A Little Bit Wicked (The Wickeds

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A Little Bit Wicked (The Wickeds Page 29

by Melissa Foster

  “A lot of people have the wrong impression about facilities like ours. They get scared when they hear terms like assisted living and think it’s the beginning of the end, when really, for many of our residents it’s the beginning of a new adventure. I’m glad you enjoyed the tour and had a chance to see for yourselves how wonderful LOCAL is,” Chloe said sweetly. “Before I get the information packets I mentioned earlier, do you have any other questions?”

  “When can I move in?” Mike asked.

  Chloe’s gaze softened. “As much as I’d love for you to move in tomorrow, what I’d really like is for you to take some time and think about it. This is a big decision for you and your family. You should probably discuss the pros and cons to be sure it’s the right move for everyone. But I’ll hold a room with your name on it, don’t you worry.”

  Conroy looked at Preacher, and Preacher gave an almost imperceptible nod. Conroy said, “You’ve done a wonderful job of covering everything, Chloe, and it was nice to see how much everyone here appreciates you.”

  “Yes, it was,” Reba agreed.

  A hint of embarrassment washed over Chloe’s face, and just as quickly, she schooled her expression, slipping right back into professional mode, and said, “Thank you. I’ll just pop into my office and grab those information packets. I’ll only be a minute or two.”

  As she walked away, Preacher said, “What do you think, Pops?”

  “I think Chloe really knows her stuff, and Maverick ought to put a ring on that woman’s finger,” Mike said.

  “Whoa. What?” Justin looked at his grandfather. “Since when are you a matchmaker?”

  Mike’s face pinched with irritation. “Don’t look at me like I’ve lost my mind, Maverick. You know I fell in love with Hilda the day I met her, and I was just a kid.”

  Preacher laughed. “He said the same thing to me about putting a ring on Reba’s finger when I met her. I was in Maryland at the time, and he’d only heard about her over the phone.”

  “I didn’t need to see the woman who had changed my boy’s world,” Mike said gruffly. “Everything I needed to know was in your voice, son.”

  “He said the same thing to me when Ginger came into my life.” Conroy put his arm around Ginger and kissed her cheek. “And the old man was right.”

  “Oh, Poppy, you might have a knack for matchmaking, but I don’t think Justin and Chloe are in a rush,” Reba said. “What did you think of the facilities?”

  Justin was thankful she’d taken the conversation in a different direction. The last thing he wanted was for Chloe to catch wind of his grandfather’s thoughts and run for the hills. He had no doubt that they were meant to be together, and he was pretty sure she felt the same way, but he wasn’t ready to risk it.

  Tank cleared his throat, and Justin followed his gaze to Chloe standing outside her office with Alan Rogers. Justin cursed under his breath. He didn’t like how close the pompous prick was standing to her. Alan’s chest looked like it was touching the back of Chloe’s shoulder as they studied a document.

  Alan’s eyes shifted to Justin, and a smug grin settled across his face.

  Fuck this. Justin threw his shoulders back and strode over to them with Tank on his heels.

  Chloe looked up as they approached and flashed an effervescent smile. “Justin, sorry, I was just going over something with Alan. Alan, you know Justin. This is his cousin, Tank.”

  Alan gave Tank a quick once-over, distaste rising in his eyes as he said, “Are you boys doing work here?”

  “Wha…? No.” Chloe looked apologetically at Justin and Tank and said, “I just finished giving their families a tour of the facilities. Their grandfather is considering moving here. I’ll introduce you to them.”

  That smug grin rose again as Alan said, “I’d like that.” He put a proprietary hand on Chloe’s lower back as they returned to Justin’s family.

  Justin gritted his teeth, his hands curling into fists.

  “What the fuck?” Tank said under his breath.

  “He’s her boss, and a fucking prick,” Justin said for Tank’s ears only as Chloe introduced Alan to their families.

  Alan shook Conroy’s hand and said, “I’m sure our Chloe has given you a thorough tour.”

  Our Chloe my ass. Justin fumed. Earlier that morning, Blaine had delivered the plans for Alan’s patio to Alan’s wife, and he’d said that Alan definitely wore the pants in that family. Alan’s wife had called him five times in the hour Blaine was there, running every little thing by him rather than making the decisions herself. Justin didn’t like a man that controlling anywhere near Chloe, and he sure as hell hated the prick’s hand on her back.

  “I’ll leave you in Chloe’s capable hands.” Alan leaned close to Chloe’s ear and lowered his voice to say, “Come to my office when you’re done and we’ll finish our conversation.”

  Chloe agreed; then she turned her attention back to Justin’s family, giving them the packets she’d retrieved from her office. “These cover all of the information we discussed in more detail. Take your time looking them over, and feel free to call me with any questions.”

  She walked them out, and while she was busy talking with Mike, Con, and Preacher, Reba sidled up to Justin, guiding him away from the others. She kept one hand on his arm as she said, “Breathe, sweet boy. I saw the way that man looked at you and Tank. He looked at Rob the same way. The world is full of judgmental men like Alan Rogers. Do not let him get under your skin. We don’t hide who we are, and we don’t allow ignorant people to make us feel small, so let it go, honey.”

  “I’m not pissed about that,” Justin said angrily. “I deal with douchebags like him all the time. I don’t like how close he got to Chloe.”

  “Oh, honey,” she said empathetically. “You are just like your father. You want to protect the woman who crawled beneath your skin and nestled in for the long haul. Chloe is yours, baby. We all see it in the way she looks at you.”

  “I’m not jealous, Mom. The guy just rubs me the wrong way.”

  “This is all so new for you. But, baby, trust me, when we’re looking through a cloud of emotions, we don’t always see things clearly. Chloe is a smart woman. Confidence practically oozes out of her pores. If she felt uneasy about that man, or anyone else, I’m sure she would stand up for herself. Look at me, sweetheart.”

  Justin met her gaze.

  “Remember what I said. When it comes to matters of the heart, not everything is as it appears. Be careful there, honey.”

  “I’m being careful, and I know damn well she can protect herself, but she shouldn’t have to.”

  “Those words could have come right out of your father’s mouth.” Reba touched his hand and said, “Come on, sweetie. Your girlfriend just gave us a beautiful tour. Let it go now and tell her how spectacular she is.”

  Justin bided his time as everyone thanked Chloe. When his family headed to their vehicles, he hung back to talk with her, and Tank took up residence a few feet away. He was sure his ever-watchful cousin was making sure he didn’t do something stupid like fly off the handle at Alan. As much as Justin would like to give Alan a piece of his mind, Reba’s warning had stuck with him. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t fuming at Alan for getting too touchy-feely with Chloe.

  He looked at Tank, and in Tank’s eyes he read his silent questions. Are you going to be cool about this, or do you need backup? Justin gave him his answer by saying, “I’ll meet you at your shop in about an hour.”

  Tank nodded and said, “See you later, Chloe.”

  “Bye, Tank.” As Tank headed to his bike, Chloe said, “I think that went well, don’t you?”

  “Yeah. Great. Thank you for taking so much time with us.” Justin was in no mood for small talk.

  “Are you getting more of your tattoo done this afternoon?” Chloe asked.

  “Yeah. Listen, Chloe, I don’t like that Rogers guy sticking so close to you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I know. He’s a close talker. It’s just wh
o he is.”

  “You sure it’s not more than that? Blaine went to deliver the patio designs to Alan’s wife today, and he got the sense that he was a pretty controlling guy. I don’t like him touching you.”

  “Touching me? He didn’t touch me.”

  “His chest wasn’t touching your back when you were looking at those papers by your office? He didn’t put his hand on your back when you went to introduce him to my family?”

  “I don’t think so.” Her brow furrowed, as if she were thinking about it. “He had some questions about my proposal for the puppeteering trial.” Her eyes lit up and she said, “I’m really hoping he’s going to approve the funding.”

  He wondered if Reba might have been right. Was he being overprotective? Not seeing things clearly? He had no fucking clue, because she was right about one thing. When Chloe looked at him with that spark of hope and happiness in her eyes, it clouded his vision. He wanted to see that look every minute of the day.

  “Are we still going to see Shadow tonight?” she asked.

  There it was again, that spark of light, overtaking his darkness. “Yeah. He’s getting his stitches out today.”

  “Where are you going now?”

  “Home to empty a dresser drawer for you.”

  “Justin…” she said softly, looking sweet, sexy, and adorable.

  “Babe, you’re there half the week. You need space.” He reached for her hand, and she touched her fingertips to his, glancing over her shoulder at the entrance of LOCAL. She was so careful not to cross any lines when she was at work, which made him feel a little better about his worries over Alan. She was too aware and confident, and her job was too important to her for her to let anyone compromise it.

  “Look at you,” she said teasingly. “All ready to call the moving trucks.”

  “Just say the word and consider it done.”

  He needed to hold her, but he didn’t want to do the wrong thing while she was at work, so he stepped closer, keeping his hands to himself. He had the right to be a close talker with her, and the hitch in her breath told him she loved it.

  “You really kicked ass in there with my family.”

  “I enjoyed it.” She licked her lips and said, “But it was hard to keep from touching you. I almost reached for your hand several times.”

  “Baby, I know your job is too important for you to risk holding my hand, but when you’re not at work, I don’t ever want you holding back from touching me. Seeing you take charge was hot as hell. I wanted to haul you into every office we passed, take you against the wall, and make you come so many times your legs would give out.” He paused, letting that sink in. Her cheeks flushed, and desire simmered in her eyes. “And just when you caught your breath, when you thought you couldn’t take another second of pleasure, I would have bent you over the desk and made good on the fantasies I’ve been having all damn day. Hell, baby, I cannot wait until tonight, when I can finally get my hands on you and make love to you six ways to Sunday.”

  “Justin—” rushed out like a plea.

  He wanted to bottle that sound and carry it with him forever. “I’ll see you tonight, sweet thing.”

  “Justin!” she whispered. “How am I supposed to go back in there with all that rattling around in my head?”

  He shrugged one shoulder, looked down at the bulge in his jeans, and said, “Guess we’re both in a pickle.”

  “Geez. You’ve ruined me for the rest of the day. Take your pickle and get out of here,” she said a little breathlessly. She squared her shoulders, challenge rising in her eyes as she said, “Paybacks are hell, Mr. Wicked. Better watch your back.”

  As she stalked toward the entrance, Justin said, “I’d rather watch yours.”

  BY THURSDAY EVENING Chloe was so sexually frustrated, she was convinced she was being put to some sort of test. Either that, or she was being punished for having been consumed with such libidinous thoughts all freaking day. She’d had a heck of a time trying to cool off after seeing Justin earlier. She’d been forced to go into the ladies’ room and run her hands under cold water for ten minutes before she could even begin to focus on anything other than Justin’s office fantasies. Every time she’d seen a desk for the rest of the afternoon, his dirty words had seared through her mind and she’d become flushed and flustered. Meeting with Alan had been hell. She’d spent the whole time envisioning Justin bending her over the desk and taking her from behind. She’d had a fleeting thought about what Justin had said about Alan, but all her dirty fantasies had pushed it aside. At least the meeting had gone well, even if it had been difficult to concentrate. Alan had been impressed with the puppeteering proposal and suggested they meet again after July Fourth to finalize a trial period and budget.

  She’d spent the rest of the day thinking about how to surprise Justin by being the one to take control in the bedroom. The problem was, the minute he got his hands or mouth on her, her mind always turned to dust. She’d finally come up with the perfect time to make her move, but to pull it off she would have to climb way outside her comfort zone.

  She was so nervous and excited, she’d barely held it together tonight while they visited with Shadow. She’d tried to concentrate on Shadow, who was stitch-free and doing well, but it didn’t help that Justin was looking at her like his naughty thoughts had been brewing all day, too.

  After they left Shadow, her pulse sprinted with anticipation as Justin helped her into the truck and she watched him as he walked around the front to the driver’s side. It was kind of ridiculous how much she enjoyed looking at him.

  Justin climbed into the driver’s seat and hauled her across the bench, as he’d been doing every time they’d taken his truck out lately, and took her in a deep, penetrating kiss that made her entire body sizzle and spark. She came away so turned on, for a split second she lost track of her plans. She fastened her seat belt, mentally going over them once again, getting more nervous with every thought. Justin started the engine, and when his piercing blue eyes hit hers, she mustered her courage to give back to the man who had already given her so much.

  “Ready to go home, sexy girl? I believe I have a few promises to fulfill.”

  “Mm-hm,” she managed.

  He drove out to the main road, and she put her hand on his leg. Hoping she could pull this off without causing an accident, she moved her hand between his legs, stroking him through his jeans.

  “Mm, baby,” he said in a gravelly voice as she began kissing his neck.

  He put his hand over hers, squeezing it tight around his erection. Lust zinged through her. She loved the feel of his hand on hers and the strength of his grip, but she wanted control, and it was too easy to give it up to him.

  She pulled her hand out from beneath his and said, “Hands off, big boy. Tonight we play by my rules.”

  “Take all you want, sweet thing.”

  “Oh, I plan to. You just keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel.”

  She unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and slipped her hand beneath his briefs, feeling his hot, hard flesh. He gritted his teeth. His hips rocked up, driving his shaft through her fist. She pressed her thighs together, but there was only one thing that would quell that ache. She unfastened her seat belt, shifting so she was lying on the bench, and lowered her mouth over that magical thing.

  Justin inhaled sharply and ground out, “Fuck.”

  The hunger in his voice spurred her on, and she stroked faster, squeezed tighter, and sucked harder. Taking control brought a rush of adrenaline, making her even bolder. “Don’t come yet,” she demanded. “I want you to come inside me.”

  “Jesus,” he panted out.

  He grabbed her hip and held on tight as she teased and taunted him. She felt his thighs and abs flex, and his cock swelled within her hand.

  “Baby,” he warned. “You’re driving me fucking mad.”

  She withdrew his shaft from her mouth and licked all around the broad head. He gripped her hip tighter, cursing under his brea
th. She continued her oral assault, and his legs began to shake. He moaned, squeezing her hip so tight, she knew he was on the verge of coming. She had no idea how he was still driving.

  “Hang on, baby,” he said urgently.

  The truck swung to the right. He sped up and made another fast turn. Then he grabbed her by the hair, lifting her mouth off his cock as he slammed the truck into park. It was a good thing he was thinking, because the force of his stop could have caused her to bite that baby off. She didn’t know where they were, but she didn’t need to because he did, and she knew he’d keep her safe. He cut the lights and crushed his mouth to hers as she went up on her knees. He pushed up her skirt and grabbed her bare ass, moaning into her mouth. Knowing Justin would get off when he found out her little secret, she’d taken off her underwear before leaving work. Oh, what his greedy sounds did to her! He pushed his seat back and shoved his jeans to his knees. His dark eyes bored into her as she straddled him. She sank down onto his cock, and her entire body cried out with delight. Their mouths came together in a feast of two starving people. They thrust and rocked, their sounds echoing off the windows as he groped her breasts and ass, and she touched him everywhere she could reach. He fisted his hands into her hair, kissing her so deeply her jaw stung. She felt untethered and wild as he put a hand between them, zeroing in on the bundle of nerves that had her whimpering into their kisses. She grabbed his shoulders, and her head fell back with a loud, needful moan as she rode him.

  Needing to see his rapture, she forced her eyes open and lost herself in the carnal desires staring back at her. “Come with me,” she pleaded.

  She covered his mouth with hers, unable to stay apart a second longer. His arms circled her. His hips shot up as her inner muscles clamped down, and they abandoned all control, giving into the tidal waves of passion crashing over them.

  He tore his mouth away and growled her name like a thunderous prayer, “Chloe, Chloe, Chloe…”


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