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Saved By The Warrior Hero

Page 15

by Roxie Ray



  When I first entered the room, much had been on my mind. Thanks to Apex, my brother’s killer was now known, as was his location. In just a short time, I would be in a position to take my revenge. The scales would be leveled once more. Blood for blood. At the edge of my knife, I would put an end to Hyian’s murderer, and his spirit would finally be able to rest peacefully.

  But then… Alyse had happened.

  As soon as I laid eyes on her, all thoughts of vengeance had been banished from my mind.

  She was a vision in pink. Her pale blonde curls flowed over her bare shoulders like moonlight on silk. Alyse’s flesh was light too, unlike that of any other female I had ever shared in pleasure with.

  As she moved to sit on the bed, I struggled to remember what any other female in the galaxies even looked like. Suddenly, my world began at the delicate toes of her tiny feet and ended at the crown of her head.

  There was nothing else. No one else.

  Only her.

  “Now what?” She looked up at me through thick, dark eyelashes. Her breasts rose and fell with every breath she drew in and released. They were full and heavy in the cups of the bra she had put on for my viewing pleasure. I yearned to tear that bra off, to feel her breasts in my hands, beneath my tongue, against my lips…

  And I would. Soon.

  But first, she would have to do something for me.

  I moved toward her slowly. Every step I took was carefully measured and calculated. I wondered if she knew how much restraint it took. Every muscle in my body was tense, wound tight like the wrapping of a fresh injury.

  Had I wanted to, I could have descended on her, ravenous. I could have taken her body, used it as I willed. Likely, dressed and eager as she was, she would have let me.

  But that would not do.

  If she wanted me, she would not have me as an aggressor.

  If she wanted me, she would have to take what she wished first.

  “My trousers.” I stood over her, my large, lean body looming over her small, delicate frame. “Undo them.”

  “Oh,” Alyse said. I wished then that her eyes could change color to betray her longing as I knew mine must have already done. But though her irises remained the same stormy green color as ever, I thought I could see need in them just the same. Her tongue slipped across her lips as she raised her long, slender fingers to the laces and fastenings of my pants, broadcasting her desire further. “Okay.”

  “No.” I stopped her as she tugged at the uppermost laces. “You will respond to my commands; ‘Yes, Nion,’ if they please you, and, ‘No, Nion,’ if you do not wish to do as I say. I come to you as a lover, Alyse, not as a captor. My orders and my desires are one and the same, but I will not have you imagining me as anyone other than myself. I will hear my name from your lips before you act on anything I tell you to do. Do you understand?”

  Her eyes widened, but she nodded. “Yes, Nion. May I undo your trousers now, then?”

  A growl of desperation rumbled through my chest. “You may.”

  She fumbled with the fastenings of my pants at first, but as the laces began to give way, her fingers learned how to loosen them further. My cock was stiff against the fabric that stood between it and her touch. When the last of the laces were unfastened, my shaft throbbed as it was released.

  “Oh.” There was wonder in Alyse’s voice. Awe. It was as if she had never seen a male at all before.

  Perhaps, given the so-called males she had encountered so far, it might as well have been true.

  “Is it to your liking, Alyse? Does my cock please you?”

  Alyse licked her lips as she stared down at the thick veins that snaked up and down my shaft. A pearl of precum, glistening and heavy, welled up from my tip and trailed down the flat expanse of my cockhead, threatening to drip onto her lap.

  “It pleases me, Nion.” Her voice was breathy and soft. The warmth of it washed over my cock, caressing it like a summer breeze. “It pleases me…a lot.”

  “Take it in your hands, then.” My own fingers were balled up into fists as I stopped myself from tangling them in her curls. It would have been all too easy to pull her lips to that drop of precum and force her to lick it off of me—but force was not needed. I would not let my own impatient desires override the power of my will. “Curl your fingers around my shaft and stroke me.”

  “Yes, Nion.” Alyse grabbed the base of my shaft with a hunger that made my balls ache. Her eyes, perfectly serene and wide with something akin to innocence, stared up at me in a gaze neither of us moved to break.

  “Both hands, Alyse,” I told her. “You will need both if you want to stroke the full length of my cock. One will not do.”

  “I can see that.” A tiny smile appeared on her lips as she stacked her fists atop one another. “Is that how you like it, Nion?”

  “It is.” I returned her smile with one of my own. It was impossible not to. A searing heat coursed through the veins of my shaft, yearning for more of her. “Now—your mouth.”

  “What about my mouth, Nion?” Her voice was teasing now, suddenly playful and coy.

  I grinned even wider, though there was a darkness to my smile. She would not be so coy when she had my cock on her tongue and the taste of my seed flooding down her throat.

  “Wrap your lips around the tip of my cock, Alyse. I want to be wrapped in you completely. It seems your hands are not enough.”

  “Mm. Yes, Nion.” She licked her lips a final time, then leveled them toward my tip. I released a ragged hiss as she struck her tongue out to lap at my precum before taking me between her lips. I was thick enough that it must have made her jaw ache—but she did not stop.

  I curled my hand around the back of her head and guided her forward as I took a step back. On her knees, she was only just tall enough to keep her mouth on me. It felt almost wrong, using such a small female for my pleasure like this—but the heat of her mouth and the eagerness of her tongue felt anything but wrong.

  This was right. All of it. My entire body tingled with electricity, radiated with heat and lust and need. She was not the first female I had enjoyed like this, but never before had it felt this good.

  “Suck me,” I panted. Even my orders were less measured now. I had thought that I could restrain myself. That I could let Alyse become accustomed to my body. That I could guide her slowly, ease her into things, let her feel for herself that despite my commands, she was truly the one in control.

  But as Alyse’s cheeks hollowed out, her luscious lips created a seal around my tip, and I began to feel as though neither of us were entirely in control now. She pumped my shaft up and down as though she was coaxing my cum up from my balls, all too ready to milk it onto her tongue.

  My next order should have been to tell her to stop. With her mouth off of me, she would be free to tell me whether she found pleasure in my cock or not.

  But the way she sucked me…

  It seemed to answer that question without need for words.

  “More,” I growled instead.

  She sighed as though I had given her some great relief, then whimpered as she moved a hand away from my shaft. Her lips descended on my thickness to replace her fingers with unabashed greed.

  It was a bliss the likes of which I could never have imagined before this moment just now—a bliss that I never wanted to end.

  “Your free hand. Cup my balls with it,” I said next. “Feel their heaviness, Alyse. Feel their heat. They are full of my seed. You make them tense and ache for you. For release. Do you understand?”

  “Mm,” Alyse moaned. The little sound vibrated through my shaft all the way up to my core.

  She took my balls in her hand as I instructed and squeezed them gently. I saw a shudder ripple through her shoulders as my cock throbbed between her lips in response. Not fear—pleasure.

  She wanted me. Truly.

  And she only had a fraction of an idea how badly I wanted her.

  I gasped for air as
I felt myself teeter toward the edge of an orgasm I was not yet ready to unleash. Swiftly, I grabbed her by a fistful of her hair and pulled her mouth from my cock, before I inadvertently sent ropes of my seed shooting onto her tongue.

  “Blood,” I swore breathlessly.

  She’d nearly done it. With her lips and her hand alone, she had nearly made me come.

  “Did I do something wrong, Nion?” Alyse’s eyes were wide with worry now. She raised a hand to my thigh and, tentatively, gave my muscle there a gentle squeeze.

  “No, Alyse.” I bit back a chuckle as I shook my head. “No. You pleased me greatly. More than you can imagine.”

  “Then…may I continue?” Her tongue, dark pink and slick, flickered over her lips once more as she stared down at the precum that continued to bead and pool at my tip.

  I nearly laughed again. She was ravenous for me. Perhaps I had handled her with a little too much care before. She did not need to be guided in simple pleasures, it was now clear.

  If I wanted to continue, I realized, I would have to challenge her more.

  “I desire more of you than just your mouth, Alyse.” I released her hair and smoothed it down over the back of her head. With my other hand, I pointed to the pillows on the bed. “Kneel there. On all fours.”

  Her eyes widened, then narrowed deliciously.

  “Yes, Nion.” She held her hand out to me and I took it, helping her to her feet. “Whatever you want.”

  She positioned herself on the bed as I had commanded. Her ass, round and firm, faced me. The sheer lace of her panties stretched across her hips and covered the peek of her sex I could spy between her thighs.

  That would have to be rectified. Immediately, I decided.

  “Stick your ass out for me.” I stepped out of my boots and trousers and crawled across the bed toward her. My heart thrummed in my chest, beating hard and fast. “Present yourself to me. Show me how badly you want to be bred.”

  She hesitated, which did not surprise me. A little gasp left Alyse’s lips as she turned her head to look at me.

  “You’re going to…to breed me?”

  Finally, I could not help myself. The chuckle that escaped my own lips was colored dark with desire.

  “Sex is not just for pleasure, Alyse. When a Lunarian man can breed, he does. And ovulating as you are…” I was testing her now, yes, but it was not out of cruelty. As I had said, my orders were my desires. Though I knew that truly breeding her would not be right, given that this would be our first time together if she did not wish to stop, I could not help myself.

  I wanted to know if she wanted it too.

  And to her credit…she had asked for clarity.

  She had not said no.

  “You’re right,” she whispered, hanging her head. “Of course if I’m ovulating, if you came inside me…” She turned her head to look at me over her shoulder once more. “Will you come inside me, Nion?”

  “I want to, Alyse,” I told her honestly. “I am a male. A warrior. When I see a female like you…of course I wish to spill my seed in your womb.”

  “Yeah…I feel that. I…I want it too.” Alyse lowered her hips and moved her hands onto her lap. Was she rubbing herself, I wondered? I could not see, positioned as she was, but I could imagine. My cock throbbed at the thought. Perhaps I was imagining too much. “But that’s not what I asked.”

  I smirked. “I thought this was about taking orders, not asking questions.”

  “But I am allowed to ask questions, aren’t I?”

  “Very well.” I took my cock in my fist and moved closer to her, positioning my shaft between her thighs from behind. The soles of her feet pressed against my thighs as I wrapped her up in my arms. “I wish to breed you, Alyse, but of course, I will not.”

  “What…what will you do, then?” She arched against me and lowered her hips to grind her sex against my shaft.

  “Do as I have commanded and find out,” I purred back at her. “If you desire me, then you must trust me. I will not hurt you, and I will not take advantage. If you wish for me to stop, then you must simply tell me so.”

  “Yes, Nion.” Her body relaxed against mine for a moment, as though she was relishing the way she felt in my arms, then she shifted out of my hold. “Here goes nothing, then.”

  Nothing was not exactly how I would describe it, though. Alyse’s hips were wide. Her ass was beautiful, full and smooth. As she returned to the position I had commanded her into, she pushed her hips back, grinding my cock between her ass-cheeks. When she felt my hardness settle in the valley there, with only the fabric of her panties keeping us apart, she moaned.

  “I…I really do want it, Nion. Even if you do come inside me. My entire body wants it. I…I think I need it, even. Will you take me now?”

  I did not answer her this time. She had questioned me enough already.

  “Slide your panties down to your knees. I want to see all of you, Alyse.”

  “Yes, Nion.” She drew in a deep breath, then hooked her fingers beneath the pink lace that covered her and slipped it down her thighs.

  Her scent was suddenly overwhelming. It blossomed in the air around me, daring me to move my lips to its source. When I did, I inhaled deeply. Her pussy was a bright, gorgeous pink that glistened with slick wetness all the way up and down her slit.

  “Ask me to taste you, Alyse,” I instructed her. If I had waited for one more moment as I basked in the scent of her need, it wouldn’t have been an order at all. It would have been a plea.

  “Taste me, Nion.” I might not have been begging, but Alyse certainly was. “Lick me. Touch me. Suck my clit and make me…make me come. Please.”

  And when she begged so sweetly like that, who was I to deny her? In doing so, I would have been denying myself as well.

  I slid my tongue between the lips of her pussy and moaned as I lapped at her folds. She was delicious—every part of her. I buried my face in her, kissing and sucking and licking with untamed hunger. Every time I caught her clit against the fork of my tongue, she cried out and forced her hips back against me. Every time I shifted my tongue away from her, she whimpered and whined in its absence.

  “Your cock,” she panted. Her voice was strained, like she could not stand for our bodies to be apart any longer. “Please, Nion. Let me have your cock.”

  I growled through my teeth as I tore my lips away from her wet, sweet cunt. It was all that I had hoped for and more. She did not need my instruction any longer. She could ask for what she wanted herself now. All she needed was my permission to take it.

  I gave her ass a devious smack and lay down on the bed next to her, then pulled her toward me.

  “You want my cock, Alyse?”

  “So bad, Nion.” Her eyes were brimming with tears—not of sorrow, but of desperate desire. “Please.”

  “Ride me, then.” I lifted her and settled her knees on either side of my hips. My cock, stiffer than it had ever been, slid between the lips of her pussy. Her honey smeared up and down my shaft, coating me in her wetness and need. “Claim me, Alyse. If you want my cock, then take it.”

  She closed her eyes. Unless I was mistaken, it looked as though she was holding her breath.

  I could not blame her. I was holding mine as well.

  So far, she had responded to me with eagerness. With desire. None of it could have been easy, given what she had been through—and yet every challenge I faced her with, she had risen to. But this…this was the moment when desire could so easily be thwarted by the pains of her past.

  This was the moment that it could all fall apart.

  “Alyse. Look at me.” I reached up to touch her face. My knuckles brushed against her cheek gently, but even in that gentleness, she flinched and turned away.

  “Alyse,” I said again, urging her out of whatever dark thought was causing her to hesitate.

  Her cunt was still hot and soaked against my cock. Her palms were flush with the muscles of my chest. One covered my tattoo, four claw marks with no color or
clan sigil—for I had no noble house to boast of.

  Beneath it, I knew, she could feel the beating of my heart.

  “Alyse, look at me.”

  For a moment, I thought she would tell me, ‘No, Nion.’ If she refused me, then it would be over. I could push her through all that held her back, but I would not force her. She could stop this at any time, and with a word, it would end.

  But then, slowly, her eyes opened. When I caught sight of the hurricane green, I wondered if she could feel beneath her fingers the way my heart skipped a beat.

  As she stared down at me, she blinked a few times, but she did not clench her eyes shut again.

  She did not look away.

  “Alyse, this me.” I moved my hands over her fingers, shifting them away from my tattoo. “Look at this. This is who I am.”

  “Nion…” she whispered. She brushed her fingers over the tattoo, tracing each mark, one by one.

  “That’s right. I am Nion of House Nothing, Alyse. I have no lands. No titles. No crown to offer you. I am not the Rutharian king who claimed you without right. I am not Var-arak.” I took her fingers and pulled them to my lips, kissing each tip in turn. “I cannot promise you anything…anything but myself. My body. My strength. Give yourself to me—or don’t. But these things I offer you wholly. Completely. In full.” I squeezed her hand tight. “No matter what.”

  Finally, Alyse drew a slow, shuddering breath. There were tears in her eyes, but they only lingered on her lower lashes. They did not fall.

  “Yes, Nion.” Her eyes were locked on mine.

  I smiled as she said the words. “I did not ask you for anything this time, Alyse.”

  She looked surprised as a laugh escaped her lips. Slowly, she nodded.

  “I know. But…yes anyway.” She bit her lip, then nodded again with certainty. “Yes, Nion, please.”

  They were perhaps the sweetest words I had ever heard.

  “Take me then, Alyse. If you want me, take me.”

  Alyse moved her hips above me gradually at first, but her movements did not remain slow for long. She balanced the flared tip of my cock at her entrance for only a second, then let out an ecstatic cry as she plunged herself down on it.


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