A Little Bit Wicked (The Wickeds

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A Little Bit Wicked (The Wickeds Page 39

by Melissa Foster

  “Stop, baby.” He took her by the arms, his eyes drilling into hers. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about,” he said with unwavering confidence. “You didn’t do anything wrong. Your self-respect should be not only intact, but miles high. You cannot blame yourself for any of this, and for the love of God, turn your heart off for one fucking day. Give yourself a break and stop thinking of everyone else. Mike moving in has nothing to do with this. Take that, and any blame you’re feeling about what I did, off your plate. You saw what that monster wanted you to see. That’s not on you, babe. That’s on him. That prick’s allegations don’t hold water, and the truth is going to come out. People are not going to think differently about you because he tried to hurt you or because I flipped a shit and knocked him out.”

  Her thoughts came to a screeching halt. “You knocked him out?”

  His jaw clenched. “Don’t get lost in the details. Listen to me, Chloe. You are a brilliant, strong woman who worked her ass off to make something of herself. Do not let that pathetic excuse of a man destroy your confidence and all that you’ve achieved. You were not helpless. You got out of there in one piece, and he had a pretty bad shiner that I have a feeling came from you.”

  “I hit him with a stapler.” The panic she’d felt came rushing back, making her dizzy. “I think I need to sit down.”

  He led her to the bed and sat beside her, running his hand soothingly down her back. Sampson ambled over and rested his chin on Chloe’s lap.

  “Justin,” she said, absently petting Sampson. “I’m scared.”

  “I know you are. We’re going to get through this together, babe. I promise.” He touched her chin, bringing her eyes to his, and said, “And you have to know that you will never lose me.”

  “But you could go to prison.” The word felt like a death sentence.

  “Believe me, I’m fully aware of that. I’ll do whatever time I have to, because he deserved it. But even behind bars, Chloe, I’ll still be yours. I’ll always be yours.”

  “And our life together? Our future?” She shook her head.

  “Nobody’s going to take that away. It might be delayed a little, but we’ll get it.”

  “This whole thing scares me. It affects so many people. What if they pull the funding for Madigan’s trial? Then her plans are ruined, too, and anyone she might have helped will lose out. And what about the Junior/Senior Program? I wish this had never happened.” She rested her head on his shoulder.

  He put his arm around her and said, “Me too.”

  “You and I are supposed to be a team. Partners. Part of me feels like if I say I need you and that I’m going to do something like report the attack, I should be able to count on you to be there for me and help me do what I need to do. On the other hand, I get why you went after him, and you made sure I was taken care of by an army of men and women, and you even called my sister. I don’t know why I feel so lost, conflicted.”

  “Because you’ve been traumatized, and it’s not in your nature to condone violence.” He hugged her to him and kissed her temple. “I’ll always take care of you, sweetheart. Always. But I don’t have the answer about how to handle this type of situation differently. I made a promise that I’d never let anyone hurt you, and that fucker got to you. I snapped. I take full responsibility for that. I wish I could say I’d never do it again, but the truth is, I would, baby. I can’t lie to you about that.”

  “I know you would, and I can’t be mad at you for saying that, either, because you’re being honest.”

  “We are a team, baby. I will walk beside you, and I will let you lead when you need to, like honoring your request not to claim you in public in certain ways. But I can’t give you this. I can’t promise you that I won’t go after someone who hurts you. I love you too much.”

  “I know,” she said softly. “I love you, too.”

  “Can we find a compromise? A middle ground we’re both comfortable with?”

  She lifted her head, meeting his hopeful gaze, and said, “I think we just did.”

  He slid his hand to the nape of her neck and touched his forehead to hers. “I love you, baby,” he said in the most relieved voice she’d ever heard, and pressed his lips to hers.

  “I’m so tired,” she whispered. “I can’t wait to sleep in your arms again.”

  “Why don’t you get comfortable and I’ll join you after I shower.”

  She took his hand, leading him toward the bathroom, and said, “I’ll wash jail off you if you’ll wash yesterday off me.”

  He lowered his lips to hers, and in that slow, sweet promise of a kiss, she felt the shattered pieces of herself healing, the love in her heart growing, and the strength in them becoming more powerful than ever before.

  Chapter Thirty

  THURSDAY MORNING AS the sun spilled over Sampson, asleep on his doggy bed by the glass wall, Justin lay awake worrying about Chloe. The last two days had passed in cycles of distress and disbelief with intermittent moments of relief, but at the end of those difficult hours they found their way back into each other’s arms. Chloe was nestled against him now, sleeping soundly. He didn’t dare move and tried not to breathe too hard. She’d been having nightmares since the attack, jerking in her sleep and calling out. He wished he could wipe her memory clean and take away all of her doubts and fears.

  It hadn’t taken long for LOCAL’s human resources team to conclude their internal investigation. Chloe had been cleared of Alan’s allegations yesterday afternoon and given approval to return to work with one caveat. She was not allowed to discuss the incident or have any contact with Darren Rogers because of the familial conflict of interest and ongoing police investigation. They’d given her two weeks to decide if she was going to return to work. Justin knew her indecision was a big part of what was making her feel lost. Chloe thrived on being prepared, knowing what she was doing from one day to the next. Justin was pretty sure she also needed to accomplish more than just being on a daily basis. She’d built a life on her accomplishments, whether they were simple, like making albums for friends, or complex, like creating new programs for the residents of LOCAL. Those accomplishments were hers to own. They were validations of how far she’d come. There were no two ways about it. Chloe was floundering. Despite family and friends stopping by, and a visit with Shadow yesterday to try to bring a little light into Chloe’s day, she still seemed to exist on autopilot. Justin knew she needed more than friends or dogs to get through this. She needed her work and the residents she’d come to love the way other people needed oxygen, and Justin vowed to do everything he could to help her find her way back to them.

  She twitched in his arms, and he held her tighter, whispering, “I’ve got you, sweetheart. You’re okay.”

  “Sorry,” she said as she turned in his arms, bringing them nose to nose. Sadness hung in the dark crescents beneath her eyes.

  He kissed her softly and said, “Don’t be sorry, babe. Maybe we should talk to a therapist and see if they can help.”

  “Maybe. I’m just…” She sighed, burrowing closer.

  “Talk to me, sweets. What were you dreaming about?”

  “They were taking you to prison,” she said just above a whisper.

  Her worries were his fault, and that gutted him. “You know Justice is trying to get the charges dropped. He’s pushing Alan’s lawyer now that the allegations he made against you have been disproven. LOCAL’s HR team interviewed almost thirty people, and several said they were uncomfortable with Alan. His allegations did more harm than good for him. That’ll bite him in the ass.”

  “But nobody said he did anything inappropriate. And that was just the internal investigation at LOCAL. As far as the police are concerned, nothing has been proven.”

  “Not yet, but Justice said Alan dug himself a hole that will be hard to climb out of by placing those false allegations. The police will follow up with the people who claimed to be uncomfortable with him. They’ll dig deeper. They’re liable to find dirt on him. Justice think
s there’s a good chance the charges against me will be dropped.”

  “I know, but I’m still worried. I just got you. I don’t want to lose you.”

  “You won’t. Let’s give the police and Justice’s private investigator time to do their jobs.” He kissed her again and said, “Have you given any more thought to going back to work?”

  “That and you going to prison are all I think about. One of my colleagues is handling a meeting with the teenagers who are taking part in the Junior/Senior Program this afternoon. What if those kids find out what’s going on?”

  Word traveled fast through the small Cape Cod towns. There was a good chance those kids had already heard about the attack, so he focused on the things that mattered. “You were cleared of his false allegations. You’re the victim in all of this, and I’m sure everyone who knows you has figured that out.”

  “But still, it feels like my reputation has been tainted. It’s basically my word against his as far as the police are concerned.”

  “And your word is golden. Everyone knows that. Have faith in who you are, sweetheart. I sure as hell do.”

  She was quiet for a second, before saying, “I miss the people there already. They were like family.” Tears slipped from her eyes. “And I have no idea how I can ever face Darren again. He must hate me.”

  “He can’t hate you for being his son’s victim. The truth about Alan will come out, Chloe. Have faith in that.” He brushed her tears away and said, “Do you think there’s any chance Darren knew what Alan was like? Do you think he’d cover up for him?”

  “No. No way,” she said in a stronger voice. “Darren’s old-school, a gentleman. He treats women with the utmost respect. I don’t believe he’d look the other way if he knew. But I didn’t see what Alan was doing, and I was in the thick of it. Darren was probably as blindsided as I was.”

  “You put a lot of faith in this Darren guy.”

  “I do, and I know you probably doubt my ability to judge right now, but he’s always been fair and stood up for all the right things.” She sighed heavily. “This is so hard. Maybe it’s best if I just quit and move on.”

  He wasn’t going to let that happen. “First of all, I don’t doubt your ability to judge people. Chloe, what happened was an anomaly. You have excellent judgment.” Vying for a smile, he said, “You chose me, right?” His words finally earned the smile he missed. “Seriously, sweet cheeks, you’ve worked too hard to get where you are, and for the people who live there, to give Rogers the power to take them from you.”

  She rolled onto her back and gazed up at the ceiling. “Can we go back in time to my birthday, when I woke up to balloons and life was blissfully happy?”

  “I’ll fill the bedroom with balloons every day if it would make you happy.” He kissed her shoulder, then trailed his fingers up her belly. Goose bumps rose beneath his touch. Her smile finally reached her eyes.

  “I don’t need balloons. I love my work, and I wish I felt okay going back, but I could survive working someplace else.”

  “You’ve spent enough of your lifetime just surviving. Hopefully you’ll find a way to feel at peace going back to the people and the work you love.” He kissed the swell of her breast and said, “Let’s give it a few days and see how you feel. We should get out of here and take a walk, clear our heads.”

  “That would be nice, after you kiss me some more,” she whispered.

  The longing in her voice made him ache to help her become whole again. He lavished her breasts with sensual kisses, and soon her desires took over and she was moaning and bowing up off the mattress. He lowered his mouth over one taut peak, and she pushed her hands into his hair, holding him there. She writhed beside him, brushing her softness against his hard length.

  He rained kisses up her neck, moving over her, and said, “You okay, baby?”

  “Yes.” Lust and love intertwined in her needful eyes, and she said, “There’s only one thing I can’t live without.”

  “What’s that, darlin’?” He skimmed his hand down her hip, and as their bodies came together, he saw their love pushing all of those unsettled thoughts away.

  She gazed up at him with clearer, loving eyes and whispered, “You.”

  A DOUBLE DOSE of Justin and fresh air was exactly what Chloe needed. After loving each other senseless, they’d eaten breakfast and taken Sampson for a long walk in the woods. They held hands and talked about their future, which had seemed a painful subject about an unattainable dream just a few hours earlier. But Justin had a way of clearing the clouds and helping her see things more clearly. By the time they came through the woods on the back side of the property, she felt a lot better. The late-morning sun shimmered off the inky pond water. Sampson slowed to sniff something on the ground, and Justin leaned in for a kiss.

  They walked along the side yard, making their way toward the front of the house. “You’ve been home with me for days,” Chloe said. “I appreciate it, but I’m sure Blaine needs you. You can go into work. I’ll be fine.”

  “Blaine’s got it covered.” He lifted their joined hands and kissed the back of hers. “I’m right where I want, and need, to be, babe.”

  As they came around the side of the house, they noticed Emery’s car in the driveway. Sampson gave a lazy woof as Emery stepped out of the car and waved.

  “I wonder what Emery’s doing here. She didn’t mention stopping by when I talked to her last night.”

  He stepped up their pace and said, “Let’s go find out.”

  The passenger doors opened, and Rose climbed out of the front seat holding a large basket, looking stylish in a linen pantsuit.

  Magdeline unfolded her long, lean body from the back seat of Emery’s compact car and said, “Next time I ride up front.”

  “Hush up and get the cookies,” Arlin directed as she followed her out holding a tote bag in one hand and patted her orange hair with the other.

  Happiness bubbled up inside Chloe. “What are they…?” She looked at Justin, knowing this had to be his doing.

  “I figured you needed to see a few friendly faces.”

  “Justin…” She threw her arms around his neck, her eyes tearing up again. She’d been such an emotional mess all week. At least this time they were happy tears. “Thank you!” She ran to her friends, earning a more energetic bark from Sampson as he trotted after her.

  Emery hugged her and said, “I had to fight off about a dozen other people who wanted to tag along. You have quite a fan club.”

  “Yes, she does,” Rose exclaimed. “Now get over here and give me a hug.”

  “I can’t believe you’re all here!” Chloe walked eagerly into Rose’s open arms, laughing as Arlin and Magdeline squished her in a group hug.

  Rose smiled at Justin and said, “Believe it, Chloe, and it’s all your beau’s doing.”

  “We heard what happened, honey,” Magdeline said carefully.

  Embarrassment heated Chloe’s cheeks. “I’m not allowed to talk about it.”

  “We heard that, too,” Arlin said. “You don’t have to talk, but you can listen.”

  “Everyone is worried sick about you, Chloe.” Rose handed her the basket and lifted the lid. It was full of envelopes. “These are letters from people whose lives you’ve touched.”

  Chloe was stunned, and tears sprang to her eyes again. “There are so many.”

  “You’re a special gal. There are more letters in here.” Arlin handed her the bag she was holding.

  Tears slipped down Chloe’s cheeks.

  “Those better be happy tears,” Rose said.

  “They are! I can’t believe it.”

  “There’s a big investigation going on, and not just by the police,” Magdeline informed her. “We’re doing our own sleuthing, asking around to see who’s seen what.”

  “Oh, no, you can’t do that. You might get in trouble,” Chloe warned as Sampson leaned against her leg. She reached down and petted his head.

  “I already told them that,” Emery info
rmed her. “It’s like talking to three brick walls.”

  Rose waved her hand dismissively. “We’re not getting into trouble, but people have seen things, Chloe. A hand on your back, leering at you from across the room when you were unaware.”

  “I’m so embarrassed,” Chloe confessed. “I thought he was just a close talk—” She pressed her mouth shut, silencing herself for a moment, then said, “I can’t do this. I can’t talk about it or I’ll compromise the investigation.”

  “Do not talk about it. Do not do anything to jeopardize putting that monster in a cage,” Emery said.

  “I agree, but you’d better get over the embarrassment and get your heinie back to work, Chloe,” Magdeline said. “We need you.”

  “It’s not quite that easy,” Chloe said. “There are other complications making it difficult for me to be there.”

  Rose said, “Ah, yes. The complication of his father. He’s made himself scarce, coming in only late at night. That poor man.”

  Chloe was dying to ask Rose if she thought Darren believed his son was innocent, but she bit her tongue.

  “This is the last thing we’ll say on the subject,” Rose announced. “We hope you won’t let that evil man steal you from us, because we all adore you. You’re like our granddaughter, and we need you, honey.”

  “You’re going to make me cry again,” Chloe said, willing her tears not to fall.

  “No more tears, baby,” Justin said as he took the basket from her arms and held her hand. “How about we move this party to the back deck, turn on a little music, and sample some of those cookies Magdeline is hoarding?”

  “I like the way you think,” Magdeline said.


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