A Little Bit Wicked (The Wickeds

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A Little Bit Wicked (The Wickeds Page 40

by Melissa Foster

  As they headed inside, Chloe felt happier and stronger than she had in days.

  AFTER A LONG and wonderful visit, during which all their troubles felt miles away, Chloe said goodbye to the women who were more a part of her life than her own mother had ever been.

  As the others climbed into Emery’s car, Rose said, “My Leon used to say that dirt couldn’t hide in the wash. Believe that, Chloe. The truth will come out.” Her warm gray-blue eyes moved between her and Justin. “You two have something very special. Don’t let what happened steal a second of your happiness.”

  “We’re trying not to,” Chloe said.

  “Good, and for what it’s worth, if Justin hadn’t knocked that creep out, I would have brought my grandsons in to do the job.” Rose hugged Chloe and said, “We love you, honey. Come back to us when you’re ready.” Then she embraced Justin. “Thank you for inviting us over. We all needed it.”

  Chloe joined Justin and waved as they drove away. “I can do this,” Chloe said, feeling stronger and more confident. “With you by my side, and those ladies behind me, I can fight this battle.”

  “I always knew you could, baby. I’m glad a visit with the Golden Girls helped you to get out of your own way and remember how much you’re loved and how strong you are.” He wrapped his arms around her, flashing that crooked grin she loved, and said, “I need to tell you something. That call I walked inside to answer while you were visiting with them was from Justice. Do you know someone named Janet Kirsh?”

  “Yes. She worked in our accounting department. Why?”

  “Well, I guess Alan’s wife has left him. She took her kids to her parents’ house in Connecticut—”

  “Oh my gosh, his wife. In all of this mess, I hadn’t even thought about her. That poor woman, and her girls…”

  “It’s a nightmare for sure. But they’re better off away from him, and it sounds like she knew, or had suspicions, about what he was like. When she got to Connecticut, she called the police and gave them Janet’s number, told them to check her out.”

  “What does that mean?” Chloe’s stomach sank as understanding dawned on her. “Oh no. Do you think he did this to Janet, too? We’ve been getting calls every few weeks for references. That poor woman. She’s a single mom. No wonder she took off so abruptly. That’s horrible.”

  “It is, but if he did this to her, and if she comes forward, it will validate your allegations.”

  “Talk about a double-edged sword. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.”

  “Don’t wish it on her, babe.” He embraced her and said, “Just hope the truth comes out, whatever it is.”

  “I am, but that still doesn’t help the charges against you.”

  “You’re right, but we can’t lose ourselves in what might happen five weeks from now. I say we hold on to this thread of hope that the truth will put that guy behind bars, and we focus on the here and now.” He pressed his lips to hers and lowered his voice to say, “You have a move on the horizon, unless you’ve changed your mind.”

  “You’re not getting out of me moving in that easily.” She breathed a little easier and said, “How do you always know just what to do and say to help me see past my worries?”

  “I love you. That makes it easy.”

  “Nothing feels easy these days.”

  “I could make a few great jokes about how good hard things can be, but I have a feeling you’d smack me.”

  She laughed, and it felt so good to finally feel free enough to laugh, she held on to those good feelings and said, “Trust me, Mr. Wicked, I know just how good your hard thing can be.”

  “Careful, heartbreaker, or we’ll never make it to your cottage.”

  She sauntered up the porch steps, gazed over her shoulder with a seductive wink, and said, “It’s still early…”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  CHLOE PULLED A cupcake pan from a kitchen cabinet Saturday afternoon, listening to Marly and Madigan chat as they sorted through the kitchen in Chloe’s cottage. She reveled in the sound of Justin’s laughter coming from the bedroom, where he and some of the guys were getting another load to take out to the moving truck. Zeke was upstairs clearing out the second floor, and Dwayne and Tank had just gone outside with more boxes from the guest room, where Serena and Drake were probably making out, though they claimed to be marking boxes.

  Focusing on the here and now had been exactly what Chloe needed to put a little distance between the troubles she and Justin were facing and the life they were supposed to be living. They’d gotten most of the packing done themselves over the last two days, but their families and friends had rallied today to help them finish packing and move her things to Justin’s house. To their house.

  Chloe warmed at the thought. She held up the cupcake pan and said, “How about this, Mads? Do you want me to leave it?”

  “One sec,” Madigan said with her nose practically glued to the kitchen window. “Roman is out front talking to Gunner and Tank.”

  “Who is Roman?” Chloe set the pan down and pulled a few more from the cabinet.

  “One of Gunner’s hot military buddies,” Madigan said. “He’s as mysterious as a two-dollar bill. I wonder what he’s doing here.”

  Marly stepped beside Madigan and peered out the window. “Whoa. Who cares why he’s here. Look at those arms on Mr. Hot and Beasty.”

  “Damn it, Tank, you’re blocking my view,” Madigan complained. “Come on, Gunner. Really? Great. Now I can’t see Roman at all. I swear it’s like they know when I’m checking out a guy. I might as well call them the Hoover boys. They totally suck.”

  “Maybe I should check out that sucking action,” Marly teased.

  Madigan swatted at Marly, but she dodged the hit and ran behind Chloe. Chloe laughed, loving being part of their close-knit group. It was like having more sisters around.

  “Those guys are such dorks,” Serena said as she came into the kitchen and Drake walked outside carrying another box. “What’s Mads looking at?”

  Marly ran back to the window and said, “Three hot guys, two of whom Mads claims really know how to suck.” A motorcycle roared to life and she added, “Make that two, Roman’s leaving. Oh wait. Three! Gotta include Drakey on that list.”

  “My man deserves the top slot of any hot list,” Serena said proudly.

  “Woo-hoo!” Zander hollered as he bolted out of the bedroom, swinging something over his head, and ran out the front door.

  Justin barreled out after him, yelling, “You’re dead!”

  The girls ran outside just in time to see Justin charge Zander, taking him down to the ground. Zander was laughing hysterically as they wrestled for dominance.

  “What is going on?” Chloe hollered as Blaine walked casually out of the house carrying a dresser drawer.

  “Zan has a pocketful of your underwear,” Blaine said as he headed down the walkway unfazed by the brawl going on in the middle of the front lawn.

  “Prison clause, man!” Zander hollered as Justin pinned his arms to the ground with his knees. “I’ll keep her satisfied while you’re in the joint!”

  “I will fuck you up,” Justin growled.

  Zeke ran out of the cottage, reaching Justin and Zander at the same time as Tank, Drake, and Dwayne jogged up from the truck. Zeke ground out, “Shit,” and hauled Justin off Zander, who was still cracking up.

  “Hey, Z, did you forget Zan’s leash?” Dwayne teased.

  Zander pushed to his feet and said, “Someone’s got to satisfy Mav’s girl when he gets put away.”

  Justin twisted free from Zeke’s grasp and lunged for Zander, but Tank stepped between them, taking the full hit of Justin’s body. They both went down, taking Zander with them. Blaine, Dwayne, and Zeke dove in, wrestling and laughing as they peeled Justin off Zander.

  “All of this because of underwear?” Chloe asked as a motorcycle rumbled down the road and parked at the end of the driveway.

  A large man with Dark Knights’ patches on his vest climbed off the bike.
He took off his helmet, and Chloe realized it was Justice. He strode determinedly up the driveway, looking vastly different in his jeans and T-shirt with his tattoos on display than he had in his suit.

  “Who’s that?” Serena asked.

  “Justice. Isn’t he gorgeous?” Madigan said, clearly trying to add levity to the situation, and earning scowls from her brothers, who were brushing themselves off.

  Chloe studied Justice’s serious eyes and tight jaw, and her stomach sank. Justin took her hand, looking as worried as she felt.

  “Come on, baby,” he said. “Whatever happens, we’ll get through it.”

  Her rampant heartbeat and the fear rattling her nerves left her unable to speak.

  “We’ve got you, bro,” Tank said as the guys fell into step beside them.

  They met Justice in the middle of the driveway.

  Justice nodded and said, “Chloe. Brothers,” in a voice as deep and distinct as James Earl Jones’s.

  “Hey, man,” several of them said.

  “You have news?” Justin asked, tightening his grip on Chloe’s hand.

  Justice’s dark eyes turned sorrowful. “Yes. Unfortunately, Janet Kirsh suffered greatly at the hands of Alan Rogers.”

  “Oh no.” Chloe’s heart hurt for Janet. Justin put his arm around her, holding her closer. “Is she okay?”

  Justice shook his head. “Not really. He paid her off to keep her quiet, but he also threatened the life of her child. She’s been suffering, having trouble holding down jobs, moving around because she thought he might come after her. She didn’t want to talk at first, as you can imagine. But she came through and filed a formal statement and charges against him. It looks like Rogers will go away for a very long time.”

  Tears spilled from Chloe’s eyes as Justin pulled her into his arms and said, “Thank God.”

  Words of relief and cheers rang out around them, but all Chloe could hear was Justin speaking into her ear as he said, “We got him, baby. We got him.”

  “There’s more,” Justice said, drawing all of their attention. “Our investigator has been talking to previous employees of LOCAL, and a third woman came forward yesterday. She’s a former nurse who worked at LOCAL prior to Chloe’s employment. We have a feeling there will be more, which will help Chloe’s case. Darren Rogers has stepped up and intervened on Maverick’s behalf. He convinced Alan to drop the charges.”

  “He did?” Chloe said at the same time Justin said, “Really?”

  “Yes, but a victim can’t stop the process. That can only be done by the prosecutor or a judge,” Justice explained. “The prosecutor has a bug up his ass, so I had no choice but to cut a deal.”

  Chloe held her breath, clinging to Justin as he said, “What kind of deal?”

  “I had to pull the Dark Knights card and use the good we do for the community as leverage. You’ve got to complete an anger management course,” Justice explained.

  “That’s bullshit,” Tank snapped.

  “The prick deserved everything he got and more,” Zeke added.

  Dwayne said, “No shit.”

  Justin held his hands up and said, “Hold on, guys. That’s fine, Justice. I’ll take the course—”

  “Are you shittin’ me?” Tank growled. “Can’t we fight this?”

  Justin shook his head. “Dude, risk going to prison or take a fucking class? That’s a no-brainer, regardless of if the dickhead deserved it or not.” He looked at Justice and said, “I appreciate you having my back on this. Is there anything else? Do I still have to go to court, or will this make me free and clear of all charges?”

  “Free and clear once you take the class,” Justice said.

  Justin hauled Chloe into his arms, hugging her tight. “Free and clear, baby. Free and clear.”

  “I need you to sign off on the agreement,” Justice said. “Can you swing by my office later?”

  “Absolutely.” Justin shook his hand and pulled him into a manly embrace. “Thank you, brother.”

  “Thank you so much,” Chloe said, hugging Justice.

  “I think this calls for a celebration,” Madigan exclaimed. “I’ll call Mom and have her set it up with Aunt Ginger at the Hog. Let’s get this stuff over to Justin and Chloe’s and then go crack open some champagne!”

  There was a round of cheers and hugs.

  Madigan flashed a flirty smile at Justice and said, “You’d better join us tonight.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. See you then.” Justice held her gaze for a beat before heading to his bike.

  There was no missing the disapproving looks on the guys’ faces, but they only lasted a second, as everyone was excited about the news.

  Except Tank, who grumbled, “I still think we could have fought it. It ain’t right, the good guy being punished.”

  Justin drew Chloe into his arms and said, “But, bro, this good guy gets to stay home with his girl, and that’s all kinds of right.” He lowered his lips to Chloe’s, earning hoots and hollers from the others. He touched his forehead to hers and said, “I love you, baby.”

  Zander sidled up to them and said, “And I love your silk underwear.”

  Justin’s eyes narrowed, and his entire body tensed.

  “You must have a death wish, Zan,” Tank said.

  “Excuse me, sweet cheeks.” Justin gave her a chaste kiss and said, “I have to go strangle my brother.”

  “Oh shit!” Zander took off running.

  As Justin chased Zander around the yard, Serena, Marly, and Madigan joined Chloe and told her how happy they were for her and Justin.

  “Now you can go back to work,” Serena said.

  “I’m not so sure about that,” Chloe said honestly. “Just because Darren convinced Alan to drop the charges doesn’t mean he’ll be okay with me, since I’m the one who reported it. This might have made things worse.”

  “You know what, sis? Today’s too fantastic and emotional a day to make that big of a decision,” Serena suggested. “Give yourself a day or two to celebrate with your future husband, and maybe you’ll feel differently.”

  “Maybe you’re right.”

  Dwayne tripped Zander, Zeke jumped on Dwayne, and then all the guys were on the ground wrestling again—including Drake.

  “I’m so glad I’m not a guy,” Serena said. “I told you they were dorks. Mine included.”

  “I’d like to be in the middle of that dogpile,” Marly said, earning another swat from Madigan. This one hit its mark on Marly’s arm. “I prefer my smacks where they count, girlie.” Marly turned around and wiggled her butt.

  Laughter filled the air as the guys rolled around on the grass. Justin popped his head out of the dogpile and blew Chloe a kiss, only to be slammed down to his back by Blaine. Justin popped up and Zander jumped in front of him, throwing Chloe a kiss with his hand. Justin took him down, making all the girls laugh.

  “You sure you want to be part of this crazy family?” Madigan asked.

  “More than anything in the world.” Chloe didn’t care what Justin was—bad boy, biker, sculptor, or dork—as long as he was hers.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  GINGER AND REBA had put out Justin and Chloe’s good news through the Dark Knights’ grapevine, and Serena told their friends at Bayside. Conroy had closed the bar to the public, and it was packed with friends and family and more good vibes than Justin could ask for. They’d feasted, toasted, laughed, and danced. And now Chloe was dancing with the girls, and Justin stood by a table with Tank and Preacher, soaking it all in.

  “You and Chloe look about ten years younger than you did on Monday night,” Preacher said.

  “I think we’ve lived a lifetime in the last few days. We both feel pretty good now, but Chloe has been having nightmares. I’m worried about her, Preach. I’m thinking of hooking her up with Cuffs’s sister.” Tasha Revere was a therapist who had recently returned to the area.

  “I’m sorry to hear she’s struggling like that,” Preacher said compassionately. “Sh
e’s been through a lot. I think connecting with Tasha’s a good idea.”

  “Before we found out that Darren convinced Alan to drop the charges, Chloe seemed ready to get back to work. She needs to be there with the people she cares about. But now she’s got hesitations again. It’s really weighing on her. I’m hoping Tasha can help with that, too.”

  Preacher took a swig of his beer and said, “It’s understandable that she’s conflicted after everything that’s gone down.”

  “She may not ever be the same person she was,” Tank said in a grave tone. “She might come out stronger, but you should be prepared in case that doesn’t happen. She might be skittish for a while.”

  “I know. I’ll take care of her. I’m planning on talking to Tasha to figure out how I can help Chloe. It pisses me off that the pompous prick might have ruined what she’s worked so hard for. I thought part of her hesitation might have been that she was embarrassed to face Darren and everyone else at that place because of what I did, so I offered to go with her to try to clear the air with him. I’m not above apologizing to Darren or anyone else in that organization. It’s not their fault the guy is a scumbag.”

  “That’s not a bad idea. How does Chloe feel about it?” Preacher asked.

  Justin shrugged. “She said she’d think about it.”

  “That’s probably a good idea. Let the dust settle.” Tank took a pull of his beer, his gaze following Leah across the floor as he said, “How long does Chloe have before she needs to give her office an answer one way or the other?”

  “A little less than two weeks.”

  “She’ll probably need it,” Preacher said, glancing at Reba, who was sitting at the table with Baz and Evie, deep in conversation with Violet and Andre. “Well, boys, I’d better go sit with my old lady so I don’t end up in the doghouse.”

  Justin watched Preacher sit down and pull Reba closer. Her expression warmed and she kissed his cheek. Preacher had stuck to Justin like glue tonight, and Reba had hugged him and Chloe so many times, Justin couldn’t imagine what it would have been like for them if he’d landed behind bars for any length of time.


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