed plans afoot to create a new money. Here below is a portion of this letter.

  Last March, the Department of the Treasury announced changes would be made to United States paper currency. First, a clear polyester thread would be incorporated into the paper, arranged vertically through a narrow clear field on the notes, and could be seen by the human eye when the note is held to a light source. The thread would contain printed information consisting of the letters ‘U.S.A,’ and the denominational value of that specific note. Second, the words ‘United States of America’ would be microprinted repeatedly (in a circle) around the portrait on the face of the note.

  The purpose of these changes is to continue to protect the public’s currency transactions by deterring counterfeiting. The development of advanced color copying machines that permit high resolution color reproduction, even by unskilled operators, is rapidly increasing. The future of widespread availability of such copiers threatens to create a new kind of problem involving so-called ‘casual’ counterfeiters. These features will deter this problem.

  Concurrently, the Bureau is in the process of procuring production quantities of the threaded paper. Additional time will be required by potential suppliers of the paper to complete development and pass the stringent quality requirements of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. At that time, a press release will be issued announcing the Bureau’s production schedule.

  This letter was followed up by other information supplied to me in which Katherine D. Ortega, Treasurer of the United States, revealed that production of the New Money had been impeded by the inability to assure superior quality bank notes which could include security threads at high speed production levels. Up to an additional two years, she claimed, would be required to complete this process. Then Ortega made an interesting final comment. “The Bureau will continue to print the 1985 series of Federal Reserve Notes until further notice.”

  Why the delay in issuing the New Money? I think the manipulators realize that the American people will be extremely upset when they find out that the New Money has very little value and in fact can not purchase as many goods and services as did the old money. In other words, when this money is issued, it may very well be that the dollar is severely devalued. Thus for every $10 in greenbacks you have now, you might be issued $100 of the new funny money, so-called, of a different color. At first you exclaim, “Wonderful! Now I have ten times as much money as I had before.” But of course, what you might not realize is that everything will go up in price. Not just by a value of ten, but by as much as 20 or 30 times.

  A Financial Crisis is Needed

  You would therefore find that your dollars cannot be stretched to cover even the barest of necessities for living. For this reason it is necessary to soften up the American people and prepare them for the blow so that there will be no widespread rebellion. To do this, it will be necessary to cause a monetary crisis of some sort. Then people will be willing to undergo any kind of change just to get some financial relief. As we will shortly see, another Great Depression could very well be the kind of crisis that is needed to bully the American people into accepting the New Money.

  Facing financial crisis and disaster, the average American may well decide that the New Money is better than no money at all. And this is exactly what the manipulators hope to implant in the minds of the disheartened and frightened everyday American.

  Given these facts, we can begin to understand why the Department of the Treasury has been silent on this issue. As the stock market boomed to the 3000 mark in the Dow Jones averages, and prosperity seemed to be guaranteed to all Americans in the 1980s, it was impossible for the New Money to be issued. As Katherine Ortega, Treasury of the United States, stated, the old series of money would continue to be printed until further notice.”

  However, as soon as the current economic boom is brought to a screeching halt, then the government and the megabanks will move swiftly to issue the New Money and defraud the American public. Bill Baxter, in his Baxter Economic newsletter, explains this as follows:

  Government spokesmen will insist until the very last moment that no recall is planned. But this is the practice of all governments. They can not announce in advance that a currency is going to be recalled or devalued. It would create havoc in the financial markets. Such announcements are usually without warning and when the financial markets are closed. 10

  Baxter continues:

  The Roosevelt administration made everyone turn in their gold in the 1930s. After the people had done so, the government jacked up the price, pulling off one of the most bald-faced robberies of its citizenry since the colonies were settled. Then in the 1960s, the government said that all the silver certificates that were convertible into silver bullion had to be turned in. 11

  Justifying The Need for New Money

  The controllers, the men manipulating our money supply, will not only be aided by the coming world financial crisis and money panic, but they will also be able to successfully claim a number of other benefits for the New Money. For example, as we have seen, the Treasury Department is already mentioning the possibility of counterfeiting on new color copiers.

  Another excuse will be that the New Money will cut out money laundering, the use by drug smugglers, embezzlers, and defrauders of greenbacks. When the new money is issued and the old declared worthless, then everyone will be required to go and register their old money and exchange it for the new. Then the IRS will be able to find out who has the money that has been hidden and squirreled away. The criminals can be uncovered, it is claimed.

  The fact is, the truth is far different. The international criminals have most of their money deposited safely in the megabanks. Only a small percent of their income is kept in actual dollar bills, that is greenbacks. Just as has been the case in the past, the drug dealers will be able to keep their ill-gotten gains, because they are colluding electronically with the bankers. Many will be protected from the coming currency exchange because they will
receive advance word of the date.

  The honest working men and women will suffer the most as the great currency robbery takes place. As one expert, Ingo Walter revealed in his book, The Secret Money Market, there is a dark world of tax evasion, financial fraud, insider stock market trading, money laundering, and capital flight that exists. Walter reveals that this dark side of high finance includes government officials and financial institutions on an international level who are only too happy to handle secret financial transactions. These transactions usually take place electronically as a blizzard of computer entries are made. A smart criminal has no need of the actual bank notes or greenbacks. 12

  No Cash Needed

  Ultimately of course, all paper money will be done away with and people will receive a mark just as is foretold in Revelation 13. Smart cards, as they are dubbed, have already been developed by Hitachi, Texas Instruments, and other computer corporations. The plan is to eliminate cash altogether in favor of computerized, so-called theftproof “smart cards.” These cards appear much like your Visa, Mastercard or Discover credit cards. They contain holographic images, bar codes, and/or metal strips as well as microchips which are inserted therein which can be read and contain a marvelous amount of information on the individual.

  William Raspberry, editorialist for the Washington Post newspaper, recently wrote about the plans for this smart card. As he explained it, the claims are that it “would bust up organized crime, put an end to the deadly traffic in illegal drugs, reduce espionage and terrorism, drastically curtail corruption and tax evasion, and begin a return to civility.” According to the people pushing the smart cards:

  Cash is the root of a heck of a lot of the world’s evil... They would outlaw it in phases: large bills first, then successively smaller ones and, finally, coins. In it’s place: smart cards... On a folded card, the size of a dollar bill would be imprinted an astonishing amount of information: your bank balances, credit limits, medical records, passport, driver’s license, photographs, welfare eligibility, and other data including—this is key—your thumbprint. The thumbprint would have to be verified electronically with each transaction and this supposedly would make the card worthless to a thief. 13

  Ominously, Raspberry reported that “every single transaction would create its own record which could then be used for criminal investigations, just as checks, bank accounts, and credit card records are used now.” 14

  The money manipulators would have us believe that the smart cards have inestimable benefits:

  The benefits of replacing cash would be incalculable. No cash to smuggle. The sale of illegal drugs would stop since no one would want a record of its transaction. The spread of AIDS would be curtailed as drug abuse ends. The cost of government would go down, as would the cost of private business. Tax evasion, payment in cash to avoid sales tax, or failure to report cash income would cease. The national debt could be reduced: stolen items could not be sold without a trace. Personal security would be assured. Little old ladies could walk in the park again. 15

  This is what the powerful money men envision for us. It seems like a Utopia come true. First issue the New Money, then take away all the money. The aims seem to be good ones. Certainly the rising lawlessness in our society is a threat to all liberty. How many realize that the control of money, which would be nearly complete with such an electronic smart card system, is exactly what the Bible prophesied would occur in the last days?

  Yes, the build-up is definitely in progress to convince the American people of the need for the New Money. The signal that The Order is about ready to give the go-ahead came, I believe, when Donald Regan, former White House chief of staff, stock brokerage executive and insider with CFR, went public with a proposal for a currency exchange. Here is a news account of Regan’s proposal:

  WASHINGTON (AP)—Donald T. Regan, who served as treasury secretary and White House chief of staff in the Reagan administration, proposed Monday that the government change the color or size of $50 and $100 bills to frustrate drug dealers with big accumulations of currency.

  Under Regan’s proposal, the government would announce that the old bills would be worthless in 10 days.

  When people went to banks to exchange their bills for the new currency, records would be made of all transactions involving more than $1,000—forcing drug dealers to either give up vast fortunes or expose themselves to scrutiny by law enforcement agencies.

  This would panic those with huge cash holdings, Regan said. “No one should have any fear. Yes, it might cause confusion for a couple of months, but what honest citizen wouldn’t be willing to put up with a little inconvenience so as to trap these criminals?” Regan wrote.

  “This would hit the criminals where it hurts most—in the pocketbook.”

  Additionally, Regan proposed an agreement of all central banks in industrialized nations to instruct member banks not to accept deposits “from known, or suspected drug dealers and not to do business with any banks... that accept drug money.” 16

  The Plot To Destroy America As A Nation

  If an international group of schemers, which includes unpatriotic Americans filled with greed for money and possessed by a lust for power, decide to destroy America, what is the best way they could proceed? The answer: suck the very life-blood out of the U.S. dollar.

  This is in fact exactly what is now occurring. There has been an ongoing assault against the dollar for more than a decade. It is apparent that the controllers have decided it is now time to merge the United States economy with the New International Economic Order. All are to be one. To do this, the almighty dollar must be destroyed in value. It must be taken down a few notches, whittled down to size, so that as compared with the rising German mark and the sky-high Japanese yen it will look like a pygmy in comparison. Then Americans will gladly merge to get the benefits of the more affluent mark and yen. Next, the plotters will suggest: “Wouldn’t it be better yet to have just one currency for everyone?”

  The dollar has been in an unparalleled freefall and has now hit record lows against many of the world’s currencies. Why would the leaders of any government collaborate in the destruction of their own currency? Perhaps this is a question we should ask our own president and leaders. In 1989 officials at the Federal Reserve Board and at the Department of the Treasury consistently took actions in concert with the finance ministers of the Group of Seven countries to bring down the value of the dollar. In fact, at the end of September, 1989 Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady, a member of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, issued a statement reaffirming our government’s determination to bring down the value of the dollar and resist any temporary rise in its value. 17

  This brings us back to the question of the New Money. You will recall that Congressman Ron Paul revealed that his congressional committee had verified rumors that plans have been made for a new currency to be issued. This currency would not be green, but would instead be blue, or perhaps pink. It would be manufactured in such a way that it could be controlled electronically. Paul has said, “the new currency is definitely in our future.” 18

  At the time Paul conducted his hearings, the foundation had not yet been laid by The Order in terms of propaganda, the setting up of various international institutions, and so forth. Today, I am convinced that the world has now been set up, preparations have been made. All that is necessary is that the small cartel of wicked financial rulers in the top echelons give the “go” signal. When they do, the crisis will occur fast and furiously.

  Congressman Ron Paul, in his hearings, questioned the Federal Reserve treasury officials and Secret Service officials who testified. “When,” he insisted, “will the new paper currency be issued?” The Federal Reserve answered that question by saying it would be gradual. But, Paul notes that someone sitting next to him in the Secret Service, who has a lot more to do with it, leaned over to him and quietly whispered in his ear, “No, it has to be very rapid.” 19

  Chapter 8

  Signs of Impending

  So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things: know that it is near, even at the doors. (Matthew 24:33)

  What is happening to the U.S.A.’s banks? Once they stood like the Colossus, straddling the oceans to dominate the world’s financial marketplaces. In 1956 five of the top ten banks in the world were U. S. banks. In 1978 there were three; today, none are. (USA Today, May 29,1990)

  In the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, Jesus told us the signs of His second coming. He described these signs as similar to birth pains that occur during labor of a pregnant woman. When the contractions occur, then you begin to realize that a major event is soon to take place. Christ cited a number of such contractions that would occur in the last days. Then He concluded “So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things: know that it is near, even at the doors” (Matthew 24:33).

  It is manifestly evident that the signs Jesus gave us of the impending last days before His second coming are the same ones we are seeing today. One of the greatest signs of all in Bible prophecy is an approaching economic Armageddon that occurs following what appears to be an unparalleled era of peace and prosperity.

  Certainly this is the situation today. As I write this book, we see the stock market at all-time high levels. Men and women throughout the United States, Western Europe, and in many other nations of the world believe that the good times will never end, that things are going to get better and better. But that is not what the Bible tells us. The Bible says that after a short space in which things seem to be lovely and beautiful, then great tribulations will begin, leading up to Jesus’ return.


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